@Brooklyn Nets

Brooklyn Nets players stats for their 4th game

Brooklyn Nets players stats for their 4th game

by TNDGil


  1. I know it’s Summer League but Jalen going 6/7 and Noah 5/8 from 3 is lowkey impressive

  2. Goosedukee

    Jalen Motherfucking Wilson

    Clowney can really shoot that shit, amazing game from him

    Keon’s shots simply weren’t falling tonight but he still put up a respectable performance

    Pretty much everyone had a good game

  3. Dear_Analyst_9515

    Can’t tank when JW is already prime Bron

  4. tbloom117

    CT, Jalen, Clowney and Clax starting together is gonna be a ton of fun, regardless of record

  5. richonarampage

    Honestly super excited to see these young dudes ball out in the regular season. Would be amazing if we all of a sudden find OKC like success with young core but I’m just excited for some fun brand of basketball.

  6. Desi_Iverson

    Y’all drafted well lmao. Man’s looking like a STUD

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