@National Basketball Association

Draymond Green goes off on high school prospects for crying for calls and encourages them to play the game smarter

Draymond Green goes off on high school prospects for crying for calls and encourages them to play the game smarter

by Goosedukee



    Watch people bash Draymond and call him a hypocrite even though he’s 100% right. He had the luxury to do some of the things he’s done in the NBA because he’s a damn good NBA player and the Warriors simply just can’t get rid of him since he’s too important for what they do. A luxury none of the guys he’s talking to has.

  2. Enchanted-2-meet-you

    Good now pls tell them not to punch teammates and ruin a really vibey championship team


    More prospects need to hear this shit. Especially the part about how they think they can stop working hard now.

  4. What next, he tells them to not play dirty and cheap shot guys?

  5. ThingsAreAfoot

    What do you guys think Draymond would be like post-retirement as a Deion Sanders-like college coach?

  6. jak_d_ripr

    This is the most frustrating part about Draymond, he’s obviously a very smart guy but somehow cannot stop himself from saying and doing dumb shit.

    Well I’m glad to see him using his mistakes to hopefully help the next generation not repeat them.

  7. guitarpatch

    Draymond complains and he certainly crosses the line at times. However his point is that he’s in a position to do so as a nba level player. He’s at the top

    If you’re trying to make the next level and it’s not a given you will get or stay there, it’s a complete waste of energy that also affects everyone around you. You’re simply not helping yourself or your teammates. (Obviously this applies to Draymond in the nba once there’s questions about him keeping a spot)

    Play the game. Make the extra pass, make the correct read, take the open shot that’s in rhythm, etc…

  8. fostyinthebuilding

    He’s arguably the 3rd best player on 4 championship teams

    Most likely going 1st ballot HOF he has the right to say this

    If you ask some people he’s even 1 or 2 on those teams

  9. Goolsby_Scroggins

    Seems like a lot of people are commenting without watching the video, lol. He highlights the fact that he has this exact same issue, and slaps a monetary figure on it.

  10. _Tar_Ar_Ais_

    imagine a field of prospects yelling “annddddd oneee” after every drive like Siakam and his brother Pascal though

  11. Karl_Marx_

    Do as I say not as I do. Still great advice though.

  12. ultralitebiim

    Dead on with everything he’s saying, but I can only think of a few messengers that could be worse.

  13. Putrid-Bat-5598

    I don’t care that DG is the one giving the message or him being a “hypocrite” or none of that.

    But isn’t it ridiculous that in modern day NBA you have to “earn” calls when you’ve been clearly fouled based on how important you are to the NBA brand (i.e. whether you’re known for “doing something”)?

    Just to clarify again I don’t blame Draymond for this. He is just giving the kids the reality of professional basketball.

    I just find it sad that rules are either bent or ignored for some and not for others.

    The reason a lot of us love and watch sports is because it is unlike everything else in life. It’s a scenario where you have two sides who have an equal opportunity to win because everyone is subject to the same rules.

    Biased refs catering to their NBA billionaire bankrollers by protecting their “star” players ruins that.

    And the fact that teenagers have to be punished for pointing out that someone broke the established rules, simply because they haven’t “done enough” to earn them the ability to play the game fairly is so fucking sad to me.

    TL;DR: No disrespect to DG, he is telling them the reality of the world – but it is sad that professional basketball players have to “earn” the right to be treated fairly by the refs and to play the game by the rules.

  14. PerfectAstronaut

    They’ve all been watching Spencer Dinwiddie tape

  15. FlakyEarWax

    Is Dray out the league? He looking a little big back

  16. TW_Yellow78

    Its like the Dad who realizes their kids learned their atrocious behavior from him.

  17. thearsenalweah

    Love this from my guy but also the “quite frankly I can’t keep up with ya’ll going to the rim right now” to some college prospects is not the greatest sign for his season 😬

  18. star_nerdy

    That’s like Draymond complaining about a kid committing too many technical fouls.

  19. ArtfulLying

    I want dray to come back after Steve retires to coach the warriors lmao 50/50 chance it goes horribly wrong or surprisingly well.

  20. OldKingRob

    The same kids that watch Luka, Tatum, LeBron, Draymond, etc, all throw tantrums for not getting calls?

    Those same kids?

  21. Vehkseloth

    Play the game smarter… like choke the player or stomp on their chest…. Look he is right about this but … sometimes it’s hard hearing him say one thing then seeing him do other things

  22. right message, completely wrong messenger for it 😂😂😂😂😂

  23. FlatAd768

    To hear draymond say “stop crying, don’t complain” is baffling

  24. According-Pen34

    Your good now so you are more likely to stop working hard 🔥

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