@Minnesota Timberwolves

John Wall is Rob Dillingham’s mentor; could he fit with Timberwolves?

Is this a W L or N? I feel like some teams should look into just putting these old stars on vet minimums and at least seeing how good they can still contribute

by Connect-Cable2816


  1. Wide_One_240

    If he gets along with Conley then I’m cool with it. Doubt he plays though so can he handle that?

  2. FireFrogs48

    Why not have him as a coach? That’s pretty much what he sounds like he wants to do anyways

  3. HowlAtTheSky

    Wouldn’t be the worst thing if he’s serious about being okay with whatever role

  4. our starting pg is 4 years older than he is and has tons more experience…but sure.

  5. Player development coach – yes

    Active roster spot – no

  6. I don’t think he’d be alright with being a bench warmer, but I could be wrong. Maybe he’d be good enough to earn some minutes

  7. MonoJuice

    I do think it’s dope that a player who was once considered top 5 at his position is able to put his pride aside to play a supporting role like that. Inspirational.

  8. SnooChickens8406

    lol John Wall hasn’t been a positive player in 6 years, and he’d want real minutes too.

  9. ripe_data

    I doubt there’s a shortage of guys that would accept $3,000,000 for this role. Wall isn’t even grinding in the G League or Europe trying to get back. He’s just networking.

  10. Irontruth

    He’d be a bad handcuff for Mike Mike. Could he come in and give a few good minutes for the 2nd team, probably. He’d stand out like a sore thumb if he has to play against starters though.

    At $3.3m, maybe…. but we’re still so far over the cap that this hits even harder. He feels like an overall downgrade from Conley, with no major upsides. If we were below the cap and the focus of the season was developing Dillingham, then I’d be in.

    We already have a veteran PG. We have a very good team, one of the 4-5 best last season. You don’t want to mess with the chemistry too much, and you want players that can plug and play. I don’t think JWall has much left in the tank. He hasn’t played a full season in 7 years. His per 36 last year wasn’t bad, and only a small drop from his career averages.

    He has also always been a moderately high turnover PG. We need less of that, not more.

    The vet minimum (with tax hit) would make him the 17th most expensive coach in the NBA if we’re just hiring him to develop Dillingham and not play.

  11. Impossible-Goal3492

    Mike Connolly is Rob’s mentor. Rob is Walls imaginary friend that he made up. 

  12. Fun-Wall-2224

    Wall: “if you pay me several million dollars to literally never play, I’d consider the offer.”

  13. wolfpax97

    I think so. Honestly I think he’d give us some good minutes when Mike sits

  14. I don’t think either ownership group would sign Wall to just play the Haslem role. We are so deep in the tax, it’s not worth it for them

  15. AppropriateHouse433

    John Wall has never been known as a good locker room guy or a professional. Several teams have paid him money and told him to stay away.

  16. subtleshooter

    Wall still wants to play. He’s open to coaching but focused on playing right now.

  17. need2peeat218am

    Honestly would prefer to not have him affiliate with the team at all. We have Conely which is enough imo. No hate on Wall as a person or player, just don’t think his coaching style would reflect the path we want Rob to take imo.

  18. itsdrewmiller

    I think he might make sense in this role for Memphis – Ja needs mentorship and they have a similar game. I don’t think we really want Dillingham to develop in a John Wall direction though; we need shooting more than anything and that was never Wall’s strength.

  19. SaladBarMonitor

    He’s only 33 years old. How come he’s not good anymore?

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