@Los Angeles Lakers

Bronny James’s Los Angeles Lakers vs Boston Celtics Summer League Live Stream (Play-By-Play)

Bronny James’s Los Angeles Lakers vs Boston Celtics Summer League Live Stream (Play-By-Play)

[Music] [Applause] [Music] we always on [Music] point no refunds your time we always on point no dir but they call me the voice I just dropped the link com and talk to your boy talk to me talk to me sh out C keep it real shout out PR go ahead and pre when you talk you better think before you speak W you better think before you speaking all the pieces that I got them on my they complimentary I walk up in the building they feel positive energy haters they going to hate but they not going to finish me I can’t let them get me I can’t let them get me now remember old days shooting in the man I’m feeling like I’m sh I’m going move them out the paint man we doing what it Tes to put some food up on our plate ain’t no way we giving up ain’t no way we losing faith cuz we know in that girl got something going on let’s talk about it man let’s talk about it like grown men if we stick together man I promise we going to win eyes on the prize when I’m all the way Z stud session water down I be going in freying straight up about the top don’t need no P I’m Belling with no friends I’m Bing by myself we going to make it to the CH man only time a tell why they always playing with us I told them don’t P the B OG’s always give me game I’m always soing in you be hating in the chat but you know you really a fan man you going outting on another man shout out time no in why they over there they trying to get my attention I ain’t going to p n everybody put their hands in the head if you don’t like it you can stand over there w w w [Music] w time up time we aining better better [Music] yes sir yes sir everybody it’s your boy what’s good y’all what up what up smart what it do y already know what time it is what’s good yes sir what we got my people we got the prince tonight you know what I’m saying hey Le bronny James Le bronny James show is he the highest order yeah Ronnie the new highest order I’mma stick beside him but I did like um the verbage coming out said he don’t mind being in the g- league or playing there that’s I mean he’s saying all the right things oh did Bonnie say that for real yeah yeah that’s on Salute to my boy Z on the track gave me the Cod intro Youtube Youtube history salute to Z what good everybody z z what’s good they said Brony gonna have one point tonight man I would like to see him hold somebody to one point that’s what I want to see defense what up Cisco Z in the build what up cam my girl Mercedes what up Mercedes Mercedes man hey that girl funny man girl funny man what up what up G Jerel crying already man we ain’t even said nothing we three minutes in he crying man ain’t nobody bashing BR we got a bron James account he said I’m score on 20 tonight I would like to see that I want to see aggressive bronnie James tonight man I want to see him smash the gas a lot more salute the truth man we had fun tomorrow we going to continue to have fun tomorrow and throughout the week yeah hey I’m telling hey July I appreciate it man that boy Z blessed me man I ain’t gonna lie and U what up Julie Israel in the building what up darus little T my guy too smart um before we hey too smart um me and priest we gota um have a meeting um before we before before we go to sleep tonight so remind me all right all right that’s a bit all right so yeah salute salute to Goku I sure forgot bro he said bron bron and haters already have video lined up hey man you know how it is yeah I saw um ski ba leaving man I saw this [ __ ] this [ __ ] crazy so skiff and U yeah he leaving this home he F to retire um he parting way leaving he leaving Undisputed I don’t know what what he going to do next yeah I that’s yeah that’s crazy hey two small priest man what y’all what y’all how y’all thing going to go what up tigle pun what up li t y SP from Brun that day man I mean hope he plays better yeah I don’t mind the shot making I mean just be consistent be aggressive so okay so on the Libra scale one through 10 give me give me um gr bron James performance so far now in the chat I got it on I ask y’all let me pull this up but I’m ask y’all two two small to clue yall like on Le scale one through 10 give me a grade on BR how you think BR performing right now I mean I’ll give him a uh I I give him a a I give him a seven man I give him a seven I know a lot of people might think that’s high but I mean seven yeah I mean break it down I mean how old is he again how old is he how old is this kid I think um 19 19 years old I just anybody that’s of age or or you know past age and not especially if you in your 30s just think about when you was 19 years old now I’m just saying I’m not saying you compare yourself to him but I mean he comparing himself to the other guys you know in the in the draft and obviously that’s going to be in the NBA but I just I mean bro I I it’s not really much I really expect out of him I just I want to see him play harder um on offense uh uh and on defense too I mean it’s you know perimeter defense a little suspect but you know um that that dude what’s his name Shepard yeah sh cooking today you see the difference man between the two players man so I mean he a 55th pick on top of that so I mean bro everybody just saying this LeBron son I mean that’s that’s the only thing you could say man at at at this point I’m just kind of looking at it like him as his own man and um you know I mean he the 55th pick and I ain’t trying to make no excuse for him but I think he doing all right he he doing all right you know uh he he he got athleticism um you know he he getting rebounds so I don’t know I just like PRI kind of said I just I would like to see him play a little harder um I like to see his defense turn up a little bit you know uh start getting yeah I’ll let you I’m g go last you go you go PRI who how you got I give strong uh four three and a half bar I think uh I think he I didn’t think he was ready but um I want to see him be more aggressive and I want to see him take better shots um get downhill more I think he settles for too many jump shots when he is shooting the ball I think he can get to the rim in this summer league so I would like to see him do that more um defensively I mean people gonna get cooked I’m not I don’t have too much of a problem with him defensively that’s why is is up to a four you know what I’m saying um I think he’s played well defensively I think his offensive um has been por um even when he had some opportunities in the Fast Break he would pass it as opposed to you know get the dunk or everything like that so I believe it’s a four but it can be continued um can be improved um with with contined work but this is where you expect 55th pick to be in my opinion no look here man it it’s like that bro I I’m from a Le scale one through 10 um I mean look I I mean to be honest I give him a I give him a um from what I see when I I’m this how I’m grading the game y’all I’m not gring a game based on how just how many points he he scoring I’m looking at um his effort on both ends that’s how I judge basketball when I judge football I’m looking at a quarterback I’m looking at his accuracy and all this other stuff the passing yards um making the right play and all that I look at bron James bro um Libra scare went through 10 I’m G give him a three I’mma give him a three I haven’t really seen nothing consistent he haven’t shown me nothing consistent he good at I mean a couple one the game the other night he showed some defensive potential some upside his shot his shot ain’t there I don’t like his jump shot right now U rebounding I don’t I don’t he not rebounding the ball as well um you know if your shot not going I feel like Brun need to go ahead and get 10 rebounds um go out here and guard the other team back tell the coach I want the other team best best player let me guard just show just show people like some upside I hav really seen my upside I think I think it’s a three now the three comes from he did show something some kind of um potential defensely the other day uh he’s 19 though don’t get me wrong y’all he 19 do I believe he he trash and and not going to be good player I don’t know but based on what I’m saying right now it’s a three I don’t think he ready for the the NBA be honest with you even on this even on this level right here what I’m saying he he don’t seem like he better than have the players on the court you know now that can change in a in a year or two all that can change as right now we got to be honest I mean what we saying is not really is not really U good on the eyes you know he look lost out there but not being aggressive like I want to see him get U get nasty bro get nasty on the floor like forget the forget the last name forget you know forget all that like just go out there and and make some kind of difference bro show some show people man I got some in I got dog in me at least you know I haven’t really seen that you know it’s been quiet bro if he if I ain’t gonna lie to y’all if Bron Jane had four points and he was out here locking [ __ ] up and and getting 10 rebounds and probably sing the ball I give him a 10 cuz that that’s that that to me defense is a for some reason is a lost art in these basketball discussion people don’t like to talk about defense why everybody only talk about how many points you had or scored whatever like [ __ ] I want to see some [ __ ] defense he 61 he already disadvantage he don’t have the the the the skill level U compared to the Richard sherper of the world or the um what’s my other guy um Stefan Castle I mean them guys way more way more um skill they have way more skills and they and they got a you know they just a better basketball player so Bron Jane how he gonna make his name you need to make your name defensively bro I keep telling y’all um if he gonna be in the NBA you feel like okay I can come straight to the NBA I don’t need another year college go out there show people got that dog that’s what I want to see tonight I expecting BR to come out smash the gas get getting a passing Lanes get a dunk something I need to see some promise you know I don’t think he ready for the lead right now I seen other players in the second round pick that’s playing good he just not playing up the par right now he said Bron BR got three or four years to be a see yeah I I agree but but look though where’s the confidence at where’s the confidence at though where is he at mentally like is he is he see I’m concerned is he is he satisfied just being all right I mean I ain’t playing good right now it is what it is I got my guaranteed deal I’ll figure out later I want him to come out that H that hunger mentality now bro like that’s I need I need to see that dog you know what I’m talking about that dog energy right now like p b Pat B was he was hungry coming from back from overseas I know y’all say yeah he was he came back he was 24 years old I get all that but man it don’t matter how old you is bro and how many years you need to show some kind of dog bro that is what that’s that’s just what it is for me that jump shot don’t look good it still need work I I’m watch you watch how he released the ball don’t look good to me um and handers don’t look handers don’t look up the par so what else what else is what I mean what what else his identity what is what is his identity what kind of player he is man I hear a lot of people say um you know he he he got a IQ I really haven’t seen it yet though I haven’t seen the IQ I saw and what concern kind of threw me off when old bu got the ball and made a simple basketball move and got BR out of position on defense that kind of that was distur disturbing to watch bro y’all don’t remember that old just put a simple dribble move and BR almost fa I’m like what the hell that wasn’t even a tough crossover nothing he just stumbled yeah so that was kind of like you know I don’t know bro I gotta I gotta see more y’all I gotta see more you know we we he he out here with the big dogs now you know I don’t want to I don’t want to protect him we don’t need to hold his hands he he a young man we just want to see the man we want to see them be good but at the same time we got to be honest though we can’t sit here and sugarcoat this [ __ ] bro we got to be honest U we can’t sit here and say he gonna be a good player we don’t know that yet like I keep telling I don’t know what kind of player he is you know I still me watching these three four games a lot of times I get bored watching him because he don’t do nothing for real he he really just I find myself get unfocused because I’m not seeing it’s it’s not the fact that he getting the ball and just going crazy he not showing me enough he not engaged enough to me he just out there you know he just another guy look he like just another guy though I need him to be man I need to see more lock in BR bro that’s what I’m waiting on cuz last game I got him I’m watching him but I’m not watching I’m like okay what’s going on with Brony I mean he just standing there I mean how bad do you want it I mean he’s a good kid I I think a very good kid you know yeah I think he want to be his own man um I think he I think he can be his own man but what you want to do in the G League though I mean no guys in G League got doging y’all do know that right like them guys in the G League they got dog yeah it kind of defeat the purpose of comeing into the league you could have did what you do at the G League at College where you would have been guaranteed play time but yeah yeah so you got to show that [ __ ] no matter what like going to the G League NBA don’t matter I want him to show I want him to smash the gas bro like show people I’m not just LeBron then you know you you know when things get competitive they probably gonna say hey you just only here cuss LeBron right because your daddy’s son right see I don’t want to get to that point people making fun of him then he loses confidence but man look bro they ain’t about the points the rebounds and assist right now that [ __ ] gonna come eventually bro I’m hoping but right now my number one issue with Brun is uphill bro uphill and right here in the chest I need to see that it’s a heart check for me everybody going to look at the points they gonna look at the field goal percentage his shot just ain’t good right now I’m watching this release you know it just don’t it don’t it don’t look promising you know we can’t got to be honest and then I’m looking at some of them other second round PS um Terence Shannon I know he ain’t supposed to go in the second round was a late first or second round if I’m not mistake second round right well it’s a lot of guys in the second round playing good you know we just waiting on BR to go crazy I’m just waiting on him to go crazy like show people man I’m more than just my daddy son so we can have something to talk about cuz you know people gonna talk about Bron bro they G they going they going to say he trash they going to say he ain’t good y’all got to y’all got understand like um even the folks that don’t like LeBron he gonna get talked about because he in his Spotlight and you know he’s no longer in the high school where okay we can get him a pass you know he’s in high school he’ll get big now you out here with the grown men the guys this the guys jobs the guys livelihood on they trying to feed their family you going you going to the G Le bro them guys trying to feed their family yeah you know they looking at you bro you got you already got um your guaranteed deal I’m trying to get mine yeah that’s true man so I mean he gotta come with it simp that you know I watch him he kind of stand offish in the corner no hard cuts no kind of he not talking and it just not that’s not good enough it’s not good enough bro maybe he’ll hit another gross spurt he already got the athleticism you know what I mean he he do need some height on him yeah he he just no emotion like he just standing there like he he comfortable he’s too comfortable don’t get comfortable bro he doesn’t really have a a um like a killer mentality yeah I mean it’s it’s oh I mean it’s Glen bro I mean it’s LeBron’s Son bro The Man a millionaire he been spoiled all his life I hate to say it like that about him but you know um I I won’t say he spoiled but I’m pretty sure you know he he a have it hard so you know it’s just he got to dig deep and I don’t know if it’s gonna come from the criticism or what but see see a lot be necessary him see a lot of people gonna get mad what people say about him but I understand like U you know this this what comes with this lifestyle bro I’m pretty sure Brun had him LeBron had him prepared like you know hopefully he did you know I want to see him get on the basketball court though but here the thing y’all to be honest with y’all I’m happy to see a father and son thing going on but I want this [ __ ] to feel like you know what I’m saying I want I want it to when it when it gets celebrated I want to feel more authentic to me bro like not just you know he you bring him up out the summer league you put him in the game with LeBron and hey whoopy do we got the first first ever falling son I want him to like earn his [ __ ] though at the same time though like step on people bro show them folk like I’m bronnie James I ain’t just LeBron son you feel what I’m saying like I want to feel more earned though like it ain’t G it ain’t gonna be celebrated me if he you he get on the court just because all right this a special moment right here you feel what I’m saying like that’s that’s that’s that’s gonna make them U the people that say this nepotism look right I mean they not gonna it’s not gonna be appreciated you see what I’m saying the same way I’m just being honest it’s not gonna be appreciated the same way yeah I mean I I I see where you coming from for sure bro um that I said I want him to just come out here and just smash the gas shut everybody up bro shut him up don’t see I don’t want him to do this right him just don’t care well I don’t care I don’t care what they say I don’t care what they say I’m a do I’m just gonna play my game see no I want you to kind of care though I want you to care though show people like use that what people saying about you as you know what I’m saying motivation like walk around with that chip on your shoulder like you there motivation like show folks talk trash get steals talk trash mug something like don’t just just be right now he just look like LeBron’s son he don’t look like bronnie James Jr you know he ain’t got no identity bro he ain’t got no identity to me no no type of character I just don’t see it right now I know I gave him a seven I was trying to be nice bro but for a 5050 pick but no see see like I told the juice it’s not about the points for me everybody say yeah he scored Four Points he scored this a just about that you know it’s guys y y’all know this y’all y’all watching enough basketball it’s guys out here that don’t need to score 12 points 13 points for them to be effective like dere white he compared himself dere white Drew holiday that’s why I want him to but though you got understand those guys they not just standing around though like they involved in everything you see what I’m saying like they pres felt off the basketball like a lot of time he just stands around like I don’t care about the points right now for for for me my my expectation for Bron is this be a below average Defender bro be a 100% guy that’s goingon to do all the dirty work that’s what I [ __ ] with yeah like Roger Bell right Roger Bell the the um that’s a good example um you know you know those kind of guys bro it’s PL them out there just be that I’m not asking you to be nothing special I know some the other other people might say if he don’t score eight points he trash and then I look at the shot attempts why is he shooting a bunch of Threes you’re not a three-point shooter why shoot a bunch of Threes you want to come in m why shoot why shoot a bunch of Threes though there’s no need to shoot threes look at man that three ball stuff leave the three ball stuff alone I want to see more cuts to the rack get the ball on the post make a play something like but you got to switch it up though you can’t just sit on the three-point line and pray the shot gonna go in see the defense ain’t going to respect you you know yeah now do I and again I’m trying to find I’m trying to find I’m looking at this the glass halfway full sand this cuz I really haven’t seen much I I’m looking at some of these second round picks man I’m looking at second round p from Clippers they killing the the um couple the Miami Heat U what’s it Miami was Port was somebody Portland or somebody I’m like they Second Round Pitch playing good you know I don’t to get to the season he playing all right in the g g League they call him up and then they had a special moment you GNA have people like Ticky you have people like Mass they gonna say man this is nepotism this this is weak this is trash and you can’t and that’s a even as a LeBron fan y’all gota be honest get the LeBron stuff out the way be a basketball fan be selfish for once do that really look good the fact that he really ain’t playing good and then he get that opportunity to get on the court on Friday against the Denver Nuggets and get guaranteed playing play off playing time just because like that ain’t going to look good let’s be honest that’s really not going to look good that’s not going to look good and that’s gonna play right to what people saying you know we gotta be honest about that yeah what up what up old head you said where to talk about the first through 15 see that’s not the point bro like Kim F stop it that’s not that’s not my point bro my point is this we talking about bronny we talking about bronnie we know who his dad is and we and we know that he got guaranteed money with a guaranteed roster spot he’s gonna get he got he already got um a setup he got a whole setup they already got a plan for him but I want I want I want him to prove everybody it’s not just giv it’s earned too that’s what I’m saying don’t don’t babysit the man don’t hold his hand because you not being a real fan then bro don’t be don’t do that bro see when y’all talk like that that’s Fanboy talk be a basketball fan first bro I don’t care what the 10 pick score we talking about BR come on L like keep it real bro what do you see what do you see out there I’m asking y’all in the chat bronny Brun fans bronny fans you’re a bronny fan Bron fan what do you see do you see a guy that you can plug him in even in the G league and he gonna play high level basketball I don’t I don’t see that right now I saw a little Spurt of something good that’s it but I want I feel like he he he going to he can fin eventually figure it out I’m rooting for him I’m rooting for him but I got to see it I’m not going to sit here and lie and Su C make oh yeah he’s playing great oh no I’ll be lying then you know he said Bron trash you might be trash so if he but this what I’m saying if he’s playing trash and he get an opportunity to get guaranteed minutes on the basketball court people like you lost and you going to celebrate see this look at the king and the prince but you know the other but look at the other side of it this guy just got on the court because he LeBron son and he ain’t even playing good he ain’t earn his spot he said BR a future NBA champion I hope so I hope I hope he a big part of it too I I want him to be a Dar white I I damn I hope he is I hope hope I hope because I don’t want that to be his story cuz BR a good kid y’all that ain’t his fault bro all that pressure on him you know that’s that’s not his fault he he never said he can um come into the league and and be one of the best players in the league he never said that bro U this kid is trying to create his own way man it’s already it’s already bad enough his name br I mean that’s a you know that’s another pressure with his in his own man bro come on don’t do that you said I seen somebody um that’s gonna be better than scoop Henderson come on bro come on bro you smarter than that man you might might stun his grow might stun who grow what you mean what my stun as girl he said but PR y’all see what I’m saying though you get what I’m saying like um what if what if they you know what the heck that’s gonna play into day Nar though JJ R sitting in the think about this y’all think about what’s going on JJ RIT and the Press com said bronny James spot was not given it was earned so when we watch The Man play you gonna have a lot of people killing him if he ain’t out there producing that some kind of way and then the man get an opportunity to get men on the court knowing he ain’t ready that’s going to make them look like they right you get what I’m saying it’s nepotism and then you got the other folk that get mad they say bro y’all do this y’all doing that but I mean bro that’s that go for anybody son though bro this could have been you know anybody Son bro we going to be saying the same thing you know um I feel bad for the little kid bro for real for real the little kid he in the um you know even though he made it to the league he got drafted I mean people ain’t going to respect him like that if he ain’t out here putting in work yeah I mean bro I mean I’m just be honest with you you know and it’s hard it’s hard to I don’t I don’t want to you know go down hard on them right now you know I just I want to see him grow um and get better if that mean he got to go to the G league and experience daddy always say one of the best teachers in life is experience so maybe you know all of this so you know he got his dad at home I’m sure his dad giving him some good Gams so you know it’s just hard I I don’t want to go down on him too hard right now he 19 what are we saying going hard n you know it’s just I’m saying it’s a lot of people in the chat that want what want you to be like oh he trash he’s this he’s what do you see though smart like what do you see right now that bro he can get better I’m not saying look nobody saying well not me I’m not saying he trash he’s never gonna be good he shouldn’t be in NBA I’m not saying that I’m obering what I’m saying now and there’s nothing wrong with that what are you saying right now well I mean he got athleticism he he got athleticism bro I mean like you know when I see grab them rebounds he be up there he he he get up there for them rebounds um I seen him almost dropped stepper dunk I think that was the first game or the second game whichever one that was so I mean like he got the athleticism he maybe hit another gross spurt you never know I mean he’s 19 you really don’t stop growing till you like 208 or something 29 almost like 30 so he might hit another gross spt he might end up 6’4 I’m just saying you know but it’s just um I feel like he’ll get better man he he got his dad if he really want it it it’s G it all really depend on him see that’s what people ain’t really realizing it really all depend on how bad do Bry want it and he gonna go through experiences if he really want this he’s gonna get humbl and and he’s I’m pretty sure he done felt like he done been humbled already enough uh I can’t speak for the man but you know that’s that’s that’s just the way I see it man I just I want to wait it out you know kind of see how if he gotta go to the G League then so be it you know whatever it is if he really want it I want to see how he go through it yeah right right now I ain’t gonna be too hard on him let me say feel bad for br because how no one felt bad for any other young player I mean that’s true that’s what I’m telling y’all I mean bro we can’t you know I know I know LeBron fans they going to be in they got their guard up already they they expecting everybody to hate but you also got criticism ain’t hate either bro like that’s why I ain’t like how the fact that LeBron said my Bron can play in the league right now he better than H see why would you even say that because when people start criticizing him now you saying that y’all being hard on the kid like he said in the in the podcast but but you had put you put your son out there like that knowing he ain’t ready you know you you if you going to talk like that your son need to already be a a ganger you know what I’m saying like man I be feeling bad for that little boy cuz that he really is a good kid um I feel bad for little dude I feel like he should have um went back to school that’s the biggest thing and I feel like all and that was part of the pressure being put on him he said he said he a grown man but yeah but like y’all y’all you know people destroying him right now because he getting crossed up I mean he getting C I mean he did get crossed up he got I mean he ain’t looking good you feel what I’m saying people destroying him right now and it’s not his fault he wasn’t the one that was putting the you know I mean the statements out there in the in the air man that man a kid big big years old that man a kid big when was you at 19 years old bro come on I know everybody not like me I left home at 17 but everybody don’t do that that dude is man come on BR that man a damn kid bro you were 19 bro you you come on BR you was running wild trying to chase skirts you know what I’m saying it’s stuff you do now you said yourself man I I wish I would have had this kind of knowledge back when I was 19 come on brother man 19 years old folk then he coming off hard issu I just need the [ __ ] to show some damn some kind of um upside bro because I I ain’t F to sit here y’all this i a’t f to do this what this what I’m not F to do I’m not going to spend my time on on YouTube telling y’all that um he’s a good player he going to be great no bro he he gotta earn that he gotta earn that that he gota earn that to me bro I ain’t F to just sit just sit here and lie to y’all say oh he’s gonna be a great player he’s gonna he’s good I think he’s gonna be all then Lil Wayne come on TV say I think he’s gonna be allar man you a Allstar damn Li yeah just saying something so so LeBron said that for real I could have swor le he said that LE L Wayne said something like that bro I know I ain’t tripping I saw a clip I turned it off though I was half sleep and I listened to the par when he said I turned it off I I know I’m not dreaming he said that [ __ ] but see the problem is that he um he didn’t really get to play last year because of his heart issue so he didn’t really get to improve that’s very true and him just taking that rut that jump he might have been good um last year step circumstances not happen okay why he ain’t stay in college he should have but we know why he ain’t stay in college so okay so he jumped in he jumped out there with the shs you know yeah he get criticism because of that yeah so he jump out and he he get eight alive because you got to think about it who can you blame you got undrafted players not even second round pick you got undrafted players performing at a higher level than him right now yeah the guys on his team like Maxwell Lewis and and what’s the other dude I mean them dudes playing better than him Co and I know heard I knew you heard that skillhead ass boy who I don’t know what school he come from I just know he out here but you see how he is he he doing something though like he showing some like he out here getting busy like getting he trying to be Al kuso type you know what I’m saying your ass need to go out there and be D white see nobody is expecting bronnie to be the next Matthew delova you know what I’m saying let’s not make excuses for him now bro let’s not let not hold his hands for a whole season let’s not do that though y’all cuz we we ain’t even helping if he got why y’all we talking about the heart thing that’s why I want him to play basketball I don’t look they went through the medic they went through the U NBA U the medical people they say he got clear I ain’t want him to play basketball he want to play basketball I want him to succeed though but I don’t want to come up this shit’ll be phony though it’ll be a little it’ll be kind of phony to me bro I ain’t going to lie and that’s for anybody like if he just he play Bad the whole time and then he get minutes out there on the court and they just celebrate the fact it’s the first this oh it’s the first time BR F his son on according the same time that’s goingon to look weak it ain’t gonna look complete to me I ain’t gonna be able to celebr look like trash it’s going to look made up yeah like look like just another Accolade that nobody about it’s on see you know what I’m saying they no bro it’s deepen and it’s deepen than that for real for I really I really I want to say all that on YouTube but it’s a little deep there for me I want show the F like get that nepotism [ __ ] off your back by come out here and really really putting that [ __ ] down bro like for instance if Diana terazzi had a daughter that was trash and she just ended up on a Mercury people would look at that like and I’m not even saying bronnie trash I’m just he’s not playing well so I mean but I’m saying like getting on the court though because I already know that’s gonna happen bro I know they they trying to do but most of the Laker fans don’t give they don’t care about that [ __ ] Bro Laker fans don’t care about that [ __ ] they already mad they couldn’t even make no real moves out here so you ain’t making [ __ ] better by all right he ain’t even qual he ain’t even qualified bonafied like that to be on the basketball court we going to get him out here just so we can have that moment like that’s that’s I mean come on bro like make that [ __ ] man make that [ __ ] count though bro you going to do that make that [ __ ] count bro make that [ __ ] count bro like you know don’t have him out there just because bro you know he out there for a reason more than just be on the front C front cover magazine and be the number one top on ESPN like get all that the NBA of [ __ ] so that that ain’t making it no better yeah why I hope he do good man but it it the more and more like if I really got to speak on it bro it ain’t it ain’t a good look but I don’t know I just hope he I hope he actually becomes a great player and and if this is just some movie plot then D I’m ask y’all a question y’all seen him talk trash before in high school have y’all ever seen him say you can’t guard me something do he got any of that in him do he at do he have any kind of like I can’t say that I have no seen some of his highlights too but I ain’t never see that what you talking about no no n do he had any kind of mean have y’all ever seen him looks look a player up and down say bro you you you ain’t [ __ ] or something D I never I ain’t never seen nothing I’m looking for this man to come out here and beat his chest he said his game talk for see his game ain’t really saying nothing though he game quiet just like him that ain’t good enough Make Some Noise bro man he need to go shoot man he need a little he need a little um a little Hood in him bro man he need a little Hood in Lebron got some Hood in them though LeBron be calling for B ba and um Fu all kind of stuff Braun got Braun be Braun be really cussing dudes like man F you you a ba all this LeBron be like you know he be he he he he be crying to the referee then he’ll be cussing D out N I don’t know he he told he told he told eem yok talk about something don’t use that so loosely don’t use that word so Lo that’s that that’s that pely he said BR man look here bro he need to get some uh man somebody somebody need to punch him in the chest or something bro if that my son I ain’t gonna lie though I be I’ll be I’ll be going off on his ass like um like Flo May with a daddy man I’ll be cussing his ass out man come on bro you playing soft bro I’ll be telling them where that dog at yeah then LeBron send the interview I’m G be real with you I’m gonna be real with you Brony don’t give a [ __ ] like he don’t care what y’all say when they when um man asked LeBron about how how Bron feel about the outside no I’mma be real with you browny don’t give a [ __ ] that’s what LeBron said yeah I mean you got to have some kind of care you care my boy you spent your whole career caring you cared about the how the folk felt about you that’s why the said crazy bro Lakers want their respect and I want my respect everybody want bro everybody want to be respected some way somehow bro like let’s cut the [ __ ] out bro man go man I want that bro I need that I need to see that dog bro then ain’t Russell West Brook his fav player that’s what I heard man Russ West Russell Westbrook your favorite player why you ain’t playing like what make you like Russ Westbrook that’s why I ask what [ __ ] what is it man I don’t know bro man that’ll drive me crazy man F talking about um I’m on here C of nepotism man I be pissed off man give me the [ __ ] ball I’mma show y’all I’mma show who y’all playing with I ain’t just no little Suburban kid give me the ball I don’t know bro I ain’t G lie to you Carmelo son got some Hood in I watch Carmelo son play that boy got what about what about what about D way son they said he not that good right now who um D way son that play I ain’t talking about Dwayne W I said I said um lamelo son no two ask about Dwayne way son oh I’m talking about Melo son he got he got some he got a little dog in Carlos boo something like that too yeah he showing his Westbrook gang [ __ ] can’t buy a bucket from the three damn that [ __ ] crazy man that hurt my ass watch him play the other night I start thinking about what I’m going to do tomorrow what I’mma eat tomorrow watching him play Dy man I ain’t gonna lie I really hate this man I’mma tell you something you know they should have did I don’t know this just me person I would never get I would have I would have yeah you got to get a contract before you play I get it but I mean how I don’t know bro I don’t know I would have I would have I would have probably like um put a incentive in his contract to make to give him some kind of motivation you know what I’m saying make him feel hungry don’t make his spot seem so guaranteed is what I’m really trying to say I would have made his spot 100% guarantee I would have kept that well it’s a possibility you might not make the NBA so you gota just see how he going to play I guarantee it he was he’ll play with a lot more aggressive I guarantee he’ll play way more aggressive if he know his spot W 100% guarantee he not a ra ra guy so how he going so but what goingon to be his so how he going like like what’s going to um get him over the edge though he said I think he will be good man at least he taking shots that’s the problem he but I ain’t even care about the shots though Judah for real for real I be honest I I want to see him like dog dog F out on the defense he said my boy said um don’t let the white folk hate on a black man doing what they’ve been doing if your daddy got a good job you got one too um no bro see see I’m not hating on Lebron k folk I’m talking about the basketball part my boy you know everybody black around here man for the record y’all I’m let’s just let’s say this too bro when we use that kind of talking point they use that for everybody though everybody that’s black LeBron not the only black player in the NBA um you know I don’t want I I I’ve been telling y’all that for the long um since 2020 when y’all say man y’all hate on the black man LeBron is not the only black man in in in the NBA there more black guys in the NBA get [ __ ] on you know um so yeah I I like I said I want him to earn this [ __ ] though I want him to get that I’m glad he got this money I’m glad he in the leag but also show people that um it ain’t all just because my name bron James that’s all I’m saying bro that’s all I’m saying K folk now if you cool with him just getting money and just getting on the basketball court not being good enough that’s you no bro but you y’all [ __ ] on but but KD that’s not the same thing bro y’all y’all know what y’all be doing bro I don’t even want to get into that that’s some racist [ __ ] I got emails too bro like I got emails here DM that’s some whole another [ __ ] though bro I got emails and DM bro that’s some that’s some whole lot that’s some racist [ __ ] right there that’s clown [ __ ] bro I don’t [ __ ] with that [ __ ] y’all be on bro that’s that’s F gang [ __ ] real talk I’m from Alabama I I I take that [ __ ] very serious you know dudes get dudes got punch in their mouth on some on some other I ain’t even F to get in all that but yeah but I don’t expect that bro that’s cow [ __ ] but I’m talking about right here I want to see the black man suceed but not but I don’t want F to be um I don’t want people to be right I don’t want people to be right about that bro and say um the man only here because of NEPA I don’t want people to be right about that bro to be honest with you but we got to keep it real though yeah bro but bro I ain’t with that [ __ ] [ __ ] though bro like y’all be cool that [ __ ] ass [ __ ] bro y’all be Buck dancing and and and and and quit to get on y’all KN for that [ __ ] though bro I’m not with all that bro like be to be real with that’s some real disrespectful [ __ ] you know that [ __ ] ain’t that serious you know I try to keep basketball bro y’all [ __ ] weirdo bro a lot of y’all ain’t never been through [ __ ] in real life you know y’all just come on YouTube and use the basketball [ __ ] to get y’ [ __ ] off but really that’s going to get y’all hurt in real life y’all gota be careful what y’all say bro that’s that’s clownit have some respect for y’allselves bro you got to have respect for yourself bro don’t be no don’t be no um flaw ass [ __ ] some basketball bro real talk a lot of y’all D real flawed out here bro a lot of y’all do y’all ain’t never been through nothing y’all probably 2000 baby y’ don’t know y don’t understand nothing about real life you can’t play with everybody like that we not out here covering this kid just try to see him do bad we want the kid to be successful I mean but some of y’all make the [ __ ] hard though bro no I’m saying look I want the N I just want the man prove that hit my thing bro simple did bro I want him to prove everybody wrong bro but at the same time I’m not F to sit here and just say um he scored five points all out of 11 and play Bad defense oh he did good I’m not F to do that y’all I’m not F to bro I’m not F to they have nothing to do they just they just me just keeping real I want to see him do something though like just make some get some defense get get some defensive stops get rebounds I’m going out that I call a SP you getting rebounds all right you ain’t got the points but you getting rebounds you passing the ball well cool you you on my good side I’mma rock with you but if you ain’t doing nothing absolutely nothing then I ain’t G to sit here and just say oh he played great he’s a black man give him time see y’all be trying to twist and turn [ __ ] y’all D sad bro man bro yall some of y’all dud be come on bro man what we doing dog man a no such real man every every male is not a man bro most of the dud most of the dud really ain’t man most of the dudes ain’t got it in them bro even y’all 40y old dude even y’all dud y’all be claiming oh I born in 86 I’ve been but you still on some ho [ __ ] though just because you were born in 86 that don’t make you y’all oldheads ain’t old head no more y’all doing y’all on YouTube talking about by by glazing and and and sliding though like y’all got gr hair y’all y’all y’all walk around with grown kids my age glazing and sliding like that don’t make that make it worse y’all feel the other the the generation after them so so I that’s why oh I was born 20 years okay what do that mean if you ain’t if if you ain’t teaching me the right things I’m not F to respect you because you older than me I don’t respect you because you older than me bro like you gotta like I I I don’t be fooled by all that [ __ ] Bro a lot of y’all D be be F gazer though bro D be 40 years old talking about glazing and talking like the Young Folks like come on bro like what we doing how respect you as a old head when you talking like a young dude bro yeah like Stephen Jackson come on bro how can’t you expect you got great hair bro great hair and and walk around with with $50,000 jury in the hood talking about um what it called checking in come on bro that’s not the mentality to have when you that age you to be teaching us the the ropes I love when I like when a old a guy older than me talking to me about some by by you know positive give me some positive advice and and and and you know showing me showing me things I don’t know showing me stuff I need to why you know what I’m saying I can get better at you know y’all be want to be like the Young Folks I don’t even trust you some of y’all old heads man I know it’s I we got some good we got some good ogs I give yall that I can call y’all OG CU y’all represent yel like that but a lot of y’all dudes the OG ain’t oging with me all that glazing you guys are glazing and you guys are sliding and all this other stuff come on bro you were born in the crack area talking about glaz I can’t tell you see it bro not at all you part of the problem bro yeah exactly EXA and I like to hear people with wisdom I don’t care if you’re young or old if you guys I’m a I’m I’m I love to he intelligent people that cuz I’m I’m a guy that I’m a sponge I like to learn from other people mistakes I like to hear people stories and and people really telling you something and and talking and talking and walking and walk I can’t they do be on YouTube I’m I’m I’m born 1976 I’m older than you sir okay and what and what okay whatever you learned in all the years nothing still the same fool you was 20 when you was 20 that’s embarrassing well that’s the that’s see youngsters U that don’t apply for everybody um I don’t ever feel like I can’t learn something even if I’m good at something I can always learn something I always feel like that I might argue with you about it but then it’ll stick in my mind say you know what he was probably right I’m I’mma take his advice you might said something I might ain’t agreed with it and I said you know what he you know what he talking about I listen to every what everybody say on here I listen carefully I don’t just sit here and just listen I can be looking up I can be looking down I’m listening to what y’all saying I’m paying attention I can tell when you really when you really somebody that’s don’t mean me no har and somebody that’s out here just in a way 90% of these dudes they just in the way let’s just be honest I got you home I’m I’mma I’mma drop it at some point just stay right there be patient we G I’m I’mma get you in here man I’ve been around I’ve been around old my whole life bro I’ve been around old head I pay attention to everything and lot of stuff fol things had did one right I took that and appli in my life said I ain’t gonna make the same mistake see I’m I’m see I’m I’m I’m way ahead of the Cur and most dud my age most dudes my age they’ll see a person make mistake and go out there say hey you know what I ain’t it ain’t going to happen to me and they’ll make the same mistake then regret it later now me I I see I see what happens to you and how it work out for you I’m not going to do the same thing I’m G learn from what you did and you know taking a run with it imply to my life make sure I don’t make the same mistake what say James Z black salute my boy Z what up Z yeah yeah I know black I ain’t talking about you I’m not talking about all the oldheads I’m not talking about everybody I’m talking about most of these guys James you know you know you you be on YouTube you see how how some of these folk they they they your age and probably 10 years younger than 50s um embarrassing theyself you know what I’m talking about yeah oh yeah man I do yeah I have and u i taste I I I you know I pay attention to stuff I take it I take it serious little the little stuff I pay attention to a lot of little stuff you know I watch out some the D move I don’t you know some people don’t taking that sh but man I gotta you know that little stuff matter to me yeah that’s why me and see here get along you know that’s why that’s my brother me and him see stuff the same oh yeah J man you already know so two hey two smart um priest hey two smart PR yo yo oh be right back okay you going get food okay so yeah I’m on mute because I was eating something you know what I mean EA no soup and crackers okay no some um chicken and potato salad stuffff like that and drink your but milk do people drink buttermilk yeah yeah old FK do I just mess with Old here joke come on BR so we got Bron at the two two spot four is at the point connect all right so let’s see what we do right here let’s see what we do okay so s to win the jump ball I’m looking at Bron he picking up the point guard off the Jump he out the ball you go putting pressure on sitting that chair fighting over the screen oh they try to throw alah hoop right there that’s a foul okay so bronny coming out the gate that’s a good mentality have Sitting that CH put pressure good on ball pressure right there definely got to fight over them screen see that’s what I’m looking at then he need to do then I want to see him do this too when they get when they get stops and when he get a rebound he need to push that ball he play they need play a lot more faster he get a lot of he get he can half H point of transition he ain’t got to just get everything to half quick so now we got him bringing up the ball okay so Bron in the point point guard position he bringing the ball of the floor he hands it off you see Braun cut to the right drops back oh Maxwell Lewis reverse L he got foul see see he aggressive since since I’ve been watching all the all the game I’ve been watching Maxwell Lewis been aggressive he trying to show the team look I’m a tack first player you put me on the court that’s what I’mma do I can tack the rim I can shoot I’mma play hard on defense they make both free though okay Bron picking up full court okay I like that I like that BR picking up full court y’all look at that Bron fighting over def okay fighting over the screen no good offensive rebound by Bost oh he got they call it foul foul on C right there see I like that right there y’all y’all saw that now y’all saw that right fighting over the screens sliding the feet that’s a good sign right there that’ll work that’ll work bro got bro bro tall as hell I just don’t understand the guys bro they be tall for no reason waste of time all right May both free though bronny hands it off so we got he let fors bring the ball up for is taking his time hands out of Calon nice pass Calton forward is going Baseline C gets it right back he driving pass it Brony puts it on the floor ah Bron stepped out of bounds that’s a turnover that’s a turnover but that was the right idea right there uhhuh you going to dve be aggressive there you go pick him up full court that’s what I like pressure full court there you go make him get off the ball there you go slide your feet three-pointer right here for Bost oh all nit 62 all right 62 okay so we got for is bringing the ball up the floor Maxwell Louis get it shoot a three no hesitation Miss rebound it come on what’s old boy look like Charlesville no bronnie ah don’t let him go Baseline you got to cut off the Baseline Bron they get they they got alah hoot right there Bron gotta cut that Baseline off so they don’t teach that in basketball know you supposed to cut the Baseline off all right we got a foul right here that’s on the Lakers he gota cut that Baseline off that’s all right BR taking the ball out 803 Mark in the first quarter come on BR somebody get the ball all right Caston get the ball Dr a hand off Kad nice pass oh what a block he go back up with it Miss oh that was a nice block right there Bron in that ch made him get off the ball alaho oh he rewarded the big man got a block one in got a you got rewarded with alah hoop all right he come fors bringing the ball up the floor fors taking his time pass it kette with the ball he asking for the screen pick and roll kette turn the ball over they pass right there that’s good defense good defense by Boston all right oh yeah that’s legal legal screen right there move screen right there on the Celtics lers ball that was a good block right there C going to flush good hust come on BR fors bring the ball up the floor gets it off Maxwell Le back to fors R just stand over the corner forward driving nice see look at that oh he lose the ball now y’all saw that right there right R Ain just stand up that time he deci okay let me drive see all right so you make a little priz okay he making some progress he trying to make some progress he got to finish it though he got to finish it though do that [ __ ] again finish so so far what we got what we got what we got going up brown is fighting over defense fighting over I mean fighting over the screen he fighting on defense right hard cut to the rack right though but he can’t have I don’t know I don’t know how he had but hands right there though hold on so so um so how me play in hold on let me get this straight so how out here playing in the summer league with sco Henderson not playing H priest correction H is out here cooking in the summer league scool Henderson ain’t playing so how in the is Hae out here playing the sum league and sco Henderson shot 30% from the field he ain’t out here playing but these dudes don’t be wanting it bro they don’t be want they don’t want to be great this dude out there sitting nope court side like he made it already like he he straight he don’t need no no development I’m too good for the S leue you shot 30% from the field I told y’all Brandon Miller gonna be better than that boy I tried to tell him they thought I being B cuz he came Alabama no Brandon Miller actually got G me sco henness and better they they was saying sco hen better than Victor wom I like man y like y’all man bro F ask saying that that man said Nick T said bronnie James is a make a wish F oh come on bro a Make A Wish Foundation player bro come on think T you a LeBron fan bro you [Laughter] that man say make a wish this [ __ ] crazy boy you know you ain’t [ __ ] you ain’t [ __ ] it t them Laker fans gonna be tight when um when Brony be playing during the regular season they gonna be you know what I mean all right there we go come on let’s see what Bron going to do man this your breakout part ofday cowon put the ball on the floor got strip good defense pick his pck got a 4 and one oh look at BR hustle look at BR hustle right there mark that down Bry got good got back in transition got a deflection I keep y’all now look y’all see what I’m seeing I’m calling how I see it good defense about Brun good he hey he prevented alah hoop Brony getting back on D good defense Brony with the close out there you go slide your feet fight on the screen there you go oh man teammate a do his part there you go BR fighting on defense he playing he trying to play hey he bringing that dog out the day he trying to bring that dog out the day I’m keeping real C bro is you watching the game man bro watch the game with me bro I’m telling you the truth he play like trash play like trash bro he ain’t playing like trash right now now let’s keep it real bro man playing solid defense for is bringing the ball over theor don’t connect with a quick quick trigger right there no good C offense rebound get that [ __ ] BR damn they ain’t even pass the Bron connect with the layup nice pass right there all right Bron picking up full court There You Go full court press nice take right here nice take right there by um was was get it right back pass three-pointer cash money all nit right there all nit Lakers out here down 10 fors bringing the ball up gets out to Bron don’t pass it take them one onone Brony pass back off see Bron passing the ball for stop passing you already they they already don’t want to um pass the ball to you you get the ball do something with it come on bro damn Boston up 10 right here three-pointer airball offensive rebound damn Bron gotta get that rebound bro he let the man get a rebound they turned it old connect get to the rack oh bro ain’t no friends around here who is that bro look like a damn lawyer he like he play basketball he like BR like a damn lawyer bro man I ain’t never seen buty a day in my life they go forward going over the FL no good offensive rebound pass back outy maxw lose look at that see what I’m talking about that’s why I’m saying BR need to stop pass that man trying to take over the whole team look at for with the steal get the ball to Bry oh nice pass right there the cast that’s a dime right there by fours that was nice 146 under five minutes BR look at BR press they call a foul right though run out there trying to be a defensive piss I like I like I like d up but he got a hustle though man man the rebound rebound right there get the rebounds bro get everything you can I don’t care what it is loose ball rebound man get that [ __ ] bro all right BR on defense let’s go me and you he ask for the screen fight over the screen oh he lose the ball there we go loose B foul who on RAM what’s old boy name Rams oh boy name Rams like a ball right here man what going on okay yeah all right LeBron Brony James take the ball out Bron still ain’t got a shot shot yeah man we on five minutes BR ain’t got the ball yet and did something with oh he got blocked get the ball to Brun D with the ball D drive it float him look it up follow Sil that what I’m saying man BR be capping man get the damn ball and go to work man they ain’t trying to give you the ball bro they don’t believe in you bro C with the ball conette pass look at him slow dribble look at that he travel look at that a garbage watch just did him up you should see don’t want say PRI you see what I’m talking about that’s why mad BR pass that ball BR putting pressure on def on the with the defense right there fight over the screen there you go BR it good defense oh he made he scored right though he scored over BR so how many points yeah that’s two points on Brun I’m paying attention so old bus go too so [Music] um okay BR allow old boy to get go Baseline get assist and then he just let but right score on other than that he playing oh solid solid on defense gave up a rebound then he two passer bro come on bro two pass my boy to pass he could try to get to the rim and make something happen draw a foul or get a get a bucket I mean but yeah he that’s been his issue this whole summer league is him being passive man I be trying to figure what he I don’t know bro he passing like he he trying to get assist or something like what’s his point of passing like we scared of like you ain’t got nothing to lose [ __ ] you got your money I want to see him get busy bro I don’t you know what he got some athleticism but he don’t have a quick first step like his daddy no and he got um he don’t got no quick first step like that I’m watching he got a extremely he got a overly passive personality it look like yeah but you on all that like he one of them guys or he got the personality of that guy yeah Jean should should have U say jeie should have jeie should have donated bronnie 7 million contract for a homeless population in Los Angeles absolutely disgusting that’s Nick T well you but you going out all right Brony in the corner connect got blocked by wash again out here getting locked up by was he go Ramsey R is so that boy right there flat footed in the M he like the hell that boy so flat footed He Ain’t Got No Li but connect play the way you want Bry to play Connect get the ball and go try to get a bucket you know come on all right BR out the ball look at KET threw the ball out of bouns that was Castleton connect Castle all same thing bro [ __ ] bogus man we ain’t come to see no CT man we want to see Bron I want to see what Bron got Ram man man that boy so clums he going turn the ball again Tilly the lawyer the lawyer missed a three-point C with the rebound who is this dude man get the ball look at that Bry asking for the ball they ain’t giving it to him man these fols don’t care nothing about BR they don’t respect bro I’m tell know who I don’t know who that dude is with the front just came on the court God bro what where M at huh oh [ __ ] I forgot you was over there my bad bro they ain’t even doing that they ain’t even looking brunning Direction they out here feeding castle like he sh man this [ __ ] crazy folk now Le Bron on the bench now oh the hell that [ __ ] went a whole first quarter only got one shot of temp up Lord H Mercy man come on F I don’t make no sense since 168 it look like we out here covering castan and conect man that a make no damn sense he went a whole first court I ain’t taking a one shot bro this [ __ ] crazy bro and then he be passing the ball like this is some type of they got some type of Team chemistry like they trying to win a championship they be dead serious too let me let me move the ball to him cuz you know saying that’s the right basketball play man no folks don’t care about you bro damn 188 they L A Team this this the worst L of some team Su League team I seen my life you they have good Su League team look old boy this buy right here is a 55 overall with no badges look at that I shot the ball straight B in this Boston Celtic G League sorry H um Sumer Le team out here cooking look at this dude Miss man come on folk why they be wearing them t-shirt under their Jersey like they fire some bro oh he going behind the back with it oh bu like a baby he like Brandon Jenners with right there that boy like back yeah yeah little snap back they see he going to do it two two times in a row look at that’s bad defense by him you see how bad his defense is right there ain’t even sliding his feet oh but like C Kings man who who man who gave who C King little brother Le spot day yes it is J G budet put everybody on team she she want the celebrity kid and the one that look like celebrity Dam Gina bu this what the Lakers have come to we only know that two of them are going to be on the um we only know two of them are going to be on the team for sure that’s Bry and kect He travel look at 35 damn BR Brown seven whatever that dude what is that dude name who seven eight can’t get a rebound come on folks got look at kette pass C Kings a little brother missed three offensive rebound look at that up and under move oh he dumped Moses Brown Bo man been on how the hell he get traded in the summer league I thought he was on another um Team bro they so they trade players in the summer league how you done been in the league like eight years and you still playing in the summer league bro how the hell they they ain’t know some leue do trades I thought he was on another team no he was on the Lakers hell no I could have swor he was on another team bro we saw them out there the last bring game I think they just picked him up though I don’t think he was on there to start the summer league man that dude right there he was supposed to be good U UCLA he like oh boy um MOS Brown is the Black version of the dude that’s on that that U rebound movie with Martin you know the big tall goofy looking kid that’s Moses Brown he the Black Version yeah it’s crazy too man Moses Brown is um he’s gotten minutes in the playoffs this [ __ ] is playing in the summer league man six years in the summer league bro 1914 BR he Bo going out s look K King’s little brother trying to play some D good deep good press right though trying to slide his feet 40 second left what he going to do off the screen pulls up shoot a three-pointer that’s short rebound connect play the whole first quarter connect with a three bang Luke connect I mean not Luke connect Dolph what’s his name DOL if he start shooting like Luke Canard conect yeah yeah I you know I like L Canard yeah don’t connect I like see I like what see you see what he’s showing you he can shoot the ball he’s showing you something he showing you an aggressiveness right like [ __ ] I’m a first round pick I’m betting all these dudes out here I’m F to take my shots oh boy got blocked he trying to do it all need a goddamn haircut I wonder what what with Rob pinking them thinking right now just looking at this I don’t like I don’t like to be a flying the wall than in them L meetings I want how they really feel they thinking what the hell do we do I want to know how they really be feeling about play I want to hear this like like I can’t believe we really they C they c um U Jane worthy the great Jane wory on the hot mik you know he told how he really feel I want know how they really be feeling like you know about they drve picks and whatever I don’t think they um well as far as jeie bus is concerned as long as she can make some money she good where pinka might be like [ __ ] I’m G to lose my job out this [ __ ] so bu man G bus man I ain’t gonna lie to you bro G bus she like she can be somebody favorite Sugar Mama man facts she she got the smile she got the you know how she be talking she like she like I guarantee she like she one of them women she’ll buy you anything you want whenever you want he ain’t even got ask but man she got she she she didn’t turned her um Dad Dad franchise into some type of reality show man this [ __ ] ain’t working out this [ __ ] ain’t working out bro this ain’t it bro and Dr Buzz is not what he was trying to build you know what I’m saying look hit man say she could be mine man she G to make your she goingon to make your little she GNA make your ass go in in the cabin and get some lotion and rub it on her feet that what she gonna make she she one of them honey can you rub my feet I’m exhausted he go hit yeah sure yeah where the lotion at that hit man where the lotion at I got I got you Genie nice pass by Maxwell look look at look at Moses Brown Moses Brown going crazy out here tied up at 19 all right so what we got going up oh B A got no h press Maxwell L fighting over the screen maxw Lakers slot playing good defense they in the zone like in the zone They gave up a three-pointer right though 2219 okay then nice little floer right there by East oh East right there East the second oh boy for the Celtics played the whole game so so far for real he ain’t get no break three-pointer no good tip in right there but quer quer with the temp in he go east with the ball going between the legs pass it tough shot and man 37 don’t ever need to do that he need to catch and shoot he just need to be a catch and shoot player m brown get the rebound out the miss this some B bad basketball right here he F got 2421 man boy come on Bron GI man that folk oh look but you see that that man Mo Bryant got no kind of footwork that don’t make no sense this on a no sense man man I’m rearrange [Laughter] those well you sad bro she gonna rearrange this crazy bro well you so shout out for that boy man where bron James at man look here bro y’all keep throwing these um YMCA MVPs out here oh oh but dropped that three that was long three-pointer right there is Harper who is that that Ron Harper Jr out there oh that’s who that is with the fro oh oh who is is that I don’t even know which one run harer J oh he just hit a three-pointer there you go right there run H Jun just hit that three 5 One East with the ball he tip to right now he’s play like K you know who he play like to me a l he play like a um a k version of C cam pain that’s what he play like he like a yeah that’s just that’s what he is a A Kar version Cameron pay play just like that man three-pointer all nit look at that M um what Maxwell Lewis that boy be bringing that [ __ ] oh what a block by Moses Brown nice block right there my Moses Brown easy gets it out Maxwell LS bounce pass Moses Brown spinning Moses Brown verse layup he scores 30 26 okay he doing a little something man come on bro man man man 16 Mark in second quar I want BR man I need to see BR y’all think people give give a [ __ ] about y’all standard y’all broke hey hey hit man what’s wrong with him man tell the folks hit man hit man they love talking about what they wouldn’t do but you but you laid up with a book about though I ain’t I would touch Genie B but you laid up with a book about make it make sense your girl can’t even walk outside with Sanders on her feet so messed up 3226 Sixpoint game still no BR but this man Bry get the the small slice of the cake every single game don’t make no damn sense three-pointer cash money that boy be hoop Maxwell L be braing that [ __ ] that’s what I’m saying man Brony gota come with it man he make come on bro you can’t be letting Maxwell lose out played now oh oh trick bag oh he put him in the trick bag right there broke his anle he missed a three-pointer oh he ain’t got got no shot to go with yeah that move don’t even matter you can’t make the shot yeah he saw he broke that man he broke him off right though yeah where is the um Walmart Alo where is he BR should be getting all the playing time he can get you know play this game L man I’m telling you bro the Walmart Alex Caruso is crazy that’s wow all the dudes on the court better than bronie and shows man I it’s tough because browny ain’t um playing college he wasn’t ready so I mean it’s tough I’m disappointed right now man he a you know so far I’m uh you know how it is this what this what we going to do y’ y’all y’all know how to U yall ever play My Player when it first yeah don’t they do on my player they do the grade as a game go you start off like a d yeah right you know what I’m talking about right yeah now points per yeah yeah yeah they go from a d to a d plus C you know right now BR had a d right now he had a d he hit he he he had a on D+ when he deflect the ball out of bound then went back to the D he let old bo SC I need him to get the basketball bro right now he had a d is he on the court yet still there we go he back on the court there we go there we go come on BR watch got the offensive rebound tough shot no good offensive rebound ball stolen go out of Bounce and fighting for it look like your last Touch by CT it is he don’t even see a cage though bro come on bro that’s a fact this is just me he ain’t even like talking like do something he just kind of seemed like he just there there you go grown grown man rebound there you go you should have pushed that ball up the court damn he giving the ball up there you go get the ball ah come on BR he just standing there bro get the oh bro fight on the screen right though they call a file on Brun man he too quiet for me bro you seem highly enthused watching bronnie he making me mad bro like do something bro like too quiet for me bro I couldn’t be using this time give me some extra sleep C get the ball hands it out the for Bron is standing in the come come get the RO [ __ ] ma where L get the ball see he ain’t got to ask him he getting busy get right to the r look at up look at up Maxwell L out here hoop man get the damn Rock watch with the ball pass all right BR all right come on the defense BR fight over the green Brun St attached why you ain’t contest the shot he let he ain’t even contest the shot what is this man doing he did a good job fighting on the screen you got to contest a shot though bro D with the jump airball everybody getting this man right here why for a three-pointer no good offense rebound can’t get a rebound come over help there you go close out cash money God dang that’s eight points on BR that’s like eight points scored on BR a let me see that lay up yeah something that’s like that’s eight points I think it’s like eight points scor on BR damn BR maxw L three-pointer Cash Money see what I’m talking about maw Lou out here cooping he got them back in the game BR pick him picking old boy full court cut him off Baseline bro don’t let him go base and he let the [ __ ] get to the r what call it he let stop letting that man go basine bro man I don’t know what browny got going on this man BR be tripping that’s why he should have been in college all this stuff he ain’t hungry bro he not hungry enough bro man he ain’t hungry no maxw Lou H 13 point four out of seven three out of five from three he home Maxwell Lewis look like the one who should freaking had to the guaranteed contract you want to keep it a buck one shot to [ __ ] y’all keep saying 55 pick bro like y’all come on bro don’t do that bro maw what P MW Le is priest I think he undrafted undrafted bro that man undra come on bro don’t do that bro BR the only one that only got one shot one shot attempt bro even Fours Who the hell is forward he got two shot attemp D play Like Somebody who uh expect to be a factor as far as the team is concerned D connect even though he missing he’s still getting shots up just get some shots up BR defend the inbound that’s a turnover Maxwell Lewis with the steal mawell Lewis one one pulls up shootter three that’s no good rebound that man shot the ball eight times already man I don’t about care about no crusty dusty ass Austin Reed care about that man dog let’s watch get to the r he scored 4 34 come on bronnie Jan there you go there you go take him step back three-pointer oh that was hard God damn damn that was a hard that’s man that that release is horrible he just ain’t got he ain’t got no shot I don’t like this Step at three that was ugly all right mxw L three-pointer that’s short rebound long PA lers don’t get back in transition let go they call time out man that shot ugly he ain’t got no shot y’all I’m looking at that release that thing ugly bro he got he need put some he need to put some real time in that shot the release a’t the re the release don’t even look right you saw a priest yeah yeah [ __ ] don’t look got no confidence in it I believe his confidence you D was a he he he kind of shoted like L dork you know how L dork be shooting but l d actually like shoot what 38% that [ __ ] right there that [ __ ] God bro that [ __ ] shot the ball like hit man that hit man getting throw under the bus what up JB he 0 for 14 in the in the summer league damn bro from three [ __ ] that makes sense he need to do better than that he need to get a better layup package and shooting package hey little aome re bro hey look Austin re some much they draft another Austin re about to play just like all right we got for bringing the ball up Brun sitting in the corner why Brun don’t know get the ball like that there we go BR there you go don’t pass it put the ball in the floor one on one he pass the back guy no move there you go BR there you go three pointer oh my God that they shot a elbow what the hell rebound bro what the bro he shot that bro he can’t shoot bro he ain’t got no confidence oh my God this is embarrassing damn look at this [ __ ] they replay they low down for that bro they show the replay boy NBA TV low down for that [ __ ] bro they ass going to show the replay before they go to commercial bro this [ __ ] that’s nasty work right there bro you know three ball in the corner is a easy shot that sh that [ __ ] they that [ __ ] a hit the bottom of the net that [ __ ] was so short oh my God bro this is oh my bro yeah that’s crazy this ain’t got nothing dude been 19 years old and the 55 pick bro he just ain’t got it bro I Ain playing 55 overall Maxwell L UND Drafting and hooping they a I mean we gota be honest bro yeah that [ __ ] look bad bro it’s not good how they gonna say bro they will low down for that bro the NBA TV literally show the the the replay of the album bro that [ __ ] low down bro that [ __ ] low down right there there she go all right I see her over there chilling all right Bron on defense that’s good defense right there all right switch Don connect fighting over the stream that good D three-pointer oh he still hit oh he still hit that [ __ ] they come U for bring the ball up the floor get it out the um c d with the ball out the screen oh she lose the ball Dam bro this [ __ ] right here he boy right here garbage man there go Jamal Jay Crossover hey she and she back out there with her her best friend car yeah I was wondering who that was that’s car you know she go jayen Brown now yeah 50 34 yeah a three-pointer and you know they play a m so that is tomorrow uhhuh 34 bronny man it’s nasty work damn bro damn damn damn damn little anger re out there man did I see that dude shoot a a ball man bro only ask me bro hey hey too smart going have to start call stop calling on the prince this your fault n yeah that’s what I’m saying it’s your fault bro you call that man the prince this [ __ ] dropped from a d to E bro he look sorry bro I’mma just be honest with you bro no activ bro what bro where’s the he ain’t talking he ain’t he ain’t even mad he shooting air like what is like something bro I wouldn’t be surprised if he played one year with LeBron and then he just he don’t frustation like man I ain’t G [ __ ] about that bro just go home play play the game bro I’m just trying to get back to the crib play that college football I ain’t got time for this [ __ ] damn bro this [ __ ] crazy bro that man shot an AB ball in the corner I’m G be honest with you I done turned the college football on this oh God that [ __ ] Bro oh God oh God like nah man bony out here stanking his joint up man we only reason we watching this [ __ ] we will not even be I don’t think we cover not won some League game last year did we did no yeah we Wy W yeah Wy wmy just wmy yeah the high order Brandon Miller too but uh was showing out outside of that first Sumer League game where he played bad but the other ones Wy was cooking BR trying to see he ain’t really showing me he ain’t G me nothing no kind of benefit of Doubt bro that man is sorry man I’m just be honest with you bro he’s sorry bro bro he sorry damn bro like this [ __ ] embarrassing bro I ain’t going to lie that that that airball in the corner that bother me bro two SP said did I just see this man shoot a airball that b me right there bro and then they had the nerve to replay that jump you saw that like what what is that bro they replay the air ball bro like I don’t like this circus stuff man man this this stuff right here man man when the next G Ain no love for bronie in these streets this [ __ ] bad and ass work right here bro hey where your girl at man she ain’t out there n n you know she put up she had the crib you know you hit up on the DM yeah yeah you know you know yeah you know you know I had no idea what you fellas are talking about no no no no no no you worried about uh you worried about uh uh uh uh Sky you worried about Skyla Diggin Priest Dam what kind of [ __ ] is this oh my bad I’m sorry sir yo did this man bro I’m ask y ask y’all a question bro in the chat like let let’s re back on Li scale one through 10 like can y’all give me a grade for his performing first bro like did y’all see any positives like any posit he play I give him a two he played decent in the first half in the the first quarter mind you on defense in the first quarter he was playing decent on defense they said a negative yeah look at these like he started off the game I thought he was like trying to do something defensively then he let the dude go Baseline on him I mean come on BR bro you you you hurting my you you I can’t can’t cap bro this [ __ ] bad this nasty work bro that man shot a elbow in the corner the corner not the cor them sound right though huh he making right about all the stuff they said about him why I said man y’all can’t get mad bro like f be F be saying what they be saying y’all can’t get mad bro this [ __ ] ain’t it ain’t it don’t look good bro it don’t look promis and then he don’t have no quick First Step either I noticed that bro he ain’t got no quick first step bro not like I thought he did I thought he had a quick he think too much he don’t just play he think too much yeah you you know he you know he play like Paul George without the fancy H who who who play who like the way he the way he try to penetrate and he snatch it back like he he ain’t got no confidence bro he can’t even Blow by aage Defenders yeah he call makeing name on defense but here the thing he did a solid job at first fighting over the screen but he like D go Baseline gave up offensive rebound allow the dude to penetrate get a assist like come on bro well you heard what Aaron said when you asked him the other day he said he ain’t it he sucked it’s tough you said and after all your black man speak but hold on what they got to do with the play though bro I’m talking about crazy go Brandon Knight better than bnie I a I ain’t say the man I ain’t saying take the man out the lead he trash he I’m saying the man ain’t playing good bro y’all take y’all take y’all take one little part and put your own little man come on bro man put some Lum fall on that [ __ ] and put it away bro you ain’t gonna eat it anyway uh man we got to keep it real but man ain’t playing good bro I see he if he give me some I don’t think he is good I told y I think I ain’t going to say he not good I give him a pass for the offense and he let do he he he all him F score eight points on I don’t think he was ready I think he got rushed into the league he shouldn’t have been I don’t think he was ready he said BR improved in every game someone ask you a question what he approving on though he improved in this game how he said he approved what is he proving on though go like what is he proving ask man you telling me he was worse than this man you know man man name L go you know he on cap bro said improve every game man this dude is good ony you talking about but you you talking about cashing in your your bron James fan Phantom C he definitely casting in his f c right there saying that Dam that man zero and 14 from the three-point he a’t hit I thought he hit a three he ain’t hit not one shot bro that boy that that boy he’s not a good he’s not good at basketball bro I’m just be honest with you bro he not good at basketball did did shaon play this bad I don’t even remember did he play this bad and Shaq had heart surgery didn’t he yeah Shaq son I mean did sha play this bad playing this I don’t think this dude that basketball for real bro I think this it I’m starting to think all this is PR stuff man this a circus bro why are we watching this dude he not he not good bro I’m telling you his mama his mama is right there on the Baseline bro hey bro we all getting played bro we all get play Let’s see BR doing a second with the ball passing connect with a jumper no good off a rebound ball get knocked out of Bounce s this ball man Legas can’t do [ __ ] right 50 34 got Bron on defense let the man drive Baseline again bro one if his teammate right there he would have gave a layup cut off the Baseline why he keep doing that fours and a half qut they go bron James one1 he passing it passing for con and conette threw it out of bounds stop passing bro all right BR on defense BR trying to slow down penetration SEL moving the ball in Perimeter W lose the ball they call it kick ball right here BR ain’t playing no confidence bro he don’t have any confidence his confidence is shot all right as well L get for triple F 50 34 I ain’t passing the ball like you trying to get assist man get that [ __ ] rocked [ __ ] all that passing man your favorite basketball player R Westbrook I want to see some of that [ __ ] man look at the bro that’s horrible defense right there man he got caught on that stren fight man will L with the rebound Brun it call a foul right here he got caught on the SC was hard defense he starting out third quarter playing bad defense he started off the game playing solid I with solid the bad all right that great is dropping get the ball no there you go there we go BR come on with it he going to pass out of bound all going to say bro why he pass anyway I’m went out of bound D would c yeah almost thw the ball bounce so we basically watching Lakers Su League to see how D connect is because BR with a three-pointer no good BR with the rebound don’t pass and push Bron bring the ball up Bron there you go put he want to put i s hey bro I’m F to startop covering man G bro I Ain keep doing this [ __ ] Bro drive me crazy C look at that everybody doing something to him this is this is crazy this is absolutely hilarious I can go out there and get two rebounds come on bro come on my boy all right Bron and jant come on BR one on one pull it three-pointer oh my God another air ball shes oh my God bro it ain’t looking good brohams man bad bro rebound Le Bron want to pass he rather oh B almost risk the turnover than give Bron the ball maxw loose damn bro all right come on y’all let’s get back on D Maxwell Lewis that’s good d by Maxwell lewi pass it watch thought about shooting put it on the floor watch jump all nit look at that W I need to see Bron do that all right forward pass mxw LS pull up midi no good rebound I’m seven minutes in third quarter all right bran on defense BR get caught on the screen Maxwell Le with the steal he got stripped got foul man this [ __ ] crazy boy oh mer now you see why he getting taken out the game at least I do because this [ __ ] is like tough to watch all right so BR a left the shoot open they missed rebound I gave offens they got offensive rebound Lakers man a rebounding Ball Long Shot no good there you go Sprint Bron oh D got stri D know want to pass ball to Bron he just standing there though like he don’t look like he belong bro oh something bro he don’t look like he even supposed to be out there I agree with you it’s hard to watch bro I ain’t gon to lie to you all right look connect one onone look at that he in trouble got defense on he ready to shoot that bad shot pass Dam they don’t they don’t respect BR G they don’t respect them man they don’t they don’t have any respect for them and I can’t really at this point blame them mean ain’t doing nothing but shooting air balls bro that [ __ ] bro yeah this ain’t good y’all it’s ain’t good I’ll be honest bro this ain’t good this ain’t good material I’m seeing right here I agree I hardly agree that man shot two a balls damn zero points he can’t shoot the three why don’t he just come in for a midi zero points three rebounds zero assists off four from the field then I like defense it’s like don’t get no assists either cuzz they don’t even shoot it when he pass it they keep swinging it he gave up like 10 points so he gave up like 10 points and two assists and I ain’t scor [ __ ] a joker got on here and said this [ __ ] get better every game I don’t know what games Them [ __ ] be watching but the ones we was watching I don’t see it watching this cat since the first preseason game said Russ’s favorite player bro then he rocking the number nine go beat Rondo or something yeah right Rondo Couldn’t Shoot when he came in the league but he affected the game I’m saying he affected the game that’s what I’m talking about go be Rond though man come on bro watch it is all right so BR and and Conan he don’t even ask for the ball for real look at that connect with a three connect shooting all shot they ain’t even looking to pass oh man come on bro why I sh the ball guard about Bron let me see pull up three oh I ni 19point lead by Boston man this Boston Summer League team smoking these dudes man all right for step back maxw LS for all right Miss Calton offensive rebound say he Ste out of Bounce can’t respect it it’s ain’t it bro like I said I don’t even care about the missing shots he don’t have no aggressiveness dog whatever you want to call it he 52 overall man no badges watch oh miss come on BR East with the ball pass driving he don’t even look the pass nice little finger roll right there that man that man passing slides all the way down he on pass ball and his ten not passing his Sho all the way up wi driving almost turned it overig no good come on bro you it’s bad get outplayed by um Moses Brian or whatever that dude name is fake finger roll man that finger roll is nice don’t hate on Dar this is sad man I don’t know man no more I don’t know what you don’t know bro justo he made three-pointer BR taking a ball lot can he get the ball right back sir oh a even looking to get the ball BR ain’t even looking to get the ball back from you see that came over as for the ball that [ __ ] Gage yeah this dude is not good at basketball ball man he ain’t even looking to get the ball bro he he don’t got it how can how he gonna get better if he ain’t even trying to get the ball what he goingon to do in the Su with the um G leag what he gonna do for love game what up U it’s right there at the top my boy don’t um um cash at the top Showtime GL dollar sign Showtime right there at the top he said he should switch to football and go play for Dion [ __ ] can he play that might be a good idea he can play football I don’t know but I would rather him not with no Hearts thing oh well yeah yeah 6 38 you f getting smoked out here Rams out here putting their work look conette he ain’t looking to pass he shooting everything SC SC again kette said man forget pass said these [ __ ] ain’t trying to win that’s what D connect saying look at bron bron let the man get a layup Miss offensive rebound he got stroke come on BR there you go there you go BR make extra pass connect connect with a three Cash Money R get his assist right though at least that’s something he get assist right though all right man Ron G Ramsey three-pointer no good oh but try to save the ball going out of bounce when I on U yeah that’s not on them Lakers ball we got time on court [Applause] man salute to my boy um for Love of the Game man for the donation he said Brony got no heart never needed it damn hard to watch that’s tough you know he had a heart is you man come on bro I don’t go I don’t play with people medical yeah yeah you cold for that bro D standing on the corner stre it’s hard to defend bro I ain’t gonna lie bro it’s hard to defend comes up mother nah it ain’t hard defending bro n it ain’t hard to defend you can’t you going to defend bro I mean there’s nothing to defend dude say like need to rebuild they said they theyy develop [Music] bro Lakers might not win for a long time bro I’m glad it’s it’s should have drafted them maybe that would have been better too smart huh y’ should have drafted them maybe that would have been better worst game it seem like somebody said he getting better I think this is worst game I seen him play to me it looked like yeah it would have been better if we drafted him because if we drafted him then um Rich Paul would have sent him to Australia and that would have been the best thing for him that would have been the best thing for him this NBA he a he don’t belong I’m just going to be honest with you bro sh his dad man look at him look at him look at him this is sickening man this a circus man they got him on the bench now they showing his daddy Accolade like this Happ now they make shots when he ain’t on the court he ain’t got no see that let you know like Talent really skips the generation bro let proof right here because your dad he he the totally opposite LeBron he don’t even have his height yeah I to his Bryce like 64 yeah3 something like that yeah that [ __ ] that [ __ ] crazy man he just play like he um he know he if this don’t work out he got he he got he go home to his money he got other that’s how you playing to me I don’t think he I don’t think he necessarily should play basketball I really don’t want him yeah he yeah that’s what I tried to he could have work for Rich Paul as an agent and agent that’s what that’s what I want him to do I want him to do something like that that’ll that’ll that’ll be much better for him I think he should 66 after two years he can’t get better I think he should try to like be a Asian or something bro I I I’ll be happy for him if he do that bro this right here he this a cutting it he said what up show everything huh how okay yeah okay I see I see um hor Bro e for it don’t look it don’t look too good Jaden don’t look too good at all my brother [ __ ] look bad bro I ain’t going to lie to you that’s Moses Mo who is that Moses Brown I thought he was on another team he on that’s what I just said I just told PRI I know yeah what he on this like his second game with the Lakers man I told him he was on a different team I didn’t I that’s why I told him early I said man get cut from sear leagues that’s crazy you get cut from sear League team it’s crazy man what is he bro how he get to Just Bounce Around like what oh man j a crook man I don’t care what y’all say he a crook J I don’t like him bro how you gonna sit there and lie to folk say like he earned this [ __ ] man he ain’t earning [ __ ] bro y’all embarrass I told him to say y’all not being real bro y’all being fake I don’t like that fake [ __ ] y’ tell the truth we want BR to be here for a special moment don’t just lie though don’t lie to y’all fans bro that man said a special moment they that’s what they here for special moment it’s a special moment play with his dad his dad don’t lie to the people just keep it real bro that’s [ __ ] bro he a whole crook though bro I don’t trust JJ R man he a liar I don’t know how you can earn it when you barely played in college man talking about he one of the best players in his bro but you he who Paul he one of the best players in this draft that what he said about bronnie yeah oh that’s his agent I would expect him I wouldn’t expect him to say he’s trash but the coach and everything man this say [ __ ] is a a special moment we want this to be the first time we understand brny has to earn it brny has to earn it you know that would have been a lot more long the way we’re going to help him continue to develop would a lot more he didn’t play a lot in college to say like oh he already earned like then you give people the ammo to you know say the stuff they saying is really bad bro well F he said it’s sad yeah I mean it is bro I mean he look they he he don’t even look like he care about basetball he just down it’s like you know you know what this look like to me he look like he just down to make LeBron LeBron James proud of you know and that’s deeper than just basketball but I don’t know yeah maybe he’s that just to make child yeah that is parents proud I mean we all want to make our parents proud so I understand it but you know I I just want I want the best for the man the young dude bro it just it’s hard to watch this hard to watch bro see Michael Jordan kids were bad and they didn’t even try to be good at basketball they knew that wasn’t it you know what I’m saying you don’t have to following your parents’ footsteps you can do other stuff that man sh two not one two three eyballs this [ __ ] crazy airballs too like not even close ain’t no cing for that [ __ ] D con like my biggest focus is not getting the ball brownie bum ass hey M your son out there playing like that bro that’s got to be how you sit through it cuz his mom is out there she is Mom and his little sister yeah she’s sitting on the Baseline damn damn oh snap oh you didn’t hear me when I said she he bro this this here man this circus stuff got stop man y’all endorse this stuff all this in front of M y’all Endor this stuff man well go that you endorse this stuff man this is crazy man said all this in front of his mom why hey why why Lebron ain’t never show up to none of the games he was at the last one oh he was oh okay LeBron probably shame to show his face the game you GNA make Ain the word he should have been at every one of the he should have been at every game well he was at USA practice in the oh oh yeah my bad my bad my bad that’s right that’s right that’s right that’s right that’s right that’s right that’s right that’s right so they’re in the same place all these folks at the game watching you got Angel res out there you got jayen brown out there Mom dupes out there and shooting albs a look out time he in the Middle East they R boy y’all [ __ ] y’all [ __ ] be putting y’all cape on boy this what he said what you mean circus stuff gotta stop man what he mean by in the Middle East what do he mean n ca he he overseas bro he in Paris or whatever they they over there in the Middle East yet or Paris yet Paris where he he I forgot he was they in Paris man godamn LeBron ain’t in Paris yet they in Vegas they in the same place they don’t go to Paris until the Olympics oh okay so why everybody in the chat talking about some I’m chatting said brother brother these these Burgers ain’t gonna flip themselves stupid bro man I don’t care man he said D the [ __ ] sad bro I’m glad I ain’t Lakers fan no more no they show is used to be being was my guy but soon as LeBron traded all them dudes and got ad so they out there with my boy want a bubble and all still don’t care I’m good on that everything that’s happening right now I I saw it already in the future I saw it LeBron already U he G to talk LeBron he G let him know man it’s gonna be all right bro it don’t work out for you I’m let you run the company man hey y’all ain’t no pressure on look I’mma tell you something watching brunning they let me know that um they already they already got a plan if this basketball don’t work out he he too comfortable he too comfortable not being aggressive like you know a dude that really wanted they ain’t got no other option they gonna play with that kind of hunger and Desperation I don’t see that from Bron like you know you had a bad game and you like all right I had a bad game last game this time let me let me correct my mistakes I ain’t seeing that bro it’s the same [ __ ] City 7 51 but what he going to do in G Le though I mean this the same [ __ ] the G Le you gonna have to be aggressive man this [ __ ] yeah that’s true if you’re not even aggressive in summer league what difference will it make to go to the G League I mean you got you still going to have to U put in work in the G League I mean that ain’t going to be that’s so actually the G league is actually on a higher level than the Su League I mean those guys they they better than the guys are here in Su League they’re actually professionals yeah that’s why he should have went back to college but everybody said hey if he want to go to the league you can’t that come on bro I mean I mean what’s the difference bro I mean the Lakers is a clown show JJ ready s his line capping ass up there talking about he got I wouldn’t know what it would be like to be a Lakers fan right now I like that dude bro I don’t like JJ RA bro he just something fake about him to me bro you seem like a fake lak is fake everything about the Lakers fake they s this fake ass up there talking about something L is fake man oh it’s come on bro how you expect him to be better if y’all y’all y’all trying to hold a man hands bro you ain’t come on bro man this [ __ ] sad bro John don’t let me cook the math don’t worry about my team Goku trash that dude right there bro hey you D they acting like JJ red is so [ __ ] nice as a coach like he like how we know he a good coach they acting like they parading him around like they got fi Jackson 2.0 or something bro 2.0 like come on bro that’s a new Pat Rony y like JJ R is such a such a factor bro it’s so E bro I ain’t gonna lie to it bro this you talking about boy I ain’t even F to say nothing that’s that’s playback conversation right there that’s crazy I ain’t did I ain’t earned [ __ ] I mean he ain’t never even coach the the G League team but but yeah he sitting in the Big Show he coach fourth graders show man man got two they drafted two people they added two people to the Lakers organization that ain’t really earned the [ __ ] [ __ ] crazy no JJ Reddit coach fourth graders so that’s plenty of experience before you coaching him he s out there talk like he like he just some Lakers a clown show man I’m sorry Lakers fan I I it was be a Lakers fan right now you’re not sorry I don’t believe it that’s a circus man the analytics will fix Bron and jumper fix it if that boy ain’t got a basketball bone in his body man he said Can somebody look up 55 pick rookies or averages I mean I’m pretty sure players averaging more than him we can look it up but it’s going it still ain’t going see here the thing y’all trying to have it both ways bro I don’t like that [ __ ] Bro can’t have both ways the GU playing better to him I’ll be trying to have way bro stop stop talking about some [ __ ] come on come on bro they want to have both way bro that dude C the the fake Alex kuso playing better than him he’s undrafted that’s embarrassing draft put what 55th picks up whoever said they was making the playoffs ain’t nobody said that Anthony Paris who in their right mind got the Lakers making the playoffs what he said no somebody talking about Lakers not making the playoffs yeah who who said that who said they was making the playoffs well he gonna have another Accolade so that should be good enough first NBA player to play with his son Moses Brown gonna be a problem in the future he already been here in the future he already how he gonna be a problem he he been in League how how long he been in the league already like six seven years that’s problemon that’s the problem Antonio right there they said I said how many not just Kyle kin but I like how you did that man bro [Applause] like hey p i boy you read my mind bro boyy you read my mind what happened he said how you 61 shooting guard that can’t shoot oh J G to say that he can’t score he can’t score he don’t drive to the basket he don’t got no driving no finishing move he ain’t got no M he ain’t got no flipped ony H too smart huh you didn’t fli the scri on Bry H I just hate to see piss poor uh effort bro [ __ ] crazy bro and I just see the effort he ain’t got no effort bro it’s like like just like show said it’s basically he B he looked like in his mind he he got this attitude where it’s like it don’t matter I don’t care you when I get back to the career I’m just I’m just give my game well this this this basketball stuff don’t work out I don’t care I’mma just do this I’m straight anyway it look like he got attitude like he trying to take somebody roster spot I mean he got a guaranteed spot but it don’t it don’t look like he like you say ain’t like he trying to be like let me prove to y’all that this ain’t just nepotism this ain’t my daddy but look though hit the trick right here y’all see this this will piss me off about this BR LeBron sat there and said when a man ask how how’s Lebron how’s Le Bron taking the pressure to know well be LeBron don’t give a [ __ ] bro you should care when there’s somebody else that could have had that spot though bro you should have just gave him a two-way and let him be a um G League bro somebody else could have had that spot see that’s what I do agree with them on don’t act like y’all bro that’s this this a job bro if you not ready just say you’re not ready bro just go at to school or or or you know BR ain’t starving for no bread bro um they could have had some kind of deal where he can spend a two-way get paid money under the table or something and you can have that Roost spot somebody else like don’t sit there like this is not a big deal that he don’t care so what no bro it’s a big deal because I mean you the Lakers number one and number two there’s other people out there that want this that kind of opportunity too that’s what they that’s what they talking about when they say that bro I know that’s what I’m saying I don’t know if everybody somebody else saying he shouldn’t be in the league I’m not saying he shouldn’t be in the league bro but like don’t take no guaranteed spot don’t take on nobody spot then act like you don’t care and you just comp it because you know you got you know I don’t like that bro cuz everybody ain’t that fortunate no I mean folks got folks a’t folks got bills to pay folks got to feed their family bro take care of their folks so like that dude Co look like he got like three kids a wife Maxwell L out here busting his ass he might name he the trick right here y’all this sad part look at it like this look at it like this right Maxwell L is another black man we keep you don’t do the black man I agree we not going to talk down the black man I’m saying I want bro he got to app some press though who huh who hold on hold on hold on hold on let me feel what I’m saying go I forget um Maxwell L is another black man bro he out here busting his ass you know the TR that the crazy part about it he might not even have a guaranteed spot he he might do but might don’t it’s a lot of these guys out here playing good playing hard they don’t even don’t even get a a chance to make it pass on make it a training count that’s true you got a guaranteed spot though bro no matter if I you play like [ __ ] or not so he got Broner back out here five minutes left he need be talking about jersey sales man nobody man so what bro what you talking about what do you mean Jersey say talking about talk about them jerseys this the NBA is a business so what bro don’t nobody care man Hey listen bro why how come when how come just like with Caitlyn Clark when people when y’all favorite player ain’t live how come y’all gotta bring up this money stuff bro how come y’all gotta bring up money man why y’all gota always act like y’all uh like all of a sudden y’all marketing majors y’all marketing majors now man get the man get out of here man nobody care about that man man LeBron look like somebody he just sit at home he just eat ice cream eat ice cream around me try me come on man he’s soft man he ain’t got no he ain’t man this [ __ ] I I a I ain’t doing this no more man you ain’t doing what why watching this uh bronie dude I a doing this no more what happed what I miss you quit on bronny bro my went dead all right there we go Brony Brony driving bronny almost Trav pass back out man Bron it there you go bronny pull up jump Cash Money finally hit a jump oh hold on he did what run hit a jump right though finally got a bucket to go let me see that one for five from the field that’s crazy another four minute got a 10-point game they force a turnover got a lot of time it’s AIT me when I hit that shot when he hit that shot he was supposed to be like come on he supposed power up or something he’s supposed to clap his hands or something like something bro he he ain’t got no character bro he ain’t got no swag you you know he like one of them dudes that put on a jogging suit that put on a uh uh a a matching color jogging suit set and think they CR and put some white forces on and think they they crushing think they got dri or something you plain Jan bro you Plain Jane you got a matchy matchy outfit on with some white Air Force Ones wow come on man go back up BR driving Baseline pass to get it right back there you go he swing the ball what the [ __ ] bro he don’t go up strong I forget I I’m say want to watch passing the ball bro he scared to shoot he generic bro he generic version pass the ball yeah like he just hit the game winning rebound BR right there in the cone ah I’m with you CB smooth I can’t do this no more he run straight to the con too I can’t F to sit here and defend it so turn yeah that’s how they yeah that’s what he is uh goon the shooter a h jogging suit with some classic rebot just plain see me I go put me some nice jeans on I might have me a graphic teeth with a flannel got me a fresh hat might have some extra accessories then I smell good I got my smell good on you know ain’t got no smell good on he wear axe that’s type of that’s type of dude BR bronnie is wear a he wear ax yeah he wear ax he don’t know nothing about No Gray Vera or no uh Tom for uh tobacco vanelli or no Jean Paul gotier he don’t know nothing about that that man Q said he got that Coop fade away yeah playing just to play what it do Y for the movie what up cam y’all ever think to Y what high player that’s a fourar and a five star that average Five Points a game for they High School career you watching the game El um I don’t know well you see one that’s playing right now but I I hear people um you know act like they don’t see what they seeing and sit here and try to tell me he look bad I ain’t gon lie here and try to tell me well it’s all right he might be all right what up John what’s up Showtime what’s good man everything good bro yeah L you complain about all game bro that’s what I was afraid of he ain’t got another another year in college just rush right into the Le see stand over at the man he don’t even come down and get the ball he’s pass BR James Drive basine he get the lay that [ __ ] shouldn’t be in colge say stepped out of should be in college why he just come down he it’s not it’s not watching everything a good bro that [ __ ] Better Off streaming defensively off he not I don’t I don’t here’s my thing um them guys in the G League they I mean some League don’t it don’t he don’t go from you know G league is not you know these are gonna be the most of the same [ __ ] play they better than the summer league so mean how he going to play with [Music] D you have a few little guys yeah he should have stayed in college El he he ELD let’s keep it real he a play good in college I mean he didn’t really play good at College I didn’t he just gave up and one right though it’s hard to watch bro yeah definitely yeah he just a regular dude who play basketball bro and he privileged bro let’s keep it real he not watch bro giving up Baseline play getting caught on screens I mean it’s not good yo I don’t see nothing like you know you watch Reed you saw Reed was aggressive he can shoot the ball at the gate and Reed went undrafted even matth Lewis out here he getting busy though you can tell he can play though watching this [ __ ] bronnie is like bro what can you do like you just on the court cardio hey you watch the game extra body no I was was time I saw your live so was like I’m go see what you about I got no IED defending this dude the thing I want to think like you Elder but what he haven’t shown me nothing I can say in two years I can see him getting better I I don’t I don’t know I don’t think he had a hunger that’s what I’m questioning I don’t think he had the hunger I’m not seen a hunger forget the Miss shots forget the eyballs he don’t even play with no kind of he don’t got no he don’t got no personality bro no no enthusiasm you got a lot of background though John you know what I’m saying bro he just a he just a regular dude that play basketball like it it showed in it showed in high school bro like if we being real know they put him on 2K he don’t deserve to have no details on his character he need a little he gonna be on 2K he be a great game streamer though he like usually people you said I’m sure have but he 19 since he signed for four years let’s see where he’s at all right man but y’all keep on holl about 19 bro this [ __ ] just 19 years old see see if you go back to any any of them dudes that perform bad they they even the guys that perform bad like the top Drive picks they end up blossoming I you you saw some kind of promise you know something like I don’t See’s 19 I’m I’mma give yall a primate example bro um I don’t see anything what’s good my brother hey man salute man how y’all doing I’m good P Watch I watched about five minutes of the game I mean again I’m never impressed with summer league but it don’t tell me nothing because you got I mean 95% of the guys ain’t going to make the league anyway in this league so you only got in the the first rounders is pretty much going to make these teams and a few second rounders but um and some of the guys that played the year before you know what I’m saying it’s just not I’m not impressed with Summer League it’s pretty unorganized I’m not impressed with it no matter what guys are doing I need you to see that and something really organized against Pros that you gonna go against every day I don’t know why I’m defending Brony so much man I guess probably because so many people on his head and this is the thing this is the thing though this is the thing for me everybody agrees he’s not ready but we still talk about his game like he should be and that’s where I had a problem at why is everybody comparing him to guys at 19 that are ready like his daddy was and and you know what I’m saying yeah why are we doing that we all agree this boy should not be here he’s here for financial reasons we just need to accept that I just think we waste a lot of time critiquing a man’s game that all of us agree I don’t know one person that thinks he deserves to be where got a chance to watch him now that’s why I’m trying to pay attention think about it think about it show think about it he’s playing against men now he’s gonna look even worse now than he did in college and high school he’s gonna look even worse he’s not ready he’s just not ready so when you put a person out that that’s literally like having a guy that’s decent and he’s in the fifth grade and you literally think about this you literally stick him on a High School varsity team but you got expectations that he gonna actually be productive on that team no he’s going to get destroyed he’s going to get trashed and that’s what’s happening with bronny and he has zero confidence he he’s not ready so I don’t know why people wasting their time critiquing this game of a guy that we all agree ain’t ready to play in the league but here’s the thing this is why I’m positive 19 years old the level of he has professional athleticism that’s my personal opinion he has Prof Prof I agree with that part he has professional athleticism well again he’s got a lot of things in his favor and and another thing to me is is when you got your personal trainers and you’re going against Pros every day you’re going to get better playing against them than you are playing against college guys now what you get in college is the structure you get the levels of maturity you see what I’m saying cuz in the pros you’re on your own type of thing now because his dad is here maybe he’s not on his own I don’t know but that’s what you get from college you gonna get better playing against Pros every day I just remember my first year in the in the in the summer league when I played my personal opinion I was trash as hell I just was that was my opinion now the guys didn’t say that but to me I’m like hell no now the second year I was like oh I’m holding my own the third year I was getting major buckets you gonna get better playing against Pros so that’s why I’m like he gonna be here for four years we can’t or three we can’t do nothing about that that’s the contract he got his daddy around for two so you know he’s here for the next two let’s see where is that did now if he’s playing the same way after two years the Lakers gonna cut him after LeBron G you know that they’re gonna get rid of him and that’s why they got the team option for the fourth year but but while his daddy’s here he gonna be on this team but I I literally expect bronnie to be the 15th man now let me ask you this besides your favorite team it’s going to be hard pressed for most y’all even name the 15th man on any team right you don’t care about the 15th man he never plays he’s irrelevant to the team now he practices and all that I don’t care if four guys get hurt he still ain’t getting on the court why do we care talking like he going to get he gonna get minutes and all that though that’s the problem watch watch they run damn that’s not I agree with that show problem that’s what I said I would do about the lers I wouldn’t be running my mouth I would not be saying he’s earned this he deserves it no I wouldn’t be doing that sh i’ be like he’s a prospect and we’re hoping to develop him he has great upside I mean he is LeBron’s son he he does have a high IQ he just I mean these are you got other things you could promote and say about him right he’s not y’all let me tell y this they GNA do do something in the beginning of the year so they can get these the movie stuff they can get hold on hold on hold on we say it’s BS for us as fans but every single one of us that’s listening right now and in this panel on bro hold on bro every single one of us let’s not be Hypocrites every single one of us if we owned this team we would do the exact same thing that the Lakers did not me yeah you would have that’s a lie you’re a liar show you’re a liar don’t say I’m a li show if you telling me show hold on show hold on this y just you know for a fact liar look good it don’t matter on the showtime hold on hold on Showtime hold on Showtime hold on Showtime hold on I don’t want have you ever have you ever run any type of business Showtime yes or no no what the that’s the problem that’s the problem time I’mma tell you right now if you are a business owner and somebody can put something before you regardless if you like it or not and they tell you give me $7 million over the next four years but what I’m going to give you guaranteed over the next 20 is s billion you’re doing it and I promise you you will you don’t give a [ __ ] what it look like you don’t care if you selling Pink Panty holes [ __ ] you wouldn’t care if you selling Pink Panty holes yeah but can you listen for a second or I wanted to be more genuine though like at least go then kind of good opinion that’s just your personal feelings from a fan perspective show show time we show time hold on y’all are two [ __ ] y’all are two but anyway show time listen to me calm down calm down bro calm down listen show calm down but I’m saying Showtime we agree bro we agree from a Showtime listen to me from a fan perspective we all agree none of us agree with this from a fan perspective none of us do but I’m talking about basketball is a business first it ain’t a game first it ain’t a fan thing first all no it’s all Showtime it has Showtime basketball show time hold on bro it has to be for us to be entertained it’s an entertainment it’s not ENT let me ask hold on show time hold on show show time hold on hold on let me ask you this I’ll make a better say you’re a moviee uh creator right you’re a filmmaker right you’re a filmmaker you make a film and you know it’s trash you know it when you watch that thing and go over it with your people y’all like God dang man we done wasted oh [ __ ] we didn’t Wast $10 million this is trash this [ __ ] is is is just jump off the plane stuff but then when you put it in the box office and the person come to you and say hey it’s trash but it’s a group of people that love it there’s a group people that’s going to pay for it even though you spent 10 million let’s put it in the box office and guess what we can get 50 m from it I guarantee you you put that trash ass movie out with your name on it it won’t care bro why do y’all want to ignore the business side of basketball I’m not Elder how many times we tell the truth here’s the problem the NBA is becoming more about business than basketball that’s the problem that’s gonna turn away from Hardcore fan that’s why [ __ ] like you and Kareem are looking to retire now that’s the problem and we you’re telling the truth you’re telling the truth but guess what though show me and Kareem are 50 and guess what we are we’re in a minority now they don’t even want to reach guys like us I’m just keeping it above they’re not trying to reach us hold on they’re not guess why they’re not trying to hey hey Kar hold on though I mean uh uh Kar Showtime guess why they’re not trying to reach us we ain’t buying these guys shoes we ain’t buying jerseys we ain’t doing none of that [ __ ] they don’t care about what we think we still we still thinking about Patrick posting people up they know that they’re going after these young guys these young guys care guess what they care about they care about this they don’t care that Bron’s over 15 from the three and this you know what they care about though this is what they’ll go talk about and they’re basketball fans that’s buying jerseys and doing this stuff putting money in the league they care that this [ __ ] just won a damn 2K game and won 10 grand they care about that they do this is why he’s popular he just wanton some y’all heard about that he just won some Y2K tournament that had what’s he beat Duty yeah he just won the Call of Duty thing and from it he had 84 kills they they care about that so they go after that if that’s what’s gonna make the money again for us it’s trash because it’s not even entertaining that’s he a better game streamer he remember the boy was already a millionaire in high school what he was such a good gamer Ronnie James yeah he had a contract as junior in high school he made like $5 million say I said over and over I’m I’m cool with him them being able to be on the same team but when he before he step on that Court he need to he need to tighten up on his skills bro ca he get on the court this year it ain’t gonna be it ain’t gonna be gen I think I agree I think the Lakers are doing him a disservice I think they’re doing him a disservice you know what I would have done and I told y’all this at the beginning of the year and I thought they was going to do it remember that first game he played look trash and they oh he hurt didn’t play the second game I told y’all remember I said hey play that book of the first game he look like trash make him have some kind of injury don’t let him come back to the first game of the year I may play him a little bit in that last preseason game but that’s what I would have done and then guess what if he’s out there against the pro Pros looking trash we been like oh man this [ __ ] ain’t ready but at the end of the day we still still would have got the material and everything that we needed he was going to be in great shape regardless you see what I’m saying I would have done that bro right now though it’s just and again they’re under the mindset of this they’re under this mindset all publicity is good publicity that’s the first rule in know problem with the NBA for fans bro soall standard of the league is care more about selling [ __ ] and putting winning product on the floor show it’s only so it’s only BS to you because you don’t you don’t show you don’t collect the check hold hold on you collect the check the league has never been like this bro now I understand condone this pastor do you it ain’t that I condone no it’s not that I condone it no no you’re not listening I don’t condone it but I understand it and I’m telling you this I ain’t a hypocrite every single one of us if we own the Lakers if that was our business we would have bronnie on this team we’d have done exactly what the Lakers first of all first of all I wouldn’t be saying my son better than um have the play that’s that’s not what talking about about hold on if you let me finish if you let me finish [ __ ] like I said I wouldn’t be saying my son better than have the the players out here my son is um he he he earned his spot and all this other [ __ ] they saying I would have kept in real and say hey I want to play with my son I want to make this um I Want To Make History I would have kept it real simple as that they make it a scene oh he earned this spot this is this that is that no just keep it real with the fans let them know I think most people would understand that but the way they went at it bro it was whack again I I just keep it real I know a lot of y’all Bookers hate LeBron hate bronnie hate whatever I didn’t say I didn’t say you show I said a lot of I’m looking in the chat room as well and a lot of folks just don’t like accepting reality this is the reality of business anybody in this room that tell me they own a company and they don’t even have to be bronny any product [ __ ] any Trash product if you knew by buying that product and investing $7 in it you had the potential no not the had the potential you were guaranteed to make seven million off it guess what you’re going to do put that trash ass product up there and let the people buy it and let them watch it and let eat it up and you ain’t going to care because you’re gonna be looking at your bottom line and you ain’t goingon to turn from that because if you do your Neighbor Next Door gonna take the same advantage and do it and you gonna be mad them boogers in Forbes and your butt sitting there in the pr line gonna try to sell your team I’m sorry y’all don’t want to see stuff from a business it’s like all locked in on how long how long how many people really gonna fall keep falling for that that Trea though it’s it’s not even the basketball part hold on y’ don’t understand the money the money’s not coming from basketball I think lot that’s just theat okay that’s just a platform that’s just the stage that that’s that’s Carnegie Hall that’s all it is it’s it’s the stage what’s being sold is the movie the documentary that’s what people are gonna buy buy it your gonna watch it not watch to for somebody gon buy it i’t know that on you say get it back I’m just keeping it a a buck of why the Lakers did what they did so why didn’t they do this with Marcus Jord then if this is first hold on did you ever once hear Michael say he wanted to play with his son oh okay all right right thank you you a never heard Michael say that and all these other guys they old school man you better go earn it pip in all them D old school go earn it and again Bri ain’t this ain’t about bronnie being worthy of it or not it’s about LeBron’s Legacy this is a thing to help his legacy that’s why he’s forcing he’s trying to help his legacy which again it ain’t gon to work y’all y’all know this him playing with his son it’s gonna make the leg a ton of money he gonna make a lot of money off of it because this little Film Production all that stuff but it ain’t gonna help him in the goat conversation a gonna help him AB but he thinks it will he thinks it’s something to add to the resume that no one else has ever done and he believes that’s the only way he can Eclipse Michael as being the goat he’s never going to Eclipse Michael he’s lost in the finals too many times to Eclipse Michael sorry that [ __ ] can play another 10 years and score another 20,000 points nobody’s gonna consider him better than Michael Jordan you know what they’re gonna say oh that nigga’s on drugs bro that [ __ ] 54 out here doing windmill duns you know that [ __ ] on something that’s what you gonna say you ain’t gonna give him no credit crazy bro but he’s a narcissist and this is what he thinks and we have to endure this trash basketball I ain’t with the girl [ __ ] that you do show but guess what I would have rather watch a girls game tonight than this I would rather watch damn Indiana F or Chicago sky or Washington Mystics I watch that I would definitely would have been watching yeah this [ __ ] right here I would rather watch that this is trash but again every one of us would have done what the Lakers did because we would have made that money and if you wouldn’t that’s why you would never own a business never make the money business is about making money that’s number one good money though Elder hold on this ain’t illegal Money Hold on bro hold on bro hold on bro what money what what money is bad this bad money right here this is bad money I’m saying like like just morally you know what I mean what’s wrong with this morally what are you talking about you know this ain’t right man come on bro what is immoral about this tell me you said it give me example example of why fan than me Elder I mean Pastor come on now you you you know y’all hold on bro what’s hold on bro what’s your favorite team oh I’m with the Mavericks good that okay no problem I’m glad you told me that because the Milwaukee Bucks is not giannis’s brother on that team playing right now well I already said hold bro hold I all that question please yeah yeah do you think he deserves to be on it no sir is it immoral yes that’s not true bro do you know what immoral means I think it’s wrong I think it’s wrong that’s your opinion though they can they can pay and and put anyone they want they can put you on the team it don’t make them immoral but we gon get their opinion and again I gave you the example okay you would the you like the Dallas Mavericks right tell me the 15th man on the Charlotte Hornets this year on the Charlotte Hornets yeah tell it to me matter of fact yes hold on I’m sorry tell me the 15th man on the Dallas Mavericks tell me the 15th man on your team do you probably uh probably uh that can’t think of the rookie name it’s a rookie two rookies we got when they get drafted what position what slot I think they both guards where they get drafted like where in the draft too so you don’t really know you see what I’m saying we talking about a position that nobody we talking about a position 15th on the team that nobody cares about we it doesn’t affect it don’t affect the win name me the time a 15th player has affected the win loss record of any team name me one year just name it it doesn’t happen well we agree with that we we are we agree with so how is it immoral then because you can have anybody who wanted that position you just said out your mouth you said if you know you had a trash prod product and you all you had to do is invest $7 in it and you knew you was going to get 7 million you knew that product was trash but you sold it to the people in anyway that’s messed up bro you greedy hold on no no what that is is giving them the option you ain’t forcing them to buy the product you putting it before that’s not on me but you’re deceiving them you’re deceiving you’re deceiving them I’m not deceiving that’s what the devil devil stop bro stop bro stop bro are you serious are you are you listening to yourself no no no real talk how hold on bro hold on bro hold on if you go into a store and they got a purple green and yellow Cher pet sitting there is that deception is that evil did they deceive you I’m asking the question did they deceive you do you not have an option to look at that and say you know what I want that or say I don’t want it how am I being deceived you do too smart they do that with the food you eat bro that that’s deceiving you because they telling you the food is real and it’s not that’s deception I put a he earned it he earned somebody can tell I don’t give a [ __ ] but that coach so he lied he lied okay go to the coach then tell the coach shut his mouth he’s deceiving you the Lakers are lying bro this is this is a this is a circus and you need to call it that trying to make it about business hold on bro time out let me ask you a question hold on bro let me ask you no no I ain’t trying to make about business it is about business let me ask hold on bro before bronnie got hold on bro before bronnie got drafted was it Lakers of circus yes thank you so he didn’t make it a circus don’t blame bronny James being the 55th pick the wion why they circus they were already a damn circus but guess what you ever been to the circus been a while been a long time but yeah I went you see all the different options they got at the circus go look at the Lions you go to the petting zoo you go get you an elephant ear you can go play games got go all I’m saying is this the circus make a whole lot of money that’s why it’s around that’s why every single one of us been the one them Bookers make a lot of money when they travel too y’all want to ignore business because you’re fans and you can’t no no you’re right you’re right I I don’t disagree with you at all wants to know business I said what I said I don’t I don’t really I gets we we knew this was gonna happen a year ago so me say I’m just saying in general bro like it would have been better if to watch them shut a floor if he was out there providing you good defense or something like but we we really gonna get a moment where both of them on the floor and it’s only because of that and it ain’t G think I just don’t I don’t and again that’s what people want though because people want to buy this documentary that people want to buy the story of a man being able to play I’m just saying they want it though a lot of folk want this story of a man being able to be on the same NBA court with his son playing they want that and because he’s one of the greatest players of all time and he has a ton of fans they’re going to support him they are that’s a feel-good story every single one of us would sell that damn store every single one of us and wouldn’t care what the hell people thought about it because you would be laughing at them folk that’s mad at you man the [ __ ] trash you right and while I’m looking at them zeros add up in my account you right he is trash I agree that’s the Lakers for just that’s any the Clippers would have done it every team in the league would have done it Clippers ain’t doing it that’s every team in the league hey because they don’t hold hold on the the Clippers ain’t because they don’t have LeBron any team that would have LeBron right now would be doing this and if they not they the dumbest teams in is every team would bro again I already said that Genie was bad but Genie I’m tell you one thing ain’t bad not bad at making money she a’t bad at making money n you can’t put the Lakers TR on all the other team hold bro time out bro you talking about you talking about residual income for a long long long long long decades was that trouble so what Steve balber might say so what I don’t you say that because you don’t get none of it that’s why you say I get that if it was money in your pocket you care I promise you you care Steve a St for he didn’t have this opportunity y’all talking about the other ones they didn’t had this opportunity any other business nothing special about this [ __ ] to y’all it ain’t it ain’t to y’all look how many Bron tars is it out here bro hey hey show time how many Bron tards out here is it you know this n got millions of fans you losing Lakers supporter though hold on no nobody I’mma tell you right now that that was before bronnie though us Lakers fans were disgusted before bronnie got on the team supporters every day bro I’m watching I guarantee this the what they lose they will easily gain because like this gaming thing is big a lot of these people don’t even care about basketball but because bronnie is such a good gamer they over here watching basketball now and cheering for him because he’s a great gamer I’m being honest it’s just a fact I think everybody everybody ain’t G I don’t think it’s gonna go I don’t think it’s gonna go y I don’t think so hell hell no I just a realist bro I keep it real and my thing is this I don’t critique bronnie game because I’ve already made the major statement that he don’t belong in the league that’s the part that’s kind of hypocritical to me when people are watching this man and critiquing his game so bad he this he that you already said he don’t belong here so what did you expect him to do play like he do right we already said he don’t belong why the hell we got these expectations he gonna do something good well well hold on first of all I didn’t know what he what kind of game I told y’all that so you already put that out yeah put that said I said I didn’t know how I watch him like that so I want to watch him play I mean some of Le games I’m expecting some good defense or something but for for for 98% of us even me because I really didn’t watch I might have saw one or two high school games but even us that 98% of us none of us who expected him to do something Who besides the Brar besides the bronie fans who actually expected this man to do something all of us agree he don’t belong here thisin an opportunity he should be getting right now he should be on his sophomore year in college he honestly well Le well Bron should be right now he should be the starting guard for D Kain that’s what he should be doing I’m happy he should have left UNC went to one of those smaller schools where he can be the man and learn how to be the man anonio Reynolds exactly what he question the Integrity of the league and that’s all right right Devil’s Advocate oh my God this dude said it questions the Integrity of the league but nobody said that when Yannis brother got this opportunity I didn’t hear none of y’all making these statements when jannis brother got the same opportunity same opportunity he jce trash is he not is not Jann’s brother Jus as trash I think he better than bronny oh my no he not but guess what though he’s actually had what three years in the league already hold on what’s he had three years in the league now but he should be better he should be better hold on bro do you mean that don’t matter what do you mean that don’t matter n listen all I know think you get here playing the devil’s advocate for the Le playing no Devil’s Advocate I’m trying to get y’all to see what the decision was it ain’t a basketball driven decision I already know that it is a business decision a lot of these trades is business decision man bump you atlan uh uh uh your trash ass [ __ ] you always in there uh that [ __ ] always in there uh what you call it uh trolling trolling ass [ __ ] shut your ass up at L about I’m crashing a I just don’t understand you guys man y’all don’t it just it just bothers me about y’all someday y’all so hypocritical man y’all are hypocrit I just Elder this this my part Elder what you saying we already know that we talked about this a thousand time I just ain’t thought I ain’t know he was this bad I’m just being honest I didn’t watch him in um high school and college like that I ain’t cover no UFC gam go look at my channel I don’t know how I ain’t know how he play I ain’t know strength no so I get your I get your thing saying this I just wish you heard what everybody said though right huh you heard what everybody said about him though right yeah but I don’t you know I don’t take people word as let me ask you this show let me ask you this I got you let me ask you this what was your honest expectations though he’ll be a little he’ll be a little better than this defensively I thought he was more athletic go listen to ask Mo on you said more athletic no I’m asking you said more athletic hold on as ask most Mo they was in here I thought he was doing the draft thing I said hey man I think BR he look athletic he like he got a good first step he look like he can be a good Defender so i s that s that [ __ ] landing and Link I see ask more than what I see defensely that’s just what I got you I got you do you think he has NBA athleticism hell no yeah I think he do he got asking show he got he got he don’t have the first step he don’t have a good first step like I thought he did a quick that’s not what I asked does he have NBA athleticism running and jumping can he hang with NBA guys with the way he runs and the way he jumps yeah most most I I I put him in the [ __ ] 6 the [ __ ] 6’2 with a 40 something inch vertical how many 6’2 guards we got in the league with a 40 in vertical I mean I don’t see the motor though where’s the motor ignore we’re going to ignore my statement though I don’t understand what y say about motor the motor I don’t understand this motor like y like he play slow or he he do that’s what I’m telling you he do he don’t have a quick first step like I thought I’m telling you well I don’t think he’s I don’t think he’s polished athletically I mean I mean not atic offensively no that don’t mean he ain’t an athlete though and I don’t think we can make the 55th pick excuse because I now I’m just realizing uh uh Rich Paul held the league hes telling them not to drift him uh or else he was gonna send him to Australia they made it s bro do you know why the other teams were going to draft him I don’t believe no team draft I don’t no I think teams I think teams considered it what team I I want to know what team the only reason they were going to do it was to get the Lakers to give them no they going to draft him and then get the Lakers to give them an asset to get him they would have been like hey give me a second round pick two years from now you can get it that’s what they would have done they would have done it just to get the asset how how know the Lakers would have done it here the problem with you when yall saying it how how is that true when he only worked out for the damn Lakers he worked up for the sons too what are you talking about yeah I know that but the sons ain’t really give they said then they said he’s open to work out for other teams remember after that they said work out for two teams I don’t know that though I don’t no no I don’t know that I don’t know what happened after that we know that because that’s what they put out they only worked out for two teams okay he want to stay close to how we know he was gonna get draft wi he only worked out we only saw one picture with him in a in a Laker uniform pract the practice uniform we didn’t even see the one with Phoenix again we all know that the whole narrative was him to play for the Lakers and the whole a year ago so I I didn’t think that yeah but teams could have came in and done what they tried to do and they might have pushed the Lakers hand and forced them but they would have wasted their pick so that’s why they try to deter the teams because teams probably would have been like man they all gun ho on this let me draft them now and let’s see if the Lakers because if I got like say a team like uh San Antonio I Gotta Give A team that hate the Lakers I can’t just name a random team you had to be a team that hate the Lakers and had a lot of pcks a team like that would have done it just to get you to get him a pick then if you don’t hey we waste the pick we’ll trade him to somebody else or just cut him if he’s no good cuz think about it the 55th player I would love for people to go show me how many guys that got drafted the 55th 55th actually end up making the NBA clip second I’d love to see that I’d love to see well what what did he get drafted what what number he got drafted a little before um BR ORD what’s his name and Chris Chris they look where you where you get drafted matters I’m just saying go in records and find go in records and find me guys that would 55th pick since they’ve been doing two rounds of drafting and me tell me how many them guys actually make NBA teams man so what up what it do what why give him a guaranteed contract de because they want to guarantee that money that was what you had inv man ain’t nobody com see play man who said anything about basketball bro that you come with that dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] where you been you trolling all the damn time [ __ ] you trolling how about listen sometime ain’t nobody talking about his basketball game [ __ ] where you been we’ve been having this conversation 30 minutes and you come in with a dumbass statement from the jump ain’t nobody can watch him play nobody was talk about him playing I wish you make me punk ass [ __ ] talking whatever [ __ ] we sitting here talking about business and you come here talking about nobody come to watch and play everybody knows that tell us something we don’t know we a talking about we a’t talking about him making money on the basketball court we Ain talking about making money on the basketball court we talking about making money from movies and documentaries you got something to add to that you got something to add to that bro do you have anything to add to that if not shut your dumb ass up [ __ ] and go back out there and troll like that’s crazy it’s all you want to do you ain’t adding [ __ ] to the conversation nobody everybody knows nobody’s watching them play ball now what okay but but when you say movies and and documentaries I don’t understand what what money I know you don’t I know you don’t I know you don’t understand LeBron you don’t think there’s gon hold on Atlant atlan you don’t think there’s going to be Atlanta you don’t think there’s going to be a movie and a documentary made about LeBron James and his son being able to play Accord at the same time and it’s never happened in the NBA you don’t think it’s going to be movies and documentaries about that I mean I think it’s going to be a documentary about LeBron James and his is it gonna be for free is it gonna be for free it a it ain’t I mean he gonna be a part of that but he not gonna be a major part because way again the the the what sells is the fact that this is something that has never happened and this is one of the greatest players to ever play that’s what’s going to sell it but for it to happen he has to be on the court with his dad and that’s why the Lakers invested the seven Mill now would he have to pay the whole seven probably not because if Brun does what he says and only played two years and Bron’s trash as y’all think he is soon as Bron gone guess what they gonna do cut bronnie and they have to pay the they gave him a fouryear deal seven million it’s it’s the minimum it’s the minimum it’s like 1.5 1.6 but it you know it goes up every year so it’s like 7.4 but he ain’t getting that he’s not GNA get all of that CU that last year unless he done develop and became good they G this a team option of last year and I’m telling you right now if he’s if he’s trash after Braun retires if he’s not good he getting he getting cut he getting cut because that’s a low deal they not gonna have problem cut he he he get [ __ ] on so he get used up and [ __ ] on and toss to the side basic um you talking to me yeah yeah it’s for the money remember Jo it’s for the it’s for the for for LeBron is for the Legacy he the nigg a billionaire he don’t really care about the money so the Lakers in it for the money thought I thought this was about brunon making his own wave though that’s what they said no that again bro what else they supposed to say so can’t tell you they play they can’t tell what if bra came out and told you I’m doing this for the Legacy y’all would destroy that d you about about you so they’re not going to tell you that but that’s exactly what it’s about and the Lakers are doing it because they’re going to make the money because they’re gonna have Lakers jerseys on when they do it so what do Brony want again they don’t care about what bronnie want see that’s why bronnie hold on Bonnie want I’mma tell you what braon saying to bronnie I’m tell support no [ __ ] like that man I’mma tell you what braon saying to bronnie look [ __ ] I had to get it done at 19 I think you can do it I believe in you I’m G to get you in this league and you going to show everybody how good you are even if it start off bad keep your confidence son that’s exactly what he telling them you don’t think he believes that Bry can make it he just needs to give him extended opportun I think LeBron I’m gonna be honest I really believe LeBron thinks his son is good enough to play in the NBA I do I believe he believes that now if that’s true or not we’re gonna find out but I believe he believes that and he’s saying that I had to do it at 19 you come in and prove it at 19 you may not be good as me but you can still prove you belong come here and prove all the haters wrong son that’s what he telling his son matter of fact tell me what else he telling his son that’s the only thing you can tell your son and you ain’t worried about the money because bronnie was a millionaire before he even got to LeBron be want to [ __ ] both ways that’s the problem he again he do but he got hey but these hey Showtime you know how narcissist work you tell him he not gonna convince Brony this is a good thing for him too come on what about I feel like bronnie should have went back to school but I know that’s um a moood issue a cuz my thing is this is trash as y’all saying bronnie is would School actually would have helped him because let’s keep it a buck he’s gonna get hold on he’s gonna get better playing against Pros than he will college players playing with Pros every day he’ll get more yeah yeah you will I promise you yeah you will mean he would get I told you what college brings you is the college brings you the maturity and the structure well let’s keep it above Ronnie’s a very mature young man and he’s already got the structure needed so that’s why braon probably told him you don’t need college what it’s gonna really give you you already got you need to get out there and play against men to get better right truth man no way don’t tell and so people say oh you sacrifice like this brother right here ta Cox he says so Elder uh Lebron is basically setting his son up uh for failure as far as basketball goes LeBron came out running his mouth about his son being better than half the league that was bad on his dad’s part I think that was very disrespectful to the players in the league too he should have never said that but again that’s LeBron yeah that’s again does that make me hate bronny though think about it does that make me look show I didn’t say that I didn’t say that what I’m saying is is a lot of people criticizing bronnie for the things his dad said you remember this show same thing happened to Lonzo ball that [ __ ] dad was running his mouth and when Lonzo got the he won a little MVP and the what’s the name soon as he had that bad first week in the NBA they was roasting that dude talking about he wasn’t even gonna make it through his first contract remember I wasn’t talking like that though Showtime I’m not talking about you specifically you you remember what the conversations were casual fan was yeah well they wern’t there was a lot of people that know basketball was really believing this about him because of how bad Patrick all these dudes treating him yeah but even me I I saw potentially in Lonzo though I knew he right right something good but he was he was yeah he was a number two number two should have saw something I knew he something and lono’s a better player than him I didn’t think he was gonna be Magic Johnson he gonna get his jersey retired by the Lakers but I knew he was gonna be what he is now before he got the injury I saw and again I agree with that but he was also the number two pick so the expectations were definitely there Brony didn’t get drafted to number two number 20 number 32 no this Booker was drafted Rich Paul held uh held him hostage a bro he wasn’t going to get drafted he was to get drafted that first round bro cuz he didn’t hold the first round hostage brother remember he didn’t hold the first round hostage he only held the second round hostage anybody could have drafted him in the first round because they wanted that guaranteed contract if you’re a first round pick that’s a guaranteed fore contract right yeah wasn’t going to turn down no first round don’t matter where he would have I do a little bit but at the same time bro look at this opportunity man look at this opportunity now again when I played in the summer Lees against Pros I was a little older I was a little bit older so no I wasn’t getting cooked no that first year I didn’t do what I thought I should that’s fine hey I was there though was you oh if I was there I would have cooked you you wouldn’t have been there cuz they you know you I’m sorry my bad you know what bro I don’t even know you you could have been there somebody got to pass a popcorn out [ __ ] somebody got to sweep somebody gotta sweep the flow you right you just like my higho he went to try out for the Giants he went to try out but he came back in a full body cash I mean but he you get I can say this though you get better if you playing against better competition every day you gonna get better as a player you’ll get better playing against Pros than you will against college guys you just that’s a fact that’s I think just I just think the coaching depending on where you’re at is better in college but if you say that he already has all those tools I still think he could have grew because he didn’t really get to play that’s why I feel like they never should have forced him out of college they they should have let it be his decision man It Don’t Fit LeBron’s narrative though that don’t fit LeBron’s narrative if it was his decision and he chose to go proo right and and leave College on his own valtion then that’s one thing but I think he didn’t have that let me ask y’all this though let me and again some of y’all gonna think I’m a LeBron fan which some of y’all that know me no damn well that ain’t the truth but think about this you you’ve been in the league 20 years and you’ve been dominating the league for 20 years you you and you have a desire to play with your son and you know you only got a couple years left now mind you don’t forget your son had a heart condition that might almost ended his career that’s another thing but go ahead you fa waste the year you tell him you know what son just so you can get a little bit more development and a little more nli money that you don’t need cuz you already a multi-millionaire go back to college I would have said God’s plan I would have said it’s God’s plan I really believe LeBron left it up to bronnie I don’t think he forced Bron I don’t I reallyu I think he heavily I’m sure he influence him his dad on here’s the trick right here I absolutely agree with you but you know if I was LeBron what I would have did what I would never said this right there on March 7th 2023 my son defin better have the cats I wouldn’t never been that was that was just disrespect the players I would saying none of that stuff I would been saying hey very bad I would made it known I would have made it known to everybody with no problem and I think most people would have respected it I want to play my son before I retired and I I’m G I’m gonna um get my son on the same team as me I think they would have been a lot more respected a lot more U genuine in my opinion and I and I and I would have been hey something something important about that statement why do you have this be more be more real to your fans bro and to the it’s something it’s something about now the fan thing I don’t agree with because he don’t he has the most irrational fans they gonna believe anything this [ __ ] more real though like yeah they anything he say is real to them they don’t care yeah they don’t care what the hell he say real here’s the hey here’s the most important thing about that statement you put up there put it back up there if you can show put it back up there real quick if you can put it back up there I want y’all to see something put it back up there can you get it back up there right there I don’t see it [ __ ] oh my thing behind the last thing said on there is the most important thing look when he tweeted that [ __ ] out look when he look when he tweeted that [ __ ] out what time was [ __ ] it was 4:43 in the morning so if you go back three hours from California that’s 1:43 that [ __ ] was Sauced up man he’s sitting there watching games West Coast G Sauced all up that [ __ ] man just talking [ __ ] man he talking [ __ ] he to me to me bro again this is no this is disrespectful bro for him to really this is disrespectful but a narcissist hold on if you know anything about narcissist this [ __ ] believes this stuff he believes this I would have kept it real to the people though bro I want you ain’t a narcissist so you ain’t a narcissist though you ain’t a narcissist so you can do that yeah and you would think hey show you would think about other people’s thoughts and feelings about this before you would say something stupid like this yeah that [ __ ] a narcissist he he believes he’s above all rules everything that’s what it is yeah and he ain’t got think about it when has Bron ever had respect for his players or coaches when he’s never had respect for anybody ever but because he makes so much money guess what they do tolerate that [ __ ] because he’s a great player they tolerate that [ __ ] see the only player that I actually saw play with his son and professional sports was Kent griffy but his son was one of the greatest players all pick up a b like d what’s my guy the um NASCAR driver right them two Dar har you know you know how gen that was because both of them was actually great and he he was able to be under his dad you know and and learn from him yeah you see how genuine that was I I’m saying I would I would have liked I would that would have been special to see that happen but this is more of a you know I’m G be honest process I don’t like LeBron I don’t like this process don’t like all of it but because there’s so much hate to this boy I actually want him to succeed me too I want him to succeed on that side hold on who in the hell wants to see this young dude F what did he do for y’all I think a lot of people that dislike LeBron wants to see his son that’s Bullit [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] I’m not the biggest brown fan either but nah we not doing all that I actually because it’s been so bad of starting all that I actually want to see him want to see him succeed yeah he’s very mature for a 19 year old I’m not saying he perfect but he’s a mature young man he’s humble yeah so I want to see this man mature I want to see him succeed I do and I actually think he has n he has the NBA athleticism there are things I see in his game that I think work on an NBA level the Christmas the Christmas the crisp the crisp I can’t even say the word how crisp his passes are I like that yeah of his passes I that I think his IQ is high his biggest thing right now think about it is his confidence and that’s why his shot is off his confidence is shot yeah his confidence is shot I don’t need him to be I don’t need him I don’t need him to be a a point guard because I really look at him like an Avery Bradley that’s who I really compare him to I think that’s the best comp comparison for this brother he can be that and be more athletic than him but that shot he has to get the confidence in it athletic like Bradley though are you serious Showtime stop Showtime stop Showtime stop Showtime oh my God he not as athletic as Brad Showtime this boy has a 40 something inch vertical Avery Bradley don’t have that what are we talking about quicker than than BR and he play with way moreo I don’t know that I don’t know that I’m sorry he may have hey he may have more heart but to say he is more athletic that’s just false that’s wrong Ronnie’s way more will poke too now that not like bronnie bro he ain’t got no 40 something in vertical bro stop bronnie is Fast bronn’s Very go watch AB in this rookie up come on bro how many years how many years ab play at College how many years did he playing in Texas AB your first round draft it like yeah he was but how many years did he play at Texas anybody know I know he played for Texas I just can’t remember how many years he played how many I think he came to the league a lot older if he played like to his sophomore junior year he was a couple years older than bronny when he got there uhhuh again I think I think that’s like a ceiling for him to me but that’s a good ceiling if you can mess around and learn how to play defense the right way in the NBA and be a lock down 94 foot Defender and then be a guy that can knock down thre play one year at Texas oh really he came out after freshman year Aver Bradley did yeah he don’t play one year I didn’t think that [ __ ] was that good God Dam what he look that up now that man had a way better motor bro now that that part right there may be true you talk he that man was bro I didn’t say he wasn’t athletic I say got you got remember bro I SW BR to ACL remember yeah remember that before that that [ __ ] was bro that dude was crazy a bro my boy used to flush that thing he was yeah it wasn’t much that a Bradley couldn’t do on the court um I like Bradley even though he played with Boston I liked him I loved him when he came with the Lakers I hate the fact he didn’t get to play in the bubble you know but I understand why he made that decision just imagine how good the defense would have been because remember he was the number one ranked perimeter defender in the in the league that year just imagine how good they perimeter defense would have been the day they had him in the bubble because their defense was good in the bubble yeah I didn’t know he only played a year good for him bradle he was on some of them good Texas team too he’s about an inch taller too he was 6’3 he was inch taller I saw he was a dog defensively bro I saw oh yeah oh they said in college he was a All-American Defender yeah I was reading that his college life he was all uh he was one of the top defensive guards in the country yeah I think bronnie can be a good Defender he has the skills to be a good Defender you know you got to understand angles and all that stuff as well too but I think he can turn into a good Defender yeah I think I mean I think he can be I definitely think even if not ay BR then he could definitely be good as Patrick Beverly my opinion but he don’t have that heart like Beverly goty tell what I’m saying that that dog he he gotta play yeah he don’t have that dog he don’t have that dog dog like that Gilbert Arena said he did remember that little thing I saw that g did a little clip I see [ __ ] Gil Arena say bro I got you okay I didn’t see it I I heard the little you know the little short or whatever it was he said he said something to him and and he lied y okay y’all say lying I ain’t even gonna talk about it did because I don’t know for sure and I ain’t a big give Arena fan either and I know he say some of the dumbest [ __ ] in the world so I don’t want to quote that he’s a goofy me I don’t want to quote that dude at all disrespect the whole He disrespect so many errors like this dude you know I you know what I hate about I don’t want to say hate that’s a strong word I don’t like he just not intelligent man yeah you right he ain’t an intelligent dude at all bro they in their non intelligent and talk I I don’t like dudes like that when you get in your 40s I need to see some maturity from that that show trash to me I don’t like nothing about that show it’s just too childish for me I don’t like um grown 40y old men talking like a bunch of kids bro I don’t like that bro they look childish gild R look childish Nick Young look childish I mean come on bro I don’t trust nothing they say Kenan Martin dog on certain age a man walking around with a crown on his head is a problem right there m m be doing that dumb stuff m didn’t work out in the NBA because of his maturity and he said that dude said that dude be talking he could play Man y’all this man said a bradle boy this dude a Bradley punch that thing Bry no say he didn’t CH why you keep I just said I don’t think he was athletic as as uh oh boy he’s athletic he ain’t athletic as as uh bronnie bronnie that 40 that’s a lot bro especially for a guy 6’2 I mean he punching with ease bro what’s his daddy what’s his daddy vertical he probably got just High not higher vertical than his daddy let me see something what you say vertical 40 I just said 40 something I don’t know exactly what it was I’ll pull it up though Ronney James what was his vertical his would be more recent it was 41 I know it was 40 something but I’m like he took a step on that on one I watch like you too that that’s that’s vertical now um atlan that’s what they consider vertical that’s crazy a it used to be flat foot for us but back in our day you had to stand flat and just jump I know they do the they’ve been doing the they’ve been doing the one step in and they call that vertical I think it’s stupid that’s not vertical bro I agree I will agree yeah because it wasn’t for us we couldn’t take a step in our day y’all we did vertical you stood flat footed there and just jumped as high you could the best seen in my life was Vince Carter he definitely gets up yeah I can’t find Bradas and Bradley had better lateral quickness that dude slide his feet like it’s it’s different it’s hard to see him becoming a good oh wow I hey I didn’t know that about Bradley y’all did y’all know that b ESPN had him ranked number one when he came out of high school yeah yeah I didn’t know that y’all I’m sorry I didn’t know that Dad PL nobody hadn’t ranked less than five yeah he had that ACL injury though in high school no but that’s when he used that’s when he lost a lot of his athleticism I didn’t know he went the oill I didn’t know all that this [ __ ] got player of the year he got parade Player of the Year man what’s wrong with me I didn’t know that I didn’t know he was all that I ain’t gonna lie my godam this [ __ ] was a real deal bro that’s my fault I can admit when I’m wrong this [ __ ] was a real deal read this [ __ ] read read this I call you troll [ __ ] I said you’re a troll you be trolling be trolling man I be trying to tell y the truth I’m like dang I didn’t know he was this good though I knew Bradley was good but I didn’t know he was this good this dude not Mar was a straight dog oh he was bro he was wear your ass out too you bring that ball to the floor he put pressure on yeah everything in between you don’t think Bron could ever get to that level not that type of pressure I don’t think maybe type he too nice too nice so y’all don’t think uh y’all don’t think Bev and uh Bradley pressure similar y’all don’t think so I think I think I like I like this comparison right here Eric snow if he I like that I like Eric snow Eric snow was much bigger than him and less athletic yeah yeah and he was a pure Point too though I he’s a pure point from day one a Gary pton Jun type player Oh Gary pton junor okay Junior man junor see okay okay yeah I think he got even now he more athletic than bronny I think that dude got he does he he has Instinct defensively he really does see that come over time though CU you gotta remember something though he didn’t just come out the blue like took him yeah I don’t want to compare that [ __ ] to Avery Bradley no more when that [ __ ] was no more High School play i a g say that [ __ ] no more pton swallow let me swallow that one that’s a good one if he can beat Gary pton secondary pton was good comparison too though yeah they said uh what’s the dude name the one guard that uh was it Milwaukee and they got rid of him blo they compared him to blo n blo was much better than him yeah blesso one of the best players that ever come out of Alabama yeah I I I didn’t like the comparison but I heard them you know when they do those play cops when they first coming out strong he might be able to gota get was he he he was a little rock that was a little little Tasmanian Devil bro that book was th he remind me of Dort he remind me of Dort over there in OKC that better than L Dort though yeah offensively yes offensively yeah I don’t think he’s better defensively no he definitely wasn’t better defensively than him no Bradley sign oh this one sign with the Lakers we got him cheap I just I kind of want bronnie to do well now man it’s so many people coming against him I kind of want him to do well now I just do so hey let’s make the story real good he he I think his mentality is the issue I think like I said I think it’s a confidence thing but he he he’s so he’s so passive on both ends of the Court that’s confidence though right not on defense it’s confidence on offense but on defense I don’t think it’s confidence thing I think I’m I’m gonna say the same thing about bronnie I said about uh Lonzo I think now he ain’t Lonzo ball not saying he’s just as good as L because he’s not but a lot of this is being on his team with his dad that’s just being in La y’all know just being with the Lakers is immense pressure that most guys in the league can’t handle grown men been shooting 40% their whole career come over to the Lakers and play and can’t hate the backside of a damn bar it’s just pressure playing for the Lakers and then you got your dad there in your ear every day bronnie may be better to go somewhere else a couple years from now put him in a trade and let him play somewhere else and get away from that pressure and no expectation yeah that’s what I’m saying he may do better then but because a lot of the stuff we’re talking about it’s just it seems It’s all mental it’s mental thing it yeah I think is that’s a big part of it I’m not saying go out there and score 12 points I’m saying go out there and be G look same thing Gary pton Jr but look this why this D give you some hope though I remember Gary pton Jr he wasn’t that he wasn’t even good as he is now you know what I’m saying it took him a little minute it did he had to get older and mature get old cuz he was out The League remember he was out The League yeah he was bouncing around he played on the Lakers remember and they cut him and the Lakers let him go cut him so it took him a minute now he just got a but here the thing gar Peyton got that hungry in him he just gotta play with got that dog he got that dog he got that dog dad put that in him I I 100% believe that’s why that’s why I’m like man he’s LeBron Son bro because again I don’t care for LeBron but the [ __ ] the nigga’s a great player they can’t deny that the nigga’s a dog he’s a great player so he gonna give a little bit that to his son man I just I just can’t give up on a 19y old that has the skill level in my opinion the athleticism that this boy got I’m just not saying people saying yeah people are yeah people are saying that he’ll never turnning like he has no upside I just don’t agree with that I don’t agree with that at all I don’t agree with that at all and again I’ve seen too many players recently I’m talking about in the last 10 years that they look trash or they look uh below expectation let me say it that way they look well below expectation and then they hit 23 24 25 and then you’re like damn who is this dude man is dude the maturity is just something else with these dudes man and you just don’t know it may happen at 20 it may happen at 24 it may happen at 26 but I just I just think he needs a chance he’s 19 bro he’s 19 he’s 19 get get a man a chance now if we looking at bronnie two years from now and LeBron’s leaving and bronnie is the same hey let him go hey you got your little four years or three years of contract make your little five million and get on out of here brother Sor that’s all I can say but don’t you think he should be able to be more aggressive at this level as far as playing in the summer league that’s all mental that’s confidence but hold on is that was he aggressive like that in high school my son that wasn’t his game in high school that’s what people are saying like this stuff that we want him to be it wasn’t what he was in high school so these are things someone else going to have to tell him and then he’s gonna have to go work on that stuff in the off season bro like he’s gonna have to work on those things and then when he comes back that’s a big thing about a pro when they come back after the summer you should see something added to their game LeBron done it for all these years I mean the [ __ ] jumper wet now braon shot what 41 42% from three last year that [ __ ] [ __ ] wet y’all that’s working on it though it took him 20 years to get a jumper but hey he got it now I mean w is a stretch hold on bro hold on hold on hold on hold mag in the ball hold on again bro y’all can say what y’all want to say he hey yeah if if anybody shoot 41 42% from three that’s wet to me that’s wet and here’s the thing we can’t hold on y’all we can’t say he didn’t shoot a lot of them either it ain’t no low volume shooter you know that [ __ ] shot way too in our personal op we all know it’s not it’s not natural though mag all I don’t know about no magnet no ball bro so a so if it’s a magnet in the ball that means everybody else playing get it too cuz you can’t just have it in the ball oh they turn it on they turn it on for yeah it turn out you got a guy there at at the score at theore at the score table going boom boom boom boom y’all n something else man y’all [ __ ] something else y’all something else but y’all say bronnie this that bronnie is is is messing with the morals and integrity of the game and then y’all think this [ __ ] playing with a magnet ball everybody that play ball know when you hey everybody play ball know when you get older your jumper get a little bit better don’t F be mad hey don’t shots add up man hey listen old he made a whole live he said he slowing it down y’all I told y’all they put magnets in the ball you can see right here the way LeBron James I never forget hey I never call LeBron hate right here this real LeBron hate bro this man made a whole live stream talking about the magnet look how the ball hit the rim it didn’t supposed to go in like that I was like bro this what you call hate right here bro yeah hey that [ __ ] shot 41% from the three y’all where did he Sho in the clutch down the clutch I don’t know about that that [ __ ] shot 41% for the season he shot a lot of Threes bro hey I remembery that’s hey that’s what I was G to bring up I will never forget that gay I remember that [ __ ] Atlanta they turned on the Manning ball was that [ __ ] was cooking Ka [ __ ] was on fire I ain’t lie he Wasing I ain’t gonna lie that that might have been next to championships y’ I’m not gonna lie that had to be the greatest game of all time for me see I love that game oh I’ll crash on that I ain’t G I ain’t G lie y’all remember that day I could not stop laughing man I was like they let a 40y old [ __ ] cook this [ __ ] them [ __ ] is up 20 and this [ __ ] came he let a 40y old lock you up I a going be do it this year we got them Defenders now oh boy that [ __ ] was funny man I’m not gonna lie that game was the ultimate embarrassment game that’s the worst loss of the Clippers ever we got hey we got them young dogs not y’all ain’t gonna be [ __ ] I mean it’s okay y’all ain’t gonna be [ __ ] bro sorry I ain’t gonna lie I don’t have high expectations for any La team I just don’t I ain’t going to lie I think it’s past their time bro they I don’t have any I don’t have any yeah I’m not even betting this because it don’t matter the Lakers is a joke and and no uhuh they’re not really trying to compete so again they they worry more about making movies which again is fine that’s your business decision you do what you do but I don’t I think Lakers Clippers Phoenix I think all the old teams gonna be fighting again the playing I really do I think they gonna be fighting again the play these young boys is coming bro they that [ __ ] a Edward ain’t playing y’ uh Shay gilders them [ __ ] ain’t playing they ain’t playing they hey I think Memphis gonna come back with aveng this year too I think they hot fire I think they mad as hell they didn’t wasted two years I’m I’m so I’m just so mad about that CBA man this [ __ ] trash bro yeah hey did you see what they said sh they literally made that CBA to stop y’all owner know said he got too much money we got to do something to stop this dude because he’s just goingon to buy any contract he want to win and he will eventually buy championship team they literally said they designed a lot of that new CBA against him I said damn that’s sad that’s crazy on bro and Boston seem like they just got unlimited money everybody get 200 million goddamn how how can they pay all these dudes all of a sudden everybody B this money everybody making 30 Mill for them [ __ ] man what the what’s going on all the s come on I don’t know how to get away with that bro I don’t know how they doing it I don’t I don’t know how they doing bro but you know you see what going on but y’ hey maybe maybe y’all right on the magnet ball man you know why you know why I’m looking at LeBron well he did he had a year with the heat he shot 40 40.6 yeah he shot 41% on MVP okay I G to say then he had a 36 but nothing else was ever over 36 nothing over 36 and then the year before that he was trash that [ __ ] shot 32% it was like one of his Worst Years well no he had a year with the Cs he shot 31 and a half 31.9 but that was one of his worst year shooting the three the year before when he played 55 games he was 32% I know this that n man I’m sorry y that [ __ ] Brian had a good year last year [ __ ] played 35 minutes 26 points a game 54% shooting from the field 41% from three 7.3 rebounds 8.3 assists and that was a bad played 71 games and that was a bad year think about that 26 s and eight did he make an all NBA team he had to make one of them all NBA teams them number who BR yeah he had to was he all NBA last year NBA he had to bro I’m like d some man you probably ain’t got seven guys in the leag that did that that need to work good didn’t make it this [ __ ] done had some sick years man this [ __ ] had two years ago this [ __ ] was 38 and6 man last the year the year before he was 29 eight and seven yeah the LeBron fan man I’m not I’m just I ain’t gonna lie y’all being a Lakers I didn’t know this [ __ ] did like a I’m like I ain’t gonna lie y’all I mean I know they turn on magnet balls and and he uh what do you call it at the end of the game juice right now bro it ain’t that I’m just like I’m not going to lie I’m like bro these you still got to put the ball in the basket I know he’s got a lot of empty stats but God there’s a lot of empty stats there’s a lot bro 29 Points a game for 55 games that’s a lot of damn points do when you st p and this is a number it’s easier to accumulate numbers in this area yeah but the man shoot 50% every year bro he’s shooting 50% from the field every year got this shit’s yeah the numbers impressive I’m just sorry I’m the numbers are freaking impressive bro 21 years you averaging 38 minutes a game you’re averaging 27 points a game 50% shooting 35% from the three seven and a half assists seven and a half uh uh rebounds wow this for a career I just gave yall his career stats over 21 years God damn mississipp still Ain better than Mike oh Lord did for his but he didn’t play the I’m just saying he didn’t play the As long you know Mike didn’t play as long need to he was already to go again I don’t hey hold on y’all don’t get it twisted now I’m not looking at this [ __ ] like oh he just no hell no I’m just saying no no no just because I’m admiring what he done no I didn’t realize that I didn’t pay that much attention to that I did but that’s impressive number I got him in number two that’s that’s impressive I can see why a lot of people have him at number two now I can’t justify the one because it’s just too many losses in the most critical games I just can’t but I can literally see now why a lot of people have him top two I can I I did did not I knew it but I guess I didn’t recognize it and the last couple years oldest he’s been I mean like God dang the [ __ ] was 36 pull up 30 game eight and seven eight and six at 36 37 38 yeah because it GNA be 39 this year or 37 that would have been his 37 yeah 37 and 38 yeah that [ __ ] was 37 in 2122 put up 30th games 52% 36 from three then help the Lakers win [ __ ] though punk ass hey you starting to sound like that’s your k gelder no you better stop it now see there you go why man can’t give man his props without dropping on their knees godamn no I’m just I’m I’m I’m actually but again we know it’s inh hands too like what you say show that needle good this year yeah we we know what’s in hand yeah we know it’s in hand you have a little extra help you got that anim magnet ball I guess you would do that hey I got a crack joke because you don’t really never give that dude no prop so not like that I don’t but I want to see this dude video y’all talking about made it about the magnet ball I actually want to see the video I want to see it see I’m into some conspiracy theory theories but that I’m like I want to know what that man is sitting to control that magnet ball where does he sit is he in the booth is he at the scores table is he behind the state you know behind the the basket where he sitting I want to know that dude sitting controlling that switch man it’s freaking 140 I’m out man salute appreciate y’all man I didn’t know it was this late no problem all right man y’all be blessed all right who else up in here me in here giving uh BR props that is funny though but you got the good win uh you got the good win to the earlier huh oh yeah yeah I gota see what I’m coming with for the second round man probably some Mo zero or something just to let y’all hear I don’t know we have to see because that that can be me well tomorrow you up n PR so depending on whether it might be me time y start tomorrow we we gonna go up at um three this time three me you on the same time frame so yeah yeah yeah we’re goingon to be in three so y’all be there it’s going to be a good battle I’m I’m holl at y tomorrow all right bro

#HoustonRockets #LosAngelesLakers #NBA2KSummerLeague #BronnyJames
Bronny James and the Lakers will again look for their first win of the summer as they take on the reigning champion Celtics in a matchup in Las Vegas on Monday night.

In their first Las Vegas Summer League game on Friday night, the Lakers fell to the Rockets 99-80. James arguably played his best statistical game of the summer, finishing with eight points on 3-of-14 shooting, and Lakers first-round pick Dalton Knecht finished with a game-high 25 points.

James has so far struggled in his first few games as a Laker, shooting 6-for-26 from the field and 0-for-12 on 3-pointers. After the loss to the Rockets, he told reporters, “I just feel like I’m in a little slump right now.”

1 Comment

  1. So many pastors out here be lying and deceiving ppl. Nigga you not right all the time fuck all that opinion shit I live on facts not opinions

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