@Milwaukee Bucks

Which roster is better

Which roster is better

by TheOtakuway


  1. Why that second row look like all players created in AI?

  2. Flashy-Bat9105

    This years roster is pretty easily better tbh

  3. NoAcanthisitta9198

    The one that has actually played a basketball game together… but that can could change

  4. Wallyworld77

    In a few more years Bucks will be known as Giannis and the AJ’s. AJ Johnson has me so excited for the future. Where there once was dread is now filled with Hope!

  5. Tinytimmytimtim

    Dame and GTJ > 2021 backcourt of Jrue/pat.

  6. FanDoggyGate

    Top six was better imo. This year seems to have more depth. Looking at that graphic reminded me we were running a six man rotation practically. I’m not counting Donte in my judgement since he wasn’t around for a lot of the run.

  7. njanik223

    On paper I think this roster is better than 2021 but time will tell if they can actually show it on the court

  8. MadisonBob

     Backcourt:  much better now. 

    Giannis: it appears to me that Giannis gets a little better every year.  He is more injury prone now, but at least as good if not better 

    Brook:  older and not better.  He could use fewer minutes.  Still plays very well.  

    Khris:  older and not better.  He has some great games left in him, and is one of the best mid range shooters.  I would be happy with fewer minutes to shine in the playoffs like he did a few months ago. 

    Bobby:  getting redundant.  Still a great player but prefer fewer minutes. 

    Bench:  hard to tell until they play together and get into a rhythm.  Some potential stars on the bench who need time to develop 

  9. official_swagDick

    Raw talent this year, but being able to play very well together and the ability to avoid/ recover fast from injuries are more important. Giannis is 4 years older and it shows. People thought his injury at the end of this year would put him out half the series yet he couldn’t return. His injury in the ecf he was only out for a few games

  10. ParistoLagos

    So you guys are going to act like Pat C is no longer on this team.😭   Just wait until the regular season when his golf buddy Doc gives him more minutes than the young guys.

  11. Particular_Charity_6

    Just dreaming of having Jrue and Dame together. Oh what could’ve been.

  12. Quirky_Buddy3336

    If they’re all healthy? This years

    That if is doing heavy lifting though

  13. Scelidotheriidae

    The one that won a championship. Connaughton, Lopez, Giannis, Middleton were all better players back then. Jrue is under appreciated by Bucks fans too – his inefficiency is due in part to limitations of Bucks roster and PGs end up being punished for taking the bad shots. He played insane defense while running the offense – nobody on Bucks can do that now.

    Donte was also good when healthy, obviously didn’t have a great season that year and then got hurt, but he was still a nice role player even if he was worse than he was the previous season.

    Wright is much better than Forbes/Teague and Giannis’s offensive game is probably more resilient in the playoffs now and Lillard really helps offense, but I don’t think that is enough

  14. youarenut

    The one with a chip. You can argue name wise this year’s is better, but that was also all the core guys 3 years younger. 3 years is a big difference for athletes

  15. Remote-Ad-8399

    Idk bro we had jeff teauge back then. Kinda trumps everything else

  16. sharklavapit

    Champ team is better

    Brook, Khris and Dame arent what they once were

    everyone in their primes I’m taking current team, but in an equal comparison you have to take Jrue, Khris, Giannis, PJ, Brook

  17. Impossible-Group8553

    Dame is better than Jrue. Khris and Brook are worse versions of themselves. It’s a toss but I’d lean the current team. They have a higher ceiling.

  18. Newsoundnoise

    If there was some way we could get a competent big for Patty I would be happy. I don’t see how that happens, but I never thought we could get Trent either.

  19. OkTie2851

    This season roster is better but it is it is going against more teams that are better than it comparative to 2021.

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