@Orlando Magic

Summer League 2024 In-Game Interviews | Jeff Weltman & Coach Mose

Summer League 2024 In-Game Interviews | Jeff Weltman & Coach Mose

and we are joined I think we can hear him by president of basketball operations Jeff welman you got me yes we can hear you looking like a proud POA right now watching this young summer league group playing extremely well in that first seven minutes of that first quarter Jeff well you know our coaching staff has done a really good job preparing them and um as you know uh we’ve got a lot of uh you know young guys that we’re excited about and obviously uh our starting lineup had a bunch of them um but this group’s done well second unit and the coaches have brought these guys together quickly so uh well early in the game we’ll see Jeff as you know the arrow is pointed in the right direction for this team and you guys have have built it’s been a years long process to develop around your young Stars you got a full first round playoff series last year didn’t go your way but seven games how much value is is there in seven games of playoff experience win or lose for your team moving forward well it’s a great question Matt we we we’ll find out uh but obviously anytime that you can go through uh a series like that there was highly contested game seven um uh you know it has to it has to help you it has to do something for you just if nothing else just to know what to expect the next time you go into a series like that to understand the value of a possession how to prepare for a game the uh the the crazy you know Road crowds that you’re going to face in the playoffs all of those things are just you know building experience and getting reps and and you know getting that under your belt is going to go a long way we hope and basketball wise did you feel like you learned something about your team that was lacking you had to address moving forward in terms of development or the signing with kabia calwell Pope or was it simply okay we got a little better because of the experience yeah I think we learned that we’re very young which you are and we need to keep going through these processes with our guys and uh yeah you alluded to kcp we’re really excited about um having a guy like him who will improve our our defense improve our shooting and really brings the championship pedigree you know the guy’s been um a heavy minute player on two championship teams and he’s going to help our guys understand what it takes to get to that level got to take a break if you’ll stick with us through the timeout sometimes we have the big the close timeout in TV it happens be back with Jeff welman Magic on top of the Cavaliers a look at downtown Las Vegas old school wow maybe it’s a little cooler under that roof I don’t know that’s not the Vegas I grew up in I can tell you that that’s not how it was when I was growing up here that’s true you you could speak to Old School Vegas more so than anyone here I do like the the the modern look of Vegas though it is really grown as a city in this event man think about where the summer league I tell you what Huff is Huff has been Dynamic puffing out here he’s been terrific and showing a lot more Mobility than I remember seeing the last few years back with Jeff welman the president of basketball operations for the Orlando Magic we touched on kabus Caldwell Pope and that signing the need in terms of shooting was fairly obvious um in terms of development he’s not that old he’s w a couple rings he does all the things you need and he adds to what I believe was the third best defense in the League last year it seemed like an obvious fit other than saying hey would you like to come here well you know it’s funny you know when you have cap space especially you know I think a lot of people just say well who you going to get who are you going to go after but you know let’s be real there are a lot more uh coveted players than there are situations and it’s really like where does the player choose to go not who who does the team CH to go after and um so I I take it you know uh as a a great compliment to to our whole organization our our the locker room you know our roster uh uh the coaches our whole organization when you walk into our facility it feels good and um to get uh someone like kcp to recognize that I think he aligns with our values kind of the magic way and um you know hopefully like attracts like to like you know as they say so uh we feel it’s a good fit and you know we’re excited about how it’ll impact our team well you talk about the magic way and you see jet Howard continuing to light it up here from three your culture in locker room one of the best young environments in the entire league your guys are really close they and and what you and your front offic have done is created an environment where your young players can grow and and that was something I was impressed with in watching from afar is you’re allowing your young talent to Define who you guys are and then you’re going to go out and try to find the pieces that are going to be necessary in order for them to grow and that was what I was impressed with with kcp he’s a guy that’s going to come in you talked about a great culture defended a high level but he’s not a guy that needs the basketball you know he’s not a guy that is going to take away from fron or Paulo or some of your other young players and so I’m sure that went into the thought process as well between you and Parker Culver with a steel black with a finish and there’s that trademark defense trickling down here in Vegas yeah well you know I mean Greg you obviously you have intimate knowledge of our team and and you know you know our team better than most um we really really were looking to add uh a veteran influence but to your point we really didn’t want to change the room and so many like experienced NBA players with a lot of stature com in and they changed the room and so that was difficult to find that balance and we felt that it was an important balance to strike because of just what you said you know we’re kind of trying to run two races right now we want to build on the season that we had last year we made the playoffs for the first time in a while we want to grow that team but we also want to be responsible to you know what I’ve called like our North Star which is developing our young Talent you know was not too long ago though we won 22 and 34 games and we’ve got a lot of talented young players on our roster that we reap through those drafts and it’s our responsibility to develop them so with another bucket sorry he’s been all over the rim in this game uh you mentioned GA and of course his son Cole was over here a moment ago what is your philosophy on uh annoying player parents well we got we got jet playing right in front of his parents down the down the bench here and uh I got to say we have we have um I think part of what makes our locker room so great is that uh our guys have great parents and great families attached and it helps our you know I don’t like to call an NBA team a family but to have our players have such great families really makes our team what it is that actually Segways to something I wanted to talk to you about because you and I have something in common you probably don’t know this you and I both lived in St Louis Missouri in the mid 1970s when your dad Harry was the general manager of the short-lived spirits of St Louis ABA team but well chronicled well chronicled but shortlived yes so you grew up around the game obviously and you grew up around front offices in particular I’m curious maybe there’s no way to know this answer but how does that how has that shaped your perspective on what a team should look like the the dos the don’ts culture all those sorts of things yeah that I mean that’s a great question probably longer answer than we have time for here um having grown up around it uh growing up around you know players and the way the business works and all the kind of delicate balances that go on you know with a professional team um I feel that uh uh it’s almost like swimming in the water you don’t really notice it you know you just you just kind of grow up in it and so it’s second nature to me just to you know just be around the whole business of it to play players the the the cycles of the season the ups and downs that we all experience at very intense levels so uh uh you know hopefully it’s it’s served me over the years I don’t know it’s probably for someone else to say but it was I can tell you it was a lot of fun being a ball boy for the years that you were talking about yeah with the likes of Maurice Lucas and Marvin Barnes and mes Malone Moses Malone uh uh yeah I mean the names the names can go on and on ML car Don Cheney uh yeah some some some players Snapper yep and and with uh with Bob cost sitting in your seat yeah that’s right that was uh basically his first TV job was as play byplay for the spirits of St Louis straight out of Syracuse Hubie Brown tells a great story about a young Bob costus with what juie describes as a prince Valiant haircut breaking up breaking up a layup line fight between teammates in St [Music] Louis common place in uh in the world of the spirit yeah well I I tell you you talk about that family atmosphere uh the the NBA as a whole now the product and the personnel and by that I mean the character of the guys like it’s far different than it was 20 and I try to explain that to people you know you’re going to have a 15-man roster you’re going to play over the course of the season 11 of those guys but you want to have five High character guys on that Ben that help Define and develop your culture keep your locker room fresh and and connected and that’s something you guys have done a really good job with throughout your roster not just the core guys but the the the the complimentary players who aren’t going to play a ton of minutes appreciate that um you know those things matter I mean I don’t need to tell you know an next NBA player how important those things are you know and it’s it’s really important to show the young guys how to do it right but more importantly it’s important that everyone feels that they’re invested in their role and that the young guys feel I’m here for a reason and I I have a pathway to being developed and that gets tricky um in this league when you start to you know continuously out draft picks and young guys and you’re trying to like be responsible to that W grow the team but it’s something that we’ve tried really hard to do and I think the most important part of that is just bringing in the right people 20po lead for the magic and uh Jeff I don’t want to jinx it so we’ll let you go and enjoy this great start to the summer for you with the kcp signing the other signings you did with the Vagner Brothers as well congratulations on all the success and hopefully you can keep that Arrow pointed in the right direction appreciate that thank you so much Jeff welman with us here court side talking to coaches and front office members and agents they say the hardest thing to deal with in today’s NBA is the parents of players you find that in particular some days we have a a guard on our team you know some talking to the the dad often he’s going text you why the play calling the minutes not naming any names Greg how you doing man to see you man you okay I’m doing well we appreciate that coach well we’re going to ignore Mr Greenberg but I will say I tell you what you have done an incredible job in terms of the culture and and Jeff welman we had him on for game one the other thing you guys have done is you’ve given your guys ownership you you know you’re allowing them to grow as opposed to trying to go chase something and in this offseason is a perfect example you bring in a guy in kcp that really kind of adds he’s a culture guy he’s going two championships uh you got to be really excited about the future with this young group it really is exciting uh to be a magic fan you know to be a part of this to help these guys grow into what their NBA careers are going to become and that’s what we talk about from the moment that they step their foot in the door is you know we want to help them achieve their legacy in the league whatever greatness they’re trying to accomplish we want to help them with that cuz along side of that if them growing and them becoming better now allows us to become better and continue to grow have you guys felt the impact of KTP already he’s a winner we did dinner the other night and I and I just thought who paid um the coach paid I okay I PID come on no chance coach always PID no that the dude that’s a cardinal the coach Always Pays did they pitched in we did uh credit card roulette did you do it no no coach no but just seeing them at the table having conversations with him asking them the questions that they that they did and his ability to you know reference what winning is you know what Championship building is what culture is the sacrifices you have to make the focus you have to have he was incredible just from that side of it you know the other thing I I I love about him and you the way your team we were talking about this earlier you guys aren’t going to have a traditional point guard in essence because you’re going to run the ball through your wings with Paulo and his emergence and bronze Vagner so you wanted to have some guys off it I also the fact you guys brought back Gary Harris now you know Gary’s a terrific player and competitor didn’t shoot it great last year but you know having coached him a little while he’s a much better shooter than he had showed a season ago absolutely and what I think like kcp Gary the veterans that come in they they have the ability to know exactly what they’re capable doing uh spacing the floor defending and being able to talk to these guys the right way cuz they’ve been through an experience um but not needing anything other than to provide their their level of experience and and their toughness to the game and that that rubs off on these young guys we’ve got a 3532 game now it’s 3534 Orlando leading by one gr yeah’s impressive I like his activity you know the other thing that’s interesting for you cuz you have a unique perspective the fact that you know your first year year and a half you were in Player Development mode you weren’t necessarily coaching to win games then all of a sudden you got to flip the switch because now you’re holding your guys more accountable in terms of playing winning basketball what was that transition like for you because it still takes a certain degree of patience cuz there are going to still be growing pains well I think you’re always in development I think you’re always teaching guys to get better I mean even the great ones are continuing to work whether won five championships no championships you’re always trying trying to advance your game and get better and so the moment we walked in we knew we were about development we knew we were about getting guys better but those habits have not changed in the mode of what we’re doing you know you’re creating and trying to continue to create winning habits from day one as well as understanding how you’re trying to teach these guys to win in this league I know you know a lot about football Anthony black I’m sure you’re glad he chose basketball over football at 67 what what is he going to add the mix getting a lot more rotation minutes this year I think one defensively his ability to guard the ball he has a a unique and we tell him all the time he’s got a unique knack to just be able to guard on ball uh take the hit but then open back up and and and stay in front of a guy uh that’s very unique so I’m very glad he decided to play basketball as well as jayen sugs decided to play basketball we have guys that and that’s where you know the physicality You’re Not Afraid Pao played football not yes you’re not afraid of contact you’re not afraid getting hit and the way in which we want to play we want it to be a physical game we want to make teams have to work for everything they do both offensively and defensively you guys also were able to bring back we talked about really kind of focusing on your group you you brought back Mo vogner as well Gary Harris comes back go as well who I thought had a for the minutes he played he was terrific for you guys last year you even though the season was great you went through some significant stretches with injuries and you were still able to withstand at 47 I think there’s something to be said about guys being ready and it goes back to that development those guys that that were not playing minutes early you know not necessarily Anthony black not having to play right away and then jumping in and stepping right into that role I think that goes to what the coaches have done the ability to say that we’re going to keep getting you guys better so when your your numers called you’re ready to go and then the continuity of the team bringing all these guys back something to be said I mean some of these guys have spent more time with us than they spent in college bet Beto had the ball go off hands magic Le this one by one we’re talking to Jamal Mosley the head coach who congratulations just got an extension last year and I know it it feels like and I don’t want to make a direct comparison but similar in certain ways to what Denver did leading to their Championship where Michael Malone talks about it there there were times where he felt like he could have been fired but they stuck with him they stuck with their core you guys have had so many assets draft picks young players the ability to make moves and me as a fan of that type of stuff why don’t the magic make a move why haven’t they done this or that but the value of remaining patient with this program I think is is starting to pay off I think that’s what what is missing in a lot of in a lot of places and I think Jeff and his group do such a great job of not overreacting to what’s happening or a trend going on they stick with the plan that we’ve put in place for these guys to continue to get better to continue to grow to build something that’s sustainable you know not just trying to jump to mediocre fast we talk about wanting to be a great team and build a championship culture on and off the court and and that’s what these the the players that we bring in not just character but playing wise that’s who they are well you you talk about the phrase down the league timeline right and in a lot of ways obviously I watch a ton of your games you guys are probably a year ahead of schedule you know I I I thought I thought you could be battling for the playoffs last year but the fact that you were able to get in and probably would have had a higher seed but for the injuries do you sense that next year is going to be unique because we we’ll get it after this if we come back if we can hang with us but the expectations are going to be there this year like you haven’t faced before catch up with that when we come back okay we’ll get him on I got a parent telling you what to do after commercial it’s the same T take us to take us to commercial Jared let’s go to commercial thanks producer here inside the Pavilion on the campus of unlb where Greg thinks he runs things because he went to school I mean my jersey is hanging in draft it is not of this building though it’s the other one they all connected Jamal Mosley the head coach of the magic is team down by one right now against the Pelicans we’ll get back to AC here with matak kevich go to the free throw line for the pels but I believe your boss has question that’s but no the question was you know about the expectation moving forward and and I think what this group has done is understanding how we need to play how we have to tighten up the the amount of accountability that we have to hold each other to how as a team on and off the court and I think they’ve registered that by you know the playoff run and knowing exactly the amount of details that you have to have night in and night out to be successful in this league three ball put up by jet Howard no good Orlando now shooting just three of 11 from three-point territory and the way we stand this game is by guarding cuz shots aren’t always going to fall got to continue to guard Silva doing that Hawkins gets past him but throws it away to Bak kevich it’s always out of bounds you remember way back 2003 what you were doing 2003 I was playing basketball there you are look at that face wow that you guys really brought that out that was wow summer league that was summer league we had to put we had to colorize the picture that was that might have been worked out in Milwaukee that might have been Boston I went with uh George Carl um tried out for the team on just kind of one of these two-way type looks worked my tail off and got got the opportunity with him there and I thought you know again for that I’ll forever be grateful just to have the opportunity uh to work your way in and work your way up now you’ve had some really great mentors in terms of coaching guys that have kind of helped prepare you for this moment what’s the best piece of advice you got in terms of being a coach you know sitting with G constantly it wasn’t necessarily what he said it’s just the way in which and Tim gerer is who I’m talking about who had you here yeah um Coach G Still Still coaching during the finals he was with he helped out Dallas a lot during the finals and he’s working with his grandson uh now day in and day out but the best advice I got essentially was just more what I caught from him what he did it was about pouring into these players making it more about them that is about us and no matter what you do you’ve got to continue to serve and give back to the game that’s that’s the import that’s what this thing is frantic Pace here back and forth Reeves going at it here for New Orleans kicks it in the corner top of the key for Hawkins who pulls up from 10 coach the last piece of advice block Greg Anthony’s number man that’s cold you already cold no we had great conversations conversations allow two people are talking you he you spoken by mou Almighty over here you he that right M Almighty play mediator here it’s not really easy to do um you guys have been around each other J one of the nicest haters you ever me you know he is there AR many haters nicer he does it so kindly subtle he’s like a passive passive aggressive smiling at you telling you what you don’t do well yeah exactly telling you how you can change oh my goodness coach thanks for joining us here I really appreciate the luck of your team changes you’ve been they’ve been on a 130 run the Pelican since you’ve been sitting here yeah you might want to leave you don’t have to go home no I’m going to go up in the stands and watch a little bit more and blame you guys for keeping me down here this long and why would theyve gone on 13 r I appreciate it appreciate it 7 second differential between the shot clock and game clock met a kevich be the buzzer I did feel like the the intensity is not the same in this game as it was in the first game no it’s not and I you know that that happened you know your second game you know the first one is a lot of energy and intensity and the second game you’re kind of working yourself in the other team has seen you play they’ve seen The Scouting Report so now as you look at it a little bit they’re they’re going that way a little you know so they’ll turn it up in the second half coach I want to remind you that summer league action continues tonight in Las Vegas on NBA TV ESPN and the ESPN app tonight on ESPN 2 The Warriors and Bulls at 10 Eastern tomorrow on ESPNU OKC in Miami then Dallas your old team against Memphis the Silva misses and that’s out the first half will end Coach go give him a pep talk down by 10 I think I might do that got a lot of time got a lot of time coach they’ll be better in the second half all Mosley joining us the head coach the magic he’s got his team in Prime position

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