@Philadelphia 76ers

[Barkley on Podcast P] Charles Barkley says Joel Embiid is out of shape and should be embarrassed by his Olympic performance

[Barkley on Podcast P] Charles Barkley says Joel Embiid is out of shape and should be embarrassed by his Olympic performance

by VanHalen843


  1. Squintsisgod

    100% agree. I’m embarrassed as a Sixers fan watching him. He’s clearly not in elite shape like so many of the other guys in the roster. If he continues to have a lackluster approach to being in top shape he’ll get injured again this year and we’ll exit in the first or second round.

  2. herplexed1467

    The world collectively has such a short term memory. This is a man coming off a mid-season knee surgery to repair his meniscus in fucking FEBRUARY. Given his injury history, and the few scares we had down the stretch, not to mention the YEARS of punishment he has undergone due to being the ONLY scoring option on the team until Maxey came along… like, wtf do people want from him? He’s clearly out of shape because he couldn’t fucking run or do conditioning for like a month, and then was expected to take us to a deep playoff run? It’s not easy to put your body through that much punishment and come out the other side with renewed motivation on little in-between rest. Give the man a break, he’s doing his best.

  3. SixersProcessing

    He’s playing a different role on Team USA. I’m not concerned about his play. I am worried about his lack of jumping and lateral movement. Hopefully it’s something he is purposely doing to prevent further injury and not a limitation of his body

  4. BrokenManOfSamarkand

    Personally, I find all the critiquing of individual players or coaching/rotation decisions to just be boring and low effort when we’re smashing the competition.

  5. I mean we all see how he looks out there. His lift and mobility are really, really limited right now. I don’t think he’s necessarily out of shape, I just think he looks like he’s not even close to recovered from injury and is rushing back. Which doesn’t help with fitness ofcourse, since he can’t train properly cause he has a bum fucking knee. Rushing him back so quickly for playoffs and immediately into Olympics is playing with dice man. This is Isiah playing on a broken ankle territory.

  6. cjmaguire17

    Every offseason he’s been out of shape he followed it up with averaging more ppg than the prior year. I’m thinking 38 ppg this season

  7. It’s almost as if he had a torn meniscus that he rushed back from and took some time off to rest lol

  8. Deep_Egg1442

    He’s fat but we still avg 35 in the regular szn and postseason

  9. davidmcfc_

    he’s fine, he’s saving himself for the season, let him get his medal in peace

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