@National Basketball Association

Xenophobic comments from Gilbert Arenas on South Sudan’s loss to USA

Xenophobic comments from Gilbert Arenas on South Sudan’s loss to USA

by JakGrealish


  1. JakGrealish

    Not the first time he’s been xenophobic either what a vile person he is

  2. Impressive_Blood3512

    Gilbert arenas is the mj of xenophobia. Also, the embiid comment has been said said to different degrees on this sub and wider nba discourse, which is pretty hilarious seeing the sub and Gil agree on stuff.

  3. Therealomerali

    If Prime Arenas was playing on Team USA, South Sudan probably would have won.

  4. Gilbert Arenas is awful, like something untreatable that puts scales in your nether regions

    you shot 4 of 17 in the NCAA title game against Duke. it takes a lot of talent to have people rooting against you in favor of Dunleavy and Duhan (Battier cool tho, Williams did what he did)

  5. Remarkable-River6660

    Some african americans seem wildly aggressive towards black africans and of course vice versa. Overall not a good look.

  6. I just don’t understand why this guy has such a huge audience.

    Even if you excuse all the questionable things he does, the content he produces is just saying reactionary stuff which you can clearly tell that he does not believe in.

    And on an aside, I think this also exemplifies what’s wrong with the sports community, where people are more excited to hate the team that underperforms instead of giving genuine props to the team that managed to overperform.

    These players in South Sudan don’t even have their own indoor courts and they have to practice in other countries. But most of the headlines are about how “King James had to carry Team USA on his back”.

  7. Fun_Blackberry7059

    Bro actually dislikes Africans, Europeans, and white people. Probably a hater on a lot of brothers as well.

    Just a hater.

  8. VictorWembanyamaMVP

    > they get their shoes from America

    And America gets their shoes from factories in Asia made with slave and child labour.

  9. Cod_Gaymer

    Imagine being a professional basketball player for South Sudan, playing really fucking well against a bunch of NBA legends and then getting laughed at by Gilbert Arenas because “yOuR cOuNtRy IsNt DeVeLoPeD”. Disrespectful as hell.

  10. Tbh I expect this from gill, but I’d love to hear Richard Jefferson’s take on his great mates view as one of the faces of espn

  11. chief1555

    It’s amazing how this guy’s career arc is “wow, people overlooked him and he’s way better than anyone gave him credit for” to “suspended for weird gun shit” to “bitter, hating ass podcast host”

  12. MiserablePiccolo287

    When we say “americans are arrogant” this is what we mean

  13. EtrianFF7

    Lebron fans be saying anything to dickride Lebron

  14. Rogan4Life

    Someone want to tell Gilbert he gets his shoes from China?

  15. T0oShayzz

    Can we stop posting this clowns opinions on this sub? Everything I see from him is straight munted.

  16. bookienightmare75

    if you didnt know it was gil speaking ud assume its a dude from the far right.

  17. BurnCollector_

    I think we can stop posting Arenas’ opinions now

  18. It’s insane that this dude has an audience.

    If you listen to this dude’s pod, congrats. You are finding out in real time that you are an actual fucking moron.

  19. YouGetMeCloserToGod

    Gilbert Arenas is stupid, we didn’t need another proof.

  20. Dustox2003

    This sounds like the type of stuff people say on ig

  21. Ray_Murielaqw

    It’s crucial for everyone to promote respect and understanding.

  22. I really hope Shannon Sharpe doesn’t bring him back for Night Cap when the show returns. He’s annoying, he’s not funny, he’s egotistical, his analysis is awful, and that’s not even talking about stuff like this.

  23. LurkinOHB

    If you listen to Gilbert Arenas at all, you have shit for brains.

  24. Yodudewhatsupmanbruh

    Same dude who said the wnba should play without clothing and everyone was like “he’s so real for this lmao!”

  25. Bournerounderz

    First of all, we all get our shoes from China and Vietnam. Second of all, he’s a fucking asshole.

  26. strikershiv95

    That’s unfortunately 100 seconds of my life I can’t get back watching that tiktok 🤡 lmao. Guys like Gilbert are the reason why players doing podcasts has mostly been a train wreck. Zero self awareness as a player, and clearly no class after lol.

  27. triplecaptained

    South Sudan got a crazy amount of basketball and football (soccer) talent to name a few sports, some of them done experienced a civil war as kids and still went on to being great athletes in spite of the odds being stacked against them. And here we have long-retired bozo Gilbert Arenas dismissing em for going toe to toe with the best national team in the planet

    Mad disrespect and shows how fucking entitled some people are

  28. MoooonRiverrrr

    What is wrong with him? Like why does he always say the shittiest things?

  29. wutevahung

    If you care about what Gilbert Arenas has to say, you should reevaluate you and your priorities.

  30. pomelo-mauve

    Proof that racism isn’t really about skin color.

  31. stonewall386

    Is it weird that I really only ever see/hear African Americans talking bad about Africans?

  32. Pyr0technician

    I really wish people would stop paying attention to this clown.

  33. trugh_scoffer

    One of the 21st century’s biggest frauds talks crap about one notoriously competent African team. News at 11.

  34. Regular_Sea7553

    Is the irony not lost on this bloke that he’s laughing at an African nation almost beating an American side that is near of players with African heritage?

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