@Minnesota Timberwolves

Anthony Edwards vs. Serbia in Group C play: 11 points | 5 Rebounds | 1 Assist | 1 Steal | 4/6 FG | 19 Minutes

Anthony Edwards vs. Serbia in Group C play: 11 points | 5 Rebounds | 1 Assist | 1 Steal | 4/6 FG | 19 Minutes

by SadMathematician7799


  1. yourloudneighbor

    He and KD speared the first quarter comeback. Mostly KD but ant made some plays. Some dumb turnovers still but that’s what ant does with a decent lead.

  2. JaderMcDanersStan

    And an awesome block on the first play after he subbed in!

  3. SnarfSniffsStardust

    I’m worried Kerr is gunna sit him like he did Tatum in one of these matchups

  4. Great game. I think mostly let the game come to him, played great defense, wasn’t afraid to take a shot when needed but otherwise just played great ball and brought some really good energy to the team.

    He’ll have his moment to shoot more, but with KD sniping and LBJ cooking later in the game Ant was a support piece. Looked really good though, you can tell everyone, even the Curry/KD/LeBron guys, feed off his energy

    ah, and one thing missing from the stat line in the title — one really nice block early in the game as Serbia was trying to pull away with a quick lead

  5. psychadelicrock

    Starting Booker is pure Edwards spite by Kerr

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