@National Basketball Association

[Mike Finger] Kevin Durant, on patriotism, and playing for Team USA: “A lot of bullshit happens in our country. But a lot of great things happen, too.”

[Mike Finger] Kevin Durant, on patriotism, and playing for Team USA: “A lot of bullshit happens in our country. But a lot of great things happen, too.”

by Go_Habs_Go31


  1. Renegadeforever2024

    People who bash America and people who endlessly praise it are both missing the point

  2. Helicase21

    Did we have slavery? Yes. Did we put a man on the moon? Also yes. 

  3. JohnGravyCole

    “The difference between stupid and intelligent people — and this is true whether or not they are well-educated — is that intelligent people can handle subtlety. They are not baffled by ambiguous or even contradictory situations — in fact, they expect them and are apt to become suspicious when things seem overly straightforward.”

  4. BigBaldPurpleTitan

    Never thought I’d ever find a quote that reflected how I feel about my country so perfectly. Thanks KD.

  5. Bountybeliever

    Having critiques of our country does not mean you hate the country.

    So tired of the neck beards saying shit like Lebron and company hate America. America was founded on free speech and the challenge of the state

  6. MaxEhrlich

    Big facts KD, now bring home the gold again for the 4th time.

  7. Tunesquad88mph

    John Mulaney was interviewed in one of the early days of the Olympics and he mentioned how Chuck brought up why he loved/loves the Olympics

    ‘Most of the time we (Americans) are like whatever about our country, but as soon as the Olympics go on it’s full enthusiasm’

    Watching a lot of these events I end up rooting hard for any American and I really enjoy seeing them succeed by medaling

  8. Metalfreak4677

    One of those moments where you can put the politics aside and be united for once. USA mother fuckers we’re still breathing 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸

  9. somedudeinlosangeles

    I couldn’t have said it better myself.

  10. rounder55

    A to the point Durant answer that should be some kids senior quote in their yearbook

  11. Valuable-Bathroom-67

    LFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! These guys seem inspired to play in the Olympics. They showed out for the US.

  12. mems1224

    On the one hand, we commit atrocities all over the world. On the other hand, I can order a private taxi for my smoothie bowl. It evens out.

  13. stevenomes

    I just think about everyone who fought to help us to be free. Olympic Sports can unite everyone. Players on different professional teams who might normally be rivals come together for a common cause. It’s great to see the team fight back and comeback from being down to win! Let’s go Team USA.

  14. Ranjith_Unchained

    Probably his best quote of all time, put this in the HOF along with his old tweets

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