@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown says Bronny James ‘is not a pro’ ๐Ÿ‘€ ‘Is THIS the world we want to live in?!’ | #Greeny

Jaylen Brown says Bronny James ‘is not a pro’ ๐Ÿ‘€ ‘Is THIS the world we want to live in?!’ | #Greeny

he’s sitting courtside at a basketball game in an arena so it’s it’s at it’s in a Vegas Summer League game and he’s having a conversation with um with Angel Ree and a camera cuts to him he has no knowledge of this and the conversation he’s having he very clearly seems to mouth the words I don’t think bronnie is a pro now he’s at so it’s even more significant to me now and makes more sense when you tell me this was a Lakers game because I guess bronnie would have been playing in that summer league game but either way he’s having a private conversation now he’s in a public place and I understand that when you are a public figure when you are in a public place that I suppose you have to be on your guard about stuff like this but he’s saying something that he most certainly would not have wanted captured by the world and he says it because the camera cuts to him at an inopportune time that’s no one’s fault but then because we live in a world of social media now people start clipping that and they start putting it all over the place and now Jaylen Brown has to go on social media and kind of try and talk his way out of and he posted something about it saying it’s a flex to have your son alongside you in the NBA it reflects greatness and Longevity bronnie has all the tools around him to be be successful I look forward to watching his growth here here’s the absolute opposite of the Colin Montgomery conversation we were just having Colin Montgomery went into a newspaper interview and said something that in my opinion he should not say publicly jayen Brown did not say this publicly Jaylen Brown would never say this publicly if the London times or the New York Times or the or or or ESPN or anybody else asked him his opinion his projection of bronny James career Arc he would never say I don’t think bronnie is a pro he would never say it out of respect for the family out of respect for LeBron out of just basic common decency he wouldn’t say it all the things that we just accused Colin Montgomery of not having Jaylen Brown has and he wouldn’t there’s no just no conceivable chance he would have said that he’s having a private conversation with with friends people whom he feels comfortable saying this all of us have conversations in in with people that we consider to be private people whom we trust and whom we are close to that we would not want captured and put out all over the place so I guess what I’m asking is because and I’m tying this together with a story that I saw at some point during my vacation I saw a story about how a man and a woman were sitting next to each other in first class section of an airplane and they appeared to be flirting with each other or something like that I don’t know the details I’m not going to get them right I didn’t write the story down but I’ll give you a a for instance because this is basically what happened and someone else videotaped it because it looked like this was a guy who was flirting with a woman while he was wearing a wedding ring and the woman did not appear to be his wife how one would know that I have no idea but this person then posted this on social media and there was a big did you guys see this story bub cam were you aware of this I actually did not no I did not that’s a thing that happened a few weeks ago and it got some attention I remember reading a story about I don’t remember where I read about it but I read a story about it like is this really the world we want to live in like do we now want to live in a world I understand that every single person has a recording device the the the magnitude of which every single person right now in their pocket has a video recorder probably better than the equipment that was used to shoot cinematic feature films 40 years ago and can thus videotape anything and everything that they encounter do we really want to live in a world where everything we do in private whether you’re famous or not famous you have to be prepared for it to be plastered all over the Internet which in this Daye I I always used to say to my kids when they were little when I when they first got phones I said never put anything on to your phone never text anything never write anything never put anything that you wouldn’t be comfortable being on the front page of the New York Times because that’s the way we used to describe these things back in my day and Stace immediately said to me use a better analogy than that Michael your kids have no idea what you’re talking about and I said something that you would not want absolutely everyone in the world to see so I get that we live in that world but do we really want to live in a world where Jaylen Brown is having a private conversation with Angel Reese and he makes an observation that he would most clearly not want made public that it is going to be spread out everywhere like are we I I don’t know exactly what I’m trying to ask are we good with this like is this something that we just have to accept now that that if I am a public figure that anywhere I am and I’m not nearly as famous as Jaylen brown but people you know my face has been on TV so freaking long that people tend to know who I am when I go places a lot but aren’t we there with you aren’t we there right aren’t we there but no no but but you understand the question I’m asking yes absolutely like do we want to live in that world do you want to live in that world do you want to live in a world where every private conversation you have that takes place in view of anyone you don’t know might wind up all over the Internet yeah it’s a slippery slope for sure and it’s a little different with Jaylen Brown when he’s courtside at a Celtics Lakers Summer League game where he knows there’s cameras everywhere yes he’s having a conversation that he doesn’t want broadcast to everyone but he also doesn’t know how good people on Twitter will be at lip reading and figure out figuring out what he’s saying the clip was originally posted by NBC Sports Boston with no caption it just said like Jaylen Brown Angel Ree and this other player who I’m not sure who she was are are Courtside in Vegas um and then of course people take that clip and are like look what Jaylen Brown is mouthing to Angel ree in this clip like it was originally posted with no Mal intent and then people pick it up on the internet but that’s just how things go like you you say anything anywhere especially for these public figures when there’s cameras everywhere at these games they can’t anticipate anything that they’re saying any action that they’re doing someone they high five that they you know they they know all of it can be public in you know 5 seconds and that obviously trickles down to everyone because as you said everyone has a recording device everywhere but it’s Amplified for celebrities and athletes especially at these games where they are very much in the public eye people are like oh Jaylen Brown’s Courtside oh there’s going to be camera shots all of them there’s going to be pictures taken of them but even when they’re not anticipating those pictures being taken there’s always eyes on them and they have to be conscious of that For Better or For Worse it’s it’s not it’s not a good thing that you know everything that you say can just be broadcast to the world but I think we’re past that point it’s almost like we’re living in like The Truman Show at this point there’s just cameras everywhere we’re almost living in this world where everyone’s being videotaped doing anything they do at all times or could be yeah I mean what seems like for this one Jaylen Brown just got completely UNL lucky right cuz this this was lit literally the actual it wasn’t just some a fan just took a it was just the actual camera right the broadcast the broadcast just happened to show him at the one time he like so if they showed him at any other time he probably been talking about like oh this is a good soda you know or any like he could he could have been saying anything he would have been complaining about why he wasn’t on Team USA if cut back to him so but like the one like he that’s like this one is just like the worst timing award like but I think the other stuff you’re talking about people on the plane like that stuff is that’s a whole separate thing and that stuff is you see that all the time people go to to baseball games and people take out their phone and they zoom in on people’s conversations sitting in front of them they’re like oh look at what these people are are texting about or and and yeah that’s the stuff that I I I find you know insanely annoying and frustrating that’s like what you’re saying like what what are we doing in society now I I think the jaay and stuff he just got completely unlucky and and yeah he’s got a he you know maybe theoretically should know cuz a a celebrity at this point he basically should know cameras are going to be on him at all times and he he just can’t stay stuff like that but he just got super unlucky but the other stuff is just like I don’t know why people just have to be recording everything people do at all times no matter what they do and and that’s just the they just want to play gotcha no matter what you do and like you use the airport example like who who cares if if it’s it’s if it’s a man and a woman and they’re not married like what what are we trying to prove I I don’t get it right that so so clearly there is no legal remedy I I don’t think any of this has changed and the internet probably has made it even murkier but when I took law and ethics of Journalism in college which would have been in the 1980s if you are a a a famous person if you are a public figure which clearly Jaylen Brown is in order to have any legal remedy you have to prove two things you have to prove that what was said about you was willfully incorrect meaning someone has to have purposely um miscast if if you’re going to sue someone for um what’s the word I’m looking for for for slander then then you would have to prove that a what they said was not only that what what they said about you was untrue but that they knew it was untrue and the second is you have to prove malice you have to prove that they did so with malicious intent well so none of this stuff is ever going to rise to that level so I guess what I’m saying is this feels kind of dystopian doesn’t it like I I found while you guys were talking I found the story that I had found while I was away on vacation and and the story was in it’s in the New York Times and it’s from June 25th and basically a woman is on a plane she sees like opposite her in first class this couple that is clearly like doing something that she doesn’t think you know seems kosher and she videotapes them she posts it on Tik Tok and she writes if this man is your husband flying United Airlines flight blah blah blah from Houston to New York he’s probably going to be staying with Katie tonight and she posted that to 24 million Tik Tock users 24 million people saw that on Tik Tock and I don’t know look there’s so so I don’t know I can hear people saying oh good good this guy’s cheating and he deserves to get caught and all that kind of stuff and I yes I understand that way of looking at it but the other part of me that look that is looking at it is saying the overwhelming majority of the time is going to be the case of Jaylen Brown who isn’t doing anything wrong he definitively is not if a guy is on a plane cheating on his wife then I guess one could say he has it coming that that’s a whole other conversation let’s not let’s not put that into this discussion if Jaylen Brown is having a private conversation with someone and he winds up his words just wind up being splattered all over everywhere I just think that’s a very dangerous world and I maybe I’m just an old man shouting at the exactly what I promised myself I didn’t want to be which is just an old man shouting at a cloud right now cuz maybe the toothpaste is just out of that tube but boy it seems to me that is a sucky world to live in the toothpaste is absolutely out of the tube and there’s a reason why the book 1984 which was published in 1949 was so preent right like Mass surveillance was being thought of back then and now that’s the world we live in like everything that you do could be broadcast to whoever on Twitter or on Tik Tok and you have no control over it so there’s been signs for you know decades and almost a century at this point from this book and other others like it that this could be the world that we’re going to live in someday and you you have to imagine it’s only going to get worse it’s 2024 and technolog is only going to expand so yeah we’re uh rolling down a hill we don’t want to be rolling down right now and and we’re never going to stop

Mike Greenberg discusses the viral clip of Boston Celtics guard Jaylen Brown apparently saying that Bronny James “is not a pro” and then ponders if “this is the world we want to live in.”

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  1. Great video, very accurate analysis. In my 4.5 years in the game as a watch collector and enthusiast, I collected a lot from amzwatch I was thinking I was able to get a blue SD but I'm not vip enough, but I'm not giving up. Hehe. Great video.

  2. Do we want to live in a world where people are afraid to say that a person being paid millions of dollars is not good at their job. You all are scared to say what everyone is thinking and are deflecting to every other topic available lol

  3. Anybody with a pair of 2 eyes, a modicum of basketball understanding and a willingness to be objective, would literally say the same thing. The fact that corporate media cowards on ESPN and FS1 aren't willing to say the same, doesn't make it a harsh criticism.

  4. I'm just waiting for when LeBron ret๐Ÿ˜…and ESPN turns on him. All the things they're going to expose of him and how much of a fraud he is


  6. Jaken is a real dude. LeBron is a sissy Kim Kardashian style person that cares about Fame and protecting his image. We're done with these people who cares stop protecting them. Brian needs to get out of the league. He is garbage so is LeBron

  7. Heโ€™s the 55th pick in the draft and the media needs to chill out, Bronny isnโ€™t gonna be hood anytime soon heโ€™s a developmental player.

  8. The guy on the plane could be in an open relationship. Or he could be widowed. You don't know a person's situation.

  9. And that's why that man is not on TEAM USA. An immature man.He was trying look good by talking bad about a youngster SMH

  10. Even he if did say it publicly, what would be the issue??? Itโ€™s his opinion lol what do that gotta do with no having respect for Lebron and his family ??

  11. This segment is like an emperor has no clothes moment, lol. Hello Greenberg you dope, Bronny James sucks at basketball like he did at USC! He's a pro, he can be criticized like everyone else. You dummies in the media wonder why people dont trust you guys to tell the truth.

  12. The joke with this video clip is that they spent an inordinate amount of time talking about Jaylen being caught and no time on what he actually said about Bronny.

  13. So you wanna be a public figure, get all the good that comes from that, and none of the bad? Grow up, bro… You don't like being a public figure, then quit your goddamned job. It's simple… All this ranting about this "do we really wanna live in a world like this" BS, just stfu

  14. I used to not like Jaylen Brown but I'm starting to realize, hes an outsider and tells it how it is while the media just spins this narrative of their favorite cash cow LeBum and now Bronny even though it is clear he hasnt earned anything. I'm definitely going to miss Barkley when he retires. These bums on ESPN are just mindless cowards trying to prop up and lie to the public

  15. Yes, call it like how we see it. And Jaylen was right! Bronny is not a pro, he's not near the standard of a pro player. He's not even at the standard of a college player!

  16. Add fuel to the Rivalry. No big deal every one knows bronny not nba ready yet, only some delusional Lakers fans would disagree with Brown statement.

  17. its a surveillance state with countless laws yes this is our reality .. cameras everywhere we have normalized it

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