@Philadelphia 76ers

Joel Embiid Can’t Dunk Right Now…

Joel Embiid Can’t Dunk Right Now…

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  1. Can't dunk anymore? C'mon Romo. His knees aren't that bad. He's just fat, that's why he has no lift. It's not his knees.

  2. I look at it like this can only help embiid overall basketball IQ he started playing at 16 not 6-10 like most people he can learn how to move and operate without the ball. embiid being an under the rim mid range center is still top 5 in the league

  3. I think this opportunity is great for Embiid. In international play the center is NOT the focus – they are more of rim protectors/rebounders but more importantly setting screens and playmaking – finding the open man. This is what he needs to learn more of and not try to be the all everything just to win a game that has taken a toll on his body.

  4. This is Olympic basketball. The USA has a team that does not require its players to drop 40. Please stop with this crap that Embiid is deteriorating. If he drops more than 20 per game during the Olympics, he should be benched for trying too hard.

  5. lol i think you guys are overreacting… I think he’s not dunking because we ALL said when He Dunks on people he lands badly. He’s taking this with a stride.. I don’t see a limp and that mean a more to me than Him Dunking or not Dunking.

  6. Oh please f off man joel hasn't been able to dunk for almost 2 years now. He usually thinks hes the cameroonian dirk now. I see you prepping excuses already when the paul george experiment inevitably fails to deliver come play off time.

  7. Only thing Embiid needs to is get better with lays up and finishing around the basket instead of foul hunting because in playoffs he may not get all those calls ….even though he deserves them cause he gets fouled but yea

  8. Guy needs to lose like 20 to 30 pounds. Until he does, he will continue putting too much stress on those knees, and he will miss extended time every year.

  9. He is out of shape and spacing around the floor to focusing on more defense and more opportunities to coming off the screens

  10. Honestly speaking, maybe he doesn’t want it done. There’s really no need to talk like he’s playing on the team with 30 other All-Stars and all NBA players it’s no need to aggressively dunk and cause injuries. It’s no need if he wasn’t healthy he wouldn’t be playing.

  11. Very very intelligent, well thought out and accurate post. There isn't one thing I disagree with. I too think being around these great players and not needing to be the man will help his lacking parts of his game.

  12. Bruh he is just injured, out of shape and not forcing himself to do crazy things like dunking cuz it isnt needed. He will be his regular self this next season

  13. This is a great learning experience for Joel and I’m here for it hopefully he learns things that he can bring back and help us win

  14. You’re tripping lol stop smoking stuff that alters your perception he threw up a layup and touched the backboard after in no way was that a dunk attempt. 1st off. Second off he’s 7’2”. He don’t even have to jump to dunk he’ll be able to dunk from a wheel chair @ 100 years old with two cooked knees. Jsut stop reach. His standing tech is 9’5.5”. Bro. You think he can’t stretch 4.5 inches or jump one inch. Just stop and watch what your seeing lol

  15. Embiid is a hybrid of Derozan Mid Range game,
    slower Olajuwon movement
    older Shaq under the rim dominants
    Harden skill to draw fouls
    Marc Gasol Defending Skillset

  16. Embiid should be frozen in cryo chamber instead of being greedy and wanting to get carried to that cheap gold.

  17. He s bad on defense, not covering anything except the rim. Leaving all 3s open .
    Offensively he s not that good anymore, they should juste put Anthony Davis , he s better on both ends

  18. You know he would have a lot less stress on his knees if his lazy butt would stay in shape all year around

  19. I'd bet he absolutely CAN dunk. But he's landed funny from a dunk more than once, so he's not doing it as he doesn't need to.

  20. I said it at least 2 years ago: he should've been traded while still younger with value. The Sixers will never win a championship with him. One season, he was fully healthy in the playoffs and they STILL lost in the 2nd round !! This dude has no heart. Keeps talking the big talk about winning it, but no heart. Ai went all the way to the Finals against Shaq and Kobe in '01, and he had a supporting cast of ZERO talents. Ai has heart !!

  21. I don’t think it’s that he can’t dunk I think he’s scared to dunk. I think he’s aware he needs to change his game to a more sustainable jump shot lay up style over dunking over three people.

  22. Lol we can't just make shit up. Team just posted a video of Embiid dunking quite easily bro. Delete this

  23. I mean congrats to Embiid for the opportunity to play on team USA but I don't like that hes playing right now. He needs to be resting up for the upcoming season and focusing on staying healthy.

  24. I dont think he’s cooked yet. Bruh he didnt dunk the whole last 8 games of the season before postseason then breaks out a off the backboard lob to himself. Embiid’s my boy but he’s a clown lol

  25. THANK YOU for breaking down the truth to what Embiid is adjusting to on the national team. It is a complete different brand of basketball for him but is great for him as a player learning a new role.
    Curry and Durant will ultimately help make Embiid a better NBA and help him learn how to be less of a ball dominant player. The conditioning is skill work will be a huge bonus with Paul George joining the team.

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