@New Orleans Pelicans

Griff saying BI is “mechanically incapable” of being traded is wild!

by Sadguytennis


  1. BigPlaysMadLife

    To be honest, I enjoyed that soundbit, felt like Griff didnt dodge around the questions and was pretty straight forward.

  2. Griff been weirdly open with the media between this and telling that story about Klutch wanting us to go after Murray.

  3. The_Paleking

    Brandon Ingram is one of many players to follow who, in previous years, would have gotten a max as a supporting talent, existing as a 1B guy but perhaps not a 1A. They are not in the same tier as guys like Luka, Giannis, Shai, Jokic, Embiid.

    Starting this year, those guys won’t be getting max offers because teams will be tied to their max contracts.

    In the linked audio griff says, “we are in a market where we can’t afford to be wrong”. He very right about that.

    This isn’t really a slight to ingram either. AD was the best player to ever play for N.O. and he is now a 1B to lebron. That being said, AD is one of the better #2 guys ever.

    Max contracts are going to mean a lot more in the future.

  4. AnotherStatsGuy

    Griffin typically doesn’t make statements like this unless it’s practically set in stone “Mechanically untradeable” is a pretty apt statement. Teams haven’t adapted their payrolls to the 2nd apron yet.

    As great as Ingram is as a player, any team trading for him is telling him they’re willing to pay him the 3rd contract max.

    With the 2nd apron now in effect, the only plausible team would have been Detroit and they already used their cap space in FA.

  5. _Wado3000

    “No one wants him at 50M” is the long and short of this soundbite. And as most of us know, if BI lowered his price the market for him would grow, Griff’s absolutely implying that much here

  6. blackandgold32

    True. Griff’s fault tho, when he had a chance to move him he didn’t and ran it back, it backfired.

  7. BaronsDad

    >**Griffin:** So I think from a relationship standpoint we’ve been really clear we prefer Brandon stay with us, and Brandon been pretty clear to stay with us. At the same time there is a financial reality reality to this and where I think we can go in terms of keeping this group together might not be as far as he and his agency would like us to be able to go, and so far now we’re we’re gonna play it out and I think we’re committed to each other.

    >I think we’re committed to seeing if this team can work in a way that makes it makes sense. You know we’re not in a market where we get to be wrong. You know unfortunately right now in the NBA a lot of markets in the person, and you know this Ryan, the person in your position has to make decisions or they don’t. In some markets, you don’t have to make any decisions. You get a max, and you get a max. And you get a max, and you hoard talent. We’re not that market.

    >So we’re gonna have to make sure the fit is right. We’re gonna have to make sure that we can keep the group together so if there’s a way we can do that with Brandon in a sustainable way, we wanna do it, and I think he feels the same.

    >**Interviewer:** Do you feel his value around the league is high or there a bunch of interested teams in him?

    >**Griffin:** Yes, so it’s interesting. I would have told you that coming into the off-season his value was incredibly high, and he was one of the players that everybody on our team everybody asked our team about.

    >I think what happens is, and Ryan you know this really well, when you don’t have to pay them you want all of them. And then when you actually have to hand them $50 million a year, mechanically it gets complicated. And so I think one of the things that’s fascinating about this new CBA is the teams that benefit the most from a player like a Brandon Ingram our teams like ours that think we’re Brandon Ingram away from being a championship caliber team. Mechanically this CBA doesn’t allow most of them to make a trade.

    >So this is the first market in the first year that I think you’re ever gonna see that there are a lot of guys that are mechanically incapable of being traded, and Brandon somebody fortunately we have no real desire to trade so it doesn’t matter, but I think at the end of the day that’s that’s gonna be something that becomes more common

  8. orthogonian_

    I think BI is a sunk cost at this point and the Pels should just get whatever they can for him, regardless of what they think they should.

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