@Chicago Bulls

Matas Buzelis Shows Full Potential In Summer League Loss

Matas Buzelis Shows Full Potential In Summer League Loss

mattas billis on tonight’s Summer League game flashed a lot of the potential that Bulls fans are hoping to see in the NBA how well did he do we’re going to break it all down and more on today’s lock on [Music] bulls you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day e Bulls man I can’t stress enough just how good Matas busis looked today for the Chicago Bulls man um just every bit that you wanted to see the offensive game was so well-rounded that we saw from M bus today going 10 of 22 from the field 28 points five rebounds two steals only two turnovers in this game and you saw billis really turned it in in the fourth quarter as well showing a lot of that dog mentality that people want Bulls fans want to see from Montas busis um it’s it was great to see man um just seeing the game that bucillis had today um four for eight from three-point range hitting step back threes midrange floaters all that type of stuff from Matas busis today was really really good to see from him um and he just billis has one of those games where you can tell he just does not stop processing right meaning that he’s always kind of surveying looking at different angles he can take looking at what he can do um and that’s the type of IQ that the Chicago Bulls want to see from Matas busis in his rookie year for the Chicago Bulls he’s going to be a player that I I over own Chicago Bulls Central we did a live stream after the game and I compared it to how L’s first season kind of started um for the Chicago Bulls L marketing people really kind of looked at is what is this guy going to be weren’t really quite sure they’re more looking forward to like a Zack LaVine making his debut after the ACL injury and things like that but over the course of that beginning of the Season people started looking at lri and saying hey no lri got it here and I think that busis isn’t going to step into where he is as prioritized in the offense as lari was his rookie year but I think that the things that Montas billis does really well the movement without the ball the shooting the mid-range game the always they’re always constantly trying to find a different angle that’s going to be something that really really is going to surprise a lot of bulls fans even in this game uh you know having the two steals that he had last game he had two blocks he’s a very still active defender on both sides of the ball I can see billis becoming one of the Bull’s favorite players man I could really see it the dunk all that stuff man it’s it’s it’s it’s just billis is as a rookie and as much in summer league and I said this before in summer league what you’re trying to look at at isn’t necessarily the results it’s the process what are the things that you’re doing because that’s what’s going to translate the numbers aren’t is he going to get 28 points in a game in the NBA right away maybe not we’ll see but it’s what he does out there on the court the IQ the movement because this is going to be a team theoretically that does try to play with a more fast tempo and busis can definitely play Within that and Thrive within that and so Josh giddy being a player that I know a lot of bulls fans are still kind of down on things like that but one thing that Josh giddy does do is he does get get create open shots and open look for players he’s also a really solid rebounder so having a point guard that likes to push the pace that is a playmaker bucillis with his cutting all that type of stuff is going to look really good in that new Chicago Bulls offense theoretically and so it was good to see this type of thing uh from busis and what we got from him um and the thing that I like too is that bucillis who already talked about he wasn’t necessarily happy with his performance in the first game even though that left um you know I I liked a lot of what he did in that first game to come into the second game and clearly be more decisive and more aggressive I think that was intentional right and you know they need to find him a little bit better at times um but he just it’s just something about billis where you just feel like he has kind of that it factor and the Bulls don’t have a lot of guys with that it Factor right Kobe flashed it last season IO flashed it a little bit last season uh we know that Zack LaVine who is still in the roster has done it a little bit but like billis just has that that that level of patience and confidence in himself that you know he’s going to continue to develop and one way that I described it as well is that you want as many guys as you look at and you say that their mindset is going to help them maximize on their potential and that’s what busis is bringing right now he is somebody that looks like they’re really going to he’s going to maximize on whatever you see as his potential at the NBA level and that’s the things that I like to see from buila so I love to see it love to see it from uh what busis brought today uh the the the float game that’s a really good thing because the three-point shot how much that comes along in his rookie year uh you know we’ll see right that’s still a work in progress four of eight today which is really good um but everything else that he brings offensively is still things that can make him a very productive player especially the movement off the ball we didn’t have a lot of Bulls players last season that moved consistently off ball um so bsil bringing that in especially after losing AC Javonte Green’s not on the roster as of right now losing those guys having a young athletic player in billis that is going to move without the ball consistently that’s going to help this new offense be be a lot better especially for a team that is shaped up to be a struggle three-point shooting wise this year we don’t know exactly what they’re going to be um but yeah love it even the defense he’s locked in defensively he’s going to have some struggles from the physical standpoint defensively at the NBA Lev but I think everything else that he brings um as far as like the off ball awareness the fact that he he doesn’t back down right that’s that’s something that I look for as well I talked about it’s the process over the results and something that I do like to see from bucillis is the fact that he is locked in defensively he’s G to have some struggle at the NBA level but let’s not act like he didn’t play against NBA competition today like this is something that’s a little bit more eye opening when you add in the fact that um pod zaminsky was in this game we know he’s an NBA player he plays that uh Trace J Jackson Davis was in this game as well right um Kevin Knox played a lot in the game as well but he’s a player that’s trying to still show he can he can maybe be at the NBA level but he played a lot of minutes with 21 minutes today too so it’s not like billis is just doing this against just no-name guys he’s doing this against some people um that we’re going to see at the NBA next year so love to see it man and what I’ll say this too getting uh mattas busis at number 11 which could very well be be is still getting somebody with the potential in the upside of billis was already almost a win for the Chicago Bulls you saw when me and Pat did our uh our our offseason grades for the Bulls but I tell you what if you get somebody who ends up being one of the pieces that help build your culture right we’ve talked about the bulls not really having that but to build a culture a winning me mentality winning uh mindset he has all those things all those intangibles are there from mattas buus as well now there are some players that absolutely have winning mindsets they have competitive Natures but they suck but so uh when you when you when you factor in the skill set that he has as well that there is some some really good skill there now there’s a lot of raw unta skill um somebody had pointed out as well to me that you know they want to see him be able to lead a fast break better and that’s fair I think that he’s going to have players that can that are going to take the prioritization of leading the fast break for the on the actual Bulls but with his rebounding ability bucillis if he can add that ability to to to lead the fast break and pass better man I tell you what I mean and he is somebody who had a a questionable assist to turnover ratio with the G league night next year last year so that’s something you want to see him sh up on this game but listen if billis can become a consistent three-point threat that is going to completely open up his game and um yeah the floater the step backs um those type of things those are really good for Montas so I can’t really wait to see what like having having another dog out there in the court pairing that with Kobe pairing that with iio on fast breaks right pairing that even with uh what busis can bring offensively whereas kind of Patrick Williams maybe lacks a little bit offensively and what they can kind of build as a Ford tandem at some point those are all things that I’m really looking good at so you know I I like what we see from Matas billis GNA be interesting to see what we have I think we have what is it five more Summer League games um see what he continues to bring and develop but from Summer League game one to Summer League game two you can’t deny that mattas Millis has grown and elevated his game quite a bit and for that completely uh respect that I see uh uh what position is he going to play Montas is going to be a three initially and I know that some people want to see Montas play the four so Patrick Williams can move back to the three uh that’s not going to happen at least not initially the size is just not a thing there for Matas and I’ll compare it to K Kevin Durant people forget Kevin Durant because he was so you know thin played shooting guard his first two years in the league so Monas is probably going to start off at the three see how his body grows and develop he could eventually turn into a four but I think he’s gonna he’s going to play three initially for the Chicago Bulls but you know so that’s the thoughts on Montas builes after his first Summer League game we’re going to continue this and talk about what some of the other players brought in summer league because Adam soogo continues to show and prove why he deserves in my opinion some NBA minutes but first before we get into that we got to talk to you guys about from one of our sponsors and that is FanDuel all right guys so I love sports I love them so much as you guys know as we’re here talking Sports every single day I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but fandu also lets me keeps the keeps the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and a dream bets up anytime I’m in the mood and this summer fand is hooking up all customers with bonus and our bonuses 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bench he starts in this one he does have 10 personal fouls I want to start off with let’s get the negative out the way the 10 personal fouls was really concerning he gota he gotta work on that um but again it’s summer league summer league basketball is way more sloppy than NBA basketball for a lot of reasons but the 10 personal fouls there let’s go ahead and get that out the way and talk about also the two turnovers uh tough right so fouls turnovers work on that but outside of that a sonogo going six of 11 for 16 points eight rebounds two Steals and a block and the thing about Adama sonogo that this goes back to when me and Pat were talking about his play in the G league sonogo is above this level of competition and he shows that every single night soogo is not a summer league or g-league player and I think that I hope that the Bulls are the one to recognize that I’m not saying in any way that Adam sonogo is going to be this killer this amazing player at at the NBA level but to me he is somebody that’s showing he deserves a chance he deserves a chance to be able to compete and show what he can bring at that NBA level and that was evident in this game as well soogo was got switched on guards out on the perimeter and did not back down now can he do that against guards at the NBA level maybe probably not right but just that ability like the one knock on soogo coming in when the Bulls signed him as an undrafted rookie was he’s big he’s strong but can he have the lateral quickness enough to be able to perform at the NBA level to me soogo is showing that he understands how to play a traditional Big Man game even at being 69 the rebounding the fact that when he has a physical matchup he doesn’t back down he’s relentless on the rebounds and the putbacks and it’s not like he’s just a good defensive rebounder he’s a good offense and defensive rebounder one thing that he did in the g- league is that he got the same number of offensive rebounds as defensive rebounds and that’s M that stayed true in summer league as well this guy’s just a overall good rebounder and that is going to be something that I could see him feasting on right away what to me when you’re looking at a player that is a g-league player and you talk about them translating to the NBA you have to look at is what part of what how many of their skills translate and Adam cogo’s biggest strengths his rebounding absolutely Ates with his physicality his size his wingspan and then how he thrives off putbacks and in pick and roll Adamas sonogo is a really good pick and roll Defender and offensive player and while he was 0 for two from three-point range today I don’t want to see him taking three-point shots unless he’s completely wide open at the NBA level to me soogo just keeps showing that he’s ready for a shot at the NBA I’m not mad that the Bulls brought in Jaylen Smith another young guy with upside but soogo has shown that to me that he deserves an opportunity to either sink or swim and in in uh on on the Bulls next year especially you’re already a team that’s going younger you’re a team that still needs some size that still needs Rim protection Adamas sonogo has the chance to bring some of that for the Chicago Bulls I don’t know if he can play four at the next level I’m not going to count him out either um but I don’t know for sure if he’s going to be able to play that four position but he can play five and Jaylen Smith can play some four so I would really love to see with him being on a two-way contract I think he can play I think it’s 602 games before needing to be converted to a full deal I want to see the Bulls take full advantage of that this season with be with giving Adam sonogo some opportunity and it’s really a no loss situation for the Bulls if he comes in and doesn’t look good cool you send him back down to the g- league he’s a two-way player but if he comes in and he looks good you have the chance to turn an undrafted rookie into a role player that can go out there and just have a very specific role and thrive in that role in my opinion so I really love what Adama sonogo continues to bring and continues to show for the Chicago Bulls team and I think that uh I hope that he gets an opportunity to do it at the next level because sonogo is just one of those guys that you just see he’s better than this he’s really better than this and um that hasn’t stopped since basically his second week in the G League so hopefully the Bulls are watching and paying attention to that but then Julian Phillips had a ray rougher game than what he had last game one for nine in this game one of five from three-point range only five points in 31 minutes but what he does contribute four rebounds two assists two steals one block one of those um one of those uh assists being catching a cutting Matas billis for a dunk really good assist there but Julie Phillips didn’t shoot the ball but I do think that it is something to take away that he still impacted the game in other ways when he wasn’t um when he wasn’t scoring well then our other two-way contract player Henry drill I know he went four of nine in this game 12 points three rebounds two assists one block that stat sheet doesn’t look bad but this is where the stat sheet is look Henry Dr I’m done with the Henry Dr experiment personally I’m done I’m over with it you guys can feel how you want to feel about it but to me I just I would much rather have shots of guys who haven’t already been here for three years if we’re if we’re three years in to you being in the bull system and you still kind of look like no the summer league and g-league kept level of competition that’s your level to me there’s no point in it two-way contracts to me should be on players that you feel like have a legitimate chance to turn into NBA rotational players for you and I’ve gotten less and less of that feeling from Henry Dr the more I see him that may just be me again the stat sheet isn’t terrible but when you just look at his processing the think like at this point Henry Dr should look more like mattas busis at Summer League level of competition than what he does right now that’s just my personal opinion and Andrew Funk uh Andrew Funk gotta go like there’s no point like I really would have rather have rayquan gray um on this summer league team and fighting for a a two-way contract than either Andrew funk or Henry Dr at this point and and Marcus domas hasn’t looked much better either so we have one player under a two-way contract in adogo Henry Funk is on that deal now but you guys know two-way contracts can be removed or signed at any time if I’m the Bulls I’m really considering uh Stuart here this guy listen 15 points nine assists one steal in this game really good defensively the offense needs a little bit of a work right I’m not I’m not saying the offense is there uh yet uh shown some flashes offensively for uh for sure but I’m just saying that to me uh I would much rather get this guy opportunity on a two-way contract even though we’re kind of deep at the at the bench position but you know he he showed me some some of that dog mentality out there and that’s what I like former Duke player on top of all of that so you know that he’s learned the game the right way uh 22 years old so I kind of much rather him get an opportunity for me um but we’ll see but yeah Funk to me get him up out of there there Henry Dr get him up out of there um and uh yeah bring bring back Stewart uh to me on that um on that two-way contract see what you got in him unless you go out there and take it take shots at other other players as well right so that’s definitely uh a potential as well as take shots at some other players but DJ Stewart to me is like I I wouldn’t mind him getting an opportunity uh for that g League team we’re going to need some guards down there especially if um dam sonogo is still going to be playing down in the G League would like to see a little dj Stewart a damaso go pick pick and rolls at the g-league level that’s my thought but nobody really else really stood out uh tonight we only got six total points Off the Bench from the bench players in summer league that’s just not going to cut it but that’s my thoughts you guys can let me know down below who else kind of shined uh for you in that summer league for the Chicago Bulls but before we end the show today we’re going to talk about Patrick Williams on an update injury update and emphatic injury update from Patrick Williams will he be ready to go by training camp Patrick Williams believe will but before we talk about that I got to get into a message from eBay Motors all right Bulls fans passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered 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up the strength back in those muscles because he couldn’t run or jump for four months and I think that that’s a fair statement right so when you look at how long you’re out uh and and having four months of not being able to do any running or jumping that that can take a major load and one one of the things that Patrick Williams said in this interview that was concerning to me personally is that he was saying how you know he doesn’t want the Achilles is something that’s weak there you don’t want to straining ailles man don’t talk about Achilles Patrick Williams but so it’s good to hear that Patrick Williams is going to to be fully healthy and ready to go by training camp I think with this Bulls team going in a younger Direction you want to see everybody healthy if the Bulls can have a fully healthy training camp I think that goes a long way uh to help the play style to help these players kind of learn because you’re playing with a new Cadence when you change point guards in Josh giddy the Cadence of how you play is naturally going to change on top of that going younger having new teammates missing a player like demard Rosen and the gravity that he had for the Chicago Bulls team you want everybody to be as fully healthy as possible so P will has a big season ahead man the new contract there for Patrick Williams is one and then on top of that for all the Bulls fans that have been saying for years imagine what Patrick Williams could do if he did if demard de rzan wasn’t here you’re going to get that opportunity now we’re going to get to see what Patrick Williams couldn’t look like when uh uh uh demard Rosen is not out there so see what that looks like let’s see if uh Patrick Williams kind of takes that next step a lot of bulls fans are looking at him to make that step now with the new contract that he has he’s locked in for five years and so you know we we need to see that going younger if it doesn’t benefit players like Patrick Williams where you start getting a little bit more out of them you got to question what the hell we’re doing here and so you know I love to see that P will is taking that next step for sure um well as far as in his health and the progress but we need a Patrick Williams to show more aggression to show that he’s ready in his development mentally to go what’s what to take on what’s going next for him and he was asked about the exit of Demar de R rozan and he said that you know uh Demar not having him out there um you know they built a relationship that goes beyond basketball Beyond teammates and that he’s going to be able to work and use the things that Demar Ro that DeMar rosen taught him and we need to see that right regardless of how a player how you view player the player in demard Rosen he did help teach these guys a mentality right and so now how do they take that next step with dear no longer here that’s what we need to see from this team and so Patrick Williams is somebody who is at the Forefront of players that we’re looking at to help this next phase of the Chicago Bulls if he doesn’t take a step hey it’s going to be it’s going to be noticeable Patrick Williams can’t hide anymore we need P will to step up we need a p will that is going to be more aggressive offensively we’re going to need team that spreads the ball out more Josh GID is is hopefully as the point guard is going to bring that having him Kobe IO out there as players that can all handle the ball but Patrick Williams has to take that next step in my opinion because he can easily get passed up like all jokes aside like I know that he has a fiveyear contract but and P will may very well just be a role player but you can be a high level role player right but with Julian Phillips Matas busis right in the future if the Bulls are to get lucky and get a Cooper flag which they won’t I’m not going to assume that we’ll see what happens but Patrick Williams has to show what he what he can bring and this is a important season for the development of Patrick Williams as it is a lot of Chicago Bulls players so you guys can let me know as always what you guys think on that down below but that’s the time for today Pat didn’t show up I know Pat is having uh you know he’s being father mode right now I was hoping Pat was going to show up in the middle of this stream he didn’t uh but guys you can follow us collectively at lockon Bulls you can follow me personally at CEO hey you can follow pat pat the designer man locked on bulls is free and available on every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube guys thank you guys so much for tuning in love you guys go Bulls y’all peace [Music]

Haize & Pat The Designer discuss Matas Buzelis shinning in the BUlls 2nd summer league game. The guys also talk about the summer league roaster as a whole & Patrick Williams saying he’ll be ready to go by training camp

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  1. Haize how are you watching these games? I have league pass but it's blacked out for some stupid reason. I've also tried like 20 reddit recommended websites and they are either taken offline or have so many ads (that get through my ad blocker) I can't even launch the video. Would appreciate any links or help finding a stream I don't even mind paying for access I just want to watch the bulls summer league. Don't know why the NBA makes it so hard for people to watch the Bulls.

  2. Can we get this Bulls Summer League team to pass Matas the ball especially when he’s running 🤦🏽‍♂️

  3. Matas does remind me of rookie Lauri Markkanen. Hopefully, he develops into an improved passer along with a consistent shooter. The skies the limit for this kid. I absolutely love his confidence. He has loads of that along with nice dribble drive moves that will translate in the NBA. As long as he combines his scoring prowess with the ability to find his teammates for assists there should be no reason why he doesn't log enough mins next season to be in the ROY race.

    C'mon Julian Phillips! Step it up! It's early but he's showing signs of Patrick Williams. A player who'll have to be pushed to be aggressive as a scorer. The NBA is about scoring buckets, and he must show more than being a set shooter and occasional dunker. Phillips has to work on his handles and expanding his game with dribble drive moves to the basket. Hopefully, he'll do so after SL.

    I like Adama Sanogo, but Haize is Ga-ga over him which I respect but feel he's an undersized Andre Drummond type. His game would've been perfect for pre-2015 before shooting 3's became the norm. It's Summer League. Take some shots! He's playing like he doesn't want to expose his weakness to the Bulls coaching staff as a shooter. You can't make them if you don't take them.

  4. Buzelis definitely gonna be the steal of the draft between him and tsj i haven't Holland play yet but going by before he definitely in the conversation all the other ones are expected to be something good especially the top 7

  5. Haize right on about PW, He must look better or just as good as the rookies. Can't hide anymore , put up or shut up.

  6. Buzelis has dogg in him. As much as I love Pat, he don't have it. Pat needs to learn to be more alpha….but he'll never be a dogg….not his personality. Which is unfortunate because Pat is dripping with talent.

  7. Matas definitely has that dawg in him. He also isn't a nice guy like AC (not a bad thing, AC was one of my favorites), which may push P-Will more. Hopefully at least.

  8. Julian Phillip needs to be better out there…. Especially since he got sone NBA experience last season… He should b more consistent in his 2nd summer league……

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