@Golden State Warriors

Andrew Bogut Wins Most Underrated Warrior! Day 2: Most Overrated Warrior of All Time

Who is the most overrated player in franchise history?

by Parv21


  1. Runner-up for most underrated: Shaun Livingston

  2. LionAccomplished8129

    Wiseman, Anthony Randolph, Brandan Wright, Kuminga

  3. Nessmuk58

    Well, recency bias notwithstanding . . .

    If we allow this to extend to the period after drafting but before the first game, it’s got to be Wiseman.

    Otherwise it’s Poole.

    Guess we have to consider Joe Barely Cares in there as well if we look back in history.

    Bottom line, my vote is for **Poole**.

  4. justgotpregnant

    My heart hurts typing this but probably Monta

  5. Nessmuk58

    Oh, and BTW, should we even bother to have a “Best Shooter” square? That one would be obvious for the entire NBA, not just us.


  6. New_Function_6407

    Wiseman and Jordan Bell are pretty high up on the overrated list.

  7. 13lackHeart

    It has to be wiseman for most overrated.

  8. Wiseman was a summer dream, never a real project.

    I vote for Kuminga. He is not bad at all, but people is overreacting a lot with him.

  9. Letronika

    Wiseman. #2 overall draft pick, Warriors have been gushing for a Center since Bogut’s departure, and we essentially traded him to get GP2 back. Two timelines aside, a total bust.

    Honorable mention has to go to Kuminga.

    Jury’s still out on Kuminga. If he doesn’t have a breakout season this sub is bringing out the pitchforks. His camp want’s a max and unless he starts averaging 20+ppg or a consistent jumper he won’t get it from us. I have my doubts as Andrew Wiggins and Kumingas roles right now are a bit redundant. It’s gonna be tough to picture them both succeeding while on the floor together, especially with Steve Kerrs three guard lineups he loves so damn much. Kuminga has so much raw potential, but basic/fundamental parts of his game are still something to be desired.

    Too much drama and unknowns to vote for Poole. Dude became that guy during our 22 run but the punch changed this mans life. Who know’s how he’d be doing if he was still a Warrior and that punch was never thrown.

  10. dvasquez93

    Poole.  People *still* talk shit about the Warriors “losing” Poole.  

    The way people talk about him you’d think he was an all-star, maybe even an All-NBA level player, instead of a guy who was dogshit for 3 of his 5 seasons so far. 

  11. this is a very easy answer. we all have been and continue to be too high on moses moody. he’s proven nothing and still gets praised like he’s a crucial part of our young core, when he is easily replaceable.

  12. Maleficent-Lobster93

    Most overrated by Steve Kerr? Anthony lamb

  13. Jason Caffey – grabbed a few rebounds with the bulls and we ended up throwing a huge bag at him

    People saying Monta haven’t seen enough bad players

  14. System_Lower

    Jordan Poole.
    On good warrior teams, he was a career NET -2.9 in the regular season and NET -5.1 in the playoffs.

  15. NickPetey

    Jordan Poole. I stanned hard for him too but I gotta be real

  16. GothicHeap

    Stephen Jackson. He was a bad shooter and a terrible 3 point shooter, yet he always seemed to get the ball in his hands late in the game so he’d be the guy taking the potential game winner.

    He is also a violent criminal.

  17. SunDriedToMatto

    Todd Fuller

    Why? We drafted him over Kobe.

  18. Jicama-Smart

    David Lee since he was an All Star and wtf David Lee was an all star

  19. LibertarianP

    Jason Richardson because he was supposed to be our best player at the time.

  20. MisterGrimes

    I gotta go with 3-time champion Pat McCaw.

    Rode the bench to 2 rings with us, ends up on the Raptors who beat us for a 3rd ring.

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