@Detroit Pistons

First Impressions Of Detroit Pistons Rookies Ron Holland And Bobi Klintman In Summer League

First Impressions Of Detroit Pistons Rookies Ron Holland And Bobi Klintman In Summer League

Pistons fans got their first impression of Ron Holland and Bobby Clinton the Pistons two draft picks this past NBA draft in the summer league we’re going to talk about what we saw from them and other things from summer league in today’s episode of the lockon Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host kah Hill you can find me over on Twitter at cah Hill I want to thank you guys for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day we are fre available on all your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down or have winded Down Sports sto sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit to get started today in today’s episode we’ll be talking about Ron Holland obviously and Bobby Clinton the first impressions of the Detroit Pistons rookies also want to talk about some other quick summer league reaction to just the first game and then also the Pistons we’ve seen some assistant coach hirings over the the last few days we have a few names that will be joining JB bicker staff and his staff in Detroit um so we’re going to talk about that a little bit later as well um but just give you guys complete transparency here I’m recording this during halftime of the Pistons second summer league game um this summer league game the Pistons are playing is probably the roughest Summer League game I’ve ever witnessed like it it’s it’s it’s horrible it’s I I couldn’t watch it any longer I don’t think anyone’s watching this game any longer from every everything I saw I saw a lot of piness check out like there’s no need to watch this this second game this second game is truly horrific it might it’s some of the worst basketball I’ve ever seen and with Ron Holland who did not play in this game due to rest I know there is some um some some you know Rumblings that he wasn’t playing because of a thumb injury that is not the case he is not playing due to rest because the Pistons play backto back um played today which is the 15th but then they play again tomorrow on the 16th so they want him to be ready for the second day don’t ask me whether I agree with that or not resting in summer league is is certainly a decision um but he is not hurt or anything he will be playing on the 16th um but with him not playing this game against the Rockets I and with how bad the game has been there’s no I’m not watching this game I don’t suggest any of you guys to watch the game either it’s not there’s nothing to take away here um but a game that there was to take away some from was the first game in summer league with the Detroit Pistons when they went up against the Philadelphia 76 Sixers team they lost this game 9481 on the other side you got to see um Jared McCain their first round pick you got to see a little bit of former piston RJ Hampton even though he left the game early with um with an injury um but really on the other Squad another guy you guys got to watch that was playing really well really impressed me was Aluma 19 points eight rebounds he was incredible for the Sixers I I he was probably one of the bigger standouts from this game he was he was pretty impressive um but that was from the other side um from the Pistons side obviously you got to see Ron Holland and Bobby Clinton so obviously we’re going to start with Ron because he was the Pistons first round pick he is the fifth overall pick for the Detroit Pistons what did we see from him in this game well I think from the positives you saw the flashes of the two-way impact his ability to play on offensive end and on the defensive end his motor was non-stop he was constantly going on the end of the game with 15 points seven rebounds two blocks two steals or two assists and one steal in this game he shot five of 15 from the floor 0 of two from Deep he did get to the free throw line six times and made five of them but the immediate reaction I had to his first game was that you saw the flash with the two-way impact and that is by far I think clearly what the Pistons are going for to have big wings that are two-way players even during this second game before I cut it off JB brickera was on the broadcast and he was talking about how the Pistons are looking at the Boston Celtics in the NBA finals and how they had size everywhere and the ability to play both ways of the floor and also guys who were willing passers and I think you saw that from obviously Cade you see that from assar and I think you saw a little bit a little bit of that instantly with Ron Holland his ability to play both ways so that’s the positive the other positive um he is what’s the right word aggressive I feel like doesn’t do it enough Justice he is um Relentless that that’s the word Relentless at going to the basket now that might that’s GNA be part of the negatives we’ll get into but a positive is that he is absolutely Relentless at getting to the basket and that translates to six free throw attempts which he made five of them so I think he’s going to generate a lot of free throws because he goes straight into the body of guys he’s not scared of contact he’s very physical and again like I said he is Relentless explosive when he gets towards the basket he doesn’t doesn’t matter that he can’t shoot right now doesn’t matter if guys play off of him he finds a way to get the basket he’s going to do it ferociously and he’s going to be relentless about it so that was the other positive I saw from him in the first Summer League game um I also like the fact that he hit five or six of his free throws but outside that I want to flip to some of the negatives I saw from his game some things that you saw instantly that he needs to improve on one is obviously his outside shot his outside shot is a bit of a work in progress um more than a work in progress I think um didn’t look comfortable on a lot of his on on on the three-point jump shots um just we knew that this was something he was going to have to improve on and you saw that in the first game the other thing going back to the driving to the rim where I said he’s Relentless part of that is you there’s a line between Relentless and chaotic and and and out of control and two of he had two turnovers in this game um both turnovers were from him forcing it to the basket and and stumbling a little bit losing control of the ball running into multiple bodies not having anywhere to go so while you love the fact that he’s Relentless and is able to get to the rim which is one of the positives of him as a slasher you see that he’s going to have to develop the decision making knowing when to go when not to go when to you know slow down a little bit that’s something that you saw instantly in the half court offense um in the summer league he oftentimes drove himself into tough positions which either led to a turnover or LED to one of his 10 misses where he was taking a very tough shot because he drove into a lot of people I also feel like his vision I think he’s a willing passer I think you saw him be a willing passer but I think he also needs to improve upon his vision and his ability to make Next Level reads obviously this is just one Summer League game and this is stuff I feel like a lot of people knew about him already I’m just pointing out what you immediately saw from him you immediately saw the two-way impact ability his ability to get to the basket his ability to draw free throws his ability to try hard on defense even on the glass you saw him get a few rebounds like I said um right after the Pistons drafted him you’re going to see a lot of those rebounds like AAR where it’s like how did he even get that rebound um he had a few of those already in the first game so definitely some positives definitely some negatives that you see that he has to improve on but that’s you know when in a raw Prospect a young very young Prospect that’s expected in his first Summer League game it’s probably GNA be expected in his first rookie season so um I I think he was just about what you expected um from him in this first game uh so that’s my takeaways from Ron Holland Bobby kman though now I’ll say this I Bobby impressed me more than Ron and let me be very clear about this I am not saying Bobby over Ron I’m just talking about this specific game when you’re talking about my bigger takeaways it was Bobby Clinton he really impressed me in this game in this first game for the Detroit Pistons he had 13 points five assists five rebounds of Steel five attempt from the four three seven from Deep so just real quickly I want to run through what we saw from him um immediately I he impressed me as an off ball playmaker his ability to now his five assist didn’t come from him isoing guys or doing pick and roll making a crosscourt skip pass he’s not that kind of playmaker but his playmaking off ball was really impressive he kept the ball moving he made the right read very quickly there was a pass he made in this game along the Baseline he was right around the BL uh I forget who it was but someone dumped it off to him as soon as he caught the ball immediate touch pass to a cutting big man I believe his name is tolu Smith on the piston since um summer league team he was cutting down the middle as soon as Bobby caught the ball immediate touch pass not didn’t take a second to try to read the floor didn’t try to do his own thing immediate touch pass got him a wide open dunk fantastic pass he had a few other ones just like that where he’s making immediate quick reads with the ball it’s not again it’s not off of self-created looks it’s off ball playmaking so I know a lot of people may be asking how can you have off ball playmaking off the ball how can you playmake if you don’t got the ball off ball playmaking is you’re not the one creating like the self-created look you’re getting the ball off you know someone else is initiating the action you get the ball when you’re off the ball you’re you’re moving off the ball and as soon as you catch it you’re making a quick play that’s what he was impressing me with a lot immed a lot of quick touch passes a lot of quick extra passes made the right read I loved it I think he was that is big time for your half court offense that someone that can play off ball make quick geds like that and keep the ball moving he showed that I really like that from him his shot looks really nice like his actual jump shot is very beautiful like I’m not going to lie to you very clean um and he hit three of his shots in that game now at halftime of this game he’s currently oh three from Deep we’ll talk about that just a little bit later but um in this first game really impressed me really really impressed me his ability to hit and hit open threes his ability to make the right pass his ability to make the right cut there was a few Cuts in this game where he didn’t even score he made a quick slot cut from the right wing cut right down that slot at the perfect time and creates an open Corner three for his teammate because he’s absorbing the defense from the help side they have to come down to his cut and now they’ll kick out Corner passes wide open you have to do that at the right time it requires timing requires recognition Court awareness so overall I think his IQ on the offensive end of the floor in the half court as a off ball player really popped for me with Bobby um obviously I think his defense you know can see more on hopefully we can see more defensively and on the glass you can see he’s a little fragile and he’s not the greatest rebounder at this point there’s negatives with him and obviously him as a finisher isn’t that great but the off ball his off ball awareness his ability to be an off ball player really just popped to me so that’s my two big takeaways from the first Summer League game let me know if you guys have any other takeaways we’re going to talk about a few other ones including talking about a recent Detroit Piston draft pick that is not he is not helping his case to remain on this team this season um and be any part of the rotation if he is a part of the team I love sports I’ve loved them my whole life I’ve played them my whole life I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs have winded down we obviously get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I had to do is open the app and dream up any bets 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subscribers if we are not I’m going to be incredibly sad so please hit that subscribe button if you have not already I’d really appreciate it or leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on whether that be SPO Spotify Google play podcast uh Apple podcast uh sound wherever you guys are listening to this leave us a five star review I really would appreciate it and also if you haven’t already check out the LA check out the last episode with Ashton uh K Cunningham’s trainer I think all Pistons Community know who Ashton is he came up to the house we recorded together it was a lot of fun I really enjoyed recording with him really enjoyed talking with him he’s a really cool dude um iting you guys would really love it if you guys haven’t checked it out already super super fun episode I I really enjoyed it um so go check it out if you haven’t already um but now I want to kind of get into some other summer league reactions um before I get into the main one I do want to say I referenced earlier that we get into how Bobby is struggling a little bit in the second game through one half which I’m not watching the rest of the second half it’s it’s pitiful um I’m not reading so much into this game for him because something you saw in the first half which I’m assuming you’ll probably see in the second half not going to change um he he th he looks better when he’s not being at you know how do I want to put this when there’s other people on the floor creating the advantages for him and then he’s able to create off or make decisions off of their advantages that’s where he looks better he looks good when he’s an off ball player when he’s when he’s playing with players that can create advantages and then he just has to make the decision off of their advantage in this game the Pistons don’t have Ron Holland and the player we’re about to start talking about Marcus Sasser has been absolutely horrific so right now they don’t have anybody on the floor that’s creating any advantages that’s getting to the paint and creating the defense to react and rotate and to get them you know to respect their offense so it’s hard for a player like him who Feast offensively off ball off of other people’s gravity for him to really do anything else so if you expected him to be like some ISO player or someone can create for himself you were mistaken like I don’t know what to tell you that’s not what he’s going to be he is clearly going to be a player that Fe Beast off of other guys gravity and is a really nice potentially at his ceiling an off ball player like that so it doesn’t shock me at all that he’s struggling within this game when he doesn’t have anyone on the floor really creating advantages for other people so um that was just real quickly what I wanted to talk about when I said earlier I’m gonna reference Bobby a little later um but let’s get into the next biggest summer league reaction I got right now Marcus Sasser has been terrible there’s no other way to put it he has been flat out terrible in the first game for the Detroit Pistons in summer league he was 0 six 0 four from Deep had one point turnover and the main thing we’ll get into what I saw from him in this first half I’m not watching the second half that’s how bad the basketball was in the first half but we’ll talk about what I saw in the first half as well but in this first game by far above all the stats if you watch the game above the numbers above the box score watching the by far biggest takeaway with Marcus Sasser in this game if the Pistons are planning well I guess there’s two things that kind of looped into one one is if the Pistons are planning to play him as a point card you might as well just cut him like just let him be with another team let him have a chance to be you know an offg guard with another team and have a chance to have a good career in the NBA if you’re gonna try to play him as a point guard again like they’re trying to do right now just don’t just don’t bring him to to the regular season don’t bring him to the training camp trade him cut him do something because he is not a point guard he is not a point guard so if that’s what you’re trying to make him and trying to make him be it just don’t even waste your time you’re wasting his time you’re wasting your time you’re wasting our time just stop that that’s number one two he is the inability to create Rim pressure or get to the paint this pressure that he’s seeing in summer league he was not able to create any kind of Separation he wasn’t able to really get the Pistons into any offense he couldn’t even he was struggling to get the Pistons into any sets but it was taking him about eight seconds to get to half court and then once he got to half court they were really bothering him and he was losing the ball it was really unable to get them into offensive sets before like the 10c mark and by then now you’re now you’re creating late offense so that and that happened throughout the entirety of the first game so stop playing him as a point guard he’s not a point guard and two he’s really struggling with any type of pressure in the summer league right now the the the amount of pressure that they’re allowing the uh defenses to play on him he can’t create and he can’t create for his teammates either that’s that was by far my biggest reaction he’s struggling massively to get the offense running to set up the offense to create for eward because he can’t react with this pressure that’s number one number two a lot of the weaknesses that we saw from his rookie season that I talked about on the podcast you’re still seeing in the summer league his inability to create for others is inability to to make I don’t want to say easy reads but to make you know NBA reads when it comes to playmaking wise he has a couple of just like why passes especially in this first half he had a really bad turnover in the first half of this Rockets game one that he just basically gave it to the other team just I really bad turnover again in this first half he has struggled mightily with any pressure against in this summer league and overall just not even just against pressure just overall struggle he’s currently 03 in this game against the Rockets as I’m recording so that mean he’s currently 0 of nine through summer league 0 of nine mind you this is an older rookie this was an older rookie this pass through the Pistons drafted this isn’t like an 18yearold that you’re developing this isn’t a 19-year-old from from the G League that you’re trying to um you’re trying to develop he is a 23y old seconde player he was drafted last year and everything said about him was that he is a ready now player he’s supposed to be a player ready to contribute immediately he is an older Prospect he is 23 year years old playing against summer league competition the fact that he is struggling to do anything on the floor in summer league is quite concerning and I know that there’s going to be overreactions across summer league it always happens every season every summer league there’s always overreactions trust me you’re going to see it this is not an overreaction you cannot be a 23y old second-year player struggling this bad against summer league competition I think it’s being made very clear he can’t play point guard he cannot play point guard and along with that what’s what’s really really concerning even more so is at the two-way contract the P handed out to Denise Jenkins he is flatly just just flatly outplaying Marcus Sasser and part of that has to do I mean largely a lot of it has to do with Marcus Sasser not playing well at all but give Jenkins a lot of credit he’s looked pretty impressive through two games like I actually like this this this two-way that they gave he’s playing really well in this game right now um at halftime he has 18 points of five of n shooting again I’m not watching the rest of this game it’s it’s really bad but let’s see you guys will know how he finished off the uh how he finished off the game but even in the first game he he was impressive to me he jumped off the jumped off off the screen to me four of nine from the field 10 points um five assists three steals he was active I liked why I saw him in the first game he’s playing even better than the second game so Marcus Sasser is being outplayed right now by someone the Pistons gave a two-way contract to now I’m did he have he was given the two-way contract right let let me confirm that I’m saying that but each time I say it now I’m like starting to question myself no yeah he signed the two-way okay yeah I I had to confirm that real quick I started a second guess myself for some reason reason either way he’s being outplayed by a two-way contract guy and he’s really struggling against some League competition uh I don’t know how that isn’t concerning that that absolutely off the top instantly has to be concerning that your seconde player who is an older Prospect is struggling this mightily against summer league competition and I’m G tell you this right now as I look down at my phone and look at um the numbers I just saw Jenkins scored again he’s six of 11 with 20 points and Sasser just missed again so now he started off second year summer league 0 of 10 so I mean take that for what you will this is I’m I’ve never been I’m not taking this time to try to say that Marcus Sasser can’t be an NBA player that’s not what I’m doing I’ve just never been a big fan of Marcus Sasser um for the Piston status he can be an NBA player elsewhere but if they’re gonna continue to try and make him be a primary initiator and play him as a point guard he flatly can’t do that he has no chance of doing that I don’t care what they try to say to you he cannot be a point guard he just cannot and then off ball if he’s not draining his shots if he’s not sparking it from the field it’s hard to it’s hard to give reason to be playing a 6-1 undersized two guard if he’s not sparking it from the outside and he’s not like that’s that’s been the concern since draft night last year with me and the fact that he doesn’t seem like he’s improved upon uh areas some from his rookie season summer league and the fact also that he’s struggling this bad he’s missed his first 10 shots against summer league competition and then can’t even get he’s struggling to get past half court he’s struggling to get into offensive sets like it’s concerning it’s concerning so let me know what you guys think you guys agree disagree with that assessment let me know in the comment section down below or over on Twitter at C Hill when we come back the Detroit Pistons have made a few assistant coach hirings we’re starting to see how JB bicker staff’s uh coaching staff is going to look this season for the Detroit Pistons passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors is everything you need to maintain your vehicle and 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that’s another great way to support the podcast so as of right now I don’t know if the Pistons are adding anyone else to uh or should I say is JB bigger staff adding anyone else to his Coachman staff but we’re starting to get an idea of what his staff’s going to look like um obviously we know that Fred Vin is going to be a very big you know have a very big role with the Pistons I don’t know if he’s like going to technically be on the staff um I don’t know if like shooting coaches are like technically on the staff or not um I don’t know if that’s like a like when you say a coaching staff is a shooting coach on the coaching staff like is he on the bench or is he behind the bench I’m not completely sure on that to be honest but I’m going to go ahead and assume he’s part of the staff like he’s going to be on the bench somewhere anyways um Fred Vincent obviously we know he’s going to be a huge role with this team absolutely huge role they’ve referenced him probably more than any player on the roster like Fred Vinson is by far the biggest acquisition maybe in Pistons history the way they’re making out to be so like he’s gonna be a big role here um along with that Jarrett Jack is being retained he is the head coach of the Piston summer league I think he’s the only one coming back from um Monty Williams coaching staff I’ve heard that the players really like J Jack from people I’ve talked to um the players really liked working with him he has a really good relationship with a lot of the players so um does it makes a lot of sense to me hearing that that they were bringing him back especially if he has a good relationship with the players that’s a former player especially a former guard who can relate to some of the things that Kate has to do you know and not just Kate obviously but Jaye I and whoever other guard on the on that will be on the team when the season starts so it doesn’t shock me that Jared Jack’s coming back he’s he he’s created some good relationships with the players um and also JB bicker staff on the broadcast of this second game against the Rockets he mentioned that he goes way back with Jared Jack he actually said that Jared Jack had the best pre-draft workout he’s ever seen so um take that for what it’s worth but yeah JB bickers have had a relation relationship with him going all the way back to his rookie season on playing days in NBA um so Jared Jack he’s being retained but we also have gotten two new additions to the Pistons coaching staff you got Kevin burles and if you recognize that last name is because he was or he is is I should say the brother of former Detroit Lion Nate burles Nate Burleson is one of my favorite alltime lions like I don’t know if any of you guys play like man man Ultimate Team but a few years ago they dropped a Nate burlon Lions card and I went and got instantly I first of all you guys for those of you guys who have follow me for a minute and subscribe to my twitch Channel I love you guys know I’m a gamer Big Time gamer um but yeah Nate burin is one of my all-time favorite Lions um he is the brother of Nate burles and Nate burin has done said a lot good things about Detroit he even announced like a Detroit pick for the Lions a few years ago he’s he’s spoken really highly of Detroit and even when Kevin was hired Nate came out on Twitter was like Detroit you guys got another one blah blah so I think it’s pretty cool that the Burleson Family starting with Nate continues to have some you know establish some roots in Detroit and continue to say great things about Detroit um I just think it’s pretty cool to have that family around they Nate was really cool for the pis or for the Lions and so to have that family here um is I think it I me personally just think it’s pretty cool I think that’s more so the kid in me that grew up watching Nate thinks it’s cool to see his brother that’s probably what it is but I think it’s pretty cool um Kevin berson he was U the head coach of the Rio Grande uh did I say that wrong Rio Grande Valley vipers the g-league affiliate for the Rockets he was the head coach of them since 2022 but he also was the assistant with the Minnesota wolves g-league team he then was also an assistant in the NBA with Memphis and Minnesota um so he’s been uh around the NBA for a while um he started off his career with Houston in 2014 so he’s been a while been around a while um so I mean Houston’s G League team has had a lot of you know they a lot of good things said about them when it comes to developing obviously everyone knows about their young core over in Houston really cool young Corp So reading that however it is I think it’s a cool signing just just because of the Nate burlinson ties so that’s me though uh going on to the next hiring which I think made the bigger news was obviously Luke Walton the former head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers and the Sacramento Kings now obviously he was the assistant coach um for uh the Golden State Warriors underneath uh Steve Kerr for a while and obviously he was a big name when he got hired to take over I believe it was initially the Lakers um when he left the Golden State Warriors after taking over for Steve CER for a large chunk of that season they played really well um but uh yeah Luke Walton a former a head coach a former assistant coach he was also uh an assistant coach for JB Bickerstaff this past season in Cleveland so again another former player a guy who has head coaching experience a guy who has assistant coach experience um in the NBA uh I mean reading that however you want um JB definitely is bringing in some guys that he has some connections with like I said with Luke Walton like bringing back a Jared Jack um but you know bringing in some experien guys that you know you we’ve heard that the main purpose of this team or the main purpose of this offseason and this season is to develop to develop guys so it it makes sense to me that they brought in Kevin burles when he has you know spent the majority of his time as you he started out as a Player Development coach and now he’s been coaching g-league teams with the main priority of the G league is kind of developed players you know and developed programs so it makes sense with that that so I understand both these signings um but I don’t really have any big takeaways from them um I think we made a mistake last off season where we try to read a lot into the Pistons signing like Stephen silus to the assistant coaching staff with manty and we like made a huge deal out of that um I’m not going to read too much into these but I think it’s cool that we’re starting to see how um JB bigger staff’s coaching staff is starting to round out um I still me personally would have loved to see him get like a offensive mining Guru on his staff which with uh some of the some of the talking points about bigger staff in Cleveland was that his offense wasn’t that creative so I would have loved to see like an offensive Guru joining his staff and maybe one still does but that’s just my personal opinion um but that’s all I’ve got for you guys today really let me know what you guys think about all that comment section down below or over on Twitter at CER Hill I want to thank you guys for making lockon Pistons your first list of every single day we’re free and AV on all your podcast platforms hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel leave us a festar review on whatever podcast platform listening to this on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there till next time peace out

Detroit Pistons fans got their first look at rookies Ron Holland and Bobi Klintman in the Summer League, who both flashed why Trajan Langdon selected them in his first NBA Draft. Also, a former Pistons first-round pick play has been rather concerning.

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  1. Ron not playing last night was really odd. He obviously doesn’t need to rest at his age just because of a back to back. I’m guessing the Pistons are being cautious with his thumb injury/recovery which was originally being reported.

    Bobi Klintman looks like the real deal, we may have an actual 2nd round draft steal.

    Daniss Jenkins was the real star last night. His defense has been impressive, but last night he was scoring and had the solid defense, he was fun to watch.

    Ron is going off tonight, time to shut down Matas and put him on a poster!

  2. Sasser is Trrrrrrrash at point guard. Jenkins has definitely showed he is better at the point guard. Buuuuut it is summer league I need to chill lol..

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