@New Orleans Pelicans



yo what’s up guys Pelicans Columbia here this is going to be another episode of my podcast laa andola this episode we’re going to talk about an interesting topic which is our latest first round pick I Missy why I am so low on him I have been low him before he was linked to the Pelicans and why I consider like moving forward this was not the best decision in draft night and I don’t think this was a decision that was taken at draft night at all because you know that Christian clar reported a week before the draft that the Pelicans were in love with if Missy he was talking in his podcast that his prediction was Missy Missy Missy so you have to assume that he has obviously the Intel and that the Pelican maybe promised if Missy that he if he was available at 21 he was their guide you know cuz teams love to promise players that they like in order to avoid them to work out with many teams so if they feel comfortable with the position that the team that is promising them are taking the draft they do what they what they went is not working out with many teams and basically just um knowing that the the worst case scenario is being picked at 21 so um this is a PO decision my opinion I don’t understand the decision of um drafting uh very Roose Center that has been playing basketball 5 years that is 19 years old that was a fresh a very true freshman in bayor University at this point of the timeline because the Pelicans right now are entering years year six of the process they are not entering year two you know maybe when you are rebuilding you understand that sometimes you want to take flyers on road players in order to uh have a high go side of your Peak but at this point of the process in which you don’t have basically any second round picks in which basically you have to take care of your assets selecting this guy that is not going to be ready from day one that is going to be part of the weakest Center position room of the Western Conference and obviously I think they were like expecting or they are so cornballs that they think that he’s going to be the Derek Lively you know and they can be more different players between Derek Lively and if missing at all so Lively show he he could be a playoffs uh rotational Center this guy is going to struggle in the regular season and even in the Press season screen matches that they are going to play so yeah it will be the the best for him to have some reps in the G League you know um at 19 years old but there’s also something to consider and is that for example the Pelicans are going to have two true centers that are going to be Carlo movich and Daniel T and if one of them is hurt and if mizy is taking a flight to Ontario or is taking a flight to a place very very far from the the arena that the Pelicans are playing what they are going to do so they don’t have a a a large um Center room and that makes if Missy relevant because it might happen that he doesn’t play at all at the G League too much you know only at very specific moments in which the Pelicans don’t have games like three days or something like that and they just use it as a reserve as they have done with other players other rookies that were not having any run with the Pelicans and didn’t play at all with the Birmingham Squadron for the same reason so the thing about having the g- league uh franchise not in the city is that like you have to take a flight you have to like take a car ride or something and sometimes you cannot afford as an NBA team to sacrifice the Player Development uh over maybe your need of having the reserve of Center position so it’s going to be tough for him if he doesn’t have any run this year because obviously is Young he needs to learn a lot of things of basketball um from a center perspective which is a position that is tough to adapt especially as a 19 years old with barely experience in basketball and we’re going to talk about now about some facts about I mizy for example that he had 2.6 offensive board per game in college just 23 minutes played per game this is very encouraging because that’s a good start and the overall rebounding like including the defensive rebounding is not as encouraging at this one but you never know like you always want to have a guy that knows how to crush the offensive boards and gain more possessions for your team you know also he will had a 71 field good percentage in pick and roll actions as the Roan that’s pretty good too as a as a freshman that’s encouraging obviously because he’s basically a finisher the them that I thought that could select him was the Atlanta Hawks because you know Trey young is going to make everyone everyone look good decent at least like Trey young had at a point of his career he had Alex Len as as as his Center and Alex Len only had one season averaging double digits and points and it was that season at at the Atlanta Hawks so if Missi was kind of my favorite fit for him pre-draft was the Atlanta Hawks I’m not sure that thej tooray is that of a talented playmaker and he’s going to fix some of the flows that I’m seeing his game especially not making himself available especially struggling with the strength uh against other centers in the NBA for example and not making illegal screens like this team made last year with Jones valenz and L Jr which was absolutely disgusting and we’re going talk about about it um in this order stat and is that he had three three times more turnovers than assists and that he’s the only prospect drafted at least in my database ER the database that I used I mean which is bar Bor B and he’s the only prospect drafted with less than 4% assists and more than 133% turnovers so but talking about an historical bad player in terms of taking care of the ball and also he doesn’t have any playmaking traits which is what I what I was talking about before comparing him to Derek Lively is just egregious because they are not similar players at all like the traits that make Lively playable in the Dallas Mavericks are weaknesses for each missing so the the other thing are the layups he had 57.8 field goal percentage in layups in college basketball and the NBA average in layups in the regular season in last year was 69 percentage so uh when you think about not like leaving points in the table you have to be very careful with these things your Center cannot be this clumsy like this also sometimes delusional because he’s young like the veterans are always trying to trick the the rookies or the young players and I had to see him in some watch and film watching um missing layups in which his Defender was a small player he missed the layup and he grabs the offensive round and he made the the second chance point the NBA is not going to allow to make those mistakes in an NBA game so Missi um yeah obviously he has skills to make him a first round pick but also has some red flags and you know that in the NBA you don’t have enough with being talented you know you have to be also be able to translate your talents into the game and those things are concerning in my opinion other thing why I was kind of upset was because of this trade and you will say why it’s because the Denver Nuggets wanted to trade up to select Dar holes who recently had a bad injury and they basically wanted to trade up from 28 and they ended up trading with the Phenix son which were one pick after us so I have to assume that the offer was the same to trade up to 21 you know and the offer was Pi 28 which will be like seven spots down pick uh 56 and two and two future second round picks when you see this and you understand like the implications of our lack of second round picks availability also that we don’t have any more the first round picks chest that we used to have of the M trade you have to think what why the they didn’t take this offer because this a really really decent offer to trade down in the first round pick of this draft you basically could also trade down from 28 and select in the first uh picks of the second round in which there was many talented players available I I I probably like more the first 10 picks of the second round that many players in the first round so guys like Tyler Smith guys like Tyler colleag guys like Bobby cland were selected in the first pcks of the second round and if mizy was worth to not take this offer are you talking seriously like you didn’t want two future second round picks to using future trades you didn’t want a pick 56 that you never know maybe Antonio ribs was available at the uh at that big also you know that at the second round if if you want to go to a team because they guaranteed you uh getting you paid you can call the teams and tell them to not select you so probably Antonio ribs will be also attainable at that Peak and trade down from 28 also gives you another future asset so it’s really is Miss worth the the like the cost of opportunity that we just lost with this trade down I don’t know I’m not sure to be honest as I told you I I think that the best thing for him would be having reps basketball at any level obviously Bingham Squadron will be an useful tool I don’t know if Willie Green is going to prioritize like being short of centers in his day game to game basis in order to allow if M to develop in Birmingham I don’t also know if they are ready to transform this player uh into a different player into a way better player in Birmingham with the stuff that they got so it sounds good right like drafting a center at 21 it it sounds really good but then you have to assume the reality and is that you have to develop him that you have to make him bed at things that are really difficult to make him better uh comparation I did with I Missy the other day at the book through media show BR stock shout out to Le and Chris to letting for letting me pull up and talk about him a comp I did was Andrew druman because druman was also a guy with a very low assist percentage and a very high turnover percentage he was also just a f finisher somebody that can’t create for himself as a as a prospect but obviously first of all he was a way better rebounder his NBA career was wasted on rebounds you know and also he was drafted 12 years ago so what what the are we doing here like what the are we doing here for real I don’t understand it I think the pck could be used better at this point you will have future assets to acquire other player for example Nick Richards have been starting for the Charlotte Hornets for a while because Mark Williams have been H and he has been at least playable for them and I don’t know there were many other scenarios in which we don’t have to run the season with a lot of talent but with a very very tiny Center position room a rotation which will include car Movic and Daniel T and probably your F round pick is not going to play at all this year and if he plays he’s likely to struggle so it’s going to be tough I don’t like the pick to be honest I don’t blame him I think he’s just fulfilling his NBA Dream I don’t know nothing at all about his work ethic uh Christian Clark say that they like like him his personality you know the Pelicans are always talking about High character guys also the word is that his progression in bayor was very very impressive so they think that his progression in the NBA is going to go like that I doubt it but yeah another another thing that I don’t know if it has been reported is that uh his family obviously his older sibling thing has been reported for sure because he was at Harvard and he double major then and he’s right now not playing basketball anymore he’s like in the business uh world world but also his his parents have been a a a point of like focus at least it was what I was told in from a utas reporter the UT reporter told me that uh he basically shares agent with a UT ja young player I think is Bryce sensok or something like that yes I think it’s a player and when they were talking about if mizy the reporter told me that uh the agent was very vocal about his parents and that the teams that were like interested in him interviewing with him were also like really interested in the the way that his parents articulate and also like the personalities I don’t know if you know that because it has not been reported yet that his father is like a former um basketball player international basketball player from camon but right now he’s like the CEO of a bank in Africa so he’s in the business perspective too so I have to assume that the Pelicans also like that like uh well raised kid High character guy you know those things that they love to talk about every time but yeah I I I hope that someday we can put a game basketball at the first place of things stop eating the bait of uh potential of upside especially at this point of the process year six we are not expecting any more jump players um coming up and being great we’re expecting wins right now and I don’t think if SM is going to impact winning in his first season if you ask me I think the center rotation is going to be Carlo matovic and Daniel th uh at least until they trade for a center we don’t know that’s going to happen before even the training camp starts I don’t think so but yeah so this going to be everything for this episode I hope you enjoyed the episode this is my perspective as I say I don’t want to blame him I blame the organization that put him in a situation that is not great for him especially our organization that had a full of season of rumors of oh we are building around s Williamson now if Miss it did I think did he didn’t make any jumper any jump shot in his college basketball career so he’s going to be only focused scoring at The Rim so yeah pretty pretty confusing thing but as usual they do some that we don’t understand and it’s kind of tough when you imagine them acting like the human resour team instead of the president of basketball operations you know like this team seems to be run not by a basketball mind but but a from a human resources H Team you know so yeah let’s see what happens I hope him he shuts my mouth and he can be awesome at his career obviously um help us to have a great four seasons of his rookie contract but I doubt it to be honest at this point let’s see how it rolls out and we’re going to see each other in another episode thank you for watching don’t forget to like And subscribe and that’s all yo what’s up guys Pelicans Columbia here this is going to be another episode of my podcast laa and Ola this episode we are going to talk about an interesting topic which is our lest first round pick I Missy why I am so low on him I have been low on him before he was linked to the Pelicans and why I consider like moving forward this was not the best decision in draft night and I don’t think this was a decision that was taken at draft night at all because you know that chrisan Kar reported a week before the draft that the Pelicans were in love with Missy he was talking in his podcast that his prediction was Missy Missy Missy so you have to assume that he has obviously the Intel and that the Pelicans maybe promised if Missy that he if he was available at 21 they he was their guide you know because teams love to promise players that they like in order to avoid them to work out with many teams so if they feel comfortable with the position that the team that is promising them H are making the draft they do what they what they went it’s not working out with many teams and basically just um knowing that the the worst case scenario is being picked at 21 so um this is a poor decision my opinion I don’t understand the decision of um drafting a very Roose Center that has been playing basketball 5 years that is 19 years old that was a fresh a very true freshman in bayor University at this point of the timeline because the Pelicans right now are entering years year six of the process they are not entering year two you know maybe when you are rebuilding you understand that sometimes you want to take flyers or role players in order to uh have a high go side of your Peak but at this point of the process in which you don’t have basically any second round pcks in which basically you have to take care of your assets selecting this guy that is not going to be ready from day one that is going to be part of the weakest Cate position room of the Western Conference and obviously I think they were like expecting or they are so cornballs that they think that he’s going to be the

The New Orleans Pelicans just drafted Yves Missi at 21st overall pick. The Cameroonese center played just one year of college basketball at Baylor University and started playing basketball five years ago. Is it logical to consider the point of the timeline we are at? I don’t think so. This player must put many reps in the G League before becoming impactful with the NBA team.

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  1. We need a rim protector, switchable and spacer 5, in that order. The perfect prototype center for us is Miles Turner. Missi, if he develops well will be a good rim protector and maybe switchable. But right now he is G League material. Probably Thais and Matkovic will compete for the starting spot.

  2. David Griffin is one of the worst GM's in the league. He has accomplished nothing without Lebron, and is still learning on the job. Even after 5 years and full control, he has not constructed a formidable roster. 5 years

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