@Philadelphia 76ers

Lil Dicky on Helping Sixers Sign Paul George, Relationship with Joel Embiid, NBA Comp, & More

Lil Dicky on Helping Sixers Sign Paul George, Relationship with Joel Embiid, NBA Comp, & More

[Music] the trio of podcast P start things off first I have entrepreneur and former D1 basketball player Dallas Rutherford next up we have an actor that’s been in the game for well over two decades and has been in part of cultural Staples welcome to the stage Jackie long and finally nine time NBA Allstar six-time member of the all NBA team and the newest member of the Philadelphia 76ers Paul George [Music] how everybody doing out there appreciate y’all coming through this is beautiful audience right here thank you thank you thank you love that love that Dam we got a live show today y’all get right into it and look at the people that came y’all look so good y’all do y’all make us look good up here and just have fun with us today that’s what we going to do today we going to have a good time it’s going to be a good show so sit back relax and enjoy let’s get right into it welcome to podcast p a wave sports and entertainment original it is your guy pg8 I know we got to make that ring a little bit better now now that we we eight not 13 right we’ll figure it out we’ll figure we’re gonna figure it out figure it out obviously I’m joined by my ultra talented co-hosts Dallas Rutherford hey guys and Jackie long and for the people that are watching as you can see this is a special LIVE edition of podcast p right uh here at the uninterrupted Film Festival appreciate this beautiful audience here tonight give it up for y’allselves yes sir yes sir how we feeling how y’all feeling I feel good a little bit different you know we’re usually in a a little Studio not a live audience but I think this is going to be fun and we’re going to enjoy ourselves I’m feeling good buy I’m like this is I’m home right now this it feel good this is it this this is home we should do this more often right yeah I think we should do it every time we tape I need a live audence might make make us do better this is a special episode so it’s only right that we have a special guest with us today uh as you all know I’m a la guy going to Philly and it’s ironic that we got a Philly representer here in La now he’s a rapper producer comedian and actor you may know him from his song save that money and Freaky Friday or from his hit show Dave that’s on Hulu give it up from the Philly native L Dicky yes sir welcome thank you thank you hey how are you thank you everybody yes sir my brother PG PG I like that I feel like you got to say your name like Little Dicky well I actually just go by Dave so Dave so cut the Little Dicky well I don’t know I guess it makes sense to you know know where where did the name where did little Diggy come from uh honestly it’s is it it’s a small penis joke it’s really it’s not that so it’s not that interesting I almost called you a new name today what’s that you I went to go use the restroom and you was in there too long I was about to call you little [Music] dookie I PE sitting down I PE sitting down I like I said I said where damn hurry up he he jiggled the thing like too many I was bad you was taking a good one I was peeing sitting down and the towels were a little interesting too I don’t know if you saw that no I didn’t it was like a typical well you didn’t see it you said the wet the tow the towels like to wipe your hands after you done I thought they were so ordinary okay you pretty obser they were on the table they weren’t in like the dispens they were on the table I guess you’re right wow that’s abnormal I would say my respect pretty observant cuz I didn’t see no tiles in there let’s not get that Paul’s unwashed yeah yeah yeah probably told him myself well D I’m going to get right into it man since you got my boy who’s going to Philly right now and we know you a real true Philly fan I was number eight you was number eight well this is a great thing since eight I was number eight y’all going have to argue about this no no ARG all sh sh sh this is his this is his now I’m happy to give it to him and uh he deserves it and he will rep it proudly appr excited appreciate wait but when were you number eight whole life got it yeah so until what 48 hours ago oh now it’s Paul that hung up is that is Little Dicky or Dave Dave is Dave hung up I try to stay more behind the scenes as far as the Sixers organization I have other things that are more front-facing than my involvement in the Sixers but uh for the people you once you know the organization you’ll see where I fit in and you’ll see how often I fit in okay number eight love that okay well uh I just want to know back to the question uh what would since you’re a true Philly fan I want to know what was your reaction when my big noosed friend over there got signed to the Philadelphia Sixers man don’t start I’m not I’m I’m Joy Elation like thank goodness I feel like this is what we’ve been waiting for like honestly the whole thing is really trust the process and it’s been like the most weirdly wound process that really felt like ended here um obviously it ends whenever they all die or retire but we one other one of either you know I don’t know but I I really think that we just I mean for years we’ve been setting ourselves up for this summer to have this opportunity personally as a fan like there was only one move that would have remotely satisfied me it was and now the other moves they made also were just like so satisfying as well Caleb Martin like I I love that I love Drummond I love who we drafted I love mcain I love this the UCLA guy uh what’s his name the center the rookie Bon Bona yeah I like I like him you see that that lob that he just caught I did first of many lobs new Lob City rookie to Rook like solid I love McCain and I love Max I love I love the I didn’t watch much of McCain but the more that I’ve watched him during summer league he’s ready I’ve also just from a pure personality perspective if you watch any interview with him he’s the most likable guy in the world true true I thought that was about Maxi as well yeah and he really is and I feel like those too you’re just going to have so much fun would you get your nails painted well I did I recently painted my toes for the first time about like 10 days ago I got pedicure and they like they I I never done it but they like went so hard on the inside of the toe with the skin removal that they’ve given me like a I don’t know if it’s a blister or whatever but for 10 days like I can’t really exercise because of the pedicure that I got the pedicure Dam what color did you get little fungus uh let’s see let’s see your foot man yeah let’s see this I just got my feet every time I step down I feel a pressure in my big toe and I honestly I reacted let’s see the big toe see the big toe man you don’t want to see P’s big toe he really got his I’m not I’m not like the guy who always does this I I see I he defin you just trying to hide it I’m I wish I didn’t take my socks put your sock back on this isn’t me this is not me I haven’t been doing this for a while and I don’t plan on doing it again what made you do it McCain m m no it wasn’t McCain it was actually pre it was pre-draft oh okay what yeah whatever let’s change the so get a zoom in on the toes y’all what get a zoom in out I have like sock debris all over this I’m inside outing the sock this is turn I get my feet done but I never done that I we should all just take our socks off right now and just do a little no no y y’all want to do that y’all want to do that especially not espcially not PG he take off his shoes he got another shoe under that shoe do NBA players his feet up everybody really Dave have you seen those things where like athletes or I don’t know if you’ve seen this but it’s basically he sleeps with like prongs in between his toes that like keep them spre out they’re toe spaces you sleep with them yeah and a lot of players do this all all players do really I didn’t know this at all it’s crazy yeah it’s a whole different world we’re athletes though like that’s what athletes do do you wear new new shoes ever I’m an athlete don’t talk to me that way you do you wear new shoes do you wear new shoes every game every game but maybe maybe that’s the issue us I I used to I used to I used to wear new shoes but the older I got it it just not the same anymore so I I like to wear you know shoes that I’ve broken in already do you have your own shoe yes you didn’t know that nck I’m like if you’re not LeBron or Jordan I don’t know about it I’m just damn he had he he went up to number six you have your own show pg6 man wow damn that’s crazy is it a I do I do got to talk about cuz you did a funny free agency video oh yeah oh yeah how how did that come about like did they reach out to you about hey hey we need you to we need cuz that video sold you on coming to Philly yeah my part that video that it sold me did my part stand out cuz it was about it was about like you know obviously saving yeah what hit me was the saving money money yeah so it really impacted you it impacted me it it had a it had a little touch on me okay so here’s what it was basically darl Mor Daryl muray first off the best part of my entire career as far as my success my favorite part about it is that like I’ve become friends with the Philadelphia 76ers and like the general manager and like having that relationship to like text darl Mor and be like what are we doing and he usually usually doesn’t even he usually says he says like I can’t possibly discuss that over text I literally sent him like ESPN trade make a trade like I’ll like make one on ESPN like send it to him and hope you’re like I can’t comment on any any of this that is hilarious but anyways he said hey would you would you be interested in making uh being a part of the pitch video and I said absolutely I said is there anything specific you you want me to talk about and they they didn’t really have anything in specific and I just thought what would you know yeah what what was de what would be pertinent information and like I’m from Philadelphia I know where your dollar goes in Philadelphia I have like a house in La if I spent the same amount of money on that house in Philadelphia it would be like a 100 times bigger you know your your bang for your buck goes so much further in Philadelphia like a a $2 million home in La you spend $2 million on a house in Philadelphia it’s like a mega mansion I can only imagine but you get you know whatever cuz I just contract house I just went out to Philadelphia to to go house hunting stone homes beautiful houses made beautiful homes beautiful homes I was like damn this is only 2.5 this is only 3 million crazy well how many you going to buy like it’s I only need one but jaie we’re still waiting comp I just say he talking like that 2.5 still are you talking about go ahead I’m I’m informing y’all in case y’all looking to buy yeah yeah we be neighbors if you need a loan a podcast PE crib next to your crib since you say Ain nothing content house my little dick he one too sure I come it’s Dave well he Little Dicky on the show a call him Dave we going to call him both today call him both today call him both today both today yeah Little Dicky Dave yeah but not little dookie no no we going do that it’s not going to stick we ain’t going to do that we ain’t going to stick with that one no for the people that that don’t know exactly what you said can I know you alluded to it a little bit but can you tell them like actually what you said on the video or do you remember I mean I thought I just summarized what I said let me think back to what I I mean I I said like like hey I mean it was something about saving money and I said it was a little bit more to it though you’re talking about how I talked about my specific house I know I they showed the I said my house I mean this is so personal but I said like my house is like $3 million here’s what it looks like in LA it’s cool it’s nice here’s exactly what $3 million gets you in Philadelphia I said you know and honestly it’s sickening to me that that that that I could have this money here and it’s that and if I had it there it’s that and you have the ability to you have the choice I don’t have the choice I have to live in you got a great memory cuz that’s exactly what you said that’s crazy well first off when when it when it went through I said hey can I see like the final version of that pitch video I’m so curious what it actually that’s I watched it like 24 hours ago so that’s how I know exactly what I said but I’m so proud of the fact that I was and I do feel as the you had an influence what’ you say you had an influence okay beautiful I need that footage that’s a badge that’s a badge of honor right there it is and I’m going to cash out on that badge when when when you win I I just I I have to be if not on the float the float behind the float where all the wives are oh I got you no you you float bro we we going to float it out we going to float it out what’s the street what’s what’s the street in Philly you got to go down Broad Street is the Broad Street is cuz I’m I’m fairly new to it so you want to know how to get by in Philly yes please let me tell you cuz I need to know where to go and where not to go yeah cuz he he got a little flak just just a little bit with I went I went so all right we we’re hungry here we go obviously we’re in Philadelphia you got to get a cheese steak right yeah yeah so I asked the driver where is a good Philly cheese steak PL uh place to go eat at so he he takes us to uh uh what’s what’s the spot gos gos we go to gos yeah so he gave us a choice there pass right across yeah Pat looked a little busy so I was like uh easier Choice looks like gos let’s go to go it’s always a little easier yeah and so we go to gos good cheese steak very good very good very good cheese steak in the in the grand but they posted it and then it just went crazy why would go there y look like casuals and who goes to G I don’t know I think you got to go I kind of but it’s like that is the intersection you have two right there I feel like that’s a good starter place it’s a starter place and you have the choice of both and I think Pats is like great okay we don’t want to knock we don’t want to I don’t want to knock any of them I think they’re all they’re all really good in the grand scheme of cheese steak like all of them kill any place in La okay you know what I mean w I hope yeah my favorite is a place called Steves Steve’s Prince of never heard of I’ve never heard it’s the great uh the one that I went to just closed down so I don’t even know where it is the pandemic it uh but they have great cheese fries Steves oh and then also I don’t know if you like chicken cheese steaks and I’ve heard of that you never even had one so that’s different what they call it chicken cheese just imagine what that means it means instead of the meat there’s chicken and there’s a uh you can only Envision that uh ishka bibbles is where you would get the best chicken cheese stick I’ll get like a buffalo chicken say that one more time isbl ish cbles yeah ish yeah we F to go to ish Kibbles anybody want some yeah just chicken I think one of the popular ones on that tweet was some place called des sandros and I could be saying that way off does that ringabell at all de Andros de sandros that’s is that a popular one it is very popular okay yeah also yeah there’s also like this thing called the Reading Terminal Market which is like this conglomeration of like a ton of different food booths and like one little Marketplace area and there’s great stuff in there there’s a place called denx roast pork in there tremendous I I’d never heard of a roast pork sandwich either but I went there and that was like what everyone got and it was the best thing ever that sound good roast pork that sound that’s if you eat pork I know I ain’t probably a lot of pork people in here but yeah that’s all I’m going to say okay yeah yeah uh and uh yeah you know if you want to just pivot to how you know on the court we can start getting into strategy start talking about the Celtics we’ll sa it sure sure sure sure what you say D I said Jackie you what oh but you already know what it is I need your help yeah but me and the audience both need your help we need some big help right now because it is a big issue and it’s a big problem because our boy over there has been PG-13 for I don’t know how long Okay okay now listen listen listen the YouTube fans came up with they favorite is eightball and we don’t know where the eightball is eightball is cool I’m I know but I love I love the oldfashioned like magic eightball it’s like one of the more meaningful uh objects in the world to me to the point where in the first episode of my TV series there was like a wall that had graffiti on it and I asked the art Department I said can you just put an eightball up there okay like if I ever got a tattoo which I don’t have it would be an eightball an eightball M but I hear you on the is okay thank you I was just going to say if you if you go on Urban done cocaine so I don’t even think about Coke they say you master at nickname they say you good at this so who said that don’t worry about it they said it Little Dicky so so we need a nickname today man okay take your time we Jackie why don’t you share what your nickname was first just to give him a little you know something to work off of no it wasn’t like easy P like PNA pz8 pz8 you know just pz8 he P PG we call him p n e y I’m done with nicknames to Old goad goad give us to a DAT this is a good one you might react negatively here we go oh drum roll please Gorgeous George love it and every time he hits a three it’s gorgeous like they say gorgeous maybe not that part of it but but Gorgeous George Gorge gorgeous gorgeous George I don’t we say we say I think we could work with that I don’t it’s better than eight ball do something like that do something with the number eight eight yall like that I I see some thumbs down I don’t know Little Dicky what Gorgeous George Gorge George that sound like a kid George I think he was a professional wrest hey I want to read that g uh Gorgeous George book today I’ll be honest I pitched this to George Nang a couple years ago he never even responded to my can I get a gorgeous Geor I already pitched nangang wasn’t going for either I I I don’t know about that because then I’m going to do photo sh with the number eight in it I can’t you guys keep keep talking so I can’t focus all right keep insulting the old one so how am I going to think of the new one did ins all right we we should we give him another shot we’ll give you another shot what George Straight George Straight I saw when I was like uh what is it like Philly P steak no Philly P steak that’s too long p no oh Phil it’s just PG man we removed the 13 and it’s I I think that’s the cleanest we don’t have to worry about s we don’t have to worry about beauty products just we’ll keep it PG really really trying to keep it PG have you ever thought of dropping the L never no no cuz that kind of is just it was just recently it was on Jeopardy I was it was said like the question was like it was like Dicky John Uzi vert and the woman was like what are LS that was like one of the best things that ever happened to me so thank God I didn’t drop it uh I might have been puzzled on that like Dy no she got it pretty cool Dave you had just recently tweeted that people should put some respect on Daryl Mor’s name that’s right because of all these off seon signings but I want to know in your opinion I was talking to James I’m joking I don’t even know J I was just going to say there’s I’m totally joking I’ve never met him there’s been a little I wasn’t talking to James when I said that I was talking to the Philadelphia fans who were like worried understood but there there was a little flack around you know that well both of them I would say but needless to say I want I want to know in your opinion he’s probably got the scoop from both sides we being honest we do a little digging but um I want to know when you look at this new team how would you stack this team just on paper because obviously we haven’t had the opportunity to watch them on the court but when you look at this new team for the Sixers on paper how would you stack that team up um against the prior Philadelphia sixer teams last year oh prior teams to me it’s easily the most excited I’ve been since 2 well the the best team we’ve had in the last 10 years was when Jimmy Butler was there JJ was there that was a good team I love that team Ben Simmons Ben Simmons big fellow yeah folz was even there I believe damn I just thought about Ben Simmons where he FZ was so exciting it was just Ben simm yeah I don’t think anyone knows where Ben Simmons is at to be fair he’s working I don’t do that y I’m not I’m not I’m just saying I just thought I believe in Ben simm believe a Philly like comeback story that would be awesome I’m interested but I think at some like some degree he’s got to have like some Philly Love there what he withstand a lot like he been through he’s been through a phase of like where Philly was kind of Philly mad at him p working his way up and he was years out of shape and out of line it’s not it’s not it was a bad finish I will agree with Philly fans it was a bad I think Philly deep down would love like the best it’d be so happy if he if he came back one day and was successful and like figured it all out I think that would like they would that would be the best possible outcome great it’ll be a great I’m sure it will never happen but look I I’m super excited about this team just not only like do they just excite me on paper but just the likeability of the human beings is like at the end of the day we’re watching all these games Sports really is like you know you get so invested in the characters and the people the human beings like I like love Tyrese Maxi yeah like unbelievable when when I see like like Tyrese Maxi just being himself like literally I’ll like sometimes start to tear up because I love him so much which is crazy you tear up though why you tear up like when he hit that shot against the Knicks that tied it and he showed like and there’s more emotion than like literally started crying yeah I get it and obviously it’s cuz I love the Sixers but that those tears wouldn’t have been coming out of my eyes if it wasn’t Tyrese making that happen like Tobias as much as I love him he wouldn’t have brought the tears out the same way uh but I do love Tobias hair but it’s just like I I just really I love Kelly UB I I I love C Caleb Martin from afar like you know he wasn’t making me cry on Miami but he was I was I wish I cried for him you know from afar and Drummond I I Andre Drummond like when I was like early in my career like I went I had my first show in Detroit and he like came on stage at my concert so like I just love him too and I think he’s like the best backup big in the NBA and I just think and Nick nurse is such a good coach I think everyone really seems to feel that way I really believe in him and I think you’ll learn like people just like care so much and it’s kind of a group of people that are all at this phase of their career where it just makes nothing but total sense to go as hard as they can to prove themselves mhm love that obviously I can’t wait well I look forward to making you cry you will but uh I obviously can’t wait to play with the big fow I know he’s been there eight years yeah how has your relationship developed since joelle’s been in Philly I love he’s made me cry like he’s so good he is it’s crazy how good I’ve never seen any anything like it like the the way even from the first time he played as a rookie first game it was like so instant eye test like holy like crazy and honestly before he got hurt last year was by far his best like the way he was playing last year was like MH I didn’t think that he could have even like taken a step up he took a step up two years ago and I thought that might be it and then last year was this whole other step up that was like crazy his passing is and I just think but they needed you they I’ve watching this team for 20 years and we’ve just never had like a wing that can create his own shot ever ever ever like we had like was a point guard what had Jimmy yeah just Jimmy for that half season Jimmy for that it’s hard to you can’t take cuz he came he came and it’s he wasn’t even there a full season it’s like it feels like such a rental player uh but he he was we had Jimmy it’s true but besides that it’s been like a lot of people who you think are going to be that and then they’re not and then just it’s hard like Joel like you know end of games to be like that big and get the ball at the three-point line like that’s a really we need someone exactly in your position who can Triple Threat do all these things to and then it’s all I just see the Synergy on paper so well and I think personality wise I don’t know what you just said someone just said something to BU his hair uh I I like Tobias Harris but you know if you look at what happened in the last playoffs it’s like he wasn’t really really generating offense we’re just being honest but I I do think he got an unfair rep and I like to BU I love him as a person and I think he is a solid like a Beyond solid he’s a really he’s very underrated as far as being he defends like at a high level like switches I really do love to bias Harris but I just think at the end of a playoff game he’s not getting the ball and being Paul George no way no disrespected to bias Harris right right right facts to go along with that relationship with Joel um I I actually watched the video earth oh yeah and it’s a I didn’t I didn’t know if it was I had Jo kid cartoon video or an adult video but it was entertaining it was good as yeah thank you um how did you pitch Joelle and I was listening to it to like all right which character is g to be Joelle yeah right off the bat got I love Africa loveca the autotune I don’t dude how easy of a of a sale was it to get Joel again it was pretty easy I I I don’t know I’ve like always I don’t know ever since I’ve been around him he’s so funny I just think we probably connect on a sense of humor level and I’ll tell you watching him experience autotune was so fun he like even like we were we got the take like within the first minute and that man was singing for like 35 minutes like so joyously it’s really F I don’t know if you ever actually put on the headphones have you ever done that put on headphones and heard yourself in auto tune I did I mean the T pay app was crazy back yeah you know how many songs I made I believe it that was a crazy app I can put out right now yeah but I probably got like 20 songs remixes remix to the remix new song like I was doing all type of sh lot of features a lot of features doooo I was I was that guy I believe it you’re still that guy you’re still that guy basketball wise not musician what’s his rap name p p simple P okay P hey what is that pauln I’m in Philly now Paul John you know you know you know what was dope about the Philly experience of going to the cheese steak place there was this kid that was hooping and you know how hot Philly is yeah it’s humid it was probably like I don’t know mid 90s humid as and across from gos is that little basketball court so there was a kid hooping over there mhm so I’m like I’m watching him he’s watching me but he’s like amazed at like no way that could be Paul George here in Philly right now so he like keeps staring at me but he’s still hooping finally he makes his way over right so he’s like questioning me like why are you here I’m like uh I I signed here like yeah I’m coming to Philly he like bro you know where you at like so now I’m getting nervous like yeah is this when I was on the phone with you yeah I was like you better get out of that yeah I’m like I’m like uh yeah I’m here to get cheese steak Yeah so he’s like bro like watch where you like watch where you he’s like I’m from you know down this way I’m from the projects down you and then so finally like it it it and it was just dope the experience of having like actual interaction with Philly people dude you’re going to have a lot of them it was it was dope it wasp you at in the hood ah was South Philly Gino was South Philly is that is that the hood I don’t know if you Quantified as the I can’t say I think you you could turn a few streets and then you probably get into some you’re never going to feel love the way that you’re going to feel in I felt it’s so real and they’re so we’re so hungry it’s been like 45 years or something since we’ve won a and it really it is a football town but it’s just as much a basketball town everyone like I feel like I like me growing up like the most important thing in my life was like Alan Iverson like that was like you know he was a rapper like he was one of my big influences in life and I just think that City will totally like just honor and reward anybody that just goes all out to care you know and like just do the right things and try their hardest to win and that’s really all they’re going to ask for yeah I think the deepest line you want to know what the deepest line was that he told me what when I felt it oh this kid is deep it was a it was so he’s he crossed the street to come see me he’s going back to cross the street but there’s you know there’s cars coming so I’m like y yo watch the cars he like oh no I see it I’m always on point like oh you can expect that kind of stuff yeah yeah you from the hood people are cool so this is the hood yeah we are see I told you just I’m always on point that’s a hood that’s a hood line they talk that way in the suburbs too I felt it when he said that like I’m that’s a hood I’m always on point he seen that car 10 blocks away that’s Hood terminology yep everyone’s got a thirst a drive to be the next big thing and put the world on on notice and for me to be one of the best basketball players every night so if you answer when your thirst call Sprites for you well you know it is for me then my drive has got me to where I am today as an actor and spite is for the makers and the creators like myself The Visionaries that put in the work to build their dreams whether you’re shooting a cinematic Masterpiece on your phone filling notebooks with sketches or you’re up all night turning your bedroom into the booth keep going y’all thirst is everything being a managing partner in my own mortgage company at the age of 35 has quenched my thirst to be as successful as I wanted but even that hasn’t stopped my drive towards greatness Sprite is made for those who thirst for success and are working to make their dreams a reality so keep going and remember to be true to yourself obey your thirst Sprite so I want to talk about your basketball game as an individual and I’ve I’ve seen a couple videos I’ve seen I’ve seen a few videos of you I I think you got game I’m in a church league currently averaging 22 points n assists shooting about 80% from the free throw line it’s not that I keep wait do they so they keep your stats like that and I love it I haven’t been officiated in so long dude I put that my camera up in the corner and I only post my good place yeah who wouldn’t he does he does I have like no footage like I I’m a like a wreck League Legend and then I just have I haven’t been officiated in like 10 years and yeah but you you you got game I’ve seen a well that’s how you play ball I guess celebrity games I’ve played in a few but those are really hard to get your footing and mhm I played in One Celebrity Game Dam and uh I’ve probably already told the story it doesn’t matter though the one with what Chris Brown and everybody tell it no talk about this it talk about the I was in a celebrity basketball game it was so early in my career that like I was like how did I get in this game Snoop Dog John walk tell him yeah not going to no he hey P he was like he was you can tell that he oops so he’s not like a he’s a point guard but he’s not like a downhill type of guy he’s kind of one of those point guards that head up he he’s he’s he’s and then when he goes he he gets down low but he he hits the open shots but I want to know how often do you play are you like a LA Fitness Saturday morning type of guy or like how often do you play La fit no I’m like a outdoor Santa Monica group of men that don’t I don’t even even know how we got on this text thread I don’t even know who’s on the thread group about 14 guys uh you know recently the last two years my back has been hurting o sciatic I don’t know what it is it’s so annoying I I was playing two times a week recently hasn’t been happening that much yeah it’s the back and the toes now yeah well yeah well now right now yeah you need a trainer I do need a trainer I do who in the NBA would you compare your game to if you were going to throw that out there it’s just lame to say cuz it sounds like I’m I’ve been saying this forever and it’s Steph that’s just how I play it’s just how I play I’m not even kidding it’s not a joke I said it when he was a freshman at Davidson like when he was a freshman at Davidson I saw him I said oh my god I’ve never seen someone play basketball like me in my life I get I see I said for the first time I said wow I like my game translates on a division one level I can’t believe it yeah and then like to the point where I immediately went to Davidson bookstore bought number 30 on Davidson his Steph Curry was my profile picture on Facebook when he was a freshman at Davidson I like this so his so his comp was like because of the comp yeah because I felt so connected to his so Steph Curry coming out of Davidson his comparison was a little Dicky Dave either way it doesn’t matter yeah uh now since since he you know came to the league he got more physically in shape than I have I’ve kind of regressed a little bit physically like I said my back dude isar he obviously is like his arms are way bigger than they were I don’t I don’t relate to him as much anymore now he’s like too mainstream so I don’t even give a about him anymore yeah got you yeah d i don’t don’t get I still want to know your greatest Moment In That Celebrity Game don’t get away from it okay so we talking about your game give me your greatest moment I get there early because I’m convinced that this is going to be like my big break because I’m I am good so I thought like I’m not that successful as a rapper yet but if I score like 37 points in this game someone might like take notice of me so I literally got there early with like a total mindset of like this is a playoff game okay I’m there by myself warming up only guy there Chris Brown comes in he’s the first guy there that’s how met Chris Brown he walked right up to me he was like you’re a dope rapper it was like the first time anyone legitimate ever said that to me exchange numbers then and there I’m certain that’s how Freaky Friday would happen 5 years later but that’s besides the point the game starts I’m not in the starting lineup because the starting lineup is like Floyd Mayweather Snoop Dogg like you know icon after icon Chris Brown I’m in the second five uh John Wall is my coach okay and you know happy to be there waiting to come off the bench and be a spark and that was his role coach wall you know I I I I guess I attribute it to laziness just you know he’s five in five out type of subber okay uh so it’s like he’s like he’s like you five like in so I oh I’m so sorry who whoa whoa Glory Days yeah it’s okay I got you no no no I got Paul Paul Paul relax go I got it all right uh I go in everyone goes up to someone and says like oh hey Floyd Mayweather I’m Ray Shard I got you hey blank I got you and then John John told me to go up to Chris Brown and get him so I went up to Chris Brown I said Chris I’m in for you and he went I’m not coming out and then I was like and then the ref’s like blowing the whistle and be like and then I look around there’s 11 people on the court everyone’s like matched up I’m like in this like three person and I look over to John Wall like John like have some authority over your team like get your ass up and and John was like just just so I came out I was emasculating I came out came back in like in the like tertiary five like the third five and immediately I I drove got fouled by Deontay Wilder like who was the heavyweight champion of the world I got fouled so hard that the whole Arena like gasped and I got up so like overcompensated got up so fast missed two free throws got subbed out of the game and then I just like hung out for the rest of yeah don’t don’t tell this story ever again yeah don’t tell ever what talk about welcome to the league yeah what I felt like that my funniest part of the story is Jo W just just just just get up he didn’t even take Chris Brown out I don’t know Chris Brown every time he touched the ball it was like a frenzy like wom women would scream every time he yeah he’s actually a a Hooper though who who out of all the celebrities you’ve hooped with who’s impressed you the most now I haven’t played with everybody but I’ve watched all the footage so I’d rather answer with like just my like just seeing all the footage and like making my opinion cuz I haven’t played with them okay Chris Brown is like I would say is you know that you’ve played with he’s really he’s he’s super athletic and you know I don’t know what his plus minus would be if I’m being honest with you yeah I don’t know what his like Advanced Energy analytic stats would be matter but the eye test boy does he oh he passes yes it’s incredible um look I went to University of Richmond with Dave East Dave East was literally an A10 freshman who played like division one basketball no one’s better than him like I just like yeah Dave e is cuz he’s close friends with uh KD right maybe probably yeah I thought I think k like I I literally I was like when I was a freshman at Richmond he was like the highly touted freshman coming in who was like going to play he got kicked out of school he would have been like a very legitimate player in the A10 and I remember him from back then I like literally played a pickup game with him one time and it was amazing yeah there’s no other rapper who can do that I’ve never played with jcole I imagine jcole would be the closest one to Dave East but I just in my heart think Dave East like is there such a difference when you’re like about Drake he always playing basketball right yeah Drake is yeah I haven’t I’ve seen him play I I’ve been at Drake’s house and I was right here watching him play in a game and he plays very aggressively like there’s no go easy on Drake like you know I’ve played with Kanye too and I feel as though people kind of go easy on Kanye a little bit you know what I me that’s a new one like there it’s all the footage we got of Kanye we’ve never seen him hoop Kanye’s game he might get mad is like get off me B Too Close dude his game is so weird it’s like he he like like does there so many weird finger rolls that like but he’s so good at finishing them he’s so he’s so good at like he has like a weird game where like it seems like he’s not going to be good but like I think his Advanced analytics would be really good yeah and he doesn’t because everybody’s afraid of them well people I I can just one time I remember the ball was going out of bounds I jumped up save it threw it right off Kanye like what else am I going to do I’m trying to win the game and everyone was like Gass and then he was like it’s a rapper thing and I never felt cooler in my life to like for him to be like we’re one and the same brother like keep throwing the ball off my body I would have done the same to you so there was no rant it just at all he didn’t give you no rant no no okay no not in that moment okay so we okay so we spoke about we spoke about who’s the best all right so we putting Chris Brown up there I don’t know if you want to share this but like who would you say is the worst that you’ve played with like got you got no business playing basketball out here um hey you don’t have to say you might want to do a feature with him later so we don’t to that sometimes it’s like football players you know football guys yeah I’m not going to name any names but sometimes the football guys get on there and want to throw their weight around and they just don’t know how to play the game and it’s just it’s a safety hazard really to have guys like us are out there trying to M Michael Parson is not how to play right is he play yeah he play pretty good you know who nice jayen Ramsay J I believe that yeah he’s an athlete he can hoop is is is your boy good Kevin Hart nah you’re not good at basketball but but he’s a church league guy but he is a great athlete so like I I I feel like he could like lock somebody down you can’t be 52 in a great athlete I’m sorry he is really in shape and he’s really fast he’s fit he’s fit and I’m I I I have a feeling that if Kevin Hart was guarding me in a celebrity game and he like wasn’t like whatever however old he is like uh and he didn’t just tear I think he tore his whole inside running a Sprint not I think he tore his abductor if rewound eight years ago I think Kevin Hart would have really locked me up yeah back in the day not now at all not now no not now he should stay off yeah yeah I think I think great athlete comes with like a height requirement I don’t think so I disagree with has to CU what like what what about a gymnast you lost that debate sorry oh that’s that’s that’s true you know what that’s true yeah that’s true but I can’t see Kevin Hart doing the g f yeah I said he wasn’t good I don’t know why we’re talking he was locking up let’s move it along anybody can scor him go ahead so if he he like he the kind of guy who like carries the ball let’s put your let’s put your NBA let’s put your NBA Commissioner hat on all right okay if you were the NBA commissioner for a day what changes are you making to the League what what are you going to implement come on be honest um we’re talking about growing this game you got a chance to grow this game not a question I was expecting but I like it I wish I prepared I would have spent all night thinking about this yeah come on we we coming we coming with it um look off the top of my head things that are problematic allstar game sucks like they’ve almost like borderlines seem have given up I’ve never seen a commissioner be like yeah I think we might just give up on it because they don’t care like that’s literally what happened last year yeah you want you want to know what’s funny and I want you to get back to it but I’ll give you time to think about it sure you know what’s funny uh not necessarily funny but this past Allstar Weekend we had this long ass speech right yeah all the heavyweights come down Larry Bird Dr J drink it they all come into the locker room and they’re like hey we need y’all to honor this game we need y’all to play harder we need y’all to go against each other bring back the life of Allstar games right everybody was like nah that totally but it was like an emphasis going into Allstar Weekend I know I heard I heard I heard from but I mean do you think that how would you feel if it instead of it being a traditional All-Star game it was like a one-on-one tournament I would like that you think do you think people would go hard and like with a lot of money cash on the line no because it’s hard enough to get people be from a I don’t know if it’s an embarrassment standpoint but it’s hard enough to get people in the DK contest who’s going to go on now on a one-on-one I guess you’re right so that’s a bad but I had a great idea that like allar weekend or allar our game should like stops should score points what what you say stop that’s interesting oh okay I remember this that’s a good ass rule how would you feel about like homec Court no no I don’t like no I don’t like that stops get you points yeah so guys will play defense harder at least Care at least a quarter of it they don’t care if they win or lose so why would they care if they get stops or not that’s what I’m saying that’s that you I don’t know how they should do it but I think the the the NBA should changing where the refs get refs huh where the refs have to get refed like they got to if they call some plays and you know that was a play you ain’t you ain’t reing no more we subbing you out they have sub reps man like we should be able to give them tax yeah because then then you know they always saying the refs is always doing something how we mess up your tonight cuz you got subbed out y can’t mess it up man because he called a you know it be some bull that’s a good rule that’s a good one that’s a good rule thank you P that’s that’s a good rule you know I I do think the NBA is pretty incredible it’s incredible there’s not a lot that I think one organ lacking like I I you know besides the allstar game but I don’t really care you know I mean yeah if I were the commissioner I’d make make you guys wear the old black jerseys I’ll tell you that the Sixers I think they bringing them back that’s the rumor that that might yeah I can’t say I can leak something cuz I personally don’t know but yeah push for it push for it I I don’t know I don’t know message from liil Dicky we need the black Philly jerse they are really they’re they’re they have a nice Sheen did you have the Iverson that went with that Jersey oh yeah I had white I had black I had blue okay I’ve never met Iverson still never met Ivers no I I rebounded the ball and I chess passed it to him that’s man I many games you been to even if he gave me like a like that afterward I would have like been so thrilled never been less acknowledged in my life than I gave Iverson this chess was like so like it could have been a rat who gave him the chess pass it would have been theane no I didn’t cry I cried I cried 2001 I cried we made the finals and we won game one and he stepped over to Ron Lou yeah that piece of oh my go now I got to stand up for my guy don’t do that Dave I want to know how challenging it was for you to you know earn respect in the music industry because when I look at you as an artist you really did in my opinion blend kind of that comedic Vibe into rap and I think sometimes people could look at that and say oh well he’s just being funny it’s a joke so how what was it like for you kind of working your way and navigating you know through the music industry yeah I mean I C I’m look I I’m so aware I didn’t make it easy for myself I named myself Lil Dicky like I like kind of you know handcuffed myself a little bit but I I I don’t regret that name at all I love it I think it’s a catchy name that has stuck and you know initially I I knew everyone was going to have that I totally get it I would have that same line of thinking like why should I take this seriously but personally I don’t believe just because something is for example funny that it’s mutually exclusive from not being able to be good like you I don’t know why you can’t do both things at once so I always strive to do as many things like even when I make a TV show like it it would be so much worse of a show if it was simply a funny show like I have moments in the show that are like real conversations and arguments that I want the audience to cry you know what I mean so to me the more you can show the better so I always knew it would come down I just got to get on one of those radio stations and show them what it is and you know so when I when I went on sway I think that was the first time people were like oh I like I that guy isn’t just a a joke he’s not like a parody he’s actually one of the better rappers that I’ve ever come across and you know I just put my head down like pg8 would you know 10,000 hour rule it and I just get better and better and I still have a chip on my I still feel like I have so much to prove still yeah yeah well look Dave U since you brought up your TV show yeah which premiered in 2020 y’all give it up for my boy you know what I’m saying I want to ask you what was the the process in the Journey of finally like damn I I sold this project and it finally got picked up like tell us about that how was that oh I mean I really I think I definitely defined my life as far as like there’s an overall sense of inner peace inside of me that I never had until my show I felt like you know no matter what happens I feel like wow my dream fully has come true I just made like a full-on TV show about my life you know what I mean so there was a turning point for me to be like because I’m always you know ambitious and wanting more and always kind of a little unsettled and ambitious and that always will still probably plague me for the rest of my life but there is this inner peace that exists because I did it so that kind of happened with that now that being said it was really hard it was like I was just a rapper who made funny music videos I never even like filmed a scene I never had the software to write a script and like three years later I’m writing a script like for Brad Pit you know what I mean so it’s like it all is like a crash course on film making which is I think the main thing I came into the whole thing thinking like man I’m a I’m a comedian like I want to be like I look at guys like will frell and Seth Rogan and Adam Sandler when I was a kid and I’m like I want to be that and by making my show I realized I do want that but I want like more as far as like I want to be a a filmmaker and a director and a writer like I just I didn’t realize how much I cared about the art of cinema right you know like if you really go back and some people don’t give a they just want to watch a funny TV show and like you know have it on in the background but if you really go back and watch season one of my show compared to season 3 of my show like the elevation is insane and it’s just because it really has more or less been like film school for me and I’ve just like been soaking it all in and getting better better and better and I just want to continue to be a filmmaker how did you hook up with uh Kevin Hart producing your show because but just because y’all both from Philly he was like I want your ass the funny story about that is I was I was in Las Vegas uh performing at a pool party and I was on stage like rapping and then I heard like a Roar from the crowd I thought that they were just like that I had done something cool like that I was like doing something well but I looked and like all of a sudden no Kevin Hart who I’d never met in my life before was just jumped on stage with me and like hypem manned the whole concert and I came to find out that he was actually there on his bachelor party which is so insane I can’t believe like he was spending any time at his bachelor party at like a little Dicky Las Vegas pool party it’s just crazy what a poor choice of a bachelor party but we hit it off then and there like I I I I remember the first time I saw Kevin Hart like you know the same way first time I saw Joel playing in the NBA like the first time I saw Kevin harw stand up it like jumped off the screen and I have always been such a fan of his I know for a fact I remember even seeing him as those small roles in the movies and then like he’ll steal a scene in 40-Year-Old Virgin and be like the best part of the movie and he’s not a guy who like boom overnight like he had to like grind and grind and grind to like become what he is and I just think we really uh hit it off Philly thing help but I think we’re both just like such hardworking ambitious people and he kind of big broed me the whole way and he still like anytime I call he’ll pick up right away now what’s harder though the TV industry or the music industry uh different they’re well for me I think I Am Naturally like I roll out of bed more naturally a script writer comedian director then I roll out of bed a rapper I’m being honest like it it takes more things going well for me to make a song that I is that the the because you getting older changed it that or has always been like that I think it’s always been like that deep down like even when I first became a rapper like I didn’t in my mind Envision it turning into a thing where like I actually was talented enough to like you know have Platinum songs or whatever like I really was like I’m funny I want someone to notice me I can rap a little bit and then it really does work like a sport where I just like got better and I’m so competitive and of course I love rap and when I realized holy I can be this good and like go on a tour and do all like it just it took over now with rap it’s like you know I’m working on an album right now and it’s like you know hard to ever feel done you know what I mean whereas TV and film you have X amount of shoot days you get what you get you have what you have and it’s due on this date and it is what it is and there’s something almost like hard but also less hard about like the parameters of T like TV is like I know in nine months from this day all 10 episodes will have been shot it’ll go on the thing thing I don’t I can’t tell you what will happen musically in the next 9 months so it’s more you know music is more like this mysterious thing that you have to kind of like sit back and like catch the right perfect thing for me at least whereas TV show I can wake up work hard and execute okay that’s interesting right that is very interesting you so much cuz I’m I’m interested into the music space and we had uh school boy Q on a episode couple episodes back but I was just interested in the music what kind of like like so like when you’re doing your album right yeah and you starting off with the song is it an outline that you go off of and you want to plug in this story after this story after varies it varies sometime yeah like I have like a Google doc that has like lists of stories that I like feel like I need to tell you know and then I you know I got an episode of Dave with that huh I did man exactly I’m a fan I know yeah thank you people want to show you and watch these show go ahead hey and I receive I receive beats you know every day collecting beats and then like I’ll hear a beat and then you know if I like it I think sometimes I won’t think at all about my old you know this list of ideas but there are certain beats where you can’t help but be like wow that would fit my idea about the time where I met my first love like this sounds like that type of thing so in that case I would have probably then would sit and I would think about my first love and I would say well what was this like what are the events that are worth talking about and that I would probably map it out outline it and then like I would start rapping but like with like a structure MH my favorite kind of songs though to even listen to are ones that aren’t like relying on like a big concept or a story like a part of me as a rapper which is I could just like at all times talk my and just make great music and have fun I don’t want to have to always like make this genius story into like a funny hit you know what I mean so it’s it’s balancing but at the same time that is kind of what I’m great at you know so I’m it’s like it’s Balan ing those those worlds write a musical I do want to write a musical one day that would be dope that would that would be dope that would be dope cuz it’s doing both I do I do do it right at the Kimmo uh C Kemo Center yeah yeah yeah or Broadway or Broadway put me on Broadway I can see you doing there we go that day have you ever gotten to like down this because this might be a dumb question but is it a rabbit hole if you writing a song out you writing lyrics you like you know what this could be a good ass episode like let me turn this into an episode or VI vers it all of it works in tandem for sure can you work on both at the same time can you be writing a I have to it’s hard it’s hard it’s but I have to like yeah it’s really my brain would it’s hard it’s and like there have been times where it’s unfortunate too where it’s like oh you know we wrote into this episode that you know this episode starts with a like a verse that Dave at the thing and it’s like the thing shoots the next morning we wrapped at like 2:00 a.m. I got to be on set at like you know 10:00 a.m. and the verse isn’t written and I have to write the verse that’s a terrible position to be in I wouldn’t recommend it it sucks to be put in but also there’s something that I like about back to the wall it is what it is there’s almost less pressure well before we in the show yeah when we have a guest like yourself we always ask them a question about is there anything that you want to ask PG why you got him here ask him anything you want and put me on I got 2p so it’s the it’s on you Dave ask this man whatever he want he to answer it well put him on a spot well one question I have just out of curiosity I wonder if it’s like this for you like as a rapper and as a guy who makes like TV movies whatever since I’ve become that like when a new album comes out or a new movie comes out I find it impossible to enjoy the same way cuz I’m analyzing it competitively MH you know and I’m thinking like oh am I going to be so mad because they thought of this idea that I didn’t have or like oh could they do what I like you know totally like kind of T I’m like unable to watch a movie without thinking well how do they achieve this how do they get are you like box score watching sports center watching being like annoyed when like someone else goes off and score 70 like when Devin Booker scores 70 are you like you just had to say I didn’t even think about day good good good he going to give us a good ass no you know score 70 I am a fan of the game I obviously like watching other players in my positions I like watching obviously guys that I think I’m compared to or I want to compare myself to um and I like the gauge where I’m at how I’m playing how they’re playing from a competitive standpoint right um so I in a way I do kind of have that approach um but at the same time I feel like I’m I’m I’m just always super critical about myself just in general um but I think that’s what helps me like stay engaged I I I remember like so if I’m going through a slump and I heard Bri say this which is funny because I did it and I thought I was the only one that did it but hearing Bri put a stamp on it was like oh okay that’s normal people do that um but when I’m going through a slump like I just watch my old highlights like I watch all my highlights um and so what that does for me is just helps me like oh I do move good or I can move good or like I can notice because the season is long and you go through a a patch of where you’re just not in sync anymore and so you’ll watch that and you be like oh like I can move that way like I I can jump jum off that foot like I do go I go through phases of just like damn like I’m I’m tripping right now I’m I know I’m probably all over the place with your question but I do yes I do look at it from a competitive standpoint and that’s just a edge that I think carries me through uh the season you brought up book um I don’t necessarily look at book as the competitive you know it’s it’s just enough history there to to have that competitive drive going period U but I do look at like all right what is what is Jimmy doing what is KD doing like how good is like what plays bronze doing like I think it helps from a mental standpoint of like just seeing plays that they’re doing let me try to incorporate that let me try to add that to my game because I am a student of the game I love watching the game and seeing how can I grow every year every game every opportunity so to answer your question yeah for sure it let me just tell you it’s a it’s a delight to watch you play poetry and motion I’m not even just saying that cuz he’s a sixer I think you have like the prettiest I mean I know people say it all the time gorgeous it is gorgeous gorgeous George it is is a gorgeous game I think he do though it’s not bad it’s not bad Gorgeous George isn’t bad I’m just happy that you know what’s crazy though is that I was never like it never looked this good Testament to the work you probably put in a ton of work but it never looked this good like just imagine like the linkiest kid and when I first started I was a center play center when I first started play about the with jeans by the way jeans if if everybody’s podcast P my my big sister is here so she can stamp and vouch for that I I I played in in in jean shorts uh just got thrown out there and I was the tallest kid so I played center and that day set the day of like God I’m never playing this position again you got you got bullied I didn’t get bullied but it just if I was going to play basketball it wasn’t going to be this position right here yeah uh and so that was like a pivotal moment at an early age that’s when I knew that’s actually when I knew I love the game of basketball because I was willing to do whatever it took to be on the perimeter and be a guard yeah it wasn’t pretty I was slow I had slow feet I didn’t move as good I was like I I wasn’t growing into my body yet um and so it took a while it was an adjustment so I I I think it was if I had to describe it it was literally the caterpillar that turned into a butterfly when did you turn was it were you a butterfly Indiana like like as far as the grace or not even necessarily no I wasn’t more athleticism I was a swing like I had good workouts um but I was a a swing swing in the dark and I just I I always worked hard like that’s the one thing that I could say I put my finger on it I just worked hard yeah it feels like everything is just like muscle memory that could only possibly happen if you like do it so many goddamn times yeah yeah it’s got to yeah ask I want to ask you this Dave how do you like his game either before before the injury and after the injury after after is better right after it became more gorgeous I just think it’s really it it like I I feel like your your game is Just tailor made to even age as like you know what I mean like there’s just it’s not really relying on like the most like insane like f it’s like everything is so crafty and it’s you can get any shot you want at any time just by like dominating in the triple threat position mhm or like having the right package to get the shot off and we I’ve watched from a far there are guys like that like that you’re that is everyone’s favorite player like Kobe and like LeBron you and like as a Sixers fan we’ve just never had that that that Wing that does that we’ve only had it in the form of iers Dr J yeah Dr J yeah no Dr J I can’t go yeah I can’t go before my we go way back they won in 83 I wasn’t born but like you know I love IG but that’s what I’m dealing with like yeah but I love him but like come on he did have Iggy Iggy was that Iggy was no he was not Iggy was that Iggy was a bucket no he was not what are you talk I love him he’s one of the best role players ever he Iggy got gay 20 a game on a terrible like a horrible like eight lot of dun that’s that’s not his fault uh igy was a bucket no not I def find a bucket as like Paul George like he’s not a bucket he’s like an incredible Defender he’s an incredible role player he’s a great see what he said if he compared to me Buck bucket igala is not a bucket he do got D I give him only that he got a finals MVP he’s great he’s incredible I think he’s great he’s exactly what you want on any team every team needs Nal true but he’s just not going to be the guy to like oh he like he’ll catch and shoot at the end of a game but I’m going right here 8 seconds get Joe out of there get Tyrese out of there if it’s not their turn comt I’m comfortable with that I’m comfortable see we do get to see you know what Dave we don’t want to take up too much of your time we appreciate you blessing the show of podcast here ladies and gentlemen give it up with Little Dicky Dave so fun thank you guys for coming out what an awesome crowd you guys were unbelievable appreciate y’all coming out and supporting the show thank uninterrupted film festival for having us and putting this on look at that sign P somebody say hey PG I flew 5,994 miles from Korea we go from Korea to see you you got to give him a hug can you please sign my jersey come here come come hug him come here come know what let’s do it Dave what Jersey he got on Allstar give him a hug not just a dab give him a hug give a hug okay they they want me to give you a hug bro give give yeah there you go appreciate it bro yeah for sure damn 5,000 miles huh that’s a fan he a fan he a fan you guys didn’t bring Sor appreciate hey Pete just for tradition’s sake he a fan he a fan we forgot one thing and it’s actually been bothering me throughout the episode so I know you just wrapped up but I think everyone should just oh we didn’t we did oh man and just so everyone knows this doesn’t get shown on the podcast episodes but it’s kind of like the one tradition that we have before every episode is that we do that to warm up so we kind of did it in the back but I think just as a group before we exit we all need to pay tribute to your thing one of my favorites but uh regardless I just think we need to do that before we leave sure do warm up Jackie come on got to do it bro every episode it’s got to be done I like there you have itate it there we have it you stupid Dallas go do that all right we ready uh everybody come to get your sit Side by P just just play [Music] he

Programming Note: This episode of Podcast P was taped in front of a live audience during the Uninterrupted Film Festival in Los Angeles.

Rapper, comedian, creator of the Hit Hulu show “Dave,” and diehard Sixers fan Lil Dicky hops on Podcast P to chat about how he helped the Sixers sign Paul George. He also talks about his bond with Joel Embiid, why his game resembles Steph Curry’s, and shares some hilarious stories about playing celebrity basketball games. #lildicky #podcastpwithpaulgeorge #paulgeorge

0:00 Start
4:00 Reaction to Sixers Signing PG
9:05 Dave’s Free Agency Video
13:00 First Time Getting A Philly Cheesesteak
16:00 Changing PG’s Nickname
19:38 Daryl Morey’s Offseason Signings
23:44 Relationship with Joel Embiid
27:30 PG’s First Interaction w/ a Philly Fan
31:29 Dave’s NBA Comparison
32:30 Celebrity Basketball Game w/ Chris Brown
41:45 NBA Commissioner For A Day
45:50 Getting Respect in the Rap Industry
47:36 Making ‘DAVE’
49:30 Connecting with Kevin Hart
50:58 Tougher Industry: TV or Music?
55:45 Dave Asks PG A Question

New episodes drop WEEKLY.

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  1. Kyrie and Jalen Brown gonna go crazy when they find out Lil Dicky had a hand in this move.

  2. I said it on the last vid why not call it “the pg8 tour” pretty dope imo 🤷🏽‍♂️ y’all like this so he can see it!

  3. Lil dicky is from cheltenham. Not Philly. How dare he say pats and Genos are acceptable cheesestake places

  4. Joel was sitting 4th qtrs during the season. Hope we get that production so Andre can come in and help keep those leads.

  5. We need an All Philly Rap All Stars super album.

    Meek Mill
    Lil Dicky

    Ugh… Will Smith can be on a few interludes if he can get over himself. But he’s gotta be included. Jazzy Jeff can certainly make some beats 💯. Maybe some Boys II Men R&B collaborations?

    Why can’t we make this happen?

    Oh forgot to mention Uzi Vert too

  6. Hey Paul, who is your Realtor? If you’re still looking, reach out to the Liberty Heights Team at Keller Williams Empower!

  7. Everybody on that stage wit pg is yes men this is the most unbiased podcast I ever seen in my life, congrats to pg tho

  8. Tobias? No. He was given every chance by us Philly fans. We didn't give him shit because of his contract, we gave him shit cause he got that contract then didn't live up to it. Paid to be a 3rd option… Then this guy gives you the weakest, softest effort and disappears. Philly gonna tear your ass up(pause) when we see you're not giving your all and not working hard like we do here in this city. This a working town and if you ain't on what we're on, then pack your shit and gtfo of Philly.

  9. 🏀🏀PG, please read….🏀🏀
    As an avid Clipper fan, and you being my favorite player and biggest supporter, I was extremely disheartened to hear how things unfolded with your negotiations with the Clippers. After getting both sides of the story, I saw the rationale of the Clippers, not giving you the same amount of money as Kawhi and a no trade clause because as they said, “they needed to put more pieces around you and Kawhi to be competitive to win a championship”. And this is totally true. You had the golden opportunity to show the Clippers organization and the world that are worth the same amount of money as Kawhi . However, you did not. Kawhi has two NBA championships and two finals MVPs and has proven to be worth the maximum amount of money because he wins when it counts and puts his team on his back to win a Championship. Unfortunately, you have not.

    You came up extremely short in the playoffs when the Clippers needed you most and the Clippers were seeing how you would lead our team to see if you were worth it. And to be perfectly honest, you came up really short.

    Averaging 19 points, is not Max deal worthy. You said the team viewed you and Kawhi as the same, but you are not the same. As stated above, your credentials do not warrant the same amount of money as Kawhi and he was playing at all NBA up to the point of his injury. You were showing flashes of brilliance, but inconsistent. And then you came up terribly short when we needed you.

    What was really disturbing was when you said when the Clippers gave you the first offer, you said it was disrespectful. What was disrespectful was you podcasting during the playoffs when you were not playing very well and showing the Clipper organization that you cared more about your image than winning for the Clippers, who gave up their entire future for you.

    I saw what Jaylen Brunson did for New York, taking less money so the team can get better around him and win a championship. I felt like you owed it to the Clippers to do the same because of how much we gave up to you and you never proved your worth. To your credit, you played phenomenally during the 2021 playoffs but since then nothing else to show for it, and that’s not a championship. You could have taken less and allowed the Clippers team to get better, but instead you chose to take the money which is really sad. How much money does one person need when you’ve made over $300 million in your life? Be careful, chasing money often doesn’t end well.

    Wish you all the best, I think you’re a wonderful human being, an amazing basketball player and a great father. However, Philly have much crazier, diehard fans than the Clippers and I suggest you don’t do what you did to us, come up short in the playoffs and podcast during that time. It could be very ugly…

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