@Denver Nuggets

So why is he playing?

I get the draw to play in the Olympics. But.

by RoosterEmotional5009


  1. ionictime

    You answered the question. Being an Olympian and having a real chance at a medal is a huge draw. Most people would take that. Imagine the regret if he missed it

  2. Stackedwrap69

    He wants a chance at a medal. Not many players have a medal and a ring. Pretty elite company

  3. Kingrush24

    The draw comes from the Canadian maple syrup payout they get for playing for the national team😂

  4. Sprinklewoodz

    He wants to represent his home country, it obviously means a lot to him. He was hurt, but he’s still good enough to help them get a medal. That’s why he’s playing, because he wants to and even while hurt is good enough to be on the team.

  5. BrockSmashgood

    It doesn’t sound like you get it, despite your claim that you do.

  6. Pure-Temporary

    You know how many players have a medal and a ring? It’s not a lot.

  7. ruggnuget

    How many nba players even get a chance at a medal? Let alone the general public. Its a unique opportunity. Most people i his situation would do the same

  8. The NBA isn’t everything. An Olympics medal is arguable more valuable to player than a ring.

  9. He wants to win for Canada on the worlds biggest stage, while you just cry online

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