@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Georges Niang on Ben Simmons’ holdout in Philly: “F–k that dude”

[Highlight] Georges Niang on Ben Simmons’ holdout in Philly: “F–k that dude”

by ashwinr136



    I’m assuming he hasn’t gotten the opportunity to play against him

  2. Kwilly462

    I don’t think anyone in the NBA likes Ben. Tolerates him, sure. But no one respects him.

  3. jimmylamstudio

    Well, there you go NBA, schedule that Christmas game

  4. YourFormerBestfriend

    I wonder if some Nets players feel that way too. That group chat without Simmons must be live with this

  5. LaandheereKage

    Coulda sworn this guy had a heavy accent last time I heard him talk

  6. NittanyScout

    We need Richard Jeferson and Zach Galifianakis to do a between 2 ferns interview but it’s just them roasting ben Simmons live for 30 minutes. Instant classic

  7. asdfjkl12889

    i find it odd that he was more focused on ben making him better rather than him focusing on making himself better.

  8. smallskeletal

    Watching the clip it definitely seems like it was less about the holdout and Niang was moreso pissed that when he and Ben crossed paths in the facility and Niang tried to be friendly with him, Ben couldn’t be bothered to even try to give him the bare minimum of common courtesy in return

  9. x_TDeck_x

    I know RJ didn’t know it would turn into a good clip but him sipping like that is sooo funny. Its like the puppet sipping meme lol

  10. Let’s be real if any of us at our jobs saw someone uber talented that didn’t want to work yet got paid big, it would drive us crazy too.

  11. What’s with the hate on Ben? As someone with back problems, trust me, that stuff is serious…

  12. NaLu_LuNa_FairyPiece

    Watching Ben after growing up on guys like Jordan, Iverson, Reggie Miller, Kobe, etcetc… it’s like watching a robot play. Where’s the “F**K YOU im gona beat yo ass in basketball!” mentality?

    It’s like watching a tall rich guy who likes to play basketball but doesn’t love it so he doesn’t give a shit about winning.

    That Trae Young becoming Mutombo play is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen

  13. No_Gap_2134

    Simmons likely will be done when his contract expires. I don’t see any team taking on that headache..

  14. DJMagicHandz

    Great Value Draymond Green says words…more news at 11.

  15. JosephCurrency

    They really gotta just get table mics for their guests. People gesture when they’re telling stories, and that’s a bad recipe when they’re also trying to hold a microphone.

    That said, I was on a Southwest Airlines flight one time, coming back from an event with a client. The client was in the window seat, and I was in the aisle. The Santa Cruz Warriors were also on the flight. Georges Niang asked if that middle seat was open and pretended to climb his 6’7″, 230-pound frame across me. Then he said, “Nah, I’m just playing,” and walked to the back of the plane. Amazing. Wish him the best.

  16. Jayrodtremonki

    Mad respect for a 6’7 guy who had announcers making jokes about how he couldn’t jump over a phone book in college that has carved out a role in the league for this long.  

  17. iunrealx1995

    Here come Ben’s orthopedists to defend him in the comments.

  18. bmanley620

    Drinking game idea:

    1. Call an ambulance and tell them you have alcohol poisoning

    2. Start the video

    3. Take a shot every time he says “like”

    4. Take a shot every time he says “fuck” or “fucking”

    5. Hope the ambulance arrives before you die

    Edit: after listening again please wait 5 minutes between steps 1 and 2 to increase your chances of survival

  19. WholeWideHeart

    The NBA in the era of too many podcasts is offering a lot of entertaining BS drama for fans to enjoy during the off-season.

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