@Toronto Raptors

Bleacher Report on Raptor Rookies


by xSweeterman


  1. I’m not all that high on jakobe if I’m being honest. He’s young and talented but the ceiling seems pretty low

    I have no idea how to feel about mogbo

  2. Proof_Ad5734

    Lmao isn’t that a picture of Shead? What a joke

    Edit: Even though a pitcher is always nice to have on the menu. 🙂

  3. GameDayBeliever

    Grades before anyone plays a single NBA minute are pointless. Also, knowing Bleacher Report, they probably think Ja’Kobe is in that picture

  4. Heatersthebest

    Why aren’t Shead and Chomche’s names there too? Don’t they count as Raptors Rookies?

  5. SharksLeafsFan

    The grading is so accurate and granular that they have to add a plus to the D lol.

  6. godofhammers3000

    This is fantastic news – these grades are pretty much always wrong

  7. Raptorsthrowaway1

    D+ is about accurate for what the guys showed in Summer League. Fortunately, summer league grades arent worth a shite.

    Excited to see what these guys can do in pre-season, the 905 and some NBA mins this year.

  8. Big_Albatross_3050

    pretty sure they got a D- for 2016 when they drafted Yak AND Pascal. Idk about you guys, but I don’t think bleacher reports knows what they’re talking about lol

  9. FallenLemur

    They have plus D, I see this as a good thing

  10. ttttyttt678

    What was Pascal’s grade as a draft pick again? These bleacher report articles are essentially from glorified fans, they little to nothing about the workouts and interviews of the players. Only judges the player off college play.

  11. guardian416

    They were not a D+ at all. I liked all of the raptors rookies personally.

  12. RealCanadianDragon

    This will make for a nice “aged like milk” picture if even one of our guys becomes even a starter or notable bench guy in the league.

    But I also don’t get how you give a D+ for drafting a guy who was projected around our spot if not sooner.

  13. Physizist

    Bleacher Report is a joke. The stats they mention in the article are wrong “none of the 2nd rounders averaged over 6ppg”. Shead averaged 8.2

    Also Mogbo played 1 game + like a quarter. How can we judge that? They also focus on the negatives (not scoring enough) but ignore the flashes like 5 blocks in a game by Chomche and him being the youngest in the entire draft

    Basically, they don’t know shit and just make it up

  14. 2Shizo2flow

    Scroll over to Washington’s slide and you’ll see all you need to know.

  15. regohcide

    Yeah you couldn’t go higher than a C with what we saw from the rookie class. They looked lost and fringe.

  16. CaptainIndoCanadian

    Everyone should be hyped. This basically ensures they’re future all stars.

  17. okuokuoku00

    Grade only makes sense if you didn’t watch the SL games.
    On a positive note.. this grades are bullshit and don’t matter. The young guys look good and the potential is there. The progress is worth watching and tracking

  18. earlyearlgray

    These guys have to put this image up in their lockers as motivation

  19. MissASwimming3199

    None of these draft picks will be here past there rookie deals and Grady dick is a massive bust confirmed

  20. Annual_Plant5172

    Why does it matter what someone at Bleacher Report thinks? If these are summer league grades then they’re meaningless anyway.

  21. Ship-in-the-ocean

    Well that’s a joy isn’t it.. man it will hurt next year and hold your skirt- Scottie ain’t the guy..

  22. KartRacerBear

    Is it that shocking? If BR ever paid attention to the Raptors , that would be shocking.

  23. AlbertaBajan

    Summer league is basically just iso ball everyone trying to create their own shots having never played together before. Remember when Wemby had a bad summer league game and everyone said he wasn’t ready? People read too much into it every year, it tells you basically nothing about how players will actually perform within a team’s system and environment so is essentially useless in evaluating whether a player was a good draft pick or not.

  24. Ultimate-ART

    It seems Bleacher is the Jim Cramer of the NBA predictions.


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