@Los Angeles Lakers

Warriors owner Joe Lacob: “It’s very, very hard to pull off trades because all these GMs want to prove how smart they are. They want to impress their owners” … “[Fans] don’t understand how hard it is — and how illogical some of the parties on the other side are sometimes — to pull these things off.”

Warriors owner Joe Lacob: “It’s very, very hard to pull off trades because all these GMs want to prove how smart they are. They want to impress their owners” … “[Fans] don’t understand how hard it is — and how illogical some of the parties on the other side are sometimes — to pull these things off.”

by niknokseyer


  1. whowasonCRACK2

    Yeah if I was an owner, I’d also tell fans that everything is too complicated for them to understand and they should stop criticizing me

  2. Uberballer

    Yet their team was still able to execute trades, and is rumored to be in the works of a Lauri trade. He’s just posturing to get the price down after the Clippers didn’t want to play ball with their George proposals.

  3. BizzyHaze

    He is talking about Danny, but Danny already proved he is a good/shrewd GM in Boston.

  4. If only they were “light years ahead”. Oh wait…..

  5. ktran2804

    I mean he’s right the market right now is in a weird spot. First Round Picks have undergone ridiculous inflation the last few years. Bridges and Gobert going for half a decade worth of draft picks and swaps just really made the market unreasonable. If you look at what the Lakers gave up for AD it looks a LOT less than what people are offering in this market.

  6. guyfromthepicture

    I say it every post but I haven’t seen any evidence of any move that should have happened, that could have happened and didn’t happen based on the current situation.

  7. theseustheminotaur

    They’re all reading the art of the deal and think that trades should be a zero sum game. “Give me all your draft picks and I will give you my albatross contract”

  8. ChrisHarrison420

    Just like owners in my fantasy football league

  9. stevemoveyafeet

    In summary: owner who has zero leverage in in player negotiations tries to save face with his fans.

    No sympathy to Warrior fans, but the assets aren’t intriguing enough for Ainge. Can’t blame them for not wanting to let their number one guy go for peanuts, live with it. 

  10. redundantPOINT

    Code for “GMs run their teams like fantasy leagues”

    Which is pretty much true. We assume GMs would be smarter but talent evaluation is really hard to gauge even in todays world with all the data available.

    Add to the fact every move and non-move is scrutinized and you’ll have a lot of GMs that are on shorter leashes not willing to make a move and deal with the repercussions if it doesn’t work out.

  11. myelrecsy

    They should hire arm chair GMs here at reddit, they’re so many and they all think it’s so easy.

    I just got downvoted by one of them lmao!

  12. valmiltonfung

    Sounds like a man negotiating with Danny Ainge.

  13. CabbageStockExchange

    Pretty much. The market is rough. I still do feel a trade or two is made to either upgrade at guard or get a center but it seems this team is largely set unfortunately

  14. TwentyPlus16

    Rob Pelinka, is that you? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

  15. Ghost2Eleven

    I believe it. Remember how hard it was trading cards with your friends when you were a kid??? Same kids, now they’re just adults.

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