@New York Knicks

Hmmm I wonder why…

Hmmm I wonder why…

by Knicks-in-7


  1. jeffschiller

    Good to see he’s also the least self aware player.

  2. Fair_Government_9914

    Embiid might be the most delusional player in the NBA along with that. “I’m just cool”. Yeah, maybe off the court, but on the court is all people care about. And all they see is him making faces, crying to the refs, mocking other players, committing dirty plays…and that was just in the PHI-NY series lol

  3. antonimbus

    I got called for a foul just reading this post.

  4. SteelBrightblade1

    You try to break one opponent’s leg and you start getting labeled this or that

    – Joel, probably

  5. KuntaWuKnicks

    I’ll take “what is a bitch ass Nigga” for $10 please Alex

  6. Only 29 teams hate him, he is good in philly though

  7. Kinda-Alive

    Like does he really not understand? I can’t with how oblivious these players/celebrities are🤦🏻‍♂️

  8. ReleaseTheBlacken

    If the refs love you, fans will hate you

  9. Patty-O-Chair

    He somehow got 2 free throws after making these comments

  10. Hemispheres33

    He’s a bitch and so is his bitch ass coach Nick Nurse. The two were made for each other.

  11. For me it’s: dirty play and never seeming to take any accountability while throwing his teammates under the bus every chance he gets. That’s enough for me.

  12. Someone needs to make a compilation video of all his bitch assery. Dirty plays, complaining, whining, crying, choking, throwing teammates under the bus in interviews.

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