@National Basketball Association

[Wojnarowski] Cleveland Cavaliers center Jarrett Allen has agreed on a three-year, $91 million maximum extension that’ll now guarantee him $131 million over the next five years, his agent Derrick Powell tells ESPN.

[Wojnarowski] Cleveland Cavaliers center Jarrett Allen has agreed on a three-year, $91 million maximum extension that’ll now guarantee him $131 million over the next five years, his agent Derrick Powell tells ESPN.

by PlayaSlayaX


  1. The1AndOnlyJZ

    My Ingram-Allen nerd trade fantasy is now gone

  2. Sparrow_Wilson

    Do cavs fans still think Mobley/Allen can work?

  3. browndude10

    Damn weren’t there tons of trade rumors of him ?

  4. The numbers are so skewed now that this sounds low to me lol.

  5. Domainsetter

    Interesting. Not the max term but probably a bit higher AAV than most expect

  6. Bucketsdntlie

    I love Allen, but that’s a lot of money for a true center who hasn’t exactly impressed in the playoffs….

  7. Classics22

    Season ends with everyone like “Mitchell, Garland, Allen, and Mobley don’t work/fit well together” and Cleveland just goes and signs all of them to big extensions lol

  8. passiveparrot

    honestly i thought he would get some crazy rudy gobert contract lol

  9. jumboponcho

    Don’t you have to keep Garland if you’re committing to Mobley/Allen? He’s the only available PG who has the ability to create offense for them and space the floor

  10. Tbh that’s a great deal. Same deal as Hartenstein and Allen is the better center imo. I think the Cavs can find a lot of interested teams at that price point

  11. Redmon425

    Before the casuals come out… this is a great move for the Cavs.

    Even if you believe Mobley’s best development will come from playing Center, this is such a good contract for us with Allen that he would be a grade trade asset a year or two from now. Would expect a good return for him.

    And obviously if we can make the big duo work, that would be great as well.

    A+ in my opinion!

  12. Everyday_ImSchefflen

    Regardless of your belief on the pairing of Allen and Mobley, this is such an excellent contract for the value JA brings to a team.

  13. darthllama

    That seems pretty like pretty good value. Even if the Allen/Mobley combo doesn’t work, that contract doesn’t kill their cap space and should be pretty easy to trade for a decent return

  14. the_iceman_cometh

    Great value. He is still at 20 mil the next two years.

    By the time it bumps up to 30ish the cap will be much higher. We now have him locked down through his prime at a very reasonable price for an above average starting center.

    If they decide next year he and Mobley cant both work long term this will help his trade value.

  15. Electrical-Mule-2057

    I like it. All they need is the entire team to be healthy to reevaluate.

    Fingers crossed they have a Minnesota Timberwolves redemption arc.

  16. Fuck you doubters but especially fuck the fans and teams of Heat, OKC, Magic.

    Lakers and Knicks are not on this list they are on a list im not allowed to say whats really on my mind about them.

  17. RVAIsTheGreatest

    That’s definitely a moveable salary and Jarrett deserves it. We saw his value in the playoffs. His offensive value goes understated…averaged 16.5 and 3 assists, his screening, his rolling, his passing/finishing out of the roll, he’s got the midrange jumper he’s really worked hard on and he knocks that down at a high rate…he’s better offensively than Mobley. The defensive impact is big but the offensive impact is even bigger considering Mobley’s defensive abilities.

    Cavs are committed to this team at least for this year. Atkinson lobbied for Jarrett Allen and believes in his talent and loved him from his time in Brooklyn. Really what this does is add the stakes and pressure on both Atkinson and Mobley…he’s gotta take a step forward offensively for this team to take off.

  18. beefJeRKy-LB

    Allen is better for sure but I do think having Poeltl locked in at 20 a year for the next 3 years makes him incredibly attractive for a trade later on.

  19. Send one of these front court beasts to New York. Thank you.

  20. ErrForceOnes

    Ninety one million dollars can buy a lot of Haruki Murakami books.

  21. LukaDoncicfuturegoat

    I really like what the Cavs did, try to bring everyone back with a new coach.

    They were plagued with injuries this year and their roster is still young, they could easily pivot for an other approach by trading Garland/Allen later.

    Garland had one of his best regular season in 2022/2023 with Mitchell, this year is jaw completely fucked his season.

    Allen was arguably the best player during the Orlando/Cavs series when he was healthy.

    It’s a young team and they need more playoffs experience before selling one of their players, don’t sell low if you’re not oblige to do it.

  22. ShockaDrewlu

    Rough offseason for the “Cavs have to blow it up” contingent.

  23. boogswald

    YOU KNOW WHATS UP BABY LETS GOOOOOOOO😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

    Someday he will be my best friend

  24. VictorWembanyamaMVP

    This is such a great investment for Cleveland. Fits their needs and would be very easy to move if they decide to pivot. Probably close to his ceiling already but he is still very good right now.

  25. Honestly underpay given how good Allen has been the last couple years.

  26. As long as Giannis and Embiid are in the conference I’m good with keeping Allen and Mobely. I get the temptation to go smaller but those are two talented bigs.

  27. a-random-gal

    Almost thought my goat Dwight Powell was his agent.

  28. FoucaultsTurtleneck

    I’m really happy Allen is in a spot where he’s being paid and appreciated

  29. Still don’t think the Allen/Mobley front court and Garland/Mitchell backcourt will work in the playoffs. All are very good players, but it’s too duplicative in both strengths and weaknesses.

  30. TommyTookALook666

    always a player i wish i had on my team. grats cavs

  31. the_iceman_cometh

    For perspective, Rudy Gobert (arguably the best non-shooting big right now) will have a player option for 46 mil/yr at age 33 in 25/26 while this extension for Allen will kick in the next year at 28 mil/yr for his age 28 season and take him through his age 30 season when he will make 32 mil/yr.

    Or in other words, Rudy will be making around 31% of the cap when he is 31-33, while Allen will be making around 16% of the cap when he is 28-30.

    I get the question marks with Mobley/Allen, but this is a really good deal for an above average starting center.

  32. AccomplishedBake8351

    Very solid contract. I could see multiple teams interested if they opt to go that route. Obviously Mobley will have value too. Really it’s just garland that’s got a value problem.

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