@Denver Nuggets

Dirk compares his fadeaway to Joker’s Sombor Shuffle

Dirk compares his fadeaway to Joker’s Sombor Shuffle

by IdRatherBeLurkingToo


  1. jimithelizardking

    Somewhere in Europe there’s a long haired, blonde, chubby 7 year old that will master both the Sombor Shuffle and the Dirk fade

  2. One-Ad5402

    I know he’s remembered for the 2011 championship but from 03-08 that damn mid range fadeaway was automatic every time he shot it I thought it was going in.

  3. FernBlueEyes

    Thank you for sharing this. Such a great snippet.

  4. 44-47-25_N_20-28-5-E

    Dirče, Srbine!!!

    It’s so cool to be THAT GUY and to be humble, we all know that Dirk indeed could do Sombor shuffle if he trained for it and practised, luckily, Jokić once hurt his ankle and had to learn to jump from right. Class recognised class, and gave a classy responce full of respect. Dirk, man, all the best!

  5. Game recognizes game. Love Dirk, the original Euro beast mode in the NBA. Yes I know there were Euros before Dirk, but he led that team to a ship. Respect.

    Love his comment about Joker seeming to work in slo mo. If you’ve ever played sports, you recognize the concept of time dilation. Playing baseball, when I was really going, the pitch would slow down and I could see the laces in motion. Didn’t happen often but that’s the rush you chase as an athlete. I think Joker lives in that zone the rest of us visit on rare occasions.

  6. Beer_Kicker

    Idk about y’all, but I can’t wait to see Jokic against USA today

  7. Pale_Professional949

    Ain’t no way this man said: “Always got his hands on balls” LMAO.

    Love Dirk tho, very underrated player.

  8. ICouldEvenBeYou

    Dirk is right, when you’re right handed, fading to the right and shooting off your right leg is way harder–and even feels unnatural. It’s amazing how Jokic has patented this move.

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