@Cleveland Cavaliers

[Woj] Cleveland Cavaliers center Jarrett Allen has agreed on a three-year, $91 million maximum extension that’ll now guarantee him $131 million over the next five years, his agent Derrick Powell tells ESPN.

[Woj] Cleveland Cavaliers center Jarrett Allen has agreed on a three-year, $91 million maximum extension that’ll now guarantee him $131 million over the next five years, his agent Derrick Powell tells ESPN.

by ThatOneOtherAsshole


  1. ThatOneOtherAsshole

    Don’t think he’s getting moved lol

  2. Redmon425

    WOW DID NOT EXPECT. I remember talking about this on the sub awhile back, but this is 100% the right move.

    Even if you believe Mobley’s best development will come from playing Center, this is such a good contract for us with Allen that he would be a grade trade asset a year or two from now. Would expect a good return for him.

    And obviously if we can make the big duo work, that would be great as well.

    A+ in my opinion!

  3. GeneralStorer

    u/fearthefropod you can keep the pod name for a few more years.

  4. Hold_my_Dirk

    Will this stop half of fans around the league from saying the Cavs should trade him for pennies on the dollar? Probably not, but we might get a few weeks of quiet.

  5. Stranger_Alarmed

    Unexpected but deserved. Core four locked down for the next few years

  6. thehildabeast

    Idiots what a joke the only good thing about Allen was him being underpaid on his contract. Koby Altman Is probably drunk at the wheel again.

  7. Mobleybetta

    Damn not only are they not breaking up the core 4 they are doubling down

  8. munistadium

    I called this the other day in that DFS post. This is why if/when Okoro is moved it will be for a bunch of weird pieces on short-term deals. The long-term salary cap ramifications are out there.

    I could actually see them doing a massive 2008 style roster turnover when they do trade Okoro, Garland and some pieces in a massive re-shuffle of remaining pieces outside of Mitchell, Mobley and Allen.

  9. JesusFreakingChrist

    He’ll continue to be on one of the best contracts in the league and will be extremely tradable next off season if need be

  10. jkunktbone

    Well deserved. Can’t wait to watch him again next year.

  11. EternalWolf86

    Going from defensive coach to offensive coach with the ideal player coach in the waiting with this group.

    I know people don’t see it now, but I think we are going to get significant minutes of Mobley at the 3. Atkinson talked about him bringing the ball out more, increase his 3 point shots and let him figure the rest out offensively while Wade plays the Love role at the 4. Mobley can guard 3-5 defensively and switches with Wade and Mobley arent a problem.

  12. That’s honestly going to be a steal again as the cap goes up.

  13. privateenergy

    I can’t believe there were people that wanted him to be traded. Jarret Allen makes up for so many of our defensive deficiencies

  14. extension years feel about right. still movable. this move makes sense.

  15. keeps a good player locked up and still at a value contract especially with the cap about to jump from the new tv deals, great if we decide to keep him long term and still an easily tradeable contract

  16. the_iceman_cometh

    Great value. He is still at 20 mil the next two years.

    By the time it bumps up to 30ish the cap will be much higher. We now have him locked down through his prime at a very reasonable price for an above average starting center.

    If they decide next year he and Mobley cant both work long term this will help his trade value.

  17. Wiseoldman738383

    While the big 4 isn’t the best fit, those 4 on the same court is the most fun basketball I’ve watched since early LeBron years. (Besides 2016 of course). So I’m glad they are doubling down on the core.

  18. ![gif](giphy|l0HlQ7LRalQqdWfao)

    My feelings

    Fuck the doubters

  19. Ok_Schedule_2766

    This also gets you a better haul for him if they end up trading JA

  20. Zee_WeeWee

    Always wanted to keep JA. Unfortunately I still think DG has to go to take a step forward

  21. Good to secure him. $30.3M a year will be very fair by the time his salary spikes up compared to what everyone in the league is getting these days. If he stays and Kenny Atkinson can make him and Mobley work together, awesome. If not, trading someone with 5 years on their deal is way more valuable than 2.

  22. Sweatytubesock

    That’s a smart deal for Cleveland, honestly.

  23. mindpainters

    I love this move ! But I don’t really remember even hearing real rumors about it.

    Even if you aren’t a JA fan this contract will be a great trade at next season

  24. Expensive_Dig9008

    Smart move. Control the assets and he was on a good contract. This is huge for stability.

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