@Detroit Pistons

Why Houston Rockets Got Bullied By Detroit Pistons + NBL Star Jack McVeigh Signs Two-Way Contract

Why Houston Rockets Got Bullied By Detroit Pistons + NBL Star Jack McVeigh Signs Two-Way Contract

on today’s show the Houston Rockets got absolutely bullied by the Detroit Pistons in their third Summer League game what went wrong for Reed Shepard cam Whitmore and Company plus who is Jack McVey and why did the Rockets sign him to a two-way contract it’s all coming up on today’s locked on Rockets this is Mission Control Houston ignition sequence starts 6 5 4 3 2 1 and just like that the Houston Rockets Summer League Championship hopes have been destroyed what’s up and welcome to another edition of lock on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball as always I’m your host Jackson Gatlin native Estonian a credential media member I’m also the host of locked on NBA Mondays be sure to follow along wherever you listen to your podcast or on YouTube just search lockon Rockets be sure to like comment and subscribe that’s the best way that you can help our show out is to go comment anything below the YouTube video share your thoughts on why the Rockets lost to the Pistons or just come by and say go Rockets it helps us out a ton now today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more this summer because FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit to get started and as always thank you so much for making locked on Rockets part of your day every single day whether it’s on your way to work on your lunch break in the gym thank you for being an everyday so we’re going to unpack and try and figure out just what the hell went wrong for the Rockets against the Detroit Pistons here in their third Summer League game falling to the Pistons by a final score of 87 to a measley 73 points uh we’re going to discuss takeaways from the game all that good stuff and then a little bit later on in the show we’re going to tackle who is Jack McVey and why did he pop up on the Rockets radar and and suddenly sign a two-way contract seemingly overnight uh so let’s start with the uh gross Rockets Pistons game which was it really was kind of a gross game like I at one point uh one of my one of my colleagues from from locked on turned to me during the game and he said do you have any notes from this game and I was like yeah kind of like it’s it’s it was one of those where sometime like and he just kind of like ah summer league am I right and I was like yeah summer league it was just kind of one of those games um first off you know I definitely think there was a bit of a scheduling impact here I’m not going to go so far as to say it was a schedule loss uh you know Summer League games are not traditional NBA games right there’s no travel involved it’s not like they were going from hotel to hotel and checking in late and didn’t get a good night’s sleep I mean you’re staying and living in one area but I will say you know playing on Friday then playing again on Sunday then playing again on Monday and and specifically on Monday a less than 24-hour turnaround from when they played on Sunday like that is a little taxing on the body right three games and four nights is never easy regardless what level you’re playing at and trust me when I say the guys playing at summer league are taking it very seriously because all the all the Fringe NBA guys all the guys on exhibit 10 deals who are trying to carve themselves out a spot in the NBA you know on an NBA roster somewhere those guys are playing out of their minds they’re giving it 110 120% effort every second every possession that they are out there could it could because it could be the difference in them making it to the NBA and you know gaining a standard NBA contract or a two-way deal or getting another chance further down the line versus them you know being at home playing basketball in their driveway like Gerald Green was that one time so uh the intensity is absolutely there even if the talent level of the competition is not quite what you would expect you know know from the actual NBA landscape so I just want to provide that one little bit of context from the jump but I will say just looking at things the Pistons were just the aggressor in this game right couple you know coach Garrett Jackson mentioned it uh Reed Shepard mentioned it right the physicality that the Pistons were playing with uh Reed said that the Pistons came out and kind of punched him in the mouth and they really didn’t have a response uh after it happened uh coach Garrett Jackson was just talking about the physicality that the Pistons played with and they didn’t think that they matched up with that physicality very well at all throughout the course of this game and it matches the eye test because this game was of the three that the Rockets have played so far in Las Vegas this was the one where it really felt like it was the Rocket’s first like uh we’ll call it like the get it out the mud game right because it was a it was a sloppy game the shooting on both sides was abysmal uh the Rockets I mean they they really struggled across the board uh cam Whitmore just won of 15 shooting in this game re Shephard six of 17 shooting uh AJ Griffin actually had one of his better Summer League games one of the lone kind of uh positives from this game for the Rockets uh Nate Williams who’s been one of the Rockets most consistent summer league contributors was only six of 14 in this one Orlando Robinson kind of came back down to earth after his 22 and 15 performance just across the board the Rockets kind of struggled um I want to get further into the specifics of the struggles for for Reed and cam especially in this game uh but I do think that the major takeaway here is just going to be like it’s summer league and while I was while I was having a lot of fun overreacting to the first two games and how good Reed and cam looked it is important to remember not to overreact to Summer League games right Reed Shepard’s not a future Hall of Famer just because he put up you know insane stats in his first two Summer League games and likewise he’s also not a bust just because he struggled in this summer league game and and in fact I will highlight here the main reason that I think Reed Shepard struggled in this game is a reason that a lot of Summer League teams struggle across the board and and wind up you know things looking a little funky out there especially on the offensive end is he was realistically the only primary initiator the only uh playmaker for this Rocket summer league team and the Pistons bullied the hell out of him they focused all of their defensive efforts on trying to stop Reed Shepard and he’s still look and Reed still managed to post 15 points uh four rebounds a couple of assists had three steals uh did have four turnovers uh you know again only on six of 17 shooting so he he struggled the efficiency wasn’t there like we saw it in the previous couple games but it’s because he was the only point of offensive initiation for the rockets and so all the Pistons had to do was Focus everything on him right they were guarding much guarding him much more at the level putting a lot more focus on him coming out of pick roll actions and they they basically smothered him defensively without without like full-blown like double teaming him you know 30 ft away from the basket which is probably the only step higher that you could go as far as defensive attention goes on a scouting report in summer league which we we we’ve seen in the past right we saw Jaylen green back when he played in summer league we saw him getting double teamed 30 feet away from the basket which was absolutely ridiculous then that that’s kind of what they did and they they took away a lot of the Rockets stabilizing offensive Force by minimizing Reed Shepard and his role within the offense not to mention that there were plenty of opportunities where Reed did generate some offense you know got a good set run and you know the Rockets got a good look out of it and they just they couldn’t hit I mean it felt like it really felt like every single shot came up just a little bit short it looked like dead legs it looked like a team that had played their third game in four nights and so I’m not going to sit here and say that they lost explicitly because of the scheduling they just played a really bad game I’m just highlighting the scheduling absolutely probably played a little bit of a factor in there as well as you tip your cap to the Detroit Pistons they just played harder than the Rockets um they had no answer for Denise Jenkins who went off for 26 points on eight of 16 shooting he was six of 11 from downtown and then Bobby Clinton actually did a really solid job I think guarding and really frustrating cam Whitmore throughout the course of this game which is one of the reasons that I think Cam went just won of 15 but coming up I want to share some additional thoughts and takeaways from this one why cam whitmore’s one of 15 isn’t majorly concerning but just trying to understand why he went one of 15 and understanding a little bit of who he is as a player we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has has everything that you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and so much more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices that you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP keep your r die live at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers and continuing on here at locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball all right let’s unpack a little bit more from this Rockets Pistons game specifically want to focus in here on cam Whitmore and his alarmingly bad one of 15 performance so cam Whitmore in this game Five Points one of 15 shooting 0 of five from downtown went three of four at the charity stripe he had three rebounds he did have five assists he was again he’s been uh ever since like the second half of game one he had he’s had a renewed Focus towards involving his teammates making solid passes trying to get other guys involved so I will commend him in that regard uh but this was easily a really this might have been this might have been the worst game that I’ve ever witnessed cam Whitmore play honestly even across all the time that he spent at the NBA level um and part of it is I I I would first off I was absolutely floored to see that cam Whitmore was playing in a third Summer League game especially given the the way that the schedule was rolled out with this one the third game being a back-to-back after Sunday’s game I fully expected cam Whitmore to be shut down even others like like Jonathan Fagan at the Houston Chronicle he fully expected cam Whitmore to be shut down going into game three it was a surprise to pretty much all of us the the Rockets media contend there in Vegas that cam Whitmore was playing and again I even highlighted here on the show that there was a possibility that they might have shut down Reed Shepard before game three ultimately uh now I will say right here I I I almost fully believe now after the way that those guys looked in game three and and realistically the way that the whole team looked uh I’m kind of fully expecting at this point the Rockets to shut down both Cam and Reed for the remaining Summer League games uh there’s not really much more that you need to learn or or get out of either of those two guys like Reed has shown you everything he needs to show you Cam has shown you a a much better version of himself in the sense of being able to invol or attempt to involve others but cam is who he is as a player you know I know we talked last episode and he spoke in postgame about the coaching staff’s desire to you know mold him make him a more well-rounded player he’s got plenty of time to do that it’s not going to happen in one summer but the fact that he’s been receptive to to what the coaching staff wants the fact that he’s kind of dialed in and focused on his playmaking above all else is good to see at the same time cam is a guy who is much more effective in the role that he was playing throughout the regular season for the Rockets he’s not at a place where he is a primary creator for an offense cam is so much more effective when somebody else is handling the initiation responsibilities and he gets to be a play finisher he’s an elite play finisher right now at just 20 years old which is incredible to say very few you know 20-year-olds can say that they’re an elite play finisher at the NBA level when you have Fred Van vet or Jaylen green or alperin shingu or in this case in summer league Reed Shepard running and orchestrating and generating the offense and then cam Whitmore gets to come in and just do his thing and be the the play finisher it looks a lot better in this game against the Pistons again it was is really frustrating across the board the defensive intensity was the the most that the Rockets had dealt with through their first three Summer League games and they really tried to take away Reed Shepard’s ability to generate the offense for his teammates and that left other guys like cam like nck Nate Williams like AJ Griffin kind of on an island to thin for themselves and without having that primary initiator to really kind of be the first Domino offensively to break things down and and get the defense scrambling to where you can attack a defense that is isn’t set really took its toll especially on cam so I think you couple a few things there right the Detroit defense cam just having an overall bad game plus his mentality coming to these games hasn’t been his traditional mentality right it’s been okay I’m I the coaching staff is asking me to playmake how do I you know he’s probably he’s out there it seemed at times he was more thinking about what he was going to do as far as trying to like set up a teammate or make the right pass as far as instead of just playing his game we know how good cam can when he’s just playing his role uh again I like that they’re trying to make him a a more well-rounded player it took until year three right we saw early flashes from Jaylen green as a playmaker which was a very pleasant surprise given the you know jaylen’s number one skill when he came into the NBA was supposed to he’s a bucket right he was supposed to be an alpha level scorer and we saw the playmaking flashes early and then especially this past season under em he became a much more well-rounded player a much better playmaker a much better Defender we saw the shooting and the and the scoring numbers kind of regress a little bit as he was getting more acclimated to that new well-rounded role within the rocket system but I fully expect cam Whitmore to kind of go through the same like Metamorphosis as a player scoring is not the issue with Cam we know that he can score the hell out of the ball how much more well-rounded can he become as a player how much better can he get as a Defender how much better can he get as a playmaker and that’ll be the difference between cam Whitmore just being this like lightning in a bottle six-man type guy that you bring in as like a super charged Reserve Off the Bench versus him down the line potentially being a star- level shooting guard a star- level player in the league who is well-rounded and can do a little bit of everything and and improve or or make his teammates better using his scoring gravity using his ability to create for not only himself but for others so wanted to highlight that there uh also wanted to point out here for Reed Shepard you know we’ve been praising Reed’s defense through these first three Summer League games and don’t make no mistake I’m still incredibly impressed by what Reed Shepard has brought to the table so far defensively and how I think he’s going to fit into the confines of a team defense at the NBA level for the Houston Rockets now that said um there are some smaller is concerns with him defensively namely when Reed is on an island when he’s guarding an isolation he he tends to get beat pretty frequently in ISO that’s that’s one major kind of negative takeaway that I’ve had through three Summer League games is when you have him guarding on the perimeter and there’s no help there’s no pick and roll action there’s no other players for him to kind of you know lean on a little bit defensively then it’s really easy for a guy to just get past him oneon-one um the lateral quickness I won’t say it’s a concern but it needs to improve his ability to guard one-on-one and keep his defender in front of him has to improve um now I don’t I don’t again I don’t think Reed’s ever going to be like a quote unquote defensive liability I think he’s going to be very similar to Fred Van vet as an NBA level Defender especially with you know a couple years under his belt further down the line that said the other takeaway that I have is he got really foul happy in this game Reed Shepard in this game picked up six fouls now that you can have up to 10 fouls in summer league so it’s really really hard to foul out of a summer league game but Reed Shepard had six fouls in this game and a lot of it is because he got slap happy with his hands he has incredibly quick hands incredibly active hands defensively but he also got a little trigger happy in this game with trying to swipe down on too many different plays and the Pistons play again credit to the Pistons players they did a really good job of of staying strong with the basketball holding on to and forcing him to foul them rather than playing you know all Loosey Goosey with the ball to where Reed is able to pick up you know five steals like he did against the Washington Wizards so that’s going to be something that he has to learn and actually Alper and shingon went through a little bit of a similar thing uh his first season or two in the NBA as well because Alp processes the game at such a quick level at such a fast level right for for such a young player that was one of the things that really immediately stood out about shingon is he just sees things happening before they actually happen on the floor that’s why he’s got the court Vision that he does that’s why he’s the playmaker that he is because he sees and reads and understands things offensively and that also helps him on the defensive end because he’s anticipating and expecting what other players are going to be doing and so shingon to make up for maybe some of his other physical limitations right not the tallest not the strongest not the fastest he does utilize his processing speed and he uses his quick hands to try and strip guys on the way to the rim all that kind of stuff and you kind of see that same processing happening with Reed defensively to where yeah he might get beat on a possession but he’s never out of The Possession he talked about that as at his intro pressor right yeah he might get beat if a guy you know drives past him on the perimeter but he’s going to rotate he’s going to make sure that he’s in the next right position to intercept a pass in the passing lane or tip a you know tip a shot from behind get a strip whatever knock it off the guy’s thigh and you know send it out of bounds and that’s what’s going to make him a good Defender at the NBA level that’s why I’m not worried about him even though physically he might be a little bit limited when a guy has like uh you know a lightning quick first step or something he might have some trouble at times staying in front of you know explosive lightning quick guards but at the end of the day NBA defense has five guys for a reason right so I I don’t think that Reed is ever going to be the type of player that you have to hide defensively or or stick in the corner because you don’t want him guarding on the perimeter but it’s just going to be a thing that the Rockets have to take into consideration when Reed is out on the floor H where you know where is he funneling guys to right where’s his help defense where is the help coming from and who what’s his next rotation if he does get beat all these little things that go into the context of a team defense and the one thing that we know about Reed from his time at Kentucky and even through a handful of Rocket summer league games is he is a phenomenal Team Defender and that’s going to carry him a very very long way at the NBA level coming up I want to talk a little bit about AJ Griffin his first good Summer League game as well as who the hell is Jack McVey and why did the Rockets sign him to a two-way contract we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel look I love sports I love them so much I never really want them to stop but when you got playoffs winding down and you get fewer and fewer games and then the sports maybe aren’t sportsing the way you want them to look FanDuel lets you keep the sports going whenever you want all you have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime you’re in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long right now you can head on over to and take a look at the outright betting favorites to win the title this next NBA season the Boston Celtics currently the favorites to repeat at plus 300 behind them you have the O the upstart OKC Thunder at plus 750 to win it all 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you know people around summer league uh talked to a couple different Scouts and a couple different people who used to cover AJ Griffin in Atlanta uh they all more or less had the same uh kind of thing to say about him the the the same uh idea about him is just that the shooting is very real with AJ Griffin the shooting is absolutely something that is is going to be a big part of his game uh the the question marks around him are going to be uh his commitment to defense uh a lot couple of the Atlanta guys that I spoke to basically said that his defense was actually one of the main reasons that he fell out of the rotation with Quinn Snyder is he just was such a defense of liability that they couldn’t have him out there on the floor um and he really is you know the perfect like change of scenery guy uh you know getting to a new place getting to the Houston Rockets it could do wonders for him and again all the Rockets need him to do is to be a great floor spacer which it sounds like from the people that I’ve spoken to and from what I’ve seen at least is that that part of his game seems legitimate right the outside shooting is is very real and he is a good outside shooter and that’s desperately something that this Rockets team lacked last season but you can’t just be a one- trick pony right you can’t just be oh you’re a lethal outed shooter but you’re a bisl everything else on the floor he’s got good size right he’s a legit 66 67 he’s got a strong body he should he has the physical gifts to be a good Defender one of the other things that I heard is he just he doesn’t process very quickly um on offense or on defense so on offense you don’t really want him taking on too much more you know biting off more than he can Cheo right he should basically just be a stationary catch and shoot three-point player offensively that’s what he should be on offense you don’t really want him doing more than that on offense because that’s when things get a little murky uh and then defensively that process you know becomes an issue when he’s not sure where to rotate to or what to do next defensively you know those those things that hopefully Oka can iron out that’s what that’s what my hope is is if eay can take a guy who is a legitimate outside three-point threat and also has the physical gifts to be at least a decent Defender right nobody’s asking AJ Griffin to be an all-nba caliber Defender overnight if he can just get to a point where he’s not a negative defensive piece for the Rockets then I don’t see a reason why he can’t crack into the rotation at some point this next season because the Rockets desperately need shooting and he’s a young talented player with an immense amount of upside he’s on an incredibly team-friendly contract so I’m not like out on AJ Griffin at all after the first summer two Summer League games I mentioned as much uh I just think that it’s going to be a long road ahead for AJ Griffin to kind of rehabilitate his value and get his game back to a place where the Rockets feel comfortable enough to put him out on the floor potentially this next season alongside some of their other young players but when you think about what his role could be on this Rockets team that’s all they need him to do right you’re going to have guys like shenon like Jaylen like uh Fred Reed a men whoever you’re going to have other guys to initiate the offense all they need are guys who can finish the play right guys who can knock down the open shot when it’s generated and again not be a defensive liability on the other side of the floor so I I liked what we saw at AJ Griffin here in game three now let’s get to a little bit of off the court news for the Houston Rockets who reportedly signed uh in the the nbl’s Jack McVey uh which this kind of kind of came randomly although it was met with uh a lot of uh like Praises being sung for the Rockets namely biggest name out there uh Sam Vini who absolutely commended the Rockets front office for for making a smart move uh by signing McVey apparently vini’s been really high on this guy uh throughout you know the last two or three months of his career and and McVey has had one hell of a stretch uh of this two or three months basically he led the Tasmania Jack jumpers his team that he’s playing for in the NBL uh to the NBL Championship Series game in which he hit what is being what has been regarded as the biggest shot in NBL history basically the the the Jack jumpers were down 91 to 90 with like less than 10 seconds left they got a they they forced a turnover on the final inbounds play of the game got the ball back one of their players was like diving out of bounds threw it back into to Jack McVey who then dribbled up the floor clock is counting down right again there was 8. SEC 8.1 seconds left on the clock like when this action all started something like that under 10 seconds for sure McVey dribbles the ball up and pulls up for a ridiculous logo three-pointer with like two Defenders like immediately in his vicinity right this was like a contested logo three that he drained to give them the win he then so they they they not only win the championship series game right they’re the the champions in the NBL he becomes the NBL Championship Series MVP so the equivalent of the NBA’s Finals MVP uh then immediately after that he gets married uh he gets named to the Australian Boomers uh kind of like extended Squad so basically uh the squad of guys that has you know backups and and the guys who are it’s basically not the finalized roster but he gets named to the extended squad for the Paris Olympics uh ern’s his spot in the in the full-time Paris Olympics rotation and now he’s you know playing in in Abu Dhabi playing friendly games he played a game against uh Lebron James and the the uh USA team for the the friendly games that they’re playing over there and I mean he’s just been on like an insane tear for like the last three months of his career and now he’s signing a two-way contract with the Houston Rockets uh throughout his this past season in the NBL he averaged 16 and a half points and 5.4 rebounds per game for the Jack jumpers he shot 52.5% from the floor and 36 4% from downtown on 4.6 attempts per game so good volume decent shooting percentage um ESPN quantifies him as a rangy forward who can effectively score at all three levels and particularly excels as a three-point shooter so the Rockets adding even more shooting to their roster this seems like a guy who you know on a two-way deal absolute slam dunk right he’s 28 years old so he’s not like a young player at all right he’s kind of you know in the prime of his career right now but he’s guy that’s absolutely had to like claw it out tooth and nail to get to where he is in his career at this point uh apparently he is a you know really great locker room presence to to have around uh and again he’s he’s playing on the Australian uh national team the Boomers alongside guys like Josh Giddy and uh our our very own Jack landale on that Squad so uh maybe Jack lale had a little bit of input in this maybe you know Stone kind of hit him up and he’s like hey is this a guy that you know we should be taking a look at maybe he got like the recommendation uh you know the uh the uh what is it called the referral on the on the resume slip when you’re applying for a job I don’t know from Jack landale but I I like the pickup for the Rockets it goes to their so that is their final two-way slot effectively right now because they’ve got Nate Williams on one two-way slot they’ve got neali Dante on the other two-way slot and now they have Jack McVey on the third and final two-way slot now I need to educate myself on the uh Logistics of two-way slots but at least I think my understanding is if the Rockets decide that they’re not happy with neali Dante and if Orlando Robinson doesn’t get a better offer from somewhere else down the line uh I wonder if the Rockets are able to just wave neali Dante from the two-way slot that they assigned to him and extend that last position to Orlando Robinson because I I fully believe that through through what we’ve seen out of summer league and what we know about them as players uh Orlando Robinson is probably the better bet for that fi for you know that two-way slot instead of neali Dante maybe the Rockets are really high on his upside maybe they think they’ll be able to keep him for longer than they would Orlando Robinson cuz Robinson is he he’s an NBA caliber player like he should probably earn a standard NBA deal from some team out there looking for some backup big man help uh so maybe the Rockets don’t want to you know flip Dante off the two-way slot because they don’t want to lose Robinson further down the line for nothing uh who knows ultimately but I I I like the McVey Edition I think it’s uh you know very lowrisk high reward play play where maybe he maybe he turns into a standard NBA contract guy right maybe he continues to excel at the NBA level and he’s one of those like diamond in the rough guys that the Rockets find from the NBL going all the way back to when they uh when they pulled J shant Tate out of the NBL all those years ago so that’s who Jack McVey is that’s why the Rockets signed him to a two-way contract how do you feel about what’s going on with the Rockets what are your thoughts on the loss to the Pistons how do you feel about them signing Jack McVey let me know in the YouTube comments but as always thank you so much for checking out the show if you haven’t done so yet please consider subscribing wherever you listen to your podcast or on YouTube just search locked on Rockets be sure to like comment subscribe and if you’re listening on Apple podcast or Spotify a fivestar review helps us out a ton but as always thank you so much for watching thank you so much for listening we look forward to having you back right here at lockon Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball h

Why Houston Rockets Got Bullied By Detroit Pistons + NBL Star Jack McVeigh Signs Two-Way Contract

Host Jackson Gatlin (@JTGatlin) reacts to and discusses the Houston Rockets 87-73 loss to the Detroit Pistons and why things looked so bad in their third Vegas Summer League game. Reed Sheppard dealing with his most aggressive defense yet, Cam Whitmore’s completely off night going 1-of-15 shooting, AJ Griffin as one of the lone bright spots for Houston + news of the Rockets signing NBL Star Jack McVeigh to a two-way contract and what he possibly brings to the Rockets.

#Rockets #NBA #SummerLeague

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  1. Yeah the Pistons game plan was pretty much to stop Reed he was really the only that can run the offense without him the offense was god awful.

    Thats what Reed going to have to work on he needs to deal with guys that are going to be physical with him. Thats why him learning under Fred is a good thing because Fred has delt with bigger guys pressing up and being physical.

    But I think Reed weakness will be negated because we have other playmakers and long and lengthy players that can help him out on both ends.

    It it is what is Reed will get better. I think Reed and Cam will get shut down now for the both of them it’s time to get ready for training camp good epsiode Jackson

  2. They were doubling read a lot. Not to mention he didn’t shoot very well for him. Lastly, no one on that court could make a shot to save their lives. I think that was still technically the best shooter on the court during that game and he had a bad showing. Cam couldn’t hit anything

  3. Good pod Jackson. the Rockets looked tired and a step slow all game. hard to glean anything from this game because the effort wasn't there. I think it's a credit to the Rockets that Washington was unable to distance themselfs till the final moments of the game even as the Rockets sleep walked through the game. AJ did have a better game but still did not impress me or change my mind on what I think of him.

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