@Memphis Grizzlies

Dallas Mavericks vs Memphis Grizzlies Full Game Highlights | Jul 15,2024 NBA Summer League

Dallas Mavericks vs Memphis Grizzlies Full Game Highlights | Jul 15,2024 NBA Summer League

it’ll be Jackson Jr againsts the catch at the nail how not letting jiren percent Hardy got into the paint against Josh Green well he’s got great defensive Verity pulls the three made his first ship in the absence of John point guard in this league there’s a ning with Memphis this past July Bane rejects the little jump Hook is good three-point shooting H clock down to five for Hardway Jr green working against J Jackson Jun Brooks made a little bit going under those screens Hardy for three Jackson Jr for three is thought process that he is not I mean he shot nine up for this Mavericks team well especially now Creator you’re going to have to be a floor space source so is that three at the other end five again good defense by Hardy nice cut by Bullock that he knows his weaknesses and draw traffic again and Bane out fit on this team fluca impersonation in the first quarter down working inside tough turnar around heer of L his numbers played and so when he after that Brooks bucket pull off from the corner left it only took three shots but they can really spread the floor go a little Zone here nice pass inside Tilman with the jump Jones lobs it up the incredibly for games and how always to be who was such a capable Starter by Memphis with 13 during the break from Memphis Hardy on shot catch and shoot off last year of the Sacramento I just watched him play a little bit the other day this year but he played in that game as guy that’s really played his basketball everybody keeps a list these days him Rody flippers and I Absolut most of them there too here’s Bane right into the pain off glass 23rd in there some Zone big body Rody from outside way behind skill-wise tinant journey through basketball and the NBA app power swarm that th June herons from corners of the world here’s Bane out top seven on the shot clock Rody with a little room Sur the money Bane doing a little bit more of the heavy lify earlier this season but pulls the three he shoots a deep three green forces one up pass got through all little mid-range by him and into the ball game Kar the push Rody takes it in his recovery efforts but also the practice site was it on the plane suspension of any link jaw’s Inner Circle reaches out every morning texts the group Green Brooks with the pocket pass to Jack they’re missing a lot of three and get to the playoff success he’s only taken not the game at for into the corner green for three proved as a shooter bit of a scramble mode in half green for three another cash to Brooks for three Jes got his body in euros run right over the offensive rebound his PA Jones there’s that float nice bounce pass to P 14 to go in the first half Jones picked VI the field and I’ll take South Carolina Jones rejects little side step Runner is no good American Conference Championship Memphis Marcus Sasser the MVP of the to go here they put up a great battle in that game in Saturday’s win along with eight Dallas looking to stay above five h on to Hardy right open for three move it along company getting him in to the 12 foot got Brooks in the air step back three on the way step back over CLE on Bane elevates and started the same way that which I’m sure T ow fires the Deep jumper P working off the bounce here’s the three ball oh absolutely one halfway out and this grizzli team they Brooks takes on Hardy sprays it out to Green lobs it up any cutting play that’s going to be Bane drives all the way in and off Hardy from the corner good seal by tman yeah throw line tman 50 fitting as well as anybody in the last eight options and weapons def replay Brooks for Brooks on Hardy out to Clea out to Brooks for three got screen Jackson wow DE parts Hardy back at you the other way Jackson drives excellent defensive play he’ll get in your kitchen HS on the chase gets it back cross clerk great ball movement whistle his floater back for three miss him a green the three on the way whistle ball for the Grizzlies anxiety C it back and knocks it sh clock knocked Away by CA now trying to explain it to his te who’ve also played football they have a Hardy from Deep Alama pulls this time good fake by holiday have to go Alama with some room strling here in the third quarter holiday side step three Hardy got the Brooks to lead the Grizzlies Phil put him on the spot and he did a great job I think in my whole life man right with the long jumper about sabonis tra and what it did was well it was one of the very few Rody in the corner pulls ever been a thicker appeared to lose it and in playoff games on the shot clock got by Canard into Zone pain kicks it out to Rod three times all year I tell you what Jones out here tus Jones starting wi guard one more Bane good ball he’s been really impressed by got to go with it made he injured his elbow ear Rody again Rody to the bucket oh he put release point on the layout that’s just beautiful job surround ban the ball FES energy tonight to a wide openen bulock Kar One More Jackson for three Kar went airborne and handoff got downhill good shots creating good shots blun by bans when they’re whole in health open Corner three Rody off the screen got tripped up by here’s Brooks from the corner and there’s the three by Hardy one why as here’s bertans off that throw them kisses you guys are from there’s Hardway 21 Hardway one more CBA hard with the Flo here at American Airlines Center the pass to Brooks same place to the corner J kid is sending in the reinforcement go Jones with the floater they shared the ball it’s about 70 points right as tus Jer usually is p was visiting his that can’t have happened this year over under ATT you should every day yeah M that’s a big fan my mom will speak all happening up in Toronto and more for my late father who was yeah he wore my brother and I out how about you and your do chair that you’re sitting in someday doing what you on the Van Gundy conference Hardy inside great hands great touch’ had for the Mavericks who Pon why are you going to eat the ball like that it’ll be Jackson Jr against Baron Jackson Jr makes the catch at the nail game plan discipline right there with pal not letting Jaren point shooter well above 40% Hardy got into the paint got a height advantage against Josh Green a starter and he plays exceptionally well he’s got great defensive Versa here’s green kicks it out to Hardy pulls the three made his first been very proficient at stating the ship in the absence of John tus Jones is a starting point guard in this league there’s Telly around the league before resigning with Memphis this past July outstanding offensive rebounding team banee rejects the three throws it inside to Tilman little jump Hook is good in double because of the three-point shooting working against tman shot clock down to five for Hardway Jun back out to Green working against J Jackson J directly into the low post Brooks made a little bit Jones going under those screens Hardy for three 22 points Jackson junor for three three game meeting well so much of it is the the thought process that he is not opportunities is good I mean he shot nine of one of the better shot creators for this Mavericks team well especially opportunities to be a shot Creator you’re going to have to be a floor spacer floater is on The Scouting Report for Dallas so is that three at the other end and he started going five on five again shot clock down to four for Brooks good defense by Hardy OU out front nice cut by Bullock game his greatest strength is that he knows his weaknesses ands and here’s Jones draws traffic again got a five on four at the other end Bane out Jones talked to me about his fit on this team points doing his best Luca impersonation in the first quarter here’s Brooks from downtown green working inside tough turn around Leonard has been on a heater of late his numbers he hasn’t been he hasn’t played and so when he The Log Jam in the Western Conference standings after that Brooks bucket Moxy klea pull off from the corner left it on Saturday had four points only took three shots shooting uh Factor so they can really spread the floor it looks like the Maverick’s going to show a little Zone here tman here’s Brooks nice pass inside Tilman with the jump hook comes away with it Jones lobs it up we are tied at 19 the certainly not spectacular but incredibly to stay prepared and how to prepare for games and how always to be an important position who was such a capable starter it’s spectacular signing by Memphis Hardy doing a great impersonation with 13 checking into the ball game meanwhile during the break from Memphis Hardy on that’s that’s a big time shot catch and shoot off 37th pick in the draft last year of the Sacramento there before that Brian Shaw I just watched them play a little bit the other day scoot Henderson hadn’t played much this year but he played in that game as finish year with the left hand guy that’s really watching the game tonight he played his basketball in the 2020 draft everybody keeps a list these days shoulder okay they forget who passed on them Rody we had them uh against the Clippers and I Absolut really caught the eyes of the coaches and the trust of them there too here’s Bane they work expeditiously here right into the paint off glass Luca alluding to the Mavericks 23rd they don’t have in there try to camouflage it with some Zone fair enough big body R from outside in the NBA he was way behind skill-wise there’s a guy that began his itinerant journey through basketball you can stream it free only in the NBA app Howard houon they need to swarm that the number one pick in the draft Thum June bton from number one picks coming from all corners of the world here’s Bane out top seven on the shot clock ear the game well off the turnover Rody with a little room sering but like you said like right on the money Bane Desmond Bay is doing a little bit more of the heavy lift 20 games with that toe injury earlier this season but in points of the ball game here’s green Bon’s had a notion pulls the three holiday he shoots a deep three Alis up court with a little bit of pace green forces one up bade inside pass got through Al Morris little midrange by him and Jackson J ready to check into the ball game Kar by Green on the push Rody takes it in both supported his recovery efforts but ALS better Behavior I I was it on the practice site was it on the plane be he faces any suspension of any length spent a lot of time around jaw’s Inner Circle been pregame and he said jaw reaches out every morning texts the group as he continues to grow green up what really counts Brooks with the pocket pass to Jack Adams you take out Mor they’re missing a lot of the ability to shoot the ball from three and get to the going to have to deliver if they’re going to have playoff success he’s only taken Mavericks not the game at four into the corner green for three green who’s really improved as a shooter shots where you got the the defense in a little bit of a scramble mode in half but the bucket by Hardy out to Green for three another cash sprays it out to Brooks for three Hardy trying to lose Jones got his body in Rody Euro and and not run right over of the hotels here his right off the offensive rebound his teams conversely in the NBA Jones there’s that floak action nice bounce pass to Pal 314 to go in the first half Tillman switches on to right Jones picked up he going to win the men’s okay and I’ll give you the field and I’ll take South Carolina okay Jones rejects his it back to Hardway little side step Runner is no good Hardway winning the American Conference Championship Memphis injury news for Houston yeah Marcus Sasser the MVP of the Le tough break for Kelvin Samson 208 to go here without Giannis put up a great battle in that game Mavericks in Saturday’s win along with eight to go in the first half Dallas looking to stay up 500 Tillman switched on to Hardy right open for three like a Defender and then willingly move it along front office ni Harrison and Company getting him in leading by one put the 12 footless to a fa Hardy got Brooks in the air step back three on the Ws step back over C the drive it on Bane elevates and what he’s impressed by most is that Jaden Hardy started the same way that he’s quarter right well and they which I’m sure t zero oh Powell fires the Deep jumper P working off the bounce Aon Jackson Jr pops here’s the three ball hard blocking out you used to be able to do that right no absolutely Brooks one halfway out and after a disappointing first half this Grizzlies team they bro takes on hardy hardy on the Move sprays it out to Green Jones on the wing lobs it up and any cutting play that’s going to be a better look than they eventually got ban drives all the way in Hardway runs into the triple handoff Hardy from the corner BS were wide open good seal by tman yeah as Tilman goes to the free throw line Tilman a 5 that’s a guy that has been shooting it as well as anybody in the last eight options and weapons defense to have to create every play Brooks for Brooks on Hardy out to CBA to start the third Bane out to Brooks for three Brooks navigating that pow screen Jackson with a deep three wow deep very familiar in these parts Hardy back at you the other way Jackson drives kba results in an excellent defensive play certainly one of the most tenacious ones he’ll get in your kitchen Alama Jones on the chase gets it back cross clerk out to Alama great ball movement whistle right out top his floater Bane steps back for three ni we haven’t talked about him but they miss him a Lea hands it off to right over to Green the three on the way he’s got 14 whistle a guy that’s been playing much better basketball for the Grizzlies Spike sometimes just nervousness anxiety hung on the rim got it back and knocks it 12 on the shot clock knocked Away by Clea her athlete now trying to explain it to his recruit football players guys who’ve also played football they have a Hardy from Deep 12 on the shot clock for Brooks Alama pulls this time into the corner good fake by holiday and the lead is down to six under four and a half to go game couldn’t get the pass over to Holiday Alama with some room battling here in the third quarter holiday looks picked up by Hardway side step three and off the steel Here Comes Hardy got the nightly Bas is Taylor Jenkins as Brooks to lead the Grizzlies fil catchup schemes Tendencies Jenkins and I put him on the spot and he did a great job your voice Jeff I think in my whole be irritating in your life man and the way he guarded right with the long jumper and you said it about bonus absolutely crucified for their trait and what it did was it who was an Allstar yep they’ve all done well it’s it was one of the very few here’s Brooks out top against Hardway Rody in the corner pulls ever been a thicker today must have been a chess Day for him Brooks appeared to lose it and wound it down a lot more and this is where in playoff games gets it back from Clea five on the shot clock got by Canard press falling back into Zone Berard got into the paint kicks it out to Rod yeah he probably threw it about three times all year I tell you what some guys Jones out here tyes Jones starting point guard turns the corner skip pass Canard one more Bane good ball Taylor Jenkins was saying he’s been really impressed by Green out front four on the clock got a go with it from a skill standpoint he injured his elbow before he got hurt Rod again next picture we have coming up Rody to the bucket oh he put B to alter his release point on the layout that’s just beautiful they’ve done an excellent job surround the pur Kar Rod back to Bane the ball F energy 237 and S tonight slips out out green on the Baseline to a wide openen Bullock Gard kicks it out Kar One More Jackson for three by Jackson Kar went airborne and let’s see what they run it’s Bane off the handoff got downhill getting good shots creating good shots body on the Move puts his head down block by bans just one of those guys that they have when they’re whole and healthy one more to Green wide open Corner three Rody off the screen got tripped up bying his team to keep the ball popping here’s Brooks from the corner to the comeback and there’s the three by Hardy tonight and and remember now this is one why as there’s bertans off that CL it doesn’t matter if they were booing them he’d still throw them kisses you guys are from there’s Hardway the front fo American airlin Center Jones 21 the second half they took care of business Hardway one more kba hch trying to stick in hard with the FL as we approach 5 minutes to go here at American Airlines Center the Jones skip pass to Brooks same place off the screen CA to the corner KN Jason is sending in the reinforcement for Memphis little give and go Jones with the floater underachieved I think they were ready to play they shared the ball have to be healthy yeah it’s it’s about 70 points right San Antonio on Friday as tus Jones will be courts side watching as she usually is pin holiday tonight Aaron holiday said his dad was visiting his Elias come to me because that can’t have happened this year and when Kenny Lofton gets in over under a we celebrate it every day you should every day yeah Le I have one Mom that’s a big fan my mom will speak you got the box you got the satellite got it all happening up in Toronto and vocabulary mom and more from my late Father Who was every English word of course comes from there so yeah he wore my brother and I out Jones family how about you and your do she might be in the chair that you’re sitting in someday doing what you should be put boom on the Van Gundy number two seed in the Western Conference Hardy inside as Rody but he has great hands great touch drafted the signings that they’ve had daunting and Urgent for the Mavericks we get the play let me get some run like Theo Pon why you going to eat the ball like that

Dallas Mavericks vs Memphis Grizzlies Full Game Highlights | Jul 15,2024 NBA Summer League
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