@Toronto Raptors

Final thoughts on Raptors summer leauge?

Final thoughts on Raptors summer leauge?

by Dabadabade


  1. We just finished chapter one of the Book of Chomche.

  2. GameDayBeliever

    All of the draft class showed flashes which is what you want to see. Other than that it was painful.

  3. heat_fan_

    Guys like Walter, Shead and Chomche all showed flashes which is what you wanna see in summer league 

  4. Raptorsthrowaway1

    I don’t put too much stock into SL tbh. Rooks did fine if they didn’t exactly look great

    Main take away is Ochai being a third year player not being able to dominate these young guys. Rooting for him, but it’s not looking good

  5. ShadowKnight333

    shead and chomche were pleasant surprises

  6. I think it’s going to be an exciting development team with more chemistry than last year

  7. CazOnReddit

    It’s Summer League, hard to really say much about what we saw given the injuries to Mogbo/Dick and the full-on display of disorganization of a team who needed a lot more structure to set up its projects to succeed. There were some nice highlights on defense from Chomche and Ja’Kobe creating for himself (and Walter got to the line very reliably) but overall it was yet another SL that didn’t provide any major thumbs up nor red flags

  8. torontoballer2000

    We’re a long way from the next chip.
    Let’s enjoy the rebuilding process.

    In 2005 I got excited about a guy names Joey Graham.

  9. Carlson: Could be a useful rotation guy one day or back of roster guy that fills in for injuries. Not bad for a UDFA.

    Shead: Ups and downs. Saw his limitations but also saw what he could do. like in yesterday’s fourth quarter. Worth letting him develop in the G-League, with maybe a cup of coffee if injuries demand it, and reassessing next year.

    Chomche: Raw but all the tools to put it together and become a starter. Lots to be excited about.

    Walter: Showed some nice shooting, ability to get into the paint, pesky defense, and an ability to draw fouls. I was worried he was too similar to Grady but I do think they can play different roles. Really excited for his upside.

    Mogbo and Dick: Disappointed we didn’t get to see more. Dick struggled in his first game before getting injured. Would have been a good opportunity to work on being “the guy” and to get down his handle. Mogbo looked versatile but he is a little raw as well and really could of used this playing time.

    JFL: Wasn’t too impressed. Easy to move on from him I think.

    Ochai: Also very disappointing. If he can’t even look good here then I’m not sure how he looks good against NBA comp. Last year for him to prove himself.

  10. chrisPjelly

    Gradey looked good. Great first game, ugly second game, but he looks muuuch better physically and mentally. Hope he can keep his confidence up during cold stretches, cause he just seems like the type of guy that goes icey HOT.

     Jakobe (expectedly) has to go through a whole physical regiment before he’s ready to take on NBA physicality. Some good flashes of separation creation, and he didn’t look bad on defense. Handles will be a make or break on if he remains an end of rotation player or a high end role player.

     Carlson was a fun surprise. Should make for a decent Jontay replacement in terms of a limited backup role. Wouldn’t expect too much long term though, otherwise, especially if either Koloko or Chomche rise up. 

     Didn’t get to see as much of Mogbo as I would’ve liked. He was good on defense, but I’m not sure he and the rotation staff has figured out a role for him on this team yet. Small ball 5 is comfort zone in college, but they’re trying to play him like a wing. Need to see more, maybe even at the PF spot. 

     Jamal was a dog on defense, but you CANNOT have a zero level offense player at the guard position in this league. You just can’t. Hope his good attitude pushed him to develop in this area.

     Chomche was really really REALLY raw, but it was interesting seeing him slowly put it together over the games. Definitely some good flashes in defense, and he definitely has some really good soccer goalie hands and footwork.

  11. LaloFernandez

    Chomche is the most exciting prospect of the bunch. Shead’s got a long way to go offensively. Walter has a shot at being a role player, but I’ve got to admit that I’m really not a fan of his game and don’t like the way he generates offense. I didn’t see enough of Mogbo to have an opinion.

  12. SadInternal9977

    I am looking forward to 905 games this season. There were a lot of flashes but these guys need time to play and grow as a team. Summer league is full of guys playing for contracts.

  13. GuessableSevens

    – Way more hopeful for Chomche than I expected to be. Long shot to become a real

    – Walter had two okay games but realistically, I don’t think he did better than Chomche who was #55. That’s a bit disappointing.

    – Dick could’ve played better imo

    – Mogbo really didn’t look good.

    Overall, pretty rough summer league considering we are a rebuilding team.

  14. Party_Wolf5197

    Most fans seem to be feeling “so-so” on Walter but I think he’s gonna look a lot better on the main roster. He’s moves great off the ball and I think having Scottie, IQ and RJ dish it to him will really help him out. I think he’s gonna be a great complimentary piece for BBQ

  15. Raptors are back!

    Hope is back, hoping that 2024 can produce atleast 2 rotation players. The 2025 draft will provide the upside player.

  16. Beneficial-Ad-3720

    Glad JFL played his way out of the organization

  17. Decent_Pack_3064

    chomche has me most excited to see what he do in 2 years

    like one of the most physically talented bigs in years

  18. After first 2 games, it was a diaster but Chomche really gives me the most hope outta all the rookies.

  19. curtttissss

    I got slammed for saying Ochai isn’t good enough for this team because he hasn’t improved, yet now at the end of summer league most people are agreeing with me. I wanted him to get better but it just isn’t happening, this will most likely be his last season with us if he doesn’t improve.

  20. Annual_Plant5172

    It’s summer league. I’ll care when they play meaningful games.

  21. marinodon11

    Random thoughts

    Battle is hot for a couple games everyone loves him goes cold for a couple everyone hates him.. I like his shotmaking and grit personally

    Walter is a kid, he needs someone to wing him and I just wonder who that will be on this roster? Temple? If the org builds him up with confidence I could see a scorer 6 man ceiling (18/3/2 ish)

    Mogbo was played way out of position so no comment

    Dick is obv super talented but part of me wonders if his attitude is not serious enough to dominate.. is he a leader/winner?

    Shead needs a deep ball or he wont be in the league long.. if he gets one watch out

    Chomche i like him but his reflexes/reactions seem slow and delayed not a good trait for the nba but hes young who knows

    A lot of question marks im hoping 2 of these guys are rotation players and 1 is end of bench

  22. SlapThatAce

    3. Points/observations 

    1. All the games were painful to watch and although some of the drafted players showed a little bit of potential, it simply wasn’t enough compared to other teams / drafted players. They looked okay, on a really really really horrendous team.

    2. We have no shooters

    3. Ochai is not an NBA player.

  23. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be potential. There are 5-6 guys on that roster who could be starters in the league if they develop the right way but no one looks day 1 ready, not even returning vets to be honest. I do think Gradey will be fine once back in his catch and shoot role though. His compete level and defense took a step up over the off season, and effort translates at every level.

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