@Phoenix Suns

Kevin Durant on Height Controversy, Winning for Steph, Playing for Suns, Jayden Daniels, & More

Kevin Durant on Height Controversy, Winning for Steph, Playing for Suns, Jayden Daniels, & More

Kevin Durant I’m so happy I’m running into you like this because I have to ask you how tall you are how tall um because there’s some huge controversy about you being a lot taller than 610 with this Team USA photo shoot that happened have you seen this no I don’t know why that I guess those guys might be shorter than what their what their num say I’m 69 though so it looks like bam out bio is probably 68 yeah instead of 610 and and and AD is probably 69 you know so they probably adding a little more on their height while I’m keeping M at the same you know I’m not lying about my height you look just as tall as uh embiid and He’s listed at seven feet so he saying those guys are all lying uh really yeah yeah and B’s not seven feet yeah I just thought maybe you’re seven too and you’ve been lying this whole time nah no you seen me you seen me before I look to I couldn’t tell cuz you were sitting at the Super Bowl now that that’s taken care of and the world can um let’s talk about 2024 Paris just a few weeks away so exciting your fourth games how is the calf America needs to know yeah it’s getting better every day um there something not to be playing with or forcing you know myself to play with so I’m just taking my time day day by day and um trusting in the trainers and I’ll be ready here soon love to hear it Kevin should Americans then be more concerned with the developing story about Joel embiid not being able to spin a basketball on his finger him and Steph right I think uh they both need to practice we got a lot of time for it so by the end of the summer it’ll be right um You said uh that you not only want Team USA to get another gold medal their fifth straight but you want dominant wins you want to win by 40 to 50 points what are you trying to do is bulletin board material in the games not a thing yeah I mean yeah everybody everybody makes it known that they want to kill us so why not just reciprocate that energy and say the same thing you know and it makes that makes it I mean makes it fun they’re gonna bring their best effort against us and I think we got the talent to go out there and dominate well when I mean dominate it might not be 40 or 50 point wins but you can still show dominance in a tight game or or 10 15-point game you know so I just want us to play Elite brand the ball for 40 minutes outside of depth what makes this team unique uh we got a bunch of selfless guys a lot of guys who have been dreaming about playing for Team USA for some time who’ve U sacrificed their off their off time to play for this team so they come in here with no ego guys are coming in here looking to play off with one another and have some fun it’s all about the win nobody cares about individual stats all they care about is the gold medal how much does Steph want this since he doesn’t have one everybody every everybody wants in it but especially Steph since he has such a you know incredible resume thus far this is something that you know he wanted to check a box on after doing everything else as a as a basketball player so uh it’s going to be cool going on his journey with him knowing that this is his first time and knowing that he can do so much for his legacy his resume um it’ll be cool getting back on that horse with him trying to trying to get to that Mountaintop you’ve got three Golds at home where do you keep them in a safe I don’t really I don’t want to put them out in the house in my trophy case so I keep I keep those in the safe um hopefully I add to that collection yeah hopefully we get you a fourth one you and Aunt together on this team I can’t wait to watch he makes it very known that he hits you up for advice and questions what is the last thing Anthony Edwards asked you man we were at dinner last night Aunt doesn’t really ask anything he just he just like makes statements you know make de ations you know like he’s one of those guys that’ll just spark up a conversation I think that’s why we all love is you know how carismatic he is because he’s just he’s he he has knowledge about a lot of things and he’s he has a lot of energy so I like being around him you know he’s one of the guys I gravitated towards early on in Camp you guys are selfless you get along you all want to win you have the talent and the depth I’m trying to figure out like what could be a weakness uh in Team USA and the only thing I can come up with is Rihanna uh here’s my concern I’m a little afraid like if you’re Drake who you’re friendly with can’t Drake just call and he’s Canada obviously can’t you just call Rihanna and say I need you to be in Paris I need you to sit Courtside for this because then you’ll be distracted me uhuh nah I don’t think I don’t think that’s a button that you can you can press to get it get in our way you know what I’m saying I think I think complacency is a little bit more scar terrifying than Rihanna at this point if we come out here and rely just on who we are and what we build up in the NBA and not actually come out there and play harder play harder than our opponents then we might not win and that’s that simple that’s a cross no matter how much talent you got how good you are you know put your best foot forward then you’re you selling yourself short and I think that’s what we want to do as a team after you win your fourth gold you get to go home to new leadership in Phoenix what is your favorite thing what do you value most about your new coach um just from talking to him throughout the summer just his experience just his knowledge for um you know the game of basketball in general but just how to you know be a leader of men you know it’s uh important when you’re coming into the league or when you’re a coach on a new team is establishing your personality and getting to know your guys outside of basketball I think that’s what coach bud has done this far is just simply just wanting to know who we are and then that’ll help him Coach us better on the floor and that’ll help us you know go out there and execute what he want us to do you know we had that relationship so it’s starting off right are you happy in Phoenix yeah I’m happy to be alive you know what I’m saying I can’t complain about nothing you know I you know Phoenix has been it was a it was a different transition you know tough transition moving from New York fast-paced City lifestyle to slow down pacing Phoenix but I feel like I got my rhythm Midway through the season and and then you know getting comfortable basketball is the easy part you know you can figure that out but just everyday lifestyle I feel comfortable with Phoenix now I love just just that line saying happy to be alive like I love listening to you because you you attack basketball and from such like a a place of wisdom I don’t know how you’ve mastered it or what point in your life you were like I deal with the es and flows it’s the beautiful part of the game the all that I think it’s really beautiful not just for even a sports fan but for everybody what right now obviously you want another ring we get it what is the most fulfilling thing to you right now in your career um just simply getting up and being able to show up you know um that’s the underrated part of a lot of things that some people don’t get that opportunity to just get up that next day and just go to work and without you know having to worry about I could just get up and play my game and people support me and got great teammates coaches family friends that want to see me do well you know so I’m just happy I just get to get up and do what I love to do and I still got the energy in my body to do it hey I I mean how many times have You’ been asked about how long you’re gonna play that’s crazy but like every day for the last two years now yeah um but it’s a young man’s game and you know you start this you know when the end is people who watch and follow our sport they know when the end is so you know I tell people until I feel like I I don’t feel like going to workout or feel like training again I guess you know so I just wanted I still love to get up and shoot the ball I still love getting up and filling the the gym and you know so if that when that goes away we’ll see talk a little NFL here you and your Washington commanders you’ve got a new Ball Z GM all new coaching staff new quarter back and Jaden Daniels I think I’m all in I want you to tell me do you think really yeah why not right do you think they can come from you that’s that’s a major co-sign well I feel like did you I feel like you’re the reason they drafted J Jaden Daniels like how often were you texting Magic Johnson saying this is what I want hear my thoughts for my ideas uh I might I might have shot a couple texts out there I was a fan of the hosman winner this past year and we also it feels like he got my he got like he’s like the KD of of college football last year with his body type you know so he uh you watch him on TV it’s easy to watch their team because of how he plays and so hopefully he brings that same type of you know enthusiasm to the game um you know to Washington you know everybody’s ring around them we feel like we got we got a player that can take us somewhere now you just gave me a great sound bite that he’s the KD of Washington tell me more what do you mean by that body type what do you mean yeah I just felt like I felt like he pops off the screen and you know when you when you turn on your TV a guy that size that can move that well at that position you know you see you tend to look at that body frame as like a wide receiver or skill position but to Commander offense being able to move the football up the field as a quarterback that was impressive to see you know so I didn’t really know jayen as much before this past season and then I started watching them more and I’m like wow he he really impressed me by just first of all you tell he loves football and then secondly you tell he been working at football since he was a kid you know so all that stuff I can I can see on through the TV have you reached out to him yeah we talked a couple times um I’m g go check hopefully I get to check out training camp or maybe the first game of the season you’ll be busy I think you’re gonna be in you know at some Brasserie and H Paris e in steak freets or something during training camp I know I know I think the first I think the first day camp with what maybe a couple weeks from now I’ll FaceTime you in we’ll do I’m going you were last year I thought that was insane I bet if you’re jadden Daniels you have Kevin Durant texting you I can’t even imagine what that means and you played football is it true I couldn’t really get a straight answer did you play tight end at one point yeah I did and that took me right to the hard to the basketball court that first catch over the middle it took me sh I start I picked up a basketball after that football is my first was is crazy yeah I mean Austin River started this whole debate a couple months ago are you one of the 30 NBA players who could play in the NFL I need probably a little bit longer training than some other guys but yeah I feel like I can do anything um I mean you’re practicing your jumper in the club I want to end there I know you’re busy man listen I know you don’t not Kevin you’re not going to believe this I’ve been to a club or two in my life I have I had I had my my time uh what I’ve never seen this though what is what is the jumpers in the club working on your shot thing what is happening so one of my boys at the time I was like my I was lifting that whole week so my shoulder was a little tight so I was in the club like just doing this you know what I’m saying and then my boy was like yo I I lock you up like you can’t score on me and I like when he told me that I was like I show I was just trying to show him what I would do once we get on the court like you know Shadow Boxing I was Shadow Boxing and I was just giving him my moves cuz he was like like you couldn’t see him in a video he was like right across the yeah he was across the intersection I was like on the dance floor and he was like screaming at me that he can guard me so I had to show him what I was gonna do to him got it and now everybody knows I don’t know if anybody ever asked last one for you who would make a better tight end you or Draymond me you seen draymond’s footage it looked terrible Draymond played one spring game um when he was at Michigan State I guess he was talking trash to all the players and they told him to come out for the spring game and he looked horrible but I mean for you it’ be hard to be a seven foot2 tight end you know since you are seven foot two I I can get down I play guard in the NBA you know so I can get down a little lower than the thing we’ll see maybe you’ll do a FL remember you’ll TR you’ll win the golden basketball and you’ll be on the flag football team with Tyreek Hill in 2028 that’s easy that’s easy that’s easy I love it Kevin thank you so much go get that gold baby put it in that safe and let’s keep it rolling appreciate you okay have a good one and good luck in Phoenix where you’re happy and you’re going to crush it thank you [Music]

Kevin Durant on Height Controversy, Winning for Steph, Playing for Suns, Jayden Daniels, & More

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  1. KD has been lying about his height for years because he hates being labeled a 7 footer even though it’s pretty clear he’s 7 feet.

  2. Bro that Rihanna question shows you are way out the loop 😆 tf Rihanna got to do with anything lol

  3. With his shoes off he’s probably 6’10 6’11 with shoes dude 7’1 KD the most insecure basketball player of all time he want people to think he shorter than he is. Like c’mon dude you’ve always had a height advantage. Your wingspan alone is 7 feet. You’re able to shoot over everyone with ease thanks to your height

  4. KD is always great to hear from one when the interviews are not on that bullshit. This conversation was great. Props to Kay & KD.

  5. i’ve never seen any of her stuff before but this was a very professional and exciting interview. she got kev to elaborate on interesting first scoop stories and overall i really enjoyed listening and stayed till the very end 🙂

  6. Enjoyed that interview. KD is usually so matter of fact but you actually got him to smile and losen up. Saw a bit of chemistry there😉

  7. KD with the flagrant 4 right here, man lying talking about he’s 6’9 and then talking about lifting weights! I’ve seen more muscle on hot wings 😂😂😂

  8. U can tell in the comment most these people never been to an NBA game or never shook hands and took pictures with the so called 7 footers at the basketball hall of fame… jordan bird motumbo magic bosh none of these guys are as big as the nba labels them… kd is not a 7 footer neither is embiid… lebron is 6'7… the combine heights arent real either

  9. Mr. Durant (Kevin) got everyone in the world hooked on watching the Olympics USA Men's Basketball Team. Thanks Mr. Durant (Kevin) for keeping us locked in!!!!!!!

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