@National Basketball Association

Michael Jordan getting his shit off one post fade at a time

Michael Jordan getting his shit off one post fade at a time

by Insufferable-Asshat


  1. Insufferable-Asshat

    We are so blessed that Jordan didn’t play in the 60s and we have actual footage of this man’s aura. Y’all see how he did Reggie miller in this video lmao

  2. From watching highlights of Jordan, it seems that he favors turning to the middle on his post fades. On the left block he will turn left shoulder towards the middle. On the right block he will turn right shoulder. Occasionally he will turn to the baseline for the fadeaway but far more likely he’s going middle.

  3. Actual-Restaurant-80

    imagine if ant did the kobe method and added mjs moves to his game

  4. waffle-winner

    Who’s that guy? Plays like pocket-size wemby.

  5. IgnorantGenius

    He didn’t even have much of a bag when it came to dribble moves. His first step was just too quick. It was mostly a hesitation or crossover combination into his post fake and then his shot either faded, hung, or went through. Still couldn’t stop it.

  6. Icrytomatoseeds

    Honest question, are they not allowed to double?

  7. supersaiyanegghead

    God his game was beautiful 🐐🐐🐐

  8. The up and under move of his is so beautifully executed.

  9. Impossible-Past4795

    He’s got the swaggiest dribble and shot of all time.

  10. Michael Jordan is the one sports athlete that imo improved the most from his first year in college to his first pro season to each following pro season after his rookie year.

    And what’s crazy is that Michael Jordan was ACC Freshman of the Year, then National College Player of the Year and then NBA Rookie of the Year/All NBA lol.

    His ballhandling and shooting improved more from his first season in college and the NBA than I’ve ever seen, and then he just kept getting better and more athletic, fluid, smooth, tighter, concise, precise, controlled, effective and efficient each preceding season.

    It was like watching the 8th wonder of the world in real time for all of the sports fans that began watching him as a freshman at North Carolina like me.

    I have never witnessed anything like Jordan’s development path from where he began to where he finished. He was truly a once in a lifetime player and talent.

  11. Lacabloodclot9

    I’m assuming that’s a typo in the title and you meant to say shot, still works either way tbh

  12. TomatoSauce587

    God the way he shoots and moves is so picturesque, he has possibly the prettiest shot ever

  13. MJ would be nice with the travel pivot step-thrus the players can do these days.

  14. Miserable-Lawyer-233

    I’m just seeing one bad shot selection after another. If he backed up a little, the same shot would be worth 3 points. Even with a lower chance of making it, the extra point per shot increases overall scoring efficiency.

  15. Public-Product-1503

    Look at all that physical defrnce . Lmao they are fouls but it’s hilarious old heads act like it was so physical when he’s getting lightly touched and 1 foul calls . This year post ASB was way more physical then normal

  16. Robinsonirish

    The stupid thing about this segment is that it’s clipped from different games. You don’t have to do that, it makes it seem like this wasn’t a regular occurrence.

    You can go on Youtube, go to any Jordan game, it doesn’t matter and he does this 10 times per game. It was automatic and not rare at all.

  17. jeanroyall

    Slight travel on the last one, he slides his pivot foot somehow. Shouldn’t even be possible but he does it

    Super subtle though

  18. Qoppa_Guy

    Doesn’t matter what his career FG% was — his post fade and shot were just automatic buckets. Hated it then, appreciate it now.

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