@Washington Wizards

#wizards Draft Picks “Better Than Expected” in #nba #summerleague | The Sports Junkies

#wizards Draft Picks “Better Than Expected” in #nba #summerleague | The Sports Junkies

the Wizards had the number two pick and there was a lot of anticipation for what he might do in the summer league and I was somewhat impressed now I didn’t put up any ridiculous numbers did you win your bet I won my bet barely he just snuck it sweating sweating so hard I was I knew it was around the number I wasn’t 100% sure I was at MGM National Harbor and after the comedy show we went to we played a little craps and then went to one of the little bars and I look up and they have the game on and I want to say alexar only had two at the half he had two points at the half I was like oh this doesn’t look good now I then checked my phone and I saw that he had taken some shots so we didn’t know how much playing time he would get it’s a number two pick he they played him in the first game 32 minutes and the second game 29 minutes so he’s getting good run and he’s definitely taking shots on Friday night he took 12 shots was two for five on threes ended up with 12 points last night took 14 shots was 0 for from the three-point line ended up with eight points so he’s averaging 10 points but you can see a couple things from him and this is why I’m impressed early athletic big you kind of knew that right but you saw with the block shots his athleticism I also like the face up threes like I don’t know what his percentage is going to end up as a rookie but it looks like he has a pretty good shot it’s not bad but I I think I think the coaching staff when it comes to the regular season they’re going to say let’s let’s pump the brakes on it a little bit it seems like he has the full-on green light to take it whenever he wants from these two gam in the summer league I think the coaching staff’s going to re that in a little bit but I I also like the fact that he actually has he can handle the ball he can put the ball on the floor and like go between his legs and Juke Juke dudes and shoot from like the the free throw he seems versati his offensive game now it’s this is such a small sample size yeah it seems more advanced than the bill of goods we were given on him like I thought he was going to be super raw offensively very little outside game he’s showing me more in that department he looked more raw yesterday than he did in the first game right but he it’s GNA happen that’s he’s gonna have growing pains when it comes to and he’ll work on the perimeter shot I’m not saying he’s going to have the green light all the time and maybe you’re right maybe because it’s summer league he’s you know these guys are just it’s a Free Fall it’s just a pickup game right but um I think if he has opportunities to take a three in a regular season game he’s going to do it oh I think it’s part of his game I told you maybe I was over my skis just watching the highlights going in that he reminded me a little of KD it was just one move that he had but when you say he can handle the ball that was part of it I just remember this one move where he’s dribbling down he spins and he does a fade away jumper or AA Kevin Durant I was excited and then watching on Friday night the face up three-pointers and just his form it looks like he can knock it down and I don’t think they’re going to give him a red light cakes I think that’s G look it’s modern day NBA and what I like about his shot is do you remember when we had Chris humph here in Washington Kim Kardashians ex hubby barely but yes kind of Chris humph was known as a rebounder in the league that’s what he did that’s what he did his number one specialty was grab boards but when the league started trending towards bigs to shoot threes the Wizards tried to make him a three-point shooter and it never looked right it never looked good like I think Alex sar’s shot looks good yeah I think it looks relatively good for a guy who was sold to us as defensive specialist rim protector really needs to work on his offensive game and it still needs work don’t get me wrong but the initial impressions are good they’re better than expected couple other things on should be excited definitely should be and I don’t know if you can be excited this is probably roll your eyes material but Johnny Davis played well in both of the games I’m not that that that’s fine okay after I’m more excited by Bob Carrington Bob knocked down four3 good on Friday yeah and then what was his final line yesterday I think it was similar to the first he had like 189 points yeah yeah he’s I think he took 10 threes I think maybe four for 10 mat for an 18yearold like I just feel like the coaching staff especially with tus Jones departing they’re going to give Bob Carrington as many minutes as he can handle as an 18 or 19 year old however old he is once the NBA season rolls around he’s I think he’s GNA play Heavy minutes as a rookie I don’t know if he’s gonna be the starting point guard might I mean the summer league let’s not get too crazy understood and you know that I’m sure the the Wizards are going to bring some other pieces in but if I’m ke and the coaching staff I like what I see what I’ve seen through two games it’s impressive so he was four for 10 in this game so eight for 18 overall yeah so he’s jacking him up a lot he’s got the green but you’re right it is it is a glorified pickup game when you watch summer league more than the scoring for him from what I’ve seen in the the two Summer League games he’s just forceful with the ball he’ll take the ball to right to the 10 he’s not intimidated at least by the summer league competition that he’s facing gets everybody involved like I think they might have got the steal at 14 with Carrington yeah we’ll see it’s early I can’t I’m not going to dive too much into the summer league numbers because most of these guys aren’t going to be on the roster I I get it but you can tell who can play and there’s one guy out there that can definitely play that’s Reed shepher thaty holy smok that guy let me steal E’s not here let me hold on steal the back patting machine I believe when we run around the horn I said I agreed with Gary perish and I said if you get the next Steph Curry or poor man Steph Curry I don’t care about a 7 foot one guy you draft the next Steph Curry this guy I know I know it’s only two games but is there a little is there a little buyer’s remorse it’s early but from watching Reed Shepard Ian it was electric just grab boards push the ball and then it looks like he’s going to shoot and then he just just uh no looks the guy like crazy passes it does look like yeah it looks a lot like Steve Nash more explosive Steve Nash and again it’s so early and it’s summer league so let’s not get too carried away but he looked good well and so going back to what you’re coting yeah cam Whitmore looked really good too Whitmore looked like Dominique Wilkins leue but going back years ago yeah we even mentioned this last week one of the MVPs of the summer league was Glenn Rice Jr that’s fine MVP that means he was the best guy in all the summer league that year and he became a nothing in the NBA from watching a little bit of Reed Shepard do you think he’s going to suck in the NBA you think those skills don’t translate well it’s hard not to be impressed I think he put up 23 in the first game and 22 in the second game he’s knocking like logo three balls think he had five of these oh you have the ball give me the ball I’m taking the ball five swipes in one of the games dude has an all round game he looks like on a pick and roll you’re just going to have have to pick your poison yeah and they’ve got a lot of good young Talent there men cam Whitmore you know right now I know I I I Pummel balal a lot but cam looks better than Bal kabali okay again it’s early I’m a I’m a Bel Stan apologist I’ll never I’m never gonna stop waving the French you give him another couple years yeah I’m gonna give him all the time you need but if he’s averaging seven points in his third year I’m team drab I I am anointing Reed Shephard Superstar jeez hey would you take him it’s okay I’m I’m drinking the Koolaid would you take him for rookie the year and I get the field sure I’ll do it for five bucks what do I care put in the book I’m in re Shephard Euphoria Euphoria phase right now I can’t help myself Val gave me the field I I think I would not regret taking alexar you know over Reed Shepard because I don’t know I was I was actually pretty impressed with him now I was I was looking closely because when I saw that he only had two points at the half I was like man and then he start look I think the fact that he took SAR took 10 threes in two games yeah and I think he’ll get he’ll get dunks just like on pick and rolls like if you like Bob Carrington like they’re going to he’s going to get that part of the offense and I think he’ll get better and better but like he already has like that aggressive nature yeah I mean look he’s and he’s going to get stronger he’s he’s got the athleticism he’s gonna he’s gonna he’s gonna be a really good player I believe he’s not gonna be the focal point certainly not of the offense early in his career but maybe as he gets older and more refined improved three-point shot you can start give him the ball more and expect that but look you can’t get you got to be excited by seven-footer who can run the floor certainly you know what I mean and who could block shots I’m also excited four block shots in the first game yes think I’m also excited by 6’2 white guys that could stroke it and can push the ball up uh up and down the court D if he it doesn’t matter he’s not on your team I know I know if if Reed sheer wins Roy I’m buying his matching shies just let just let it be known let’s go what’ you think about Reas in in on Friday night oh he was pretty smooth he’s pretty good yeah he knocked down three triples and they were Prett points yeah he looks smooth well look I’ve got re you’re you’re stuck on re sheer I got re I got it’s five bucks not $25 it’s okay you pronounce his name buis I mean just awful negotiating too don’t you know normally get odds when you try to pick one player to win rookie of the year he had like the little uh hearts in his eyes I got the goog me I can’t be rational the art of the no deal it’s like you Tweeting about the Orioles and the Yankees you’re just just passionate just came out what are you going to do I think it’s encouraging look they’re not going to win many games this year we know that right outside of kozma it’s not like they have a lot of Veteran Talent they’re goingon to play a lot of these young guys they’re going to get a lot of minutes it’s going to be rough but I was impressed with the skill set in the first two games and I’m not discouraged by the two for 10 shooting like you know when a guy can’t shoot like by their form like he has pretty good form yeah and it’ll get better so he’ll be working on it the entire summer your schedule for tonight is booked Pistons at the Rock at 6:30 tonight we’re watching Reed Shepard tonight to watch the Home Run Derby they might bench up that’s funny they might shut him down so why would you play him another minute it’s a good point distra yeah now better not shut him down now I’m upset hey kakes will you will you uh tweet out a picture picture of you sitting on your couch with your pants around your ankles and Reed Shepard on the TV I might have to do that he’s my guy he’s my new guy but Carrington yeah he looks like he’s first of all he’s confident oh he’s not lacking in confidence no doubt um he’s fun to watch but again you just don’t know how it’s going to translate to the regular season regular season is such a long season man it’s so long re sheeper looka but that kid from I guess he played for uh G ignite or whatever B mhm he put up 28 and knocked down four triples that guy’s going to be a stud too Robinson on their their roster had like 15 boards I think in game two yeah so it’s interesting to watch summer league the Wizards uh next game is tomorrow uh they play the Kings that’s on Thursday wait till Thursday they may have one before that I’m scanning the uh schedule right now they don’t play tonight ah they play Tuesday against uh the drab Blazers there it ising yes that’s right s against kingan kingan had a bunch of like rebounds and blocks he had 13 boards and like I don’t know four or five blocks he struggled from the field he’s huge when you see him on the court he’s just a massive dude but but offensively he struggles sometimes

Consider the Junks cautiously optimistic about Alex Sarr and the rest of the Wizards 2024 NBA Draft selections after a weekend of Summer League action. What did you think of the Wizards’ first couple of Summer League outings?


  1. Reed Shepherd not being a Wizard because we picked Alex over him is going to piss me off. If Reed averages or becomes something great, this will become the 1st greatest blunders even surpassing the Kwame Brown pick in 2001‬. Reed looked way better than Alex in that Rockets vs Wizards. Hitting 3’s from the logo

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