@Boston Celtics

Imagine if we lived in the Cursed Timeline

Imagine if we lived in the Cursed Timeline

by Hopefulmisery


  1. derkerburgl

    Danny Ainge knew and those bum GMs didn’t.

    At least Ingram is a good player and was traded for AD which led to their chip but Sixers got nothing out of their picks lol

  2. The process ruining both Jays is indeed the darkest timeline.

  3. Traditional-Wish-306

    Thanks, I hate it and vomited in my mouth.

  4. FromBrowntown

    Philly and LA living in the cursed timeline

  5. Ovaltine-_Jenkins

    Lakers still would’ve traded JB for AD

  6. _---__________---_

    Either the Pelicans would have a nice team (AD trade) or Philly would still find a way to lose in the 2nd round

  7. Old_Willow4766

    Second timeline assumes that the Celtics wouldn’t have just take Tatum at 1.

  8. Tatum-Better

    JB JT and Zion would be an interesting big 3.

    JB JT and Embiid woulda been a dynasty. Especially if they still had Butler and Simmons likely wouldn’t have needed to be as good as expected.

    Simmons JB Butler JT Embiid is a nasty starting 5. ( horrific spacing tho )

  9. Idk about JB, because we didn’t trade down for him, but I don’t think Ainge makes that trade unless he’s 110% sure that the Lakers and Sixers aren’t taking Tatum. Everyone knew Fultz was going 1 to the Sixers, and the Lakers might as well have been holding a sign up through the entire draft process saying “we want Lonzo”.

    I don’t think there’s any timeline where we don’t get Tatum, because I think if Ainge had even the slightest inkling that the Sixers or Lakers might take Tatum, he just sticks at one and takes him.

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