@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown appeared to say “I don’t think Bronny is a pro” at Summer League game | UNDISPUTED

Jaylen Brown appeared to say “I don’t think Bronny is a pro” at Summer League game | UNDISPUTED

your reaction to What Jaylen Brown said at the game and he tweet you know the unfortunate thing about this he this wasn’t a public statement it was not and unfortunately that although it was semiu you know he having it’s just like me and Kean saying something right here and I’m telling them something but next thing you know somebody pick it up you know this just a conversation that’s his opinion you know he’s entitled to his opinion I mean this guy just won a championship finals MVP but he’s going off what he’s seen you know obviously uh obviously bronny Jr has a lot of work to to get to the point where he wants to be a contributor on the Lakers obviously I mean I don’t look at summer league and I’ve saying this I seen it year in and year out skip summer league is really not an indicator of who somebody really can be because I feel like for the most part summer league is for like stars or potential Stars you know as a role player you really can’t show who you really are you know for the most part I mean he he’s missed some open shots yeah I mean he just got to continue to work on it but it’s just hard to really tell cuz I’ve seen guys who I thought would be Superstars and then didn’t even make make it past training camp then I seen guys that just came out of nowhere and all of a sudden in the rotation so I mean I don’t really take a lot of stock in summer league but you would like to see some positive signs of of something and you know right now brony’s confidence is down uh it’s clear you know I said that before this this last game he has to find his confidence and in order to do that you got to go go back and watch your tapes like when you play well whether it be in College High School wherever that is pickup game what did you do right in those games that made you feel the way you feel and produce the way you produced so you know that that’s all it is you know and everybody’s entitled to their opinion yeah jayen Brown said prob you know what truthly I’m not a really good lip reader maybe he said it maybe he not maybe he didn’t you know I’m not really good at at lip reading I mean we we we can assume that he said that but if he said that you know that’s his opinion I’m sure he’s not the only one in that building who feels the same way he is not the only one yeah I mean I’m sure there’s probably some guys on this team you know when I look at these guys that come off the bench who being more productive than bronnie saying you know I should be ahead of him or something like that so I mean I have you know I don’t I don’t know what Jaylen Brown said you know I’m just giving my personal opinion about where Brony is right now in his uh professional career okay I’m glad you said that cuz I didn’t hear the audio I’m assuming there was no audio I can’t I’m not a lip reader skip but I’m GNA I’m gonna go with the rest of the The Narrative that’s being said that jayen brown I’m just gonna go with that that Jaylen Brown said to LeBron James but you know what he didn’t deny it in the Tweet after did not deny he didn’t deny that so he you know you know so it could be possible but you know me I’m always try to make it as light as possible and easy as possible on them skip right yeah no one is going to feel about Brony the same way his father in his Camp feels about his ability to play professional basketball nobody’s gonna feel that way I don’t care what Rob palinka says I don’t care what JJ reick says I don’t care what Nate McMillan anybody Scotty Brooke none of them they’re not going to ever feel the same way pops feels so you going to always have naysayers about his ability because what are we waiting for we’re waiting for him to show us something that makes us go oh okay cool we can’t keep looking at air balls being shot from the three in in what is he o 15 from three and saying well he’s a three and D guy 14 or 14 is it over 14 or or 15 I think it might be 15 skip to be honest with you 123 yeah and 15 right so we can’t keep saying he’s a three and D guy when you look like you getting ready to go 0 for 40 in the summer league that’s what it looks like yep what he has to do is a lot what Paul is saying keep hacking at it don’t get discouraged don’t go out on the court and feel like you don’t belong just keep hacking at it some things will fall for you okay when that is I don’t know but we he’s got some potential to do something what that something is I don’t no but he’s got to start though if he wants to change this narrative about he doesn’t he’s not a pro then he’s got it’s got to change he just it’s got to change because again however many games they got left he’s got to not start knocking down shots he can’t be afraid to take shots he’s got to do those things and you know it may just be in his his head that he’s not getting it done and psyche and and he needs to find the right Rhythm to get it done now I’m not going to make excuses for him that’s why I say he hadn’t done anything yet to convince me he belongs but I’m willing to give him the opportunity yeah you know I’m not really ah I’m willing to give him the opportunity yeah I’m willing to give him that opportunity he’s just got to you know how it is it’s just one of those deals skip you got to at this point man to get these people off your back whether you like it or not you got to start to show something you just have to because when we looking at the other guy in Connect he starts off struggling all of a sudden he just knocking him down with ease y you know and so and I think bronnie eventually will I think he will but that’s not the player he is you know conect is a score yeah you know he’s a natural but we being sold though as a three and de got that’s what they sold us yeah so he got to be a star in his role you know and that’s going to be a terminology you going to hear all through in basketball so be a star defensively be a star I like to see him on the ball a little bit more though cuz he’s the littlest guy out there he is he is he is he is he look small I look that’s the first thing I thought y I’m like man he he’s he little out there why do they keep running him to the corner let him set the offense up well they running into the corner cuz they say he’s a knock down shooter put the ball in some athleticism let him push the ball let him do something else but just not stand in the corner and then you got you know it’s just I I feel bad for him I really do skip because he didn’t he didn’t deserve this criticism that he’s continuing to get he didn’t ask for it all he wants to do is play basketball yeah which is why it’s tearing me apart watching his games they’re getting harder and harder to watch because I am pulling for him I still believe he’s made of of the right stuff I I’m clinging maybe clinging desperately to the notion that if you put him with better Players He’ll look better that’s the same way I feel and to your points Paul Pierce Dalton connect is made for the summer league because it’s just it’s just green light no conscience Just Jack it up go go it’s it’s attack mode for everybody on the floor because everybody’s trying to make a statement in a brief amount of time you’re playing for your life you got to show out as quickly as you can show out and DOL connect is not afraid to shoot it if he misses one it doesn’t bother him a bit because it’s going up quick and it’s it’s about attack mode so I’m you know back to Jaylen Brown if he did say that and I’m pretty sure he did say that I I get it I I get it because he this is first glint he’s sitting Courtside he’s seeing it firsthand you talk about how both of you talk about how sometimes you’re on the sideline watching something two seconds yeah and it’s just like it hits you right between the eyes and it’s like Larger than Life when you’re it’s so different than watching on TV and all a sudden Jaylen Brown just turns and maybe he’s trying to impress the ladies beside him like he’s he’s not a pro okay I I get that it’s just a flash judgment off few minutes of summer league action but I must admit I have gone from trying to evaluate bronnie as how good can he be how quickly to can he play can he play I’m just looking for like you I’m I’m looking for now for more flashes of C can he play yeah because the most troubling thing of all I’ve watched four full games now and he shot a total of six free throws he’s three ass six from the free throw line that’s what’s troubling to me because there is no attack mode to him at all he goes and stands in the corner I see flashes on defense I I don’t see lock down I don’t see defensive demon just yet but man it got so bad at the end of the half last night that he did get a pretty wide open look a corner three and this this is got to be his bread and butter pretty good like he held the poe for a second like I think I got that one and when you’re that short now you’re really in a slump well you mean there confidence not there no confidence no confidence right now you can see I seen it in the last game though yeah and then they I was surprised they put him back in the game he went back in with five minutes left in the game and it was just straight garbage time and fortunately for him he got put in a situation where the clock was going 5 4 3 21 the shot clock and so you just got to go so I was thinking of the irony of Drew Peterson okay so at USC Drew Peterson was backto back first team All Conference that’s pretty good you know and and guess what he didn’t get drafted yeah because he’s just okay and he wound up playing with the main Celtics in the G League the last couple of years so he just fighting for his life out there and so here’s this USC kid who was pretty good at USC and he’s contesting bronnie with four minutes left and Bron’s making his first bucket of the night to score two points well that that’s that’s the g-league so you you step back from it and you say man I to to your point you what what have we seen what what what have we seen in the big picture and it’s just four Summer League games but it is four yeah we just we haven’t seen a whole lot is that fair we just haven’t seen a whole lot that’s where I am it’s fair it just it’s it’s it’s I don’t know man it’s painful it’s painful it’s painful to talk about yeah bronnie in in this particular light because even though going into this situation Skip and Paul there was always the naysayers or the people that felt like he wasn’t ready but because such high regard for his dad his family his agent everybody I’m one that going to give him the benefit of the doubt until such due time that I can’t anymore just that’s just the way I operate and so it’s painful to see that he’s not he hasn’t gotten there to give me just a little bit of a glimpse of what he could possibly be just hadn’t give me anything when I’m looking at air balls being shot but then the initial press conference I got Rob Linka selling me on something about D and 3 and d and I got JJ reck telling me c you know and I’m like okay well they there they see it up close in person but then all I do is see what I saw a while ago it makes me you know it’s just like what else am I gonna say I agree so back to Jaylen Brown’s tweet it had two key words in it bronny has the tools around him to succeed not the tools to succeed if you just said tools to succeed I’d say yeah around to sued Tools around him to succeed but I’ve been saying that those skip that’s a fact I said it let’s see and I know what Paul is saying but let’s see if I can get four Paul piercers on the court with him there you go and not these skip B and ke if he get four Paul Pier on the court with him he not touching the ball no you know what I’m saying I’m talking about top dudes that played allar NBA guys is what I’m talking about let’s see what he looks like in training camp pre-season with the big dogs not a bunch of guys that’s going back overseas into the G League possibly and other teams let’s see what he looks like I think I thinkers I think for him he he needs to be on the ball I mean he’s the smallest guy out there I mean when I locked I was telling you when I watched the game I was like man he he the smallest guy on the court he got to be able to bring the ball up you know what I’m saying if you’re asking him the pressure on defense he got to be able to initiate the offense now I’m not asking going to be this great playmaker which he’s not you know what I’m saying look at for example Pat Beverly Pat Beverly brings the ball up he does you know what I’m saying maybe he’ll pass it initiate the offense go to the corner but I like my I like for him to bring the ball up initiate it maybe do a l cut come off the screen just more movement than the smallest guy on the court standing in the corner the other example uh Grand the auto Alvarado down there in uh Grand uh down there in New Orleans you know he’ll bring the ball up he’ll pressure you know and then but you got understand those guys too when they first came in the league they couldn’t hit shots they couldn’t hit shot it was very inconsistent from outside then they developed that now you see Pat ble hitting more jumpers you see Alvarado knocking down some shots now but I would like to see him on the ball a little bit more maybe put him in some pick and roll situation just to see if he can make some plays now his game is not one-on-one we haven’t seen him break down a Defender and get to the basket yet the one layup I saw him get was off the drible hand off slice down the middle like so yeah put him in more movements let’s see what he can do he’s a role player we’re we’re asking him to do star things when he’s a a role player like can he be beat his man off the dribble can he create his own shots which we’ve seen him do every NBA player at some point can just get a get a bucket at some point create a dribble but that’s not their game but isn’t you know what I’m saying but isn’t he doing the role player things though by going and standing in the corner waiting for him to kick isn’t that a ro there’s no movement like put him on like let him slash let him cut let him set a screen you know what I’m saying and I also would like for him to be more active on Long rebounds you know I saw one of the greatest guard rebounders ever in Rondo Rondo’s about the same height it is Rondo is about 6’2 you know but Rond can get you 15 rebounds now I’m not asking bronnie to do that but you can put more energy into that that that’s that has a lot to do with effort you know what I’m saying so there’s other parts of the game to where he can show with his effort that can kind of Mag ify and overe exceed his ability to not have the long arms or the ultra super athleticism or the highight out there he has long arms huh he has long arms he does he he he has long arms like I said the effort energy has to be some things that can just kind of like minimize his size out there to make it look a little more extraordinary like Beverly looks a lot taller than he is because the way he plays Alvarado like Rondo is a lot bigger he really is because the way he plays way he moves around high energy hustle face yeah I mean I like your Beverly analogy I’m a big fan of his yeah but when he steps on the floor he has a presence it looks like he’s going a th miles an hour you like that and he’s all over whoever he’s guarding he’s up in him he he’s almost exaggerated getting up in him and and bronnie has tried to do some of those things but they keep slipping by him they slip by yeah and I don’t see the consistent Ultra effort where I say boy he’s a dog you know like he he just won’t stop he he’s got high motor I haven’t seen High motor that’s a skill set it is that’s a skill SK skip yeah and yet we’re talking about kind of a weird game here because he’s not a ball handler at 61 and a half he’s a wing no you don’t have to have gr Hammer he’s good enough ball hand I’ve seen good enough to bring to get the ball up the court without you know he got stripped a couple times yeah but you gotta you got to work on that put him in that situ summer league put him in that situation now look it he’s going he’s GNA be there that’s the thing he’s he’s going to be there he signed the contract he’s going to be on the team so now put him in a situation to where he can develop and learn put him so what if he’s not that great bringing the ball up all right we gonna bring it up this summer let’s work on that yeah you know what I’m saying you ain’t going to work on that in a pickup game or or or or in practice when you’re not going to practice half the year here let’s put them in the summer league and let them make all these mistakes right now and then that’s how you learn that’s how I learned growing up I played against older kids to where I was getting dominated but I had to learn and that’s how you get better he’s he he is learning I mean you could tell you could tell that whatever it is the stress the whatever the non-confidence that it’s there you can look at it and tell unsure when to shoot stepping out of bound no that’s one thing you can never let go twice in the game he stepped out of bounds twice he stepped out of bounds so all of that is a lot going on he’s 19 years old this is the first time he’s been on this type of stage even though family name is a big stage but this is the first time individually that he’s been on a massive stage like this and don’t underestimate he’s having the Caitlyn Clark effect in Las Vegas because every game he steps on the floor they’re selling out the Thomas and Mack mainly because well he’s the biggest draw in the summer leue else that’s the only game I’m watching some yeah exactly it’s the only I didn’t even watch I’m not even watching no other games I tried to watch the Portland game couldn’t really get into it the game before yeah yeah I was like not interested I I checked out the Hawks cuz they took that resche with the first pick and I wanted to seen oh yeah I saw the number one or two picks match up you know what they they matched up and they both looked pretty good yeah they look but in summer league you you you just look for flashes and with re I I’m saying oh oh he did that oh cuz he went right up from three and Away ripped a couple and you’re like okay okay I got it yeah that’s all yeah you I’m good then I don’t need to watch him again right right all right well enough of that we’ll get back to bronnie in just a moment here hard to talk about thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson react to Jaylen Brown appearing to say “I don’t think Bronny is a pro” while at the Los Angeles Lakers-Boston Celtics Summer League game.

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Jaylen Brown appeared to say “I don’t think Bronny is a pro” at Summer League game | UNDISPUTED



  1. Labron James set all of this up because he wants to play with Bronny James and it's not fair to other players that Bronny went from 84 to 55 no one wants to talk about that 😮 hello.

  2. If Bronny is not playing good now it's not going to work in regular season he didn't get their right Lakers needs to go home 😞🏡 bye bye

  3. By Skip Bayless heard you’re not gonna be working there anymore. You had a good run. But you should’ve had more respect for your Shannon Sharp.

  4. I have never witnessed so many people making the same excuse. This is why audiences are drifting away from these shows because they're not being given the freedom to express their true feelings.

  5. The lakers are going to hide bronny when he is on the court. Other teams will recognize that and they will torch the lakers.

  6. This is actually funny! Them being nice is so diabolical in a way. It's like telling your Auntie the food was good after you & all your cousins was just joking & making faces at how nasty the food was as y'all ate.

  7. He is a pro. He should already know.
    Why you have to put a pro in a situation. WHAT!

  8. Paul. You said growing up. You was in the hood, Bronny was at the house…. He didn't walk a mile to the court to play in the 92 degree weather

  9. Bronny is a pro basketball player in the NBA coz he’s been paid to play but but Bronny dont deserve to be at the NBA there are 1000 more the deserves to rather than Bronny, that is why lebron need to study and he is embarrassing his son by pushing Bronny to be drafted by the Lakers

  10. They says the truth hurts well Bronny sorry brother u need to go back to college and stop listening to your dad to fur fill your dads dreams and not yours

  11. He better used to that.. Not just what Jaylen Brown said.. Wait until the players like Dillon Brooks gets ahold of him if they don't get smart and get him in the G-League.
    I'm sorry if you can't perform against Summer League rosters.. The NBA is gonna eat you up

  12. I've never seen so much lying by so many people 😂
    It's worse than politicians because there's stats & video evidence that they're denying.

  13. As an Anime guy this feels lik wen goku was saying Gohan you can do fighting cell and everyone was saying with goku 😂😂

  14. Key “he’s got potential to do something but we don’t know”
    Man wtf?lmaoooo
    Why is it so hard to say dude is trash and don’t deserve to be in the league????

  15. Still remember Davie I speaker of FACT Yes we knew From the first time u covered BJ its with kids gloves either way move on

  16. True it's summer league, and there's no guarantee of anything, but you can't deny how he's looking on the foor right now. He needs to go to the G-League after he and his dad play that 1st preseason game, they'll make history in that one game, but he's not gonna have a chance to develop unless he's playing in the G-League.

    What's weird is how everyone is giving him a pass, and not telling the truth right now.

  17. I can’t wait for the season to start so y’all can stop bitching about Bronny.
    What difference doesn’t it make either way? If the Lakers send Bronny to the G league are we about to upset bc “ so many other players could be on the G league squad who deserves it. Fake outrage has been a drug to like the last 4 or 5 years. Y’all not tired?

  18. Keyshawn is such a joke. You can tell that this conversation is literally PAINFUL for him to be a part of. WHY???

  19. Bronny wanted to be in the NBA untill he learned how hard it is to play in the NBA now that he is there he doesn't want to play anymore lebron is forcing him to play bronny James is nervous and scared out there

  20. can't believe klutch made Jaylen brown apologize for saying the truth…if I was JB I would've told klutch to go F themselves ..the truth is the truth

  21. This Lebron-Brony ambassador in the media world trying to make Brony something who really don’t have it. Brony will never be a good or pretty good player, bcuz if he invest himself to a defensive player to which he can’t shoot and at 6’1, it’s a bad mix.

  22. the protection from the media is crazy why wont they say hes been trash anyone else would be getting cooked

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