@Golden State Warriors

Warriors’ Current Roster Outlook

Warriors’ Current Roster Outlook

by Perksofthesewalls


  1. Perksofthesewalls

    Standard Roster: 14/15

    Two-Way: 3/3

    Training Camp: 17/21

    As currently constructed they cannot sign a 15th standard deal. Which leaves Quinten Post unsigned, until they cut a two-way or execute a trade to open up roster and apron space.

    * Total Salary: $177.6M
    * Non-Guaranteed: $5.1M
    * Space Below Hard Cap: $534k
    * Tax Payments: $14.6M

    Warriors still have their $4.7M BAE available if they can create enough room below the apron to use it on an FA or trade.

  2. stayfrosty

    Not sure why they have Beekman and Spencer on two ways..I expect one will be cut for Post

  3. dating_derp

    I was looking for this yesterday, so thank you for posting.

    It’s a tad concerning that all 3 of our two-ways are guards. I was hoping Post would get a two-way spot (if not a roster spot) to help alleviate our recent size issues. He would’ve been the tallest guy on our roster, and I think the only guy above 6’10.

    Edit: Actually I don’t think we have anyone above 6’9″ now. BBRef lists Trayce, Looney, and Anderson as 6’9″.

  4. neo9027581673

    Loving the Roster turnover. Several more moves to come.

  5. SCalifornia831

    For those curious…

    Wiggins $26.2M + Podz $3.5M + picks for Lauri $18M would free up $11.7M (note: no need to salary match as the Jazz can acquire into their cap space). ~$12.2M under the 1st apron (hard cap) and ~$5M under the luxury tax.

    This would allow MJD to use the full BAE of $4.7M and remain under the luxury tax.

    A deal centered around Podz $3.5M + GP2 $9M + Looney $8M for Lauri $18M would create an additional $2.6M or ~$3M total under the 1st apron. The Warriors would not be able to get under the luxury tax but could use partial BAE to fill out the roster.

    I know many of you are sick of hearing about Lauri and regardless of how you feel about whether the picks are worth it or not, but it’s important to understand the cap implications of some of the reported deals. Obviously, if Moody or anyone else is included, you can adjust accordingly.

    A realistic scenario, if a deal gets done is:

    Wiggins + Podz + 2026/2028FRPs unprotected + 2030FRP (1-20) + 2025/2027/2029 pick swaps (top 3 or 5 protected) + 3SRPs for Lauri

    Full BAE exception used on a backup PG, keep roster at 14 and Warriors remain under the luxury tax this year. Plus, shedding Wiggins salary frees up cap space next year for Lauri + Kuminga extensions.

  6. Nessmuk58

    Great summary as always – thanks!

    Two questions / comments . . .

    Any chance of getting under the luxury tax this year and therefore out of “repeater” status at least briefly?

    If we did trade for Lauri, would that really put us in a bad situation next season. ? His extension is estimated to be in the $50M/yr range, and with the need for other extensions or replacements, that looks like it would be brutal.

  7. warriors2021

    We need to offload close to 6.8 million to get under the tax, which is Lacob’s top goal. If we are under the tax this season and next, we are no longer a tax repeater. Interesting.

  8. Beardmanta

    Is my Internet tripping or is this picture a terrible resolution?

    Looks great but I can’t read anything.

  9. gavinashun

    Warriors will make a salary dump move to get under the luxury tax. We are in the ‘repeater’ category and need to get out ASAP. Repeater is over luxury threshold 3 out of 4 years, so we need to be under 2 years in a row to get out of the repeater.

    GP2 will be given away if we can’t use him as part of a big trade.

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