@Toronto Raptors

Does anyone here also watch the CEBL?

Does anyone here also watch the CEBL?

by Dabadabade


  1. joshk1995

    It’s some great summer ball, love the target score too

  2. Eaton2288

    yep, river lions fan here. Really enjoy going to games with family, very affordable and easy access from where I live.

  3. #LikeABandit, I’m a huge Vancouver fan (I even have their merch)

  4. Raptors887

    I imagine people in Toronto probably don’t care but it’s great basketball for the rest of the country.

  5. LastNightsHangover

    🔥🔴 GO SURGE 🔴🔥

    Finals in MTL this August should be fun!

  6. SydneyCarton89

    I was going to Edmonton a lot a few years ago and went to plenty of games when I was.

    I’d like to watch it on TV, but I don’t want to pay more on top of everything else for it. Plus I spend so much time watching NHL and NBA for 8 months of the year it’s hard to justify more TV time for more sports (except for Olympic basketball this year, obviously).

    If I lived closer to the city I’d love to attend lots. It’s great basketball.

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