@Los Angeles Clippers

The fair weather Westbrook fans exodus is real

I knew some would leave, but not that many that quick. Maybe this sub will be more level headed now 😂

by Lovehate123


  1. AtotheJ2215

    It was actually only like 10,000 people that left. The image shown was proven to be photoshopped by Russ stans. Either way, the fanbase will benefit greatly with no more Russ + PG stans.

  2. People are gonna have a hard time not falling for scams left and right the next few years with how good AI will become if you’re falling for these obvious fakes. Critical thinking people.

  3. TrumpKanye69

    I guarantee you there are not 1 million Westbrook fans in existence.

  4. The haters gonna follow him to Denver too I bet haha

  5. Global-Result-4475

    Can’t call Clippers a poverty franchise anymore. Intuit Dome cost $2 billion.

  6. JimmyKanine

    Sad part is they never really had 6.7m followers to begin with lmao

  7. danielpaulschreber

    This is photoshopped. They lost about 5,000 followers.

    But honestly I’d lose a million if it were all Russ Stans. They’re already saying wild out of pocket shit to Nuggets reporters about how no, Russ WILL start, they’re disrespecting Brodie, etc

  8. Monorailsalesperson

    If blatant disinformation can spread this easily.

    Our society/world is in trouble.

  9. AshenSacrifice

    The spacing between the Ms after the number isn’t even the same 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. Asleep-Eggplant-6337

    Basically mitwestbrook, russ_culture, and their banner accounts.

  11. nz_nba_fan

    Too many people will believe anything they see on the internet.

  12. Only if Russ stans can make up stats for Russ in game then I’d welcome them back.

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