@Philadelphia 76ers

[NBACentral] Caleb Martin’s camp never gave Miami the opportunity to match Philadelphia’s offer, per @flasportsbuzz

“The Heat had the flexibility to match Philadelphia’s four-year, $35 million deal with Martin, but Martin’s camp never gave Miami that opportunity. Martin could have made considerably more money with that same deal with the Heat because unlike South Florida, Philadelphia has city and state taxes.”

by IndigoJacob


  1. We’re really living in the timeline where people are taking pay cuts to be in Philly.

  2. jamesondrinker

    I guess maybe he really hated the city and/or the behind-the-scenes shit

  3. GOAT_Redditor

    No way they would go back to the same team they rejected a higher offer from

  4. SuriMuriPuri

    Caleb Martin 40ppg 20 rebounds 1 assist per game this season 👀

  5. therealallpro

    I like how they are leaving out the whole point of winning?

  6. Disastrous-Ad-2458

    The tax advantages are overstated. Players have to pay taxes in each state and city in which they play, so Florida’s lack of state taxes would only affect games played in FL (home + Orlando).

  7. grundlesmith

    Glad to have him, hopefully in 4 years hes a beloved sixer

  8. Other than him whiffing on making more money, I think he may have just seen the writing on the wall in Miami. Also might have rubbed him wrong seeing guys like Herro and Robinson on big deals while he has to settle for way less. Who can really say

  9. Ashamed_Job_8151

    Im sorry i just don’t buy anything coming out from Miami sports “reporters” about Martin. Ever since he signed they have put of a full court press to make it look like the heat did everything they could. This feels like when the local guys here who are connected with the team do the same thing. 

    I think what happened was the heat thought they were gonna make some big move and dragged out negotiations with Martin acting like “where is he gonna go” and he said ok, bye. The heat and their mouth pieces have been in total damage control since. I have even seen heat reporters and YouTubers trying to downplay how good he has been for that franchise. 

  10. Moranrham

    Watching the Miami Heat “culture” downfall makes me so happy. Winning is everything to them yet their top star is throwing a hissy fit about god-knows-what and depth players are taking pay cuts to leave lmao.

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