@Miami Heat

Big O and Ira Winderman – The Miami Heat Need to Cut the Emotional Ties!

Big O and Ira Winderman – The Miami Heat Need to Cut the Emotional Ties!

this is the Big O [Music] show this is the Big O [Music] show good morning Ira how are you doing sir I am doing well um I’m coming off a good interview with a Andy ellisburg the heat general manager yesterday during a day off at The Heat Of Summer League he really sort of reset the tone put perspective out there and I think it’s really important bigo I know social media is a big part of your show and people can to just take off on their own and make the worst case scenarios and and say why X and Y should have been done but you and I know this in salary cap worlds there are limitations in collective bargaining agreements there are limitations and you have to work through all that how many times Big O do you on your message board the dolphin should make this trade the he should do this deal the Panthers should sign this guy and what I appreciate about what Andy ellisburg said is it comes in the wake of the Panthers winning a championship ship and losing some quality contributors from their lineup because that’s the reality in sports in salary cap worlds you cannot have it all whether it’s Christian Wilkins whether it’s Montour from the Panthers whether it’s the heat losing Caleb Martin you have to also accept there were other parameters in place Andy was very good about that so being out here in Vegas it’s nice you get to see the young kids the Next Generation but you also appreciate what’s going on with the current generation no and and listen I understand um uh the interview and I understand I’m glad that Andy gave us that perspective but at the same time I’m sitting there and I’m I’m reading this and and I and I heard some too because he also did another uh audio one and and so in all of that my problem with this is why I want you to reset because you’re in purgatory and and you he explained that that once you sign roier right they knew that they put themselves right in the middle of the aprons and that they were stuck already at that point and that they were going to have a very limited you know offseason in what they could do and what they could offer okay and again I like Ro roier I like the player I don’t have a problem and I like most guys I expect them to play even better when they’re here because the coaching is what makes the difference here you know all the time but my point is you want to get back to really being a championship caliber team well you’re going to have to take a couple of steps back and as much as Riley doesn’t like doing that even though he did it back in 08 and 09 I think that’s the best way to move forward is to go backwards and try to go get as much Capital as you can from Butler and everything else but unfortunately in that same interview I keep hearing you’re going to chase Your Tail you’re going to chase Your Tail you’re going to chase Your Tail because the whole Jimmy Butler thing is well yeah if he wants to be here and we want him here we want to win you know we’ll make it work or whatever and so they’re moving forward with Jimmy Butler they’re not going to move from him so to me I I I I appreciate the explanation but I also see what’s resulted from it from the last 10 years of these bad moves on top of bad moves on top of bad moves and now you have no draft capital and that’s your problem right now you know I find this interesting and this even predates are accurate pen Pines reports and this is goes back several years ago but I remember following the Orlando alary show whether he was on QAM or out at the soccer stadium or somewhere else but one of the points you’ve keep you keep coming back to is the bad contracts and I remember the indam cons Su contract when it was signed you were all over that you talked about the negative you talked about money in a salary cap world misspent so what people people who look at the Heat have to look at this is has has the money been properly allocated we saw with Kyle Lowry they got off the money we saw with Jimmy Butler it was properly allocated at the start when he arrived on that initial contract I think Big O even with bamat bile signing is $166 million extension which is Max but not super max you could probably live with that Tyler Hero at 2530 million in a year you might not live with that so what I’d say is this anyone can play this game we all can be Andy ellisburg Andy ellisburg believes the proper amounts were paid to the proper players in the interview I did he spoke about Kevin Love he spoke about Hayward heith he spoke about Market politics but the big contracts are where you live or you die in today’s NBA this is not a big three world anymore you can’t afford it it’s never going to happen again what the heat had in 2010 it’s the big to so the Denver Nuggets said we’re going to go forward with Nicole joic Jamal Murray even if we lose cavius Caldwell Pope for worse and and LeBron who always wants a big three it’s Anthony Davis and LeBron and supporting players so the Miami Heat have to damn well better be sure at each juncture their big two is the best possible big Tu for the last four years or so bam and Jimmy have been fine three e Eastern Conference Finals appearances to NBA Finals appearances but Big O to your point we talk every week here in our Acura P Pines report the next Jimmy contract are you going to be comfortable two three four years out with Jimmy and Bam as your big two because that’s all you get in today’s new NBA with the CBA and the tax aprons your big two had damn well better be your leaders they were for the Celtics with Tatum and brown they have a championship that’s where the Heat have to stand and you know what big go you talk about taking a step back I look it as a recalibration if bam is going to be one of your big two you damn well better find the other part of the big two for after this season and Seasons going forward yeah and that’s where that but I but you won’t find that star without Capital Unless somehow or another uh Rashad or or khil or you know one of these guys you know turn becomes bam sure no no no no no no no better than bam better than bam offensively better than to have that that offensive that has to be Dwayne Wade has to be you know has to be that that mother effer that you know refuses to be the and that’s just not bam that’s just not who he is he’s he’s the all-around player and that’s fine Bam’s not the problem here the problem has always been for them that they haven’t been able to find that other star but like you said now with the aprons now you’re screwed now you know what I mean when you first did the Jimmy deal you still could go get that third star you could try to different rules yes and you did you tried you got Lowry was your third guy that’s the guy you paid 30 million That was supposed to be the guy and you failed unfortunately that’s really been you know your issue now but you’re never going to get there with bam and Jimmy now now because you don’t have enough offense overall to really get there so you’re kind of stuck in a hard rock in a hard place and you have an aging superstar that is not going to continue to produce the same because he can’t anymore he’s old I’m old you’re old yes yes yes but you know what I would put it this way I I I look at it a little different way so you’re looking at your cafesito half empty I’m going to look at it a little more half full from this perspective if haime hakz continues to be the special player he looks like and I love that he’s here in summer league showing he’s willing to put in the work if Nico yovic continues to upgrade like he did last season gets hopefully a chance to play with the Olympic team what I’m saying to you bigo is this if the heat up players like bam and Nia and and also Hae hak is Junior I can see an outside person saying I want to be with those guys those are really good supporting players you airlift me in there and look if they airlifted in Dame Lillard they would have been fine if they airlifted in Donovan Mitchell they would have been fine and the one thing Paul George showed us if you put aside your cap space you still can airlift in a current level All-Star player so I do like how the heat are trending because they have young sexy players who a star can look at and go yeah haime shares the ball yeah Bam’s going to cover my back on defense yeah this Nicola kid is going to stretch the floor and let me have the paint they’re setting up something really nice and to me this reminds me to a degree of the Panthers they realized for what they had was good but not good enough and then they made the kachuck move and then they brought him in there they surrounded him they had a move off a talent you might have to move off a Jimmy they moved off of huberto and you could see the difference that it makes they’re building to something nice bigo say they might have to take a step back and might not be wrong the heat thing because that’s who they are we can stay level and eventually lift it from a level to a higher level Andy ellisburg spoke in his his radio interview it’s hard to win four playoff games it’s harder to win eight it’s even harder to win 12 like the heat did and it’s really hard to win the 16 to win a title they think they’re at that four or eight level they understand they need to get to that 12 playoff win level and that 16 win playoff level but they’re not willing to step out of the playoffs it’s who they are and you know what big old but wait a minute see here’s where I okay if you trade Jimmy I don’t think you fall out of the playoffs because you have the best coach in the NBA I think you’ll get the best out of all your young guys they’ll all get to play their Max and grow and all of that they don’t have to make any room for any Star and in that process you might develop a star because that person will will get to grow and like like actually hawy could actually grow even more into the next level sure yeah into and then all of a sudden you’ve got all those picks you got from the Jimmy trade along with that group of young guys now you become really really sexy you know as a team I just think that I I want see I’ve got the best chef that there is but right now I I might be shopping at Aldi’s I need to go over to Whole Foods you know what I’m saying I’m not I’m not I’m not Prov you seen the prices there that’s the problem he don’t have the cap space Whole Foods who the hell could afford yeah you know it’s unless you got your Prime card or something you’re kind of screwed there anyway but I think we both agree that they’re building a nice base for themselves which is fine to your point you can lose Jimmy the east at the bottom sucks Detroit Washington Atlanta Chicago you Charlotte all rebuilding you could only fall so far but you know what it is to me and I Jedi Master I have the Jedi Master to teach the padawans so that’s why I know that you you’ve been in the plan the last two years yeah he’ll do the same [ __ ] again or maybe even get the six seed you know with the padle ones that’s the way I look at it you know I would say it this way is Jimmy Butler going to be in the Heat this season sure might he be on the Heat next season in his option year perhaps but we’re at that transition point and it’s hard because the this is a marriage and the heat are trying to keep it together and we’ve seen even this off season and This concerns me and it’s not wrong I think that he build emotional bonds almost a little too strong because of their culture Kevin Love God bless him but two years at four million a year versus one Thomas Bryant waves a tower like nobody’s business but bringing him back after his defense struggled so much last season it makes you question things hey what heith a locksmith on defense I get it but also putting yourself close to that second apron with the contract you gave him the Heat’s loyalty is unquestioned and unchallenged but sometimes they fall a little too love in love with what’s in place as opposed to being willing to make a change only when Alonzo Morning forced his way out with the Brooklyn with the New Jersey contract did they start the transition that year only when LeBron left did they start that transition only when Chris Bosch got ill did they start that transition sometimes you have to say we value culture we are a loyal franchise because ud’s been here forever but sometimes you’ve got to cut the emotional ties and get the talent ties there so we can see what the SPO was cooking with something maybe a little better when it comes to the recipe and the ingredients yes yes please let’s uh let’s get back to Whole Foods all right now I gotta tell you I think this is really ridiculous this is like uh the guy that you know goes off to college and then you know in his off time he comes back and he’s hitting on the chicks in high school in in fact in fact uh we have a highlight of haime hakz on Saturday night we have a highlight of him and uh we need to we need to play this highlight for you there okay can we can we enlarge it all right here we go look at that I mean seriously look at that that’s haime hakz in summer league against the kitty Celtics but you know what bigo bunch of people have asked me why is he here here’s the thing you’re risking injury for nothing he has nothing to prove in a summer league game I understand but we ask Hae if you weren’t here what would you be doing and he would be at the proam in Miami that UD runs he would be playing in the open run in California anyway so you know what bigo if he’s going to be on the court anyway I’d rather be him be around that he training staff that he coaching staff the heat conditioning staff anyway that’s the thing people don’t get people go why are these guys even the Olympic guys people are going why are they risking it why is Nico pushing himself these guys that’s country stuff I I okay but these guys play anyway they’re going to play anyway so you might as well have them in structure now if you want to tell your players don’t play basketball at all that’s one thing you see it all the time Remy has open runs down in Miami guys show up there anyway players play if you go to Tyler Hero’s Instagram he’s out there he’s playing he could take that misstep I’d rather have H playing in structure and playing minutes the heat can control than having him out in an open run and maybe pushing himself too hard big go I I disagree with you with this only on this point I love players who love to play yeah but you can’t control the overzealous summer league player that wants to make a name for himself The Proven NBA player I understand their it’s like okay dude I I listen I know my kid will be all right but then but my kid might go somewhere where their the environment not may not be good and they may may be out of control of that environment well the second High missteps On That Court whoever he’s facing that’s out of their control that person comes in a bad mood or not he knows he’s not making the team or whatever he’s on the brink or whatever and he’s overzealous and tries and hurts Hime for no reason at all I just I don’t know man to me I’m not going to be impressed with his stats because I agree with that totally I dude you’re playing nobody’s you’re supposed to you’re supposed to dog their asses and if you get injured in this game that means nothing whatsoever the just it’s Optics even if you get injured behind the scenes which you I’m sure we could go over 30 years of history of talking about players that got injured behind the scenes you know also doing stuff so that happens I get it but because the Optics are not there it’s not as a big deal but if it happens tonight you know in a summer league game it’s the Optics it’s not going to be good for Miami I get that but he’s going to be at the Drew League anyway he’s going to be at those open runs LeBron plays when it’s not an Olympic year at the open runs players play a sideb but players play that’s what they do but you know what let’s bring a full circle here but you have to say something about haime that he shows up to support his teammates that he goes to the practices that he’s there during summer league with others this is a really good kid we talk about the Heat giving the right type of people and the right type of persons this is a guy who’s in the culture whether you agree with it or not this guy who’s in it to win it this guy you know what this is why you take the four-year player another kid that he’d have on their summer league team this kid Isaiah Stevens been lights out fiveyear player at Colorado sometimes you get these mature kids they will make the right decision this is not Michael Beasley coming in after one year at K State and going off and doing God knows what and and and playing back in DC in the summer this is a kid who’s going to do the smart thing this is a mature young individual no no I’m I’m not I mean I love haime from the gecko you could tell he’s got that it factor to him Absolut I’m a big haime fan and I I don’t question anything on h i just question them playing him in meaningless you know games that I just oh man because he he’s he’s a guy you treasure and he’s a guy who’s gonna be playing withw and he’s a guy who’s G to be playing with pel Larson so at least he gets to introduce himself to the two draft picks they get to know him they know his game A Little More by playing with them he knows their games a little more by playing with them because right now as we talked about at the top of our Acura penber Pines report because of the Heat’s cap situation the young kids will have to play this year so at least haime gets to know him so you know what yes there’s always the injury risk but the fact is he’s committed to the team willing to put in the time and effort and willing to be with his teammates yeah it’s opposite of Jimmy being off in Germany at Europa and haime showing up at Summer League to support teammates so I think it’s mostly a plus for showing the type of person that he is oh yeah no he’s that that’s outstanding I mean and and Hayward is all I know Heyward had you know whatever that terrible night for him that could happen to any of us by the way absolutely any of us can happen but outside of that he’s an outstanding young Mano this this mostly is a pretty good locker room and I appreciate a lot of the players that he had brought in recently absolutely everybody everybody’s about heat culture it’s just the whole Jimmy hey we’re taking off the regular season thing the last two years that’s what’s been out of the heat culture that’s that’s what’s not that’s been toxic and that can’t continue I agree yeah yeah yeah all right so what are you working on the Sentinel so folks can check you out well we got another Summer League game coming up 6 o’cl Eastern ESPNU against the Oklahoma City Thunder summer team nice to see these kids it’s funny I know when bigo came out there he would also get the impressions of the newcomers this kid Isaiah Stevens I wrote yesterday reminds me so much of Kyle Lowry a little less junk in the trunk but showing that hey the heat still find these players they got him signed to an exhibit 10 he can’t sign away from the team he has a chance to be here he’s look good and Kesha Johnson the two-way player they signed out of Arizona he had a holy crap dunk at the end of the third quarter against the Celtics you could see it another three and D guy that big bu body hey Caleb is gone they keep running him through this is something Big O talks about don’t overpay your supporting players they offered Caleb the money he went instead to the Sixers they keep replenishing that pipeline uh Caleb Martin goes out Kad Johnson comes in they have done such a good job scouting Adam Simon and his staff whether they have second round picks or not they add players CLE wear if you watch him tonight I like some of what he does I still have my Hassan like worries about the motor half the time he’s full speed half the time he’s no speed they’ve got to change that because you’re either gonna wind up with the player you thought you were drafting or maybe a Christian Wood I would keep an eye on kle we in these remaining Summer League games the motor has got to improve and by the way on the Stevens kid I’m not comparing the players or the talent or saying that he’s that guy or anything like that but the one characteristic I like of Stevens that reminds me of Tim Hardaway again not comparing the player The Moxy of his shooting skills he is unafraid to take any shot he he is confident in his shot that was that’s that’s that that’s the one thing I used to love about Timmy’s game he was confident about his shot even if it was a bad night he wasn’t going to shoot like he was scared he was shooting like he was going to try make it all the time a five-year Collegian who knows who he is who has that maturity I think he’ll be on at least a two-way contract before this whole process is done yeah yeah yeah there’s a little Moxy to the kid that I like about him man so yeah it’s it’s interesting it’s fun to watch I enjoy summer league nowadays it’s just it’s always fun to watch you take it as the diversion it is you don’t overstate it but hey it’s free summer hoops no complaints here it’s foundational stuff bro that’s foundational is a very good word yeah that’s kind of what it all what it’s all about follow him on Twitter at IRA heatbeat and then catch his exceptional work there at the South Florida Sun Sentinel and of course the and ellisburg interview check that out there too Ira thank you as always we’ll catch up next week next week in our acurate Penbrook Pines report thanks bigo you got it there you go and Acura pinook Pines they are celebrating their 16th anniversary they just did and now they’ve got some great deals going on and that’s why I encourage you to get on down to 15601 Pines Boulevard just off of I75 and Pines and they’ve got the new ZRX you want to get electrified it gets like 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