@Sacramento Kings

What’s Kevin Huerter’s Role On the Sacramento Kings Now?

What’s Kevin Huerter’s Role On the Sacramento Kings Now?

I think look people because of what happened last season and because of what happened in the Three-Point Shootout the year before I think people have lost sight a little bit about the impact that Kevin herder had on this roster and when I had conversations with people within the walls of the team uh after the season they were more of the like like look Kevin her had a bad season but we don’t think Kevin herder is a bad player and we think that like we we know who he was the year before and there’s a there’s potential for him to get back to that player right and so you know maybe he’s not the 15o per game guy but he’s not the 10o per game guy maybe he’s in the middle there like a 12 13 Point per game guy but still an elite uh like gravitational pole shooter right and so there’s a a possibility that Kevin herder like gets going and and finds a way to get like right into that uh that type of player and and I would point out too that Kevin herder at 67 like he can play the two and the three and at this point like could you see a a weird lineup where it’s dearen Fox deardo Rosen at the two Kevin herder at the three Keegan Murray at the four and KY and damont sabonis set the five to start the season like yeah I could see that like like this that’s the starting lineup well yeah but like if if you know you have dear Rosen who’s not a great three-point shooter and you know that you have the dearon fox who improved and became a much better three-point shooter last season you need as many shooters on the court as possible so especially with sabonis I could see them looking at uh at Kevin herder and saying okay why not start him at the three Why not start him alongside kegam Murray now defensively sure you might have some problems but I’d make the case it uh in the same way that I used to with Buddy heeld like I think buddy heeld just because he’s six foot4 was like defensively miscast as a shooting guard defensively like his awareness and everything else out in space at in at the top of the key where he can be like manipulated by either a big man coming up and setting screens or just a a better athlete running at him like wasn’t a wasn’t an ideal situation but buddy was big enough and strong enough that if you put him on small forwards he was actually pretty solid as a Defender and you’re also taking away a lot of the Court when you put them on guys who are on the wing versus guys that are at the top of the key I think that could be this similar case for Kevin herder where if you put Kevin herder like maybe not on the the super long super crazy athletic uh you know not the the Brandon ingrams of the world um but a lot of other players I think that Kevin herder might be able to hold his own as more of a three on the defensive end than you know so I don’t know what they’re thinking but at this point like Kevin herder isn’t a bad player and I think that if you can kind of uh like forget about last season and and let him establish who he is this year it’s possible that he could be a better player than what you could have got for him um and the other problem that you have if you’re Monty McNair is I I know I see people bringing up like beef stew and stuff like uh Isaiah Stewart from uh the stew the Pistons right but here’s the problem that if you take Kevin herder and you trade him for him right now then what happens if Kyle kosma does come up for grabs what happens if you can put a package for for Brandon Ingram midseason if if the Pelicans aren’t doing well and they’re like man we got to get off this now we got to bail um then you don’t really have that trade ship that you do as of right now and so you have to be cautious as well with how you’re sort of looking at your your trade packages because like again yeah you traded sasf fenov you traded Davon Mitchell to Toronto in a in a salary dump and the salary dump look great but how do you use that salary and so far they haven’t so let me let me I I you said a lot of stuff I want to touch on there yeah yeah Kevin her are on the roster for sure as well if if Monty saying they’re done that this is who he thinks are going into camp with then maybe but then again this could just be you know putting something out there in the media to to make sure people know yeah we’re totally comfortable with this as a roster now here’s okay so let let’s roll with that Kevin herder on the roster because I’ve been operating that he was going to get traded he hasn’t yet it doesn’t sound like he’s going to but again Never Say Never it’s on the table but let’s let’s assume he’s he’s going in the biggest question I have with Kevin herder is not even defensively because I think defensively the Kings have the horses to uh take some of the the defensive burden off of him in a way they they couldn’t before Keon Ellis kind of burst on the scene right the question I have now though is is you laid out that lineup where Kevin herder is starting that fox herder uh D rozan Keegan sabonis lineup if that’s not the lineup if it is hey they they came to an agreement with Malik Monk and they decided that they have the pieces now to allow Malik monk to start or if they say no D rozan has to be the two um and and um uh I’m sorry Keon has to be at the two D rozan has to be at the three and Keegan has to be at the four and Kevin herder’s coming off the bench is that a role that he’s going to accept because I think that was a big problem for him last year and I think that was that was the reason we saw him shoot a career low percentage was because his his role was threatened at the beginning of the year and then he he struggled coming out of the gate and so there was all this questioning about is he going to get traded what’s wrong with them and and I just don’t think it was like a a a smooth season particularly coming off a rough playoff series in to end the year prior so he was in this this situation last year where he never really got stable never really got his got forgive the the phrase here but got his feet set and now if he’s in a spot where the kings are going yeah hey um you’re going to be coming off the bench and also you’re going to be in every trade Rumor for the entire year like I don’t think that’s setting him up for Success no I’m with you and I I fully understand that um I would say this though uh Kevin herder was coming off a career year um last summer like people forget he was the king’s third leading scorer the year that they had the highest offensive rating in the history of the game like he he literally was their third score and so incredibly consistent he had one Lull in the middle of the Season where he was bad shooting wise and then he snapped out of it and kept going um but I think he went into last off season and he talked about this a little bit in his his postseason wrapup um he said look what I did is I worked on the offense that that we’re playing in I I worked on those uh you know like extending out off the high uh dribble handoff you know the dho like he’s like I worked on that a lot I worked on um how to play off a and all these things he’s like and then I got into the season and teams took that stuff away from us and I had spent the entire offseason kind of just working on the things that would have made me better in that system he’s like so this off season I’m going to work on go back to the basics of what I typically do which is just try to work on my overall game and be a better basketball player and so that’s one thing but I also think that Kevin herder walked into last summer thinking okay like I didn’t have a good playoff series but hey neither did Harrison Barn neither did name that King there were plenty of guys who didn’t have a good playoff series and he walked into the summer believing he was going to be the starting shooting guard come training camp and then in training camp they had brought in Chris dwarte and next thing you know it for some reason became a competition Chris Forte gets hurt then it’s not a competition but I I think the psyche like really threw Kevin herder so what I’m hoping is that Kevin hder number one has been working with somebody all summer long um um on this type of situation like what we saw from Kevin herder a lot of his issues there was nothing physically wrong with Kevin herder until late in the season when he dislocated his shoulder outside of that like the mental aspect of the game got to Kevin herder and like I’m not speaking out of turn here there’s no question he got like he had a hitch and a shot and all kinds of weird mechanical issues that came up out of nowhere none of that was physical there was nothing wrong with him that would have caused that it was all and I’m hoping that he’s he’s worked on that you know it’s not just about jumping higher and shooting the ball better and and being in better physical shape to to run faster and run further sometimes it is about about understanding roles understanding your place in the league and your place in the the hierarchy of your team and and really taking a step back and I’m hoping that that’s what we’ve seen that that’s what we’ll see from Kevin so what I’m saying is that I think he’ll be better prepared physically we know he was like he was at Coachella with uh with um with Bottle Rock accuracy yeah no no no Bottle Rock my my bad uh Bottle Rock with with domas um we know he’s he’s been around his teammates here and there but at the same time you’re really really hoping that he’s coming in with the understanding of like anything can happen in the NBA just because you’re making 17 million bucks a year doesn’t mean you’re a starter anymore you know it could mean like they just brought back Malik Monk and paid him more money than you make to be the six man most likely and so like realistically uh this was probably a wake-up call season for Kevin hder and whether it it positively or negatively impacts him going forward we’ll have to wait and see how it response but I’m not like just ready to throw Kevin hter out and say hey look man you’re you’re not a good basketball player anymore you don’t need to be here um but he can be a means to an end right and by that I mean he can be the piece that’s moved in a trade the Kings probably had an option of who they wanted to trade whether it was Harrison Barnes or it was uh Kevin herder and it was probably the difference between going between two different teams when they’re completing the three- Team SWAP for uh yeah for um D rozan yeah so like there there’s a good possibility that this is a guy that they chose right and and that’s good like if this is a guy that they chose to be around and they think that his three-point shooting and like his again his ability to stretch the defense like makes sense for this team okay because it did two years ago it was a phenomenal to watch yeah so you know it’s tough man I think on this roster I’d rather have Harrison maybe I think in a vacuum I’d rather have her her but um I I do Wonder a if the Devin Carter injury changed the king’s thought process on herder at all because if you have a healthy Devin Carter which which the Kings won’t until January at the minimum you have at the two or players who can play the two Malik monk Devin Carter demard Rosen Keon Ellis I could just it it feels like Kevin herder’s spot is it the the three specifically and I don’t I’m I’m not totally sure where that uh yeah that that’s going to be right for him and if that’s the right fit well I definitely when you talk about the the Devin Carter injury I think it does change everything I mean whether he was going to play 24 minutes a game or he was going to average like 16 to 18 that’s still a big role that you just lost and you know again they went on they got Jordan mcclaflin to sort of fill the backup three but I if you’re just looking right now at at realistically you can group players in different areas right but if you’re looking at your back court being dearin and Malik and Keon and Jordan and and maybe Colby Jones well that’s not enough yeah right and because if I’m if I’m gonna group those guys together and then I’m GNA look at the small forward spot and say that’s kind of demard Rosen and Kevin herder and I’m gonna look at the power forward spot I’m gonna say that’s kind of Trey ly and and Keegan Murray and then jayen McDaniels is gonna be your fifth your fifth forward there right that’s kind of your team if you throw in Devin Carter it does mix things up pretty uh substantially and it adds a ton of depth but this point like they they do need to use those last two or at least one of the last roster spots to try to add some other size at some position and so yeah it’s kind of intriguing Kyle like the the roster build of this thing it doesn’t feel done and so when you hear Monty McNair say something like that that this is a team that they’re going to take in Camp it does feel a little bit like okay this is what they’re going to take in Camp are you hearing that out there Washington Wizards this is a team we’re taking into camp like are you hearing us because that’s what we’re gonna do We’re not gonna give you two that we’re taking into Camp yes maybe some smaller moves like a signing no trade yeah we’re not giving up two first round picks Washington but we’re ready to move forward yeah so that’s what it kind of always open yeah I would just say like if you were to add one other piece it changes everything excuse me yeah it definitely does so yeah uh real quick on the Lor Market in front it sounds like that that that’s that’s a done thing for the Kings uh you mentioned earlier you know wanting to wanting to hang on to herder in in part because of how he might be able to potentially impact the the lineup but B for a potential mid-season trade oh Brandon Ingram it looks like he’s going to hang out in in New Orleans at least for the time being it doesn’t sound like the Jazz are are super interested in moving off Lori marketing and and maybe the Wizards who just signed jonis Valen chunis are still under this impression that the back end of the East is really weak and they’re going to be able to go make a a real push for the uh for the for a playin spot um but it sounds like the kings are off of marinin and there was some reporting in the athletic today from Shams terania this I just thought was really funny on the market and stuff uh the Warriors have discussed a trade Proposal with the Jazz around Moses Moody multiple first round picks multiple pick swaps and multiple second round picks the Jazz countered with an offer of Lori Markin in four Moses Moody Jonathan kaminga and Brandon psky along with pixs which surprisingly has been a non-starter for Golden State so it it doesn’t shock me at all that that’s something that the Kings probably punted on because if that’s what the Jazz want from the Warriors I can’t fathom what they would have asked for from Sacramento yeah I mean I’ve I’ve heard that the Kings had a competitive offer on the table that did not include Keegan Murray right it’s a competitive off competitive in what sense though competitive in the general trade market sense or competitive in the Danny Ang is an insane person sense yeah and that’s always going to be the problem and and the worst part is we’re talking about a guy who who’s not under contract moving forward so and who his people have been pretty pretty clear to uh to people that he would really really like to explore free agency this summer and to give himself like an opportunity to go he doesn’t feel like he he really had a good free agent experience the last time and that he was kind of left out of the cold in the free agent world and and had to sign with Cleveland on like a make good contract for a guy of his level of skill and then he made good and so like he wants to he wants to figure out free agency and play where he wants to play well that’s like a giant red flag why would you give up multiple first round picks and multiple Pig swaps for a guy who won’t commit and if he’s not going to commit to you then like what are you doing so the deal is if they sign him on August 3rd right by August well is it August 3 they have an exact the beginning of August yeah they well maybe it’s August 6 there’s one day that they have to sign him and they have to do a renegotiate and extend like what the king with sabonis if he gets that contract on that specific date six months he he has to stay on the roster that equates to day yes the actual trade deadline day of the deadline and you can’t trade him until that day and you can’t trade him after that day so it’s like this really weird dynamic that’s in play

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  1. Luke kennard is still a free agent trust huerter has no value hes on a horrible contract duncan robinson jr dont let these guys trick you otherwise

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