@New York Knicks

Knicks News After Summer League Game 1: Tyler Kolek, Pacome Dadiet & Rokas Jokubaitis

Knicks News After Summer League Game 1: Tyler Kolek, Pacome Dadiet & Rokas Jokubaitis

game one of Summer League for the New York Knicks is in the books and we’re going to react to it on today’s video as they did lose to the Charlotte Hornet 94 to 90 but we have to speak about how Tyler kak played the point guard battle with Ros jacobius the rookie Pome daier and Ariel Huck pory a lot to get into but first I want to hear from you in the comments section what player impressed you the most in the first Summer League game for the New York Knicks there was a lot of stand outs let me know your thoughts in the comment section you’re watching Nick Now by chat sports I am your host Marshall Green I hope everybody had a good weekend the Summer League is on it is going to continue to roll on as the New York Knicks next game will be against the Brooklyn Nets on July 16th that’ll be a fun one to watch this one though I thought there was a lot to take away from it well it was really just good to see the New York Knicks playing basketball again but we got an up close and personal look at some of the rookies and players in their second year that should have made a leap over the last couple of months let’s talk about it Tyler KCK the second round pick former Big E player of the year the point guard Adam Marquette he’s the real deal and there was a lot of people on Twitter like we can’t overreact to game one of Summer League it’s just summer league and I 100% agree with that but it wasn’t Saturday Saturday Saturday wasn’t the first time that I have watched Tyler coic play and it’s hopefully not the first time that you all watch kic play what we saw him do are things that he’s been doing for four years at this point he’s a point guard that’s going to control the pace you could see that immediately when he was on the floor compared to off the floor he’s going to be able to get the ball to his Playmakers in good spots he’s got great feel he operates in that pick and roll already at an extremely high level and his ability to make pin Point Precision passes is something that really just leaps off the screen seven points seven assists seven rebounds but most importantly zero turnovers I truly do believe that Kik is ready to play in the NBA he had the highest plus minus of anybody on the New York Knicks in that first game and he felt like a pro out there compared to other people that are trying to find their footing in this league the reason I believe he’s ready to play in the NBA isn’t because of what I saw on Saturday against the Hornets it’s because what we’ve seen for multiple years now for KCK he’s a really season and Savvy veteran he is a high IQ player with the ability to break down at defense off the dribble but also see the next play before it happens we saw multiple times where he could drive and kick and you think that when he gets around real NBA toal it might be a little bit harder for him I think it’s going to be a little bit easier for him cuz he’s got real legitimate scoring options on the perimeter better knockdown Shooters there will be more Pace in all of that I think he should be the Nick’s backup point guard from day one I tweeted this out on Saturday uh got a lot of traction there were some people that didn’t agree and there were people that did not agree as well and look I understand that it’s one game of summer league but the New York Knicks I would say one of their biggest holes is the backup point guard position and people are already yelling well Marshall what about Duce McBride I don’t view Duce as a point guard I view him as a really good NBA player a guy that can guard multiple positions and continues to grow in this league and last year he was a player that could knock it down in an elite clip in catch and shoot situations but more often than not when Jaylen Brunson sat down and Deuce came in to run the offense the offense fell off a cliff there was a reason they were almost 20 points worse when Brunson was off the floor compared to on the floor you need a guy that can initiate offense and get the ball to Playmakers in their spots I think coak can do that high IQ players with good feel and really just good Elite skills it’s going to translate more often than not and I’m expecting that for Co I think it may take a while for Tom Tibido to trust him to use him in his rotation as we’ve seen in the past with tibs but once he does I don’t think he’s going to relinquish that trust I think he’s going to make the most of his opportunities I do worry a little bit about his perimeter defense as he is I would say undersized and not someone that’s an elite athlete but a guy that’s going to have to play 10 to 15 minutes as a backup point guard really just being that substitute for Jaylen Brunson I worry about the perimeter defense but there’s so many other things that he does well that makes you not so worried about that I wonder if the scoring will ever come along like it was in college averaging almost 15 points per game I’m not sure that’ll ever be there but when it comes to being a true point guard setting the table running the show and having that strangle hold of the pace of the basketball game K’s going to be able to do that early on in his NBA career let’s talk about the first round pick Pome dier long way to go for me but there were things that I was extremely impressed by all the scouting reports all the tape all the people you talked to with dier was that despite being 18 years old his offensive game was Advanced he was an offensive player it was actually his defense that stood out to me I thought he was really timed maybe even a little bit nervous on the offensive end chucked up a couple of air balls don’t really care too much about that went two for eight from the field but the thing that I was most impressed of was his length and his defense as well as his ability to get to the cup and drop it off in a high leverage situation and create open opportunities for his big man we saw a couple of times where he drove from the left side of the four and attacked the Baseline and dropped it off to Ariel Huck porian I think he had Jacob toppen one time as well also that alute from coak to toppen from half court that was awesome but it was the length in the defense for dier that popped off the screen for me when we heard so much about him being an offensive player who needed to grow on the defensive end he did a pretty damn good job on Brandon Miller a player that was in the running for the Rookie of the Year already showed that he could score at a top level in the NBA D’s length and athleticism matched up pretty well with him forced him into a couple of turnovers and I was impressed with him on that side I thought he looked timid on offense I don’t know if he was nervous which is 100% understandable it’s his first game as a New York Nick I don’t want to say his first game in the NBA cuz it was summer league but he’s still just 18 19 years old long way to go offensively at least from that first game but I think his abilities on defense length and athleticism could translate pretty quickly such a young player it’s going to feel like we have a new rookie every year the growth of him from 18 to 19 to 20 to 21 it’ll be fun to see the growth of daier expecting him to spend most of his time with the Westchester Knicks in the G League this season let’s talk about the backup point guard for the summer league Ras jacobius there was a lot of talk of is he going to come play Summer League is he going to make the roster is he going to join the New York Knicks this fall well this tweet came out over the weekend prior to the game being tipped off on Saturday and it was report that roas is close to returning to zal gas I believe is how you say it after three years in Barcelona which kind of hinted to me and as I talked to some people that he may not be coming over to the NBA this this season and to be honest with you I’m kind of over the rokas jacobitas experiment I think kik’s already a better player uh and I think he does what the Knicks need out of that backup point guard I know you spend a top 40 pick on him in that 2021 NBA draft but I’m just not sure it’s ever going to happen he displayed some skill he’s a really good player when it comes to getting down heel his start stop ability the Herky jerky style that he plays with I think can be successful in the NBA with more space and with actual NBA Talent around him but is he ever going to come over is he ever going to play for this team I’m not holding my breath for it I’m cool with rocking with Tyler kak as the backup point guard for the New York Knicks pick a point guard for me though who would you rather be the guy coming off the bench substituting for Jaylen Brunson next season is it the rookie is it the overseas Prospect let me know your thoughts in the comments I thought it was pretty obvious watching that game that KCK was the better play um I think Ros is a little bit more skilled when it comes to putting the ball in the basket and he could do some of the playmaking things that kic does but I just think that kak is going to be better in this league and I think he can give you a little bit more juice than Ras can right now and I think that was proven by the New York Knicks coaching staff at least the summer league coaching staff shout out to dice rolled with kak down the stretch Knicks were trying to close the gap they were going on a run trying to cut into the lead that the Hornets had built and it was K running the show over Ros I thought that told you all you needed to know at that point takeaway number four for me is Jacob toppen an NBA player his stat sheet was awesome there were some things that I thought he did really well and ultimately missed the game-winning layup off a pretty cool inbound play from the Baseline that dice Drew up and he stuffed the stat sheet 19 points per game six rebounds three assists it was just like I’m watching the way he’s going about being successful and I’m watching the way that he’s operating on the floor and I’m just thinking is this going to work in the NBA like if toen is going to be a successful player in this league it’s going to be because of his length and his athleticism to be honest with you I want to see more from him on defense and that was the trait that we heard so much about coming out of Kentucky and that flashed into the G league and it looked good in the Summer League last year I don’t think he’s ever going to be a high scorer a guy that puts the ball in the basket EX extremely well or at a high clip and that’s kind of the role that he was in this game and I would like to see him focus on more of the nitty-gritty things getting out and running it transition being a guy that can guard people on the perimeter there were multiple players for the Charlotte Hornets that really got hot at different times throughout that game I would have liked to seen toppen go out there and draw that assignment and own that assignment didn’t do that um I don’t know if he’s got the skill level to be an NBA player he’s got the body he’s got the size he’s got the athleticism and the defensive ins stinks I just want to see more of that as this summer league continues to roll on point number five it is just summer league and if summer league meant what you did there and it was going to translate to the NBA Kevin Knox would be an NBA Hall of Famer and you never want to overreact to summer league but I do think you should use your eyes and Trust what you see kok looked good man he did um pom D’s defense flashed a little bit a little bit worried about Ariel hpy who talk about in a little bit not so sure Jacob toin is ever going to be a rotational player for the New York Knicks there were some things I liked um I understand why Dwayne Washington is on this team but it felt like he was just taking away opportunities from everybody else let’s just roll through the stats for everybody else in this game another rookie the Nick selected with the 58th pick Ariel Huck pory a lot of hype about him will he be a guy the Knicks depend on as a backup center which is Jericho Sims and Mitchell Robin on the roster you could see he likes to go to that left-handed push shot around the rim he’s got touched couldn’t get it to fall early on in the game I thought he grew more confident and uh really just confident and in control as the game rolled on but I’m not sure he’s ready to play in the NBA he was the last pick of the NBA draft again I don’t have expectations for second round picks in the rookie year but we’ll see what he could do Dwayne Washington was the guy that really got the Knicks back in the game he caught fire from downtown ended up going four from eight there the ball was in his hands a lot and I get it he’s probably the most accomplished and skilled player on the roster right now but it’s summer league I want to see the young guys do it Dwayne Washington I think we know is most likely never going to be a part of the big league Knicks in any big fashion I was impressed with the backup big man dimitrov not even going to PR to try to pronounce his last name but he was big he protected the rim he attacked the glass seven boards I thought he had a nice couple of acrobatic finishes around the rim and as a de as a developmental Prospect goes I want to continue to see him work on his game and continue to see him evolve and learn under this Knicks coaching staff not sure if he’s ever going to be an NBA player but he’s got the size and I thought he had the defensive instincts to really maybe be that player one day and it was the nice soft touch finishes around the rim that I really liked from demitro uh demitro excuse me on Saturday biggest takeaway overall though Tyler kak was the best player on the floor I think he’s going to contribute to the New York Knicks Big League team early on and I think by the end of his rookie season he is going to be a fan favorite for the garden faithful plays the game the right way plays hard has a chip on his shoulder plays for his teammates get others involved and he just got a nice little razzled Dazzle to his game that any true Hooper knows is is going to appreciate it and really respect what he does for this team make sure you are following me over on social media I’m on Twitter I’m on Instagram at Marshall greenore hit me up over there and let’s go Nick [Music]

NY Knicks news following game 1 of Knicks summer league focuses on Tyler Kolek, Pacome Dadiet and Rokas Jokubaitis. Knicks summer league highlights were filled with Kolek dimes as he was the star of the show and finished with 7 points, 7 assists and 7 rebounds. Knicks first round pick Pacome Dadiet did a solid job guarding Brandon Miller but struggled to get his offensive game going. Rokas Jokubaitis came off the bench and flashed his playmaking skills but ultimately saw Kolek finish the game. Knicks rumors also suggest that Jokubaitis is close to returning to Zalgiris after three years in Barcelona so he may not even be able to play for the Knicks this season. NY Knicks Now by Chat Sports host Marshall Green shares his thoughts on the latest Knicks rumors, news and more following the Knicks 1st summer league game!

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– PICK A PG! Type TK for Tyler Kolek | RJ for Rokas Jokubaitis
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  1. Tyler…will NOT PLAY 1 GAME this year…he is not NBA READY. DUMBASS TAKE. He cannot play any D right now, can't guard summer league and he will get destroyed in the NBA. You cannot play for the knicks if you cannot play DEFENSE. He cannot beat out DEUCE…Thibs will never trust TYLER if he cannot play DEFENSE. POINT GUARD THAT CANNOT GUARD the point of ATTACK. šŸ˜† DUMB TAKE

  2. Marshall kolek can pass the ball, pacome, and Ariel could definitely see some development next year rokas was great in 14 minutes, toppin was solid, I like that dmytro did good on boards.

  3. Tyler has the keys to run the second unit this upcoming season! Very high IQ! He's comfortable on the court! Really impressed with him! He's a good backup who would thrive with Duece, Hart and Donte! That second unit will be insane!

  4. you wanna grow this channel for reals? get your head out the frame and talk over highlights. that's what people really want to see. you got the talk part down, but we want highlights!
    I'm not shitting on you, I'm legit telling you. talk your talk, but over the highlights and your channel will pop and earn you subs. sincerest good luck.

  5. Hukporti in 16 minutes 3of6 5 boards 2 assists sims never did that ! Hukporti is the backup center who cares where he is picked he is our best athlete at 6ā€™11ā€ 250lbs

  6. When you look for what you want to see, you missed something critical. He's a really bad defender. Which means he's not ready, and he cannot be the backup point guard. Not for this Knicks team and not for Tibs.

  7. I feel like Toppin continues to show heā€™s a solid player. He need to find him some opportunity to get experience and confidence in the league

  8. Wanted to see more of a defensive impact from Hakporti

    Dadiet was better than his numbers suggests

    And Tyler was as good as advertised!

  9. Tibs John Wall pairing would be nasty omg he is the perfect fit Get John Wall Make the vide Please Asap

  10. I recorded it but didn't watch the entire game yet. I saw our french rookie throw up a few air balls LOL… but it is what it is. Oh, and the 2 I saw were Wide Open Airballs…

  11. Kolek = Left-handed John Stockton. Kolek is ready to roll. Will learn from Brunson and in 2 years will be ready to carry a team on his own. Dadiet = needs a lot of seasoning. Very green, just jacks up shots right now. A few airball bricks. Maybe nerves not sure but just looked like a park player for me. Needs to learn from Bridges and OG. RJ again maybe nerves not impressed at all. Kolek was the only stand out.

  12. Pacome looked lost at there. He gave me Kevin Knocks vibe- just sitting in the corner for most of the game. Shot 2 air balls. If the Knicks knew they couldnā€™t draft and stash him, this is a horrible pick. There were plenty of players that could have played a small role for the current Knicks rotation.

    Pacome has good shooting form and height but thatā€™s about it. He doesnā€™t have handle, athleticism, rebounding, quickness etc.

    The 58th pick looked horrible in the first game.

  13. O turnovers and 7 assists is exactly what knicks need in that second unit. Needs dont need scoring. They need a floor general

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