@Sacramento Kings

What Would Make the Sacramento Kings Championship Contenders?

What Would Make the Sacramento Kings Championship Contenders?

as is with Demar D rozan there no other moves made yet I said this is the the floor for this team if they’re healthy is 52 wins a lot of people thought I was bugging lot of people thought I was doing a little too much DraftKings said 45 and a half DraftKings is smoking and I don’t mean that in a good way all right they tripping on that but or no do whatever you want DraftKings I need to go back to Maryland and place a bet that’s what I need to do I’m going over going I’m betting all of D’s money that they’re going over that’s for sure let’s take a chunk out of that marble floor and go to Maryland man bro that that you’ll get a cut what what what can we get with that what can we get with that we can get might be able to buy the sports book yeah that sounds about right matter of fact they probably report us the sport if we took that money from half of that Marvel before just a just a tile not the whole thing just half of the tile and we said yo we want to place this money on whatever they report US they’d be like nah this is you guys doing too much what’s this drug money they probably say something crazy you guys jonte Porter No One Believes you when you guys do this and the fact it’s true you’re in on this is ridiculous I’m a neutral party I help you out sometimes I help him out but I think this is a 52 win team and and and you I’m I’m kind of like being a little um stubborn with the whole thing because thought about it a little bit maybe it’s more like 50 right like maybe I think it’s a 50 win team I put it exactly at 50 but I said 52 I still on business I’m not gonna go back now so I’m gonna say 52 and I just I think that’s what this team is as is that’s before they add anything if they add anything more and we got to the point last week I was like I don’t really know if they need to add much like not I won’t say need like when people are talking about oh they might still look at Lorie Markin they may still look at Kyle kman I don’t know if those are the type of pieces they need to add anymore I’m looking more at these super role players like a A fny Smith or Cam Johnson is kind of on the he Teeters back and forth between a super role player and a guy like Kyle kosma I’m looking more like those guys not like the super in super scoring type of of of player I’d be surprised if they made a i I’d be surprised if they still had inquiries about Kyle kozma um I think initially there was I I think there was they they obviously like him uh I think there’s probably Financial things with him that they need to there’s some hurdles there that they’ll have to get over um and I also think with Kyle kosma he’s probably a move because of the number of years he has on his contract he’s probably a move that you if you make make a move that has money attached like in a third year when you’re starting to get into dearon Fox money big big big dearon fox money you’re starting to get into Keegan Murray rookie contract extension territory you have to ask yourself is Kyle kosma the one that makes us a contender and and and and and I’m using Kyle kosma as the example find a player who has three years or four years on their deal or who you have to add three or four years on the deal so that could throw Brandon Ingram into this as well is that the player that makes us a championship Contender um I think there’s a lot of unclearable hurdles in the way of the Brandon Ingram thing Kyle kosma I don’t know if they feel that way especially now after signing Demar de Rosen um so I’m with you in the sense that like I I I think yeah sure 50 to 52 sure I I I I think this team has solidified themselves as a as a as a top six team um I think uh man we we we we there was a group text that I got CAU up on a little a little late but it was about the rockets and and our man Kamara and I God damn sports fans love hope they they really like sports fans just love sight unseen it’s like okay yeah there was little something there with Houston okay like I’m sorry we got we got Houston as a top six team we got Houston as a top eight team I just someone explained to me how and why I feel like Houston missed an opportunity this offseason we heard all that like oh yeah they’re building up for Katie or building up for a big move they were building up for something that wasn’t there they didn’t capitalize on it it it was the Knicks with LeBron in 2010 like what there’s nothing there for you I’ll saw them out just a little bit with this summer they were build they’re building up for it doesn’t have to be this summer like they’re building up to be ready probably next summer maybe the trade deadline or something like that and I get that I think it was from everything that I heard I don’t know maybe Houston was thinking that on their own but it was never like it was never real you know when you hear like the C right like maybe right and I don’t even know that’s what I’m saying they were building for something that wasn’t there I but I was about to say I don’t even know if they necessarily use that type of word I don’t know how the reporting got there it’s not what w said W been shaky at best W went rogue shaky best but I could see them even if even if it was even if let’s just say for argument stake they were building up because they wanted to make a offer for Katie and Phoenix is like we’re not trading him matter of fact it should be a tweeted out as much we’re not we’re not trading him it’s not all right cool we’ll just keep all these assets for the next guy that comes along whether it’s this guy always comes up but like Carl Anthony towns or um he really does Anthony Davis or something like that like we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll be ready when the time comes and I don’t have a problem with that that’s fine especially when you’re not necessarily gonna win big this year you know what I mean like I’m not saying you’re gonna be bad but you’re not gonna win big this year the part of that that group text we talked about like people high up on Houston and I think Houston has a lot of talent I mean we can’t forget what it what it was this past year they had to win like 10 games in a row to get to a point where they could finish five back of the 10th spot like they they were a middling team for the majority of this year and I think that they’ll go from being a middling team with all those young guys to a team that’s gonna be top six I just gotta see it I’m not saying it’s impossible I just gotta see it that’s all it is yeah I’m with you and that’s why I just it’s just fascinating we just love hope sports fans love love hope and that’s all that’s all Houston is is like this projection that they’re going to be like I I think there’s this thought like Dylan Brooks and and and Fred Van Fleet are like these super young guys who are going to develop even further it’s not a knock on either one of them we know who they are we know exactly who they are is that GNA change I don’t think so good ball players I me again I think there are good ball players there who have taken on theide identity not trying to make a joke of their head coach their identity prior to his little yeah yeah prior to that he had established uh Charles Barkley he is no role model no he’s no one should follow his lead nobody but yeah I I I’m just not as sold on them as everyone else um the the other thing that that I did want to get your your thoughts on about just what I was thinking I I you know we initially we hear about Demar D rozan and on the surface I’m like that’d be cool that’d be cool I got my concerns about offensively how it would fit and all this other stuff but no that’d be that’d be good that’d be okay and then it becomes more of a reality and you um you you you dive into to it a little bit more and you dive into the basketball aspect of it you think about it a little bit more maybe you even sell yourself on it right I don’t think that’s what I’m doing but I could be the case and I’m like n this is actually G to work out a lot like I like the move a lot it works out a lot more than I thought and then for me I just start to listen to demard De R Ro and speak a little bit more I see some other interviews I see the way he speaks about the game and being a professional athlete just winning and then I’m like oh yeah this makes a lot more sense and then you got the introductory press conference you hear them and you hear little things that matter to people in our industry that may be fans or anybody just Overlook about how he gave each TV media member like almost an hour like each one and and they all rap they’re like this doesn’t happen like this is this is amazing he sat down with Matt George he sat down with um Jay G and he sat down he gave him a total of an hour well yeah that’s what can I say each one that would have been amazing a total of just it’s Monday dear de R Roan still doing interviews with Sacramento Kings media with uh with um complex music’s Sean Cunningham or whatever hey shout out Sean Cunningham saw that man but I was sitting there and I I I listen to him and I see the way he moves and stuff like that I’m like this might have been perfect signing and I didn’t even realize maybe manty and all these other guys in but it’s perfect for the professional that he is the athlete that he is I kept talking last week and I compared it to Kendrick Lamar ironically and all this other stuff the discipline nature that I get from hearing dear speak and then that matches up with the way he plays basketball right in this three-point shooting era he says no my bread is buttered 15 to 17 feet away and you can’t get me off of that like I’m not gonna ride the wave and go do some other no this is where I’m going to make my living and there’s a there’s a level of discipline to being able to do that in this era and I you kind of broke down like first and potentially first and second choices and stuff like that I don’t know if it was first or nothing like that but I think they came to a point where it’s like this guy kind of be perfect for where we’re at as a franchise and an organization and I I think I think it’ll work big saying that’s how money and them thought I bought into that I’m a big believer in that do you think he’s like the perfect guy for them right now considering all the the the the names that were on the board um the marketing Co Ingram all this other stuff feels like thear is the perfect one yeah yeah definitely uh he I I I I mean all of the things that you uh laid out right there I don’t think I’ve ever heard media clap at the I actually wasn’t sure what I was hearing I thought you did it at first and then I was like we don’t have a clap button and and I I swear to you I scrolled back cuz I was for some I was watching on Twitter I scrolled back which you can’t do anymore and I was like yo the crowd the media popped okay and I was I was just sitting there on the edge kind of I I was sitting on the edge of the bed just hanging on every word dear was saying um he does feel like the perfect player for this team in many regards um I know people want defending wings and three-point shooters or Rim protectors or all of these little phrases that they hear on podcasts and shows and reading articles and all that and and all of that’s fine it doesn’t it doesn’t mean it’s inaccurate but attach a player’s name to it because we did this with Kyle kosma we found the flaws the holes or as you would say the warts in Kyle kosma we did it with Zack LaVine we did it with Brandon Ingram we’ve done it with every player we’ve tried to link or have linked in some way shape or form to Sacramento well Demar doesn’t shoot the three the way everybody want all right way the good and the bad and it feels like with dear there’s way more good and man how many times over this stretch have we talked about Mike Brown players and manty McNair players Demar checks both boxes cuz we’ wondered this guy doesn’t feel like a mani guy but he might be a Mike guy this guy feels like a Mike guy man doesn’t really have a history of those types of guys Demar his one his Universal respect around the league or it appears to be Universal respect around the league and the way that he plays the way that he approaches the game it feels like when you talk about war with dear all you’re talking about is his age and when you go back and you look at what he did last year you have to at least acknowledge well Aid shouldn’t be a part of the conversation right now because he’s not showing signs of like with Chris Paul Chris Paul’s still one of the great point guards I think San Antonio uh assigning him is brilliant but there’s a there’s enough in recent years to go like it’s a little it’s a little scary if I’m a you know San Antonio we we know what this is like he’s going to have as much like we know as we sign Chris Ball he’s probably going to have as much impact off the floor as he is on and where we are right now as a franchise that’s really important to us with dear that’s not something you need to look at right now and that’s probably not something that you’re gonna have to look at through the duration of his contract right right and there was uh something that we read off I don’t know if you saw it too but did you see the comparison um with Paul George and dear de rozan like they just did this past year right I think they did career and this past year but basically dear was better numbers wise across the board and he’s the same age I think he’s gonna be 35 when the season start I think Paul George is gonna be 34 but you think but think about that though like think about the prize that Paul George was yeah in this free agency and it and it’s turned Philly into a fringe Contender and all this other stuff and you got a guy D rozan who’s basically the same age with better numbers the Kings got him and it’s it’s just crazy it wasn’t I don’t I didn’t take it as a knock on either player it was just like know people look at Paul George as this super high caliber free agent well the the the kings were just able to get a guy that put up better numbers across the board and is around the same age so yeah I just think I thought about it why do you think that is that Paul George yeah they’re they’re they’re not looked at as the same I don’t want to say type of player the same tier mhm of player by by some right like because as as with the last couple weeks have played out there are people who are scoffing at the notion of Paul George going to Philadelphia making them a contender and then one thing that I have learned and we kind of talked about too there and you just mentioned it there is a high level of reverence and respect at least from the media for Demar D rozan you know I mean when people people that we were expecting to like sound crazy about this deal the the uh the Kevin oconnell you know the Tim Bon Tims the those guys they were like no it’s it’s actually a pretty good deal like I’m cool with the deal the Rosen is this he’s that he’s that like kings did good for themselves they got better you know what I mean but um I think Paul George is a little bit more captivating you know when you see a guy that size being able to play I remember I told you I think for the first time maybe two years ago or whatever when we were at the beginning of one of the um we were there for one of the Kings games and it was when they were shooting around or whatever and I don’t know maybe it was my first time being that close to Paul George and I like turned to you I was like he’s hella tall like he’s like a legit 69ine and then you think about how he plays he plays like like Dame Lillard you know his style crossing over pulling up doing all this other stuff it’s like this guy’s crazy so I think he’s just a he he just kind of captivates people a little bit more with his style of play than what he’s able to do a little flashier or whatever the case may be and the Rosen just kind of he’s a little more Workman it feels like yeah because I’m glad you use that phrase because in today’s NBA what gets the most attention trade requests right like that’s that’s like you’re you’re you’re you’re a top tier player you’re stuck in Indiana get me out of here you’re a top tier player in Toronto of all freaking places and you can’t get over the hump you’re winning 60 games and you’re getting your ass kicked by LeBron James in the playoffs dear’s just traded yeah Demar never asked to be traded he was just nobody made an uproar about that right mhm Mar was just a player involved in a trade and that gets far less attention than the guy who says get me out of here that gets far less attention than the guy who shows up to what is believed to be his last game in a franchise with a That’s all folks t-shirt on saying oh I don’t even pick out my own clothes that was crazy okay all right cool we’re GNA spend our time just going nuts over that that and not over the dude who busted his ass in Toronto or San Antonio or Chicago and the Chicago thing was tough because for a minute they were good but that was it they were nothing more they were nothing less they were good and then they weren’t right and probably not a lot of fault to like the talent there but you you just injury after injury losing Lonzo I don’t it was just so devastating Lonzo was such a phenomenal playmaker losing him was death and then things just started piling on one another and so you already had a team that was just good so to lose a piece on a team that’s just good just puts you in a in a brutal position and then of course one piece became two pieces became three pieces right and now they’re like Chicago is in you know this is something we could probably say for another day because Zack LaVine was such a part of the conversation Chicago is in a very unique place in hell right now that I don’t know how they get out of because we focus on Zack LaVine and we know that you know maybe they they want to try to get out of this Lonzo ball year they still got vich for like 40 yeah big V they resigned him to a year ago it’s like you guys are drowning and no one is going to throw you a life raft at this point you might have you might have to trade away your future assets just to get off of that money or bite the bullet and know you’re probably gonna stink for the next handful of years yeah or maybe not stink you’re not going to be God awful but you’re just not going to be able to compete in that conference the next handful of years and the the crazy thing about that is they got players that can play you know you got Kobe white who who had a little bit of a breakout season you know you got uh ISO who can who can play as well um they got guys that can play but it’s just not matching up like they like you know what might have to happen is they might have to give up one of those guys like to get rid of Vu they might have to give up Kobe white which is which would be a good foundational piece for what you’re trying to do but to get off those contracts you have to attach like not just picks but like players that you really like and that’s almost how you start completely from scratch is you give up even the and that’s what people look at Utah is Lori Markin in 27 turning 28 or whatever it is like right maybe he he’s he’s going to like Peak as these other guys that we have are ascending and that’s the only argument I could see for moving on from from Lori Markin and un you know if you’re able to get these level of assets that they’re talking about with Chicago like I don’t know what Kobe white gets you especially if you’re giving up especially if you the the mandatory thing is you got to take vich with him right

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