@Orlando Magic

Summer League Pregame Show | Presented by AdventHealth

Summer League Pregame Show | Presented by AdventHealth

thank you for tuning in and make sure that you guys leave comments questions in the chat so we can make sure that we get to all of them but Dan I mean let’s just start off with the fact that like this game game one against the Cavaliers the magic they just had a really impressive performance what did you think I mean there was everything to love about that opening performance right from the jump uh the magic scoring right off the tip and that set the tone for the rest of the game uh they were efficient offensively very effective defensively which I know was a big point that you know Lionel Chalmers the magic summer league head coach was trying to hammer home hold the Cavs under 40% shooting from the field under 20% shooting from three uh they really did a good job on that end of the floor and that’s hard to do in a summer setting so impressive performances up and down the magic summer league roster yeah for sure someone just comment let jet cook which he was for sure and I just want to say thank you again for everyone watching and Tuning In You Are watching the summer league pregame show presented by aan Health as we get you ready for game two magic will be taking on the Pelicans tonight around 7:30 we were hearing that you know the other game is still continuing so hopefully it’ll be around 7:30 but we want to hear from you guys the fans what did you love about game one what did you love about the rookies what did you love about AB what did you love about Jet and some of the other players that we got to see so we want to hear from you all and I’m hearing some people say hi hi Kendra hi hey guys guys how are you guys doing thanks for joining us um can’t wait to see how Silva does this game should be a good game I’m excited but if you did not see those highlights let’s go ahead and lock in and look at the highlights from game one as the magic took on the Cleveland Cavaliers I’m gonna I don’t understand why I’m getting that name to tongue tied but magic they actually won the opening CH all and Jeet Howard immediately coming in hot getting the first bucket of the game this magic Squad just really took over jet finds jerk cber who knocks down the three now Orlando will continue to have a lead in this game but the rookie we’ve been wanting to see him and he’s showing off as well great showing by Tristan D Silva right here gets to steal Los it momentarily but then finds jha for the slam I think you have to hear just the intensity on the sidelines right there I love their energy with this whole game the magic would still be on top AB with the rebound finds jet who connects with Tristan in the corner right there knocks down to three ends the night with 13 points five rebounds four assists now we know this Dan the magic they stand on business when it comes to the defense and they were known for that last season and it just pretty much has continued because Jet right there comes up with the ball forceful throw down again just the hype the energy from the team you had to love watching this game AB he said that going into summer league he wanted to work on the physicality didn’t waste any time right there gets the hoop and the harm and this will just be a good game for ab as well this next play right here he’ll survey the situation and he’ll just take advantage of the size and makes that Jumper in the lane and ab he finished the night with I believe 20 points three rebounds four steals in this game the magic just had a great showing they walk away easily 106 to 79 it was a good game for all the guys I would like to say but definitely uh chers who is coaching this one and ab they spoke about how well this team finished and let’s hear what they had to say we have good energy we got good heart uh we play together and um we want to win we have a good team uh you know we we came out to a good start um it was my first time playing with Tristan so it was definitely a lot ofun fun um just his IQ and and just the way he moves out there makes it easy to play with him and uh you know jet played well too so um it was just it was really a first fun game for sure they understand what we’re trying to do um they are they have done a great job of like being together even outside of of the game outside of practice so I think I give credit to them for or to us for just like making sure everyone’s included and we do this together so you just heard the positivity coming around so I got to ask you Dan what did you like from let’s start with Tristan what did you like about his game in game one yeah didn’t the moment didn’t look too big from him in any way shape or form uh he played to his strengths which sounds easy conceptually but is really hard to do in your first summer league action you see a lot of guys play outside themselves he did not do that in any way shape or form uh we saw that in his first three where you know he kicks it out and then resets spaces the floor knocks down the open three so he has a lot of attributes that make the game easier for players around them and I think that shined right in his first Summer League game yeah it for sure did but another guy who I think we talked about at game one going into game one was ab and just the idea of him wanting to grow and also show that leadership do you feel like he kind of had that leadership going into this game and what did you think of his performance yeah absolutely as we talked about in our last pregame show it’s so hard to do in summer league because you’re not playing with a lot of these guys for a lot of time before coming into the setting but he kept the turnover numbers very low and when you look at a lot of the other Summer League games across the board uh here in Vegas some of the other summer leagues that took place beforehand there were a lot of high turnover numbers a lot of high foul numbers and I thought AB set the tone of playing under control he was very patient took his spots and set up the players around him and that’s what you want to see you know he was one of those guys that it almost felt like he outclassed the rest of the competition in summer league and for a second-year guy who had some starts in the NBA that’s exactly what you wanted to see so I thought he looked he looked a step ahead of the rest of the competition and if you’re part of the Orlando Magic that’s what you wanted to see from a guy who who has the capabilities of being a defensive Game Changer and a potential you know point guard the future AB one of the guys that spent time this summer training here in Orlando you really I felt like could see the difference of his growth from last season going into the summer league and Chalmers also can see the growth and he spoke a little bit about his game and so let’s hear what he had to say I think so I think mentally stronger as well like he’s holding the ball a a little longer he’s probing better he’s making more contact and still being able to finish through it so I would say yes absolutely it’s repetition just like anything else I think there’s a natural ability that comes with it and he has that but it’s about repetition just being able to read it and see what’s coming and and and having an understanding of not pre predetermining things but allowing it to fully develop and seeing the big picture of it and making decisions off that just being more physical kind of uh like how how I used to play um just trying to get back to the paint and play off a two from there you know because most most of the time uh just watching film we’re just seeing like a lot of times I’m bigger than my Defender so uh we just been working on being super physical uh handling shooting and uh really just getting to the paint for sure so great you know like messages coming from that first game and if you are just now joining us you are watching the summer league pregame show presented by Advent health I’m Kendra that’s Dan we’re going to get you ready for game two but we are recapping game one and just going ahead and looking at some of stuff that people are saying uh Tristan was good last game he sure was um can’t wait to see how he does this game this upcoming one um one fan said I’m excited for this new team and I think we all are excited just to see what these guys can do especially how they ended last season um and then some other I like how AB has his head up and moves the ball um yeah great comments I love all the comments keep them coming we want to hear from all of you guys I love this one from Tony AB will be great I think he will I think he definitely has shown Dan you know a level of maturity from last season going into this season but one person who also has shown a lot of maturity is well actually let’s get to Tristan D Silva first because we did talk a little bit about him just now earned 13 points five rebounds four assists when you look at a rookie like him I feel like he’s not your average rookie like he seems like he’s someone a little bit more mature is that kind of how you see him oh absolutely and I think you know it comes from spending extensive time in college he’s an older rookie comes in you know older than ab and Jet but is still learning from them in some ways so interesting Dynamic but he has kind of a game of an old soul where you know he reads the defense he just makes right plays no selfishness to his game uh as a magic president of basketball operations Jeff welman referred to him as connective tisue and you can see it in the way that he plays setting up his teammates willing to make the right play it comes from his college background where he was a secondary playmaker for his Colorado team and wasn’t asked to be the primary scorer and I think that reflects in the way he plays he knows that there are other ways to contribute other than just scoring which is a hard thing for a lot of rookies who’ve always been the number one option to learn he already has that and I think that’s going to do him well uh when he earns time with the Orlando Magic’s parent Club if he ever goes to the G League any of those elements He he’ll be prepared to do the right things to help a team win and I think that showed in his first Summer League game well let’s hear from Tristan himself and how he thought about his performance after game one defensively and offensively he was really good he’s patient he understands the timing and the and the momentum of the game uh he he’s unselfish but he can also get it himself so like you can put put him in any position on the court and he’ll find success yeah I mean it was a good start um you know obviously there’s there’s always room for improvement and always uh iel like it was a good starting point um you know especially defensively I feel like um I’ve done I’ve done a couple really good things um and then offensively just you know keeping keeping the flow going uh getting some easy looks um and uh yeah shout out to to the to the team for uh you know Finding Me and and uh converting when I give them the ball so Dan when you look at how Tristan played in game one what are you expecting a little bit from him going into this next game I expect much of the same I think the moment in game one didn’t look too big for him I expect him to be even more relaxed in game two and uh you know there’s different challenges to each Summer League game I think the big challenge for this Orlando Magic team him included is you’ve had a taste of success you’ve proved something you proved you belong but now you got to go out there and do it again you can’t rest on your laurels because you’re going up against the Pelicans team that lost its summer league opener you have a lot of guys who are hungry probably want to show that you know that they belong in the NBA and so when you’re playing teams like that players like that you’re going to get their best shot and so you have to be ready from the jump and set the tone once again just like they did in that you know summer league opener against the Cleveland Cavaliers one thing you touched on was that the fact that AB he hasn’t played with a lot of these guys really any of them and one of the guys that you know I feel like we have to mention because Lewis mentioned saying not sure if they talked about it yet but really liked how Huff played in that first game yes we have to talk about him just how I mean I feel like he was explosive from start to finish and I’m looking forward to seeing how he plays in in this next game but give me your take on how Huff played in game one yeah we talked about him in our uh last pregame show as a player to watch and what you want to see in summer league they really extensions of the practice and training camp sessions that you look at and I thought what Jay Huff did really well was he carried over exactly how he’s played in the summer league practice sessions into the games and it shouldn’t come to a surprise if you’re an avid g-league watcher he was the 2022 23 g-league defensive player of the year uh really dominates around the rim uh sets control you know dunks on people he he he really plays with the physicality about him on both ends and I think he’s a perfect compliment to a lot of the the magic players on the defens end of the floor because you look at AB setting the tone physical at the point of attack you look at the way Tristan plays defense versatile jet Howard really trying to Showcase that element of his game and you throw Jay Huff back there as a defensive anchor and he’s really willing to do that and I think that he was a huge part in why the Cav shot under 40% from the field really struggled from Beyond The Arc shooting like I think it was about 18% from three-point range and he he really played a role in that and I think we’re going to see big things from him again because is you know he he has some experience he’s played at the g-league level uh spent some time with the Nuggets last season so I I expect another big performance from Jay Huff tonight yeah without a doubt and if you are now just tuning in you are watching the summer league preview pregame show presented by Advent Health um the magic yes they will be playing tonight at 7:30 hopefully around 7:30ish 7:30ish against the Pelicans which that game is televised cuz some people are asking about that so yes you can catch that game shortly after the next game in after this game that’s going on right now in so yeah 7:30ish and um so make sure you check in and lock in on that one of the things that I really loved about this comment Life as a magic fan said Tristan D Silva Jet and ab are going to make M go bald because they’re trying to figure out how to fit them in his rotations I love that comment because I think it literally shows the depth of this magic squad has and another comment that I really want to get to is someone said Kendra I guess what I’m hearing is that the magic need a good three-point shooter what do you think this just Segways into jet Howard and how he had a phenomenal game himself leading team leading and without leading and scores on there what did you like about Jet’s performance and just how aggressive he came out yeah I thought that jet played under great control took the open shots when they were there but didn’t force anything I thought it was a tremendous progress from last year where you know he by his own admissions said he was rushing to get up some shots and I thought he was just very patient let the ball come to him and when he had the open looks he knocked him down and I thought you know for so many Magic fans who after the playoff series against the Cavaliers were talking about shooting shooting shooting uh I think that a lot of it can come from internal growth I think we’re going to see Jaylen continue to make progress as a three-point shooter fron continue to make progress in that area and now you’re talking about some additions because hey let’s face it jet didn’t play much for the magic parent club last season he could potentially be inserted into the lineup Tristan we can see what he can do spacing the floor and then you add a veteran presence like kcp who historically is going to shoot around 40% from three we’ll see if he gets even more volume in spot up situations with the magic because they’re great at kicking out that way with Paulo banero and France Vagner so I I think there’s a lot of additional shooting that’s come to the magic uh without much outside addition uh but you know when you look at jet Howard he’s almost like a free agent acquisition or another draft pick considering he didn’t see much time last season yeah for sure about that one let’s listen to Jet and how he graded his game performance it was way better than last year’s first game I’ll tell you that and um it it was good I felt comfortable um especially Tristan and ab they made my life easier and Jay Huff those guys kind of you know made it easier to score and get open looks and make plays I feel like um Tristan just knows how to play as you can see and it’s pretty easy out there you know obviously it’s summer league it’s just one game of course but do you feel like you have to prove something at all about your play uh I feel like in the NBA you always have to prove something um every game you’re judged off your last game um so it’s never no chill mode no it’s always kind of go mode I know obviously it’s just one Summer League game but having played a game since last season ended is there one thing that you really feel more confident about with your game that perhaps might have been missing last season defense I think defense um is for sure easier um just from like a body standpoint um just being in shape um knowing Personnel better and reading the game better um being in the right spot um termin I can go on just like everything um has been simplified for me just from the staff um reiterated from Mo and uh know now I’m just kind of just locked in and and just being consistent with that as you can see that I mean literally this is what the TEAM stands on is the defense so it’s really good to hear jet say that and make those comments because that is something that I think this team really works hard to be by and live by so I’m looking forward to how Jet continues to grow going into this upcoming season and before we go let’s go ahead and check out some more comments um jet Howard could be the running uh well I hope jet has a massive upgrade uh this season um let’s see some other ones oh this is a good one great preview from two legends I think they’re talking about us I think we’re two legends well you’re more of a legend than I am I like that I’ll take that I’ll take that one I hope say that I will too all right um thanks you guys for continuing to tune in and watch in and lock in with us for this summer league pregame show Dan as we look to this next game what overall do you want to see because we know that within time they are going to have more limited minutes meaning like AB Tristan and Jet we know that it’s going to come so what are you looking for them and what do you think coach Mosley is looking to see from them as they go into this next game against the Pelicans well we know tonight we’ll have the same starters as we did in the prior one so at least from the jum first half expect to see similar Mo minutes for those guys and then we’ll see where it goes from there over the course of the rest of the summer league action but for those guys I want to see consistency uh we saw in the early half of game one against the Cavaliers and and that’s a big thing for young players is can you do it night in and night out and if you want to earn a spot in the Magic’s rotation with as deep it as is now you’re going to have to do that night in and night out against different types of opponents and so this will be a good test against a Pelicans team to see if they can offer a Repeat Performance continue to maintain that focus and not rest on The Laurels of okay I showed I belong I’ve showed I made progress deliver the exact type same type of intensity and energy and if they do that they’ll be on a good way of segmenting themselves for a nice position heading into training camp yeah definitely Dan you are magic to the words you just get it you understand it we love it well you guys this is our time this is our time to go as we get you ready now the magic they will be playing the Pelicans 7:30ish we understand it’s 7:33 right now this other game is still going on but make sure you lock in NBA TV to make sure you watch the magic take on the Pelicans in game two and that will do it for me and Dan W thank you for watching the summer league pregame show presented by Avent Health um go magic and we will see you guys next time for

Listen in to Kendra and crew as we look preview our 2nd game in the 2024 Summer League versus the New Orleans Pelicans!

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  1. Great job. Go Magic. TDS is a great pick. 😅 very excited for the upcoming season. Go Magic!!

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