@Milwaukee Bucks

Which cornhole board design for SO’s birthday gift?

Which cornhole board design for SO’s birthday gift?

by RabbitHole-in-one


  1. JimmyLegs83

    Option 3 Hits really hard, with the option 4 not far behind IMO.

    Really good present idea!

  2. RunForrestRun

    3 or 4. I like #1, but the full court might look a little better on a beer pong table.

  3. Scootsie00

    These are sweet, I’d lean towards Option 3. Would be awesome if you somehow incorporated the basket rim to outline the hole!

  4. _NotMyNormalUsername

    3 or 4 leaning toward 4 though. Love the green/purp

  5. FunkoPoppa

    3 & 4 are my favorites. I’m not a fan of the board looking like the court. 2 is too simplistic. 3 and 4 are nice

  6. BadGolf27

    I’m a sucker for the old school logo and purple, so that’s what I would personally do

  7. Ticklemykelmo

    3,1,and 4 are all great and I’d rank them in that order, but it’s a tight race.

  8. BigTravelGuy

    I think 3 would be best if you flipped the middle two colors, or just got rid of the creamsicle altogether, but they all look great and this is an awesome gift

  9. 1, 3 and 4 are good options, 2 doesn’t really have much going for it

  10. Jerdakiss

    Are these for sale somewhere or are you making the ?

  11. Can you take option 1 and split it in half so both boards together make the full court? And add an orange rim around the hole, maybe a backboard painted on behind it as well?

  12. Picklefac3

    I like the court idea, but 3 and 4 look a lot better


    3 or 4 try figure out which color scheme/logo he likes more

  14. jengalampshade

    I like 2 and 4 best.

    Does your SO have any bucks gear? What colors do they gravitate towards?

  15. IdprefertosmokeRN

    I like 2 and if you made another with the colors and logo from 4 that would be nice. They all look good though

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