@Utah Jazz

Tim LaComb: The Utah Jazz hold all the cards when it comes to a potential Lauri Markkanen trade

Tim LaComb: The Utah Jazz hold all the cards when it comes to a potential Lauri Markkanen trade

djm PK joined Now by Tim lome brought you by spher and Staffing and recruiting are you a business owner you have better things to do than to job hunt or scramble to find your next grade higher let span Staffing and recruiting do it visit span online at Utah Tim good morning good morning what’s up te there are so many things so many basketball questions for you let’s I’ll do my best to answer let’s start in your backyard BYU I am curious with all this talent but a lot of it’s new you’ve got transfers coming in from ruter and from Utah you’ve got uh International Players you’ve got a guy from Africa a guy from Russia you got about half the roster was there last year you got a freshman coming in from Corner Canyon how do you meld all this Talent all this potential into a real team because everybody’s got their plan some guys only want to be here one year some of you guys dreamed to wearing the blue for four how do you get this mix into a cohesive team what do you do well you know what’ be a good start is to get somebody that you know maybe a handful of guys that coached people like this before maybe in the G League um where you’re getting all sorts of different dudes and and everybody’s timeline’s a little bit different um you know I think B way you set up great there uh the coaching staff um has dealt with this time and time again it’s basically the start of every every season you know in the G League you get a whole new slew of guys there’s some guys that have been around but a lot of new faces with different programs and I think probably the most important thing amongst all of it is that they have you said the word cohesiveness they’re able to form a team um but on top of that you know to be able to quickly assess and begin to develop these guys you know which is another great skill the the staff possesses um but you know that’s the challenge every single year every single team you’ve got you’ve got 13 individuals with their own plan and you need to make it all meld into the most important plan and that’s the team plan and winning games with all that said how much do you even Marvel that he’s got this class like this because it used to be when a coaching higher was made you sort of uh looked for low expectations on the initial recruiting class because you know he was late and all that stuff uh and I realized with the transfer portal things have changed but the newcomers that he’s got the incoming freshman seemed to be so wild as far as the expectations that I don’t know how it’s going to turn out but you got to give him and Kevin young and his staff the credit to be able to get these guys in such a short period of time yeah there’s no doubt I think the you know the thing to point out is is obviously you know there’s been a a different type of financial commitment made and that’s part of it but you know I’ve I’ve told a bunch of people it’s not just walking around waving money because you know money’s always been part of the deal it’s just now above the table which is a game be way you can play um now because everything is you know above board and legal so it’s it’s one they feel comtable playing but at the same time you still have to have you know knowledge of of guys and you have to have a relationship um you know guys aren’t just going to come blindly for the money I think money is definitely a factor but all these guys have professional ambition and so when you’re getting these top level guys you’ve got to have some you’ve got to have something that stands out that impresses them you know from a system standpoint from coaching standpoint so money is definitely a factor but yeah you got to give these guys a ton of credit for identifying Talent this quickly going out and you know being able to compete with other schools and ultimately to be able to get guys that you know quite frankly by’s never really been in the game for you’ve been watching Summer League who has made a positive impression on you right out of the Gat someone your confident saying that guy that guy’s gonna be a pretty good player in the NBA they got him well I I was so high on Cody Williams all the way along um you know I think he’s he’s a guy for the Jazz that you know just makes sense I think his only limitation right now is his strength his physical strength and and we all know that that’s you know after 19 coming in here you just look at Taylor Hendrick’s body after one year and strength will not be an issue um but I think he he shows all the things we saw in film his uh his understanding of the game you know if he gets locked up he’s a great cutter and gets some some back cut dunks those types of things but we’ve seen them shoot the three and put it on the floor and attack the basket and get out in transition um you know I think he’s the guy out of the draft that I was hoping the Jazz would be able to get I didn’t think there was any way he’d be there at 10 uh but when they did get him at that point you know really really happy and I think he’s played well again there’s going to be nights where he is physically just kind of moved around and that’s going to happen I remember Walker kesler’s rookie year particularly early in the rookie year he had to figure out how to deal with all that physicality the real answer is you know get in the weight room you know build your strength over time but in the short term there’ll be some some great nights and there’s going to be some tough nights but that can be said for for rookies generally yes it can with the watching these guys play in multiple Summer League games the three guys that they drafted I have a level of uh positivity regarding their ability to be players in this league whether you know knowing that you’re going to have to give it time to what degree remains to be seen and then combine with George and henrik’s of uh what we’ve seen from last year I’m thinking for multiple reasons I might be more in on the tank than I have been the last couple of years because get these guys playing time at the NBA level rather than the g-league level I don’t think they look overwhelmed and then also two they’re going to lose because youth at that level being so young doesn’t win in this league and you can set yourself up for another a better draft pick knowing that if you’re not in the top 10 again you lose the thing to Oklahoma City this year so for multiple Reasons I’m might say if somebody said they tank or try to win as many games as possible I think I would go tank what do you think well thank you very much for that I think the I got it um yeah I think that the you said the most important thing there I think you you just fill your roster with first and second year guys and you can’t expect to win a whole lot um you know unless they’re just all you know really incredible players and these guys are great players but they’ve got a lot they’ve got a lot of limitations early and they’ve got some things to learn um so yeah rookies in general that’s going to be the equation and so uh you know it’s going to be an interesting last you know I’m curious to see how how the summer finishes up and if this is is is the roster but I think you’re you’re thinking right um I think it’s going to be a team that’s got a ton of young Talent young Talent struggles to be consistent uh but we’ll see great flashes and we’ll see tough nights I mean yesterday that summer league game the other night last night was brutal um 26 27 turnovers uh everybody took their turn and I mean that’s going those are the type of things that will happen on certain nights when another team kind of climbs up in in space um but the certainly the the priz is out there again I think they’ve got a generational guy waiting at the top of the draft in Cooper flag so it’s just going to be now you know what is what do the Jazz do to round out the roster um but I think that to me that’s the direction this thing’s going if that’s the direction it’s going to go don’t they need to move Collins and move Clarkson Because those guys are going to win a game maybe you know if you just win one or two games a month that’s five to 10 victories that’ll mess up your draft position to PK’s point about oops look you’re drafting 12 so you’re not drafting at all yeah those are the two guys I when I say round out the roster kind of thinking about um you I know that those guys have been floated out there uh for most of the summer you know Clarkson even last year at the deadline so it’ll be interesting to see as teams are finishing out their roster as well um if there are moves made it would not surprise me and I think that that would fit the narrative what return do you look to move them you can hold out for a first round trip pick you can do whatever you want but if the market doesn’t dictate it you just lower your standards I guess well I I mean the one thing angent never does is he never gets desperate and you know in my mind tries to avoid at all costs of bad deal so uh that’s where this gets a little bit tricky because you definitely have the desire you know if you’re going to play young guys you got the desire to move a couple dudes but that not you know those two particular guys it may not be as easy to get back what you expect or want so um I I don’t think you completely bite the bullet uh but I think there are you know there are a lot of teams out there particularly Clarkson you know guy coming off the bench that could really spark a team and then Collins you know he definitely kind of repackaged um was able to you know after the year of shooting 29% in Atlanta come to Utah and I think he’s shown a comfort level here you know I think he’s kind of found himself he’s playing that small ball five um so yeah it just it depends on what other suitors are out there but that is the one right now that’s the piece that’s that I’m focused on just kind of looking at the roster saying you know in a perfect world I think that those two things will probably have have to happen I think the tougher call is what what do the Jazz want to do with Colin seon he’s a little older he’s seen a little more time you know playing in the fourth quarter and might be a little more poised with a game on the line he also has a similar role he’s not exactly the same but a similar role to kante George and then you could see where he overlaps with Coler a little bit so what do you thinking his future is with the club I actually think Colin made in my mind the biggest move of anybody last year you know I think he’s he really is right-sized his game you saw a lot of of you know careless turnovers when he got here and you saw some similar things to Collier in some respects a guy who has the the physical tools to just be outstanding but sometimes you know it’s learning to drive the Lamborghini and deal with some of the the features um so I think seon’s a little bit like that I think he’s really learned um through development and I think the Jazz have done a phenomenal job you know just slowing him down and having him see his reads and and being more conscious of what those reads are um so I I actually am one to keep seon I think seon is a guy who’s going to hold some he’s he’s I think he’s still on the incline in his career I think he’s still getting better um so I think it’s worth keeping him around and um you know and and and serving as as somewhat of a mentor in some ways for Coler who can play together though in the back court how much do you factor that in um well I think seon and and I think seon and Coler would be really a nuisance back there for teams you know the way that they can crawl up in the ball uh you know I the one thing about ker is bigger than you think he’s 6’4 65 and so those guys could really get after it and I think that they could um you know create for each other create for the team that could be a pretty interesting guard tandem I I don’t see any guys that can’t necessarily play together um you know if a guy we go back to where guys 61 or 62 and really struggles but Jazz have some siid Keon’s a bigger guard now some length and and I like the way he’s put on some weight in the offse season his body looks better uh so I I I think their guard line actually could work together fine um you know even Clarkson if he’s around I mean he could he could fit in as well uh but it’s just a matter now in the last X number of weeks of Summer and how this thing will evolve if it changes at all and and if it does who switching into the Olympics here with the uh tuneup game are you encouraged because the US LED Australia one of the better teams in the Olympics by 24 in the third are you discouraged because they had 18 turnovers and it was a six-point game in the fourth well I’ve been told that Mark F the turnover coach and I’m really disappointed in his effort um to limit those I’m just kidding uh I just had to throw some shade at my guy I you know it’s crazy I haven’t watched a ton yet I I’ll watch his thing start to to heat up I’ve never outside of the dream team and even before that you know when they used to send just regular Joe’s I’ve just never been that geeked on Olympic basketball but what I will say is I think the world’s catching up I mean I think it’s pretty obvious the games that used to that the USA used to win by 60 70 points and now those games are in the teams um and I think every every country has gotten better I think the basketball being played all over the world’s really good so this will be fun it’s going to be fun to to kind of hone in on that but I I honestly have been watching way more baseball in summer league right now to be completely honest well were you surprised that when kawh Leonard was taken off the team that the Olympic Committee didn’t choose to replace him with bronny yes I I mean he is putting on a show in Vegas the likes we haven’t seen since wait Wayne Newton’s last show um Don Shan Don Shan baby uh but the crazy thing pull up ESPN search summer league and bronnie James regardless of the day is the picture they just like last night they have a picture of them up against the Celtics and it’s just kind of sad in some respects I think yes last night he ended up with two points I mean air balled he a shooting slump come on it happens summer league in air balls you know if there were a stat for that I bet lock has one yeah air balls and there’s a lot of that because it’s in Vegas oh dude it’s brutal and you know guys the minute they get out of there they’ve got big plans all night and then they show up the next day and airball [Laughter] again I love your chuckle I I like making you laugh you’re such a cynic that when I make you laugh I know I’ve done it that a cynic yes you are mission accomplished I don’t believe that DJ is he a cynic see what he did there he doesn’t believe you because he’s cynical I you’ve been sitting next to him for what seems like a 100 years 105 yeah you should see him now man the guy can go we went out wow he’s powdering the ball oh yeah you give him a couple of tips he takes him to Heart does any start talking trash or is he like yeah he drives on nine yesterday he said hey you know did you know that they can put an entire gymnasium between your ball and mine I gave you that one one time PK outd drove me so bad one time I said you know they’re building the Super Walmart out here and he’s like where why is it between my ball and your [Laughter] jeez man good line everybody use it as if it were your own I had to be on my game just to beat him that was unusual usually that was wrapped up by whole four Me by two or three Strokes if I remember right this guy he’s a player man well I’m excited I gotta go see this DJ okay Invitational in Utah Riverside is calling us it is pick up the phone gave sliding in a little golf invite which catrick glove Are You Gonna Get Us on you want to play Riverside I get you on Riverside had a kid all right we will let you go now we appreciate it as always Tim yeah mission accomplished I made him laugh there you go Tim lome jazz radio Studio analyst joining us right here on the Zone DJ and PK it’s 95 975 The Zone coming up next you missed it we got it for you stay tuned this this is Hansel since

Tim LaComb joined DJ & PK to talk about the BYU basketball program, the Utah Jazz in the Las Vegas Summer League and what he makes of the Lauri Markkanen trade rumors.

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