@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers Jerami Grant Trade Close To Done?

Lakers Jerami Grant Trade Close To Done?

Lakers Trade For Jerami Grant maybe close to finished based on recent comments by Zach Lowe on his Lowe Post podcast. Lakers News of Jerami Grant would be huge for the Lakers and give them a bonified 3rd option along with a sizeable 3&d player. Jerami Grant could really help Lakers Nation take Stride to a NBA Championship.

#Lakers #lakerstrade #jeramigrant


  1. Nobody wants jermi grant bum ass! We need Markkenen Trae young or Mitchell. That’s the only trades I’ll accept

  2. I don’t think he’s good he had opportunities to have 30 pt games last year with no lilard there never saw it happen

  3. Yall not top 5 right now and Jeremy grant is a really good upgrade but not 3 with him more like 5th getting him maybe even confidently. Bron and AD were healthy as they have been in a long time last year, one of the only playoff teams that made no improvements @ all to this point, good draft pick, ready now but he’s not going to be much of an impact this szn and if you get grant the bench is even worst then it already is.. shoulda atleast kept Dwindee unless max christie can play valuable minutes and be impactful and maybe he will but this team has a couple more moves to go and even though yall have those 2 superstars Bron is another szn older, AD isn’t young either.

  4. Great work by Rob! Not getting fleeced for two firsts. Blazers probably wanted Reaves, Rui, Gabe to clear the salary. Rob wouldn’t do that for Jerami’s horrible contract and 4 years for a 30yo.

    My guy, it’s supposed(Lee) not blee but love your pods and passion for lakers

  5. If we trade for grant that’s literally the only trade we can really make unless we trade vando n reaves I wouldn’t mind trading reaves he’s overrated gets dominated by guards in the west 30 mill so rui Vincent min contract plus a 1st then i guess we’ll have Russel vando reaves n this situation I would try to trade Russell and wood a first and protection off 2027 for sexton and Kessler n we get all 3 needs that we wanted…would come a little late because we deff coulda had Trent too who woulda been huge n most likely dinwiddle

  6. I honestly also think the biggest iq play would be trading dlo rui wood and another min salary+2 seconds for Lavine and a first now we have 3 firsts trade reaves kencht jhs 3 firsts take the protection off 2027 and we get both Lavine and Lauri out of it but still get to keep Vincent and vando to balance out all that offense n have our 2 point of the attack defenders still….if there was a way to throw in Hayes salary and add a couple more 1st swaps to get Kessler in there it would be reaves rui dlo wood kencht jhs reddish 2 firsts 2b seconds protection off 2027 2-3 pick swaps for Lavine lauri Kessler…if we were to get that 3rd first from Chicago which I think is highly possible I think that would be a blown away offer for Utah

  7. if pelinka giving up rui, vando and 2 frps the trade has to be jerami grant and…… all that for just grant no sir he not that much of an impact player

  8. Nepotism stfu , his daddy did this his daddy did that , finally a black person that been an upstanding citizen has the power to get his son who can turn out to be a decent back up ,,, if he was white it be ok right …. ( it’s cool when they dot it / it’s a problem when I do it ) type shit …. He’ll be fine he improved so that’s a step in the right direction , it’s just confidence. N if the lakers wanted to draft him then so be , rob made the call so why the fuck y’all so mad. Cuz he took 55th pick …Nigga please ( Sho nuff voice ) any nobody past the 35 pick amounted to anything special so I don’t want to hear that Bs

  9. GRANT for VandO & RUI ?? NOPE !!NO! NO WAY😮!! HE is our PHYSICAL PRESENCE**But 2 F P'S maybe? JUST RUN IT BACK.with(– Spencer/Prince)(+ KNECTH & HINSON)..

  10. i think the deal probably be gabe, jhs and rui and reddish plus one 1st top 3 protected and one pick swap unprotected for jeremy grant i think this is the frame of the deal

  11. If they aren't asking 2nd rd picks then forget it. Why trade Rui and Vandy. Rob pelinka needs to be investigated. Would be stupid move

  12. Lakers 2026 starting lineup
    PG REAVES3 – leagues slowest pg 3 pt % still going down but so is his handicap. Austin says, all the work I put into golf in the off season is finally paying off
    SG BRONNY shortest sg in league coming off best season avg 4.1 pts and 2 assists (all to lebron) in 34 mpg
    C- CASTELTON 6'9.5 finally after 6 yrs in g league jenny and Rob (well robs son who has taken over position) on a 10 yr contract feels he can get Hurley ) declare him the big man we been missing sign him to a 5 yr 222 mil contract no trade clause
    PF BRON…hints retirement but Bryce has mentioned his best friend setting records in rec league mite want stuck around 1 more yr we could trade reaves for a 1st and get him
    SF BRYCE JAMES . Height and stats unavailable but lebron said he'll he as good as half dudes in the nba right now so lakers take him with 2nd rd pic #55 they traded Dalton knecht for
    Bench key players
    pg schinifino signs new contract la thinks once reaves get tour card he gone fino should be ready
    Sg chris paul replacement hip declared ready to go
    C …Jenny leaves this spot open never know when quality backup may come along, rui and bron both say they can play here some. Some fans get Dwight Howard or javell mcgee😮
    Pf Rui. Back from Japanese nat team promised to get his weight under 320 looks to contribute 4 or 5 minutes game
    Sf we finally pulled off trade for jermany grant, now 38 but taking some meds Lebron gave him to stay in shape.

    Greag news bronny has adopted 15 yr old kid says it's also his dream to play with his son in the nba . Lakers have pic 55 available in 4 yrs.

  13. Yah la bum shame fans don't know ish about basketball no grant no body wants to play with la bum there is a lot of trolling out I don't believe none of these reports

  14. So, here are my thoughts:

    1) Rui has a higher ceiling than Grant, and I’m not just saying that because Rui is younger, because it’s not by that much. The problem is that Rui isn’t a great fit for the Lakers, mostly because we are catering to LBJ’s old age, as LBJ doesn’t want to defend 3s, forcing Rui to play out of position. Rui is a 4 on offense and defense, but LBJ wants to be a 4 on both sides of the floor, so Rui is literally being played in a suboptimal way on both ends of the floor. The fact that we were a much better team with Rui starting, despite being forced out of position by LBJ, shows just how much of a ceiling Rui has. Now, if it were just LBJ that was in Rui’s way, I’d just say to stomach it until LBJ retires. The problem is that AD has also been forced out of his preferred position by LBJ as well, and has been begging to primarily be a PF since his first press conference as a Laker. So Rui isn’t just being played out of position now, but will also continue to be in the future, because AD will ask the Lakers to get a starting Center as soon as LBJ retires.

    2) the Lakers always wanted a 3/D SF, but no team was willing to give us a fair price. The Wizards gave us a fair price, but false advertised Rui as capable of being a perimeter player. They told the Lakers he can guard 2-4 effectively, and that he’s much quicker on his feet than when he came in the league. Some of us were saying that was a lie, but the Lakers bought it, and started him at SF, only to find out that he really isn’t a SF, and he can only guard 4-5 effectively. So as good as Rui has been, he’s never been the answer, but considering we didn’t have many physical bigs on the team to help AD out with big man work, Rui was pretty useful at helping AD defend Jokic, although they aren’t enough size for that man. Jeremi Grant is the type of player we were looking for, not a PF.

    3) Rui is a perfect fit for the Blazers, because he’s a true PF. Grant is a SF that can play PF, as a lot of PFs these days are really SFs 10 years ago, but some teams still play true PFs. If the Blazers want to be a more physical 2-way team, Rui is perfect for them. On the Lakers, Rui couldn’t be a 2-way player, because he is being played out of position, but on the Blazers he would be played in his proper position, where he will be a plus defender. We already know Rui is good on offense whether he is played at the 4 or 3, simply because he can shoot the heck out of the ball. One of the prettiest shooting forms I’ve seen. This is why I don’t think we should be giving the Blazers 2 first round picks, because both teams are benefiting equally from the players swapping alone. We don’t want Robert Williams either, because he’s always hurt, but maybe we can get Ayton instead in a bigger deal since they drafted Clingan, and he can be the future starting center when LBJ retires and AD moves to the 4. Then we can justify 2 first round picks, 2 first round pick swaps, and a couple 2nd round picks to sweeten the pot.

    4) Vando is an elite defensive wing, capable of defending 1-3 effectively, but got bullied by some 4s, which is how he lost play time to Rui the year before in the conference finals against Denver, as Aaron Gordon was just too strong for him. Vando is truly a SF that can’t shoot, and has been forced to play PF for most of his career, starting in Minnesota, because he couldn’t spread the floor, which is why Minnesota decided to move on with McDaniels, who is like Vando defensively, but can shoot the 3 respectively. So if Vando could hit the 3, we wouldn’t be looking at Grant, and we would just bring Rui off the bench and run the bench unit offense through Rui and Reaves, with LBJ or AD staggering. Now there has been a lot of talk about Vando working on his 3, but he’s been working on it since his Minnesota days, so I wouldn’t hold my breath for him to become a 3/D. Make no mistake, Vando isn’t necessarily a problem on offense just because he can’t shoot. He does a lot of things that help on offense, but not enough to be considered a 2-way player. Vando is more of a 1.5-way player. Grant is a 2-way player though, and always has been. Grant on defense was Vando before Vando, as we remember his defense when he was in Denver, before he went to collect the bag in Detroit and try to be the guy. Well, he isn’t a #1 or #2, but can easily be a #3 or 4, allowing him to put his focus back towards defense, while still being respected as a threat on offense. I still think D’lo would be our 3rd best scorer, but Grant would have the 3rd best impact if he is played as a high end 3/D.

    5) this trade would be great, because we have a log jam of PFs, and most of them can’t play PF due to LBJ dominating the PF minutes, and are forced to play out of position. Trading Rui and Vando for Grant would give us a true starting 3, while clearing up minutes for AD to play a lot more 4, and open up minutes for C-Wood or another center we might bring in. People forget that C-Wood was a bucket before we acquired him, but couldn’t find the floor because of Darvin Ham’s obsession with small ball. C-Wood isn’t the center to help us with big teams like Denver, but he is a good rebounder, and can help us with Sacramento and Minnesota. Against Jokic we need a strong physical center to prevent Jokic from getting under the rim and hitting his patented hook shot, but our issue against the Kings and Minny was more so a rebounding issue, where AD wasn’t getting backed down and punked 1v1, but that he didn’t have any help cleaning up the boards, and got killed on put backs. C-Wood in just a few games last year, with few minutes, put up some double doubles, and the C-Wood, AD, LBJ front court was one of our best. C-Wood is not a guy you tell to go to the corner for spot up 3s, but he can shoot them at a very efficient percentage, as he shot 38% in Dallas the year before. He’s a great fit next to AD, and they should share the court together more often. He also moves his feet well in space, but surprisingly he was better on the perimeter than in the post, which is why we still need a big strong physical center, but despite not being the most physical big man, C-wood is very lengthy and gobbles up rebounds. We should probably trade Hayes in some deal as well if the rumors are true that we might still target Val. Trading Rui and Vando for Grant leaves us with an open spot, which we can go get our true big man with, whether it’s Val or some other guy we haven’t looked at, because out of all the centers we have been rumored with, most of them won’t cut it, and the ones that will are not really available or too expensive. This would allow a center rotation of AD, C-Wood, and X true center, allowing AD to move to the PF when LBJ is sitting, and depending on the matchup, we play one of the back up centers more minutes. Then for the games that AD is out hurt or load managing, C-Wood can start in AD’s place, as he is a poor man’s AD, and you’ll still have the true center in case you have to go big, moving C-Wood to the 4 in spurts (only when AD is out). This is important why we don’t trade for a center who is injury prone, because we need them available to give us that front court versatility to play big if needed. This is why we cannot take Robert Williams back in a trade.

    6) now if this trade never happens, I won’t be sad, because I do like Rui and Vando in a vacuum, but the trade would be optimal is all I’m saying.

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