@Milwaukee Bucks

Milwaukee tried to trade back to #28 plus 2 seconds for their #23 pick

The Nuggets released a draft recap video and I noticed this board from their draft master room (15:04), here. I assume they forgot to blur that part lmao.

Makes a lot of sense considering your pick was seen as a bit of a reach tbh. Maybe this offer was leaked somewhere else already, but thought you might like this tidbit.

by greenwhitehell


  1. FlipMoBitch

    Toronto #19 being available is the most surprising thing here

  2. ProfessionalInjury58

    Appreciate the bit of insight, thanks!

  3. americanbeaver

    Appreciate the post. Makes sense that they tried to move back and it also makes sense that nobody wanted to give up anything to move up.

  4. thomfountain

    Man wish they would’ve been able to. Would’ve loved having the same draft with a couple extra seconds to use at the deadline.

  5. ball_sweat

    Makes sense, nobody was picking AJ Johnson in the first round. We could have moved down to 28, saved a bit of money and grabbed 2 seconds for getting the same player

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