@Brooklyn Nets

Ben Simmons is Doing it Again…

Ben Simmons is Doing it Again…

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  1. Genuine question because i clearly don't understand the naunces of this situation. Why would the Miami heat sign him? As far as I can tell this will be his last season and then he'll be out of the league.

  2. In the near future The NBA will no longer be a competitive league but rather a show. According to your shooting percentages (analytics) players are being paid contracts worth half a billion dollars. This is why defense has been made soft. to protect players bodies from career ending injuries. Players are investments and owners cant afford to pay a player sitting at home because of a career ending injury. Ben Simmons is doing this to ensure he gets a new contract. Fans in the future will no longer matter to these players either, only their bag 💰 💰💰💰

  3. How badly does Ben Simmons want another contract? We will definitely see this coming season, it's a win-win for the fans. If he tries and plays more than 85% games – great!
    If he doesn't, he won't get anything more than a cookie crumb of a contract.

  4. I feel like most of your uploads are 90% backstory on whatever player you're talking about, not really much "new" content. We literally just watched a recap on Simmons' career…

  5. Y'all don't get it by now? He's a Scammer, always has been I honestly don't understand why this guy even gets a paycheck

  6. Off season Simmons is a Phenomenal 😂😂😂 without Olympics basketball 😂 this is the closest highlights we see on NBA😂😂😂😂

  7. I am so tired of sheep saying the same shit over and over again. health simmons has been a hall of famer. Proven. Then a hold out then injured ever since. You cannot assess any player that is injured it makes no sense, if he played a full season without an injury and played terribly then you can insult him or say he is bad. However this has yet to happen. So until I witness this, people need to stop pretending that isn't surgeries and injuries.

  8. At this point you can just reupload the same ben simmons video last year coz he does this every year. xD

  9. He had to be humbled…the guy was mean mugging and acting all tough like he was a G…but i reckon he does not even care since his bank account is fine…the joke is on the league…just another bust which begs the question that are the people scouting these busts really dumb, incompetent or just plain corrupt?

  10. As someone who doesnt watch basketball like that. We can have yearly Ben bum. But, we can't have Jeremy Lin again?

  11. The way he played, I really feel like his passing only got as good as it did BECAUSE he didn't want to shoot. When he plays it looks like he's actively trying to avoid anything where he might end up having to shoot.

  12. First off he didn’t play with Maxey when he was in Philly & he’ll never end up in Miami with Jimmy there. Hes the opposite of what Heat culture represents! With all that being said I’d take him on a vet min for a reunion with the 6ers.

  13. As a Nets fan, I never liked this dude. Not at LSA when I knew he didn’t have the heart but especially when he was a sixer (see 2019 playoffs) I fn can’t stand him on my damn team waste of space, not just cap space but a roster spot and physical space within the league

  14. it wouldn't be the NBA off-season without Ben Simmons dropping his summer workout video shooting in the gym

  15. if i was 6'10 i would be the same person as ben, im not going to say " if i was 6'10 i would be a hall of fame nba player and work hard" like no if i had bens frame and skills i would just run and dunk (obviously if kobe told me to jet a jumper i would its kobe) also i hope he proves us all wrong he has good potential but has a shit work ethic

  16. as a philly fan this is what he does every year. dude is entitled and has zero work effort. we were always told what horrible fans we were when we started ripping on him. glad the world can c what he really is now

  17. Didn’t deserve a million subscribers. Shatty content w clickbaity titles. Used to watch his vids all the time til I realized he just bites off others n makes the same videos on repeat

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