@San Antonio Spurs

Chet Holmgren Gets Real About Victor Wembanyama and Rookie of the Year

Chet Holmgren Gets Real About Victor Wembanyama and Rookie of the Year

I understand the whole game because I remember at the combine came up to me before I even got drafted and you’re like whatever we say don’t take don’t take it personal and don’t listen to it and and and I’m like it took me a while but then there’s actually our coach who really made it like click like right before the playoffs we’re talking about the whole media machine and everything and like not getting distracted with it especially going into the playoffs and then I realized I’m like and he literally called you guys actors yeah and I was like they are actors that’s fair but want to get to me as an actor personally uh I was not acting when I was campaigning and my two co-hosts when I was campaigning for Chad hren for Rookie of the Year up until I don’t know like March March look at their faces no no you were we were getting in heated battles about I thought that you were Rookie of the Year over wimy and this is why I know the pressure that it comes with when you’re on a team that is battling and competing for something every single night to do that as a rookie in ad2 my beliefs were if you would have been on the San Antonio Spurs the numbers that you would have put up would have been equally as ridiculous and this is not to disrespect wimy not to disrespect dudes at next level but I just thought when I compared the numbers and I looked at like if you get in foul trouble if you miss two rotations that affects your team there was another rookie wimy was never in that space so as an actor I just want to let you know that I was not acting when I was campaing for you as rookie of the year do you believe you should have been Rookie of the Year well I I appreciate the support from my brother um I mean that’s just such a difficult loaded question I mean to sit here and say if this if that talk about situations like yes our situations were different um you know you can yeah like Polar Opposites I mean you can you can come up with 50 pros and cons for each of us on on like things outside of Statistics just like completely random things from who’s on our team what we’re playing for what amount of attention is placed on us like you could come up with a million different things for each of us as to try and skew decisions but like at the end of the day what is what is the criteria this is my thing with all NB Awards like what is the criteria it’s hard to it’s all in the eye of the beholder so it’s like what Richard Jefferson believes is different than what chanon FR matters Channing all well my question is this but it just comes down to who has more voters that believe in their side of the criteria I guess and um you know I don’t think like Wy was unfair and winning year or anything like I mean all credit to him for uh you know a great season and everything and um you know we’re not rookies anymore so like you know I mean you didn’t play your next game now you what I’ve played more than 82 though so that’s the rule on our team we play more than 82 is that still a most of y’all don’t get the chance though because most rookies don’t get into the playoffs you can’t play more than any2 so you I I get it as a rookie that went to the NBA finals like I I get it my first my first two years as my first two years going to the NBA finals like I like I get it that’s why I was putting so much stock this is when you look at Rich and you’re like everyone has a scrapbook everyone has a scrapbook we get it we get it going down memory L he doesn’t even remember he wasn’t born yet even the guy that was with you at that time is rolling his eyes over there dude he he was he wasn’t born yet so I get it that that’s no it’s fine we went to the finals in 2001 my thing is this is like and lost all the hype that Wy came up with right that came into a league with do you ever think like holy [ __ ] I’m G to be connected to him like the NBA loves Trey and Luca you have magic magic and bird and like to put you two together on completely different Polar Opposites you guys both have the same I think skill set I think you’re on a team that’s trying to win a chip he’s on a team trying to figure things out like does that ever I don’t want to say motivate you but do you ever look and go damn that’s kind of like we doing something like we’re the every year so every time you guys match up for somebody working at NBA TV and next to the TNT people Everyone circled those games because I mean you want to play against really good players so obviously like those are the most exciting types of games not only for you guys to watch but like for us to play you know but I mean I wouldn’t I wouldn’t tie so much up into trying to make it more than it is you know he’s a great player we are though that’s what you guys are acting like it’s bigger than it is there you go [Music]

Our guest on Road Trippin’ this week is Chet Holmgren of the Oklahoma City Thunder. Chet was an incredible guest and opened up about so much. In this teaser clip, Chet talks about the Rookie of the Year race between him and Victor Wembanyama of the San Antonio Spurs.

Subscribe to Road Trippin’ with Allie Clifton, Richard Jefferson and Channing Frye podcast YouTube channel for more NBA player interviews, analysis and highlights.

#chetholmgren #oklahomacitythunder


  1. Thanks for watching! The full interview drops first thing tomorrow. Subscribe if you haven't and we'll see you there!

  2. I’m a spurs fan but I respect Chet a lot, guys a serious baller and that okc team is even better with him playing. He gave it a hell of a run for the first few months of the season, undeniable that wemby was better from January through til the end of the season. He took a leap that Chet didn’t and again it’s down to situation and roles being played so hats off to Chet man he a real one, looking forwards to the inevitable spurs v okc series down the line starting the next few years when my spurs have some better pieces

  3. I think Wemby is a smidge more talented but Chet isnt far behind in basketball skills…the main thing is this Minnesota kid seems like he has a good head on his shoulders.

  4. First of all you weren't a rookie, you had a year experience my dude you were not playing as a rookie that changes everything and still WEMBY was better and it wasn't even close, your good Wemby is an alien

  5. RJ just bc you have them as a guess don't mean you have to ride them. Wembys was clearly better and Chet would not be the same as Wembys in Wembys situation.

  6. No matter how much Wembanyama haters and Thunder bandwagon think, Wembanyama is still way better. He's more athletic, mobile, better defender and better skill sets than Chet. If you think otherwise, then you are either blind or just incredibly biased. Only thing Chet has over Wembanyama is the three pointer and that's mostly because Wembanyama had no true playmaker and supporting casts with him so he had to just take it himself or he'd keep jacking them up when there's no open shots for anyone. If Chet was the one in San Antonio, he wouldn't even average the same numbers or better than Wembanyama.

  7. Chet is awesome, but Wemby is next level. Skill wise, freakish athleticism, defensive monster.

    Once he inproves as a shooter which his mechanics suggest he will, he'll be unstoppable

  8. The rookies going into the playoffs take is a dumb thing to have bc again that has nothing to do with individual talent. That's a team thing. Regardless RJ went to the finals as a rookie…🐐

  9. as if the vote had been close…

    I remind you that this is the 6th ROTY unanimously elected.

    Ralph Sampson
    David Robinson
    Blake Griffin
    Damian Lillard
    Karl-Anthony Towns

    … et Victor Wembanyama

  10. great answer, since the awards have no established criteria, usually who gets to win those wards is the best narrative, its that simple

  11. Are you crazy Rj? Chet is great but wemby had to create the majority of his plays, chet has players that creates a ton of things for him

  12. Let me address Richard Jefferson's statement. You speak on if Chet and Wemby were in reverse roles/teams. How do you know how Wemby would have performed if, as you put it, if being fouled out, missing a rotation, could affect the team goal. Wemby's game may have gone up a level. I hate when you guys get into these "what if" scenarios and only address the "what if" result that supports your narrative. Do Better!🙄

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