@National Basketball Association

Warriors owner Joe Lacob: “It’s very, very hard to pull off trades because all these GMs want to prove how smart they are. They want to impress their owners” … “[Fans] don’t understand how hard it is — and how illogical some of the parties on the other side are sometimes — to pull these things off.”


As have been chronicled, we have been going after a couple different people. Big additions.

There are 3 ways to get better in this league: One is through the draft, another is free agency, and the final one is trades. Trades are the hardest. It’s very, very hard to pull off trades because all these GMs want to prove how smart they are. They want to impress their owners.

But here’s the problem: If there’s something I’d like to share with the fans, it’s that they don’t understand how hard it is — and how illogical some of the parties on the other side are sometimes — to pull these things off.

by lopea182


  1. Mysterious-Stop4673

    If this is directed at Danny ainge then that’s fucking hilarious. Joe Lacob needs to stfu because he sounds like an absolute salty, fucking moron.

  2. spuriousg

    I’ve seen the way they value their own players so it’s funny to read this.

  3. Tfw the trade offer “my role player for your all star” doesn’t work

  4. Babushka5

    “As opposed to us, because we are super logical at all times. Please give us good stuff for less good stuff.”

  5. Hovi_Bryant

    I guess being light years ahead of other teams has its drawbacks.

  6. I think sometimes these guys don’t actually want to trade the player people are calling about. Lacob can be upset that Ainge is asking for the moon, but you do that when you don’t actually want to give up your player.

    They may not be illogical or trying to impress anyone, they may just want to keep the guy that they got.

  7. CoyotesSideEyes

    Come in with a Mikal Bridges package, and you can have a Mikal Bridges level player.

  8. Atomysk_Rex

    Jazz beat writers have been saying all summer the Jazz don’t wanna trade Lauri. So why is everyone butthurt that the Jazz are asking for the moon and stars for a player they wanna keep?  

  9. ontheru171

    Imagine Dolan said that shit during the Mitchell talks

  10. defiantcross

    We are lucky as suns fans. We know our GM is an idiot

  11. theAmericanStranger

    >because all these GMs want to prove how smart they are

    Strongly implying they are not as smart as Lacob and his GM. okaaaay

  12. chief1555

    Classic rich guy shit – wildly overvalue the assets you have and then get offended when someone else doesn’t value them the same way

  13. AppropriateHouse433

    What an entitled whiner!

    “Other teams should be our farm teams.” “Why won’t they give us their best player for a couple of bench players? No way we should have to give up a player we want to keep.”

  14. Lakersguy17443

    This also sounds like someone when people are tired of dealing with him. You had great deals go your way in the past and can’t replicate it…. so it’s the other GMs fault? He’s just trying to appease his own fan base that it wasn’t from lack of trying when the Warriors ultimately are a play in team again.

  15. Conscious_Creme_9866

    “But we are the only team that is logical, and nobody here is ever trying to impress anyone ever. It only applies to everyone else.”

  16. itchyballssadnuts

    Sigh Leon just give em cam payne he already crying

  17. justsomeguy5

    Yeah, and it’s pretty obvious why. Trades like the Rudy Gobert one, and just recently Mikal Bridges, those kinds of trades just absolutely destroy the fluidity of trades because some of these owners probably see this stuff and ask why they aren’t getting the same or similar and then demand it. Add in this new CBA.. trading is going to be very different going forward. Unless your owner wants to almost literally set ablaze hundreds of millions of dollars like the Suns are doing with their absurd tax bill, you just won’t see a lot of action. This currently free agency period has been almost completely dead.

  18. I enjoy him being open to talking about these things. It’s pretty fun lol

  19. Zero0Mystery

    Lmao got that boy light years queued up in my podcast feed! Leggo

  20. PebblyJackGlasscock

    Pat Riley called Mike Dunleavy Jr. right after reading these comments.

    Didn’t say hello. Didn’t identify himself. Just said, “tell your Boss he isn’t the only one who fucking hates Danny Ainge.”

    Then he hung up and ran a comb through his pompadour.

  21. CoyoteDecent2

    So he wants to trade junk for a very very good player and he’s upset they say no?

  22. NiceFloor7

    I play fantasy football, so yes I do understand how hard it is to trade.

  23. NiceFloor7

    I play fantasy football, so yes, I do understand how hard it is to trade.

  24. Everyone so caught up w the Lauri drama that we forget the Warriors had a v solid offer in on Paul George sign-and-trade and the Clippers let him walk rather than trade within the division.

  25. Johnthelion17

    Yes, we know Danny is a hard ass. But holy shit, Lacob is as delusional and entitled as the rest of the Warriors fan base

  26. So let’s look past the fact Lacob is just shit talking Ainge in this.

    He’s not wrong. Every GM wants to “win the trade” so they look good to their bosses & create job stability. Most of them ask for outlandish returns & either hope it’s paid or eventually compromise & they meet in the middle & get a deal done.

    I understand a lot of us in this sub or others aren’t like that. But the majority of NBA fans are casuals. Casuals like to Bitch about “why aren’t you doing this, it would make us better?”

    Does no one remember a month ago when Laker fans were saying “why didn’t you sign Klay or Demar? Why didn’t you make any moves when Bron was offering to take less?!” Cause they couldn’t. Teams don’t won’t Dlo & Gabe Vincent for their all star player. Players aren’t gonna take multiple millions less to go there. Just very unrealistic expectations from a lot of “fans” again not all but the majority. “Well it works in the 2k trade finder.”

  27. NYerInTex

    It’s crazy how this is literally just as true of many fantasy leagues, except these guys let fear and ego get in the way of their damn (very high paying) job.

    I’m hardly some GM genius, but before I retire from fantasy football, one of the lessons I learned over 20 something years is the goal isn’t to “win the trade” and it’s certainly not to “get one over in another owner” – the goal is to better your team.

    If that means I give up more value in a deal to make my team better, to be in a greater position to win the title (or depending on situation make the playoffs to have a chance at said title), so be it. Happy to have the other GM “win” and don’t care about hurting the prissy feelings of other GMs because I gave up too much.

    If my team gets better, pull the trigger.

    Crazy how this mentality doesn’t seem to persist in the league and after 50 years of general myopic crapitude with the Knicks (barring the 90s) I’m damn glad to have a GM willing to lose the trade and “give up way too much” for arguably the most coveted trade target at wing in the league for Bridges.

    Good on the Nets for maximizing value and winning the trade. If it means we get close to a ship, that’s the goal. We aren’t competing against the Nets. We are competing against the league.

    Also, fuck you Danny Ainge.

  28. LordTremendo

    Lacob is whiny, but I think he’s whining about the clippers as much as the jazz… and anyone in here who thinks ainge asking for Kuminga, moody, pods and multiple first round picks for Lauri is a reasonable deal is high as a kite.

  29. I’d love to hear some details on what the Warriors are actually offering for Markkanen. Apparently other GMs need to stop worrying about making their own team better and try to help the Warriors acquire the players they’d like.

  30. Most of us have played fantasy sports, we know how hard it is. Except in the majors the Taco doesn’t come back year after year…..well unless a new billionaire buys a team, then it’s full Taco Time!

  31. Nobaddays123

    This so perfectly describes one of my best friends when we play fantasy football

  32. mostdope92

    “Other GMs are dumb and unreasonable because they won’t trade me their 20+ppg players for a role player and protected first round draft pick”

    *crosses arms and pouts*

  33. atlhawk8357

    I play fantasy football; I’m quite familiar.

  34. OneOfPDiddysVictims

    Lauri is not worth it, not that deep. Better to pull out instead these vague mad comments

  35. InHocBronco96

    I disagree. I bet this clown overvalues what he offers

  36. I’d rather the Jazz keep Lauri honestly. We wouldn’t do much with him anyways. If they want to pay him, and think they can build a contender around him, then by all means. 

  37. GillbergsAdvocate

    r/NBA 364 days of the year: Ainge is an asshole and constantly tries to fleece teams doing business with him

    r/NBA when someone they don’t like alludes to the same thing about Ainge: Wow this is off base. Shame on Ainge for trying to do what’s best for his team I guess

    Never change you guys

  38. Blud shopped both Wiggins and CP3 30m salary and thought someone would bite

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